History: Blog items

Year 4 - Who built the pyramids?

Date: 19th Mar 2025 @ 10:59am

This week, we looked at the questions "Who built the pyramids?" There's a lot of opinions and films which depict them being built by slaves, however, we looked at some other evidence which historians have discovered and decided for ourselves...



Year 5 - History as Orators

Date: 18th Mar 2025 @ 11:10am

In this History lesson, the pupils in year 5 were in-role as ancient Athenians debating whether Athens should use their wealth to build the Parthenon. Half of the class were supporters of Pericles, who wanted to create a great monument, whereas the rest of the class thought the money could be put to better use: i.e. defending Greece against Persia. Pupils used their oracy skills to instigate a conversation; to agree, build or challenge others opinions; or ask for clarification if they are not clear on what was said. Pupils also learned about ostracism and how Ancient Athenians voted.

Year 1 Amy Johnson

Date: 11th Mar 2025 @ 4:38pm

This half term we have been learning about Amy Johnson in History. We began by learning about who Amy Johnson was and how she ended up flying solo to Australia! We retold the story of Amy's life and picked out lots of qualities that Amy showed throughout her life. We also went on to look at why flying to Australia was so difficult for Amy and the hazards that she faced! Finally, we turned into detectives to solve the mystery of what happened to Amy. We looked at different sources of information, before using this information to make our own decision to solve the mystery!

Reception Past and Present

Date: 27th Feb 2025 @ 11:59am

This week the children we invited to bring their favourite teddy to school.  Our focus was to compare how teddies have changed and evolved over time.  Mrs Clark brought a very old traditional teddy bear in from home and the children identified siliarities and differences with their bear.  We recapped some key vocabularly 'past' and 'present' and used these words to create our own sentences.


"My teddy is different because it has sequins on it" 

"Teddy bears from the present can be different colours"

"My teddy is a Ninja Turtle.  They only made bears in the past"


As a follow up activity the children collaged their own traditional teddy bear at the creative table, sorted pictures correctly into past and present and dreew and labelled their bears explaining to an adult how it was similiar or different to Mrs Clarks.

Year 4 - Introduction to Ancient Egypt

Date: 25th Feb 2025 @ 3:35pm

Information we found on our information run:

  • The people that ruled are called Pharaohs
  • The ancient Egyptians used a form of picture of writing called hieroglyphics 
  • The pharaohs stopped ruling when Romans took control about 2000 years ago
  • Pyramid contained the dead pharaoh who was buried with jewels and objects that were often robbed
  • The ancient Egyptians lived in mud houses with flat roofs
  • Most of Egypt is a desert of sand and rocks
  • The river Nile floods every year. As the water goes down after the flood it leaves behind very rich soil
  • The boy king Tutankhamun is the most famous pharaoh
  • The ancient Egypt had lots of gold
  • The people were ruled by a king called a pharaoh
  • There were people living in Egypt about 5,000 years ago
  • The ancient Egyptians used a form of picture writing called hieroglyphics
  • The most important crops to the ancient Egyptians were wheat and barley from which they made bread and beer


In the smart task we found these things which were incorrect:

  • Measuring tape
  • Our alphabet
  • Tractor
  • Dome shaped buildings
  • Watering hose
  • Books
  • Flask
  • Fishing rod

Year 2- Travelling by Tuba!

Date: 23rd Jan 2025 @ 2:43pm

Today we were lucky enough to start the day off with a fantastic performance from Travelling by Tuba. They took us on a journey around the world, showing us instruments from around the world and explaining the history of instruments and how theyhave developed into what we have today. 

We then attended a workshop with Travelling by Tuba where we were all given an instrument to learn how to play. We all learnt our set rhythm and came together as an ensemble to perform our piece. We had a fantastic day linking Music, History and Geography!

Year 6 - History

Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 8:34am

Today we began our History unit of Vikings. We learned who they were, where they came from and why they came to Britain. Over the next few weeks we will learn more about them as a people, how and why they attacked Britain and what impact they had here on British soil. 

Historical Association Quality Mark - GOLD!

Date: 20th Dec 2024 @ 8:39am

We have once again achieved GOLD in the Historical Association Quality Mark assessment!

Year 5 - Anglo Saxon Museum

Date: 6th Dec 2024 @ 10:46am

Today, pupils in year 5 were given the opportunity to examine a number of Anglo-Saxon artefacts from the museum. We looked closely at the artefacts and tried to work out what they were made of and what they were for. Pupils also got the chance to try on a chain-mail vest and a reproduction of the helmet found in the 'empty grave' at Sutton Hoo.

Year 2- Investigating the trenches from WWI

Date: 20th Nov 2024 @ 4:46pm

Today, we used the Chromebooks to improve our digital literacy skills to label what life was like in the trenches. We used our previous knowledge and new learning to think about items in a trench, how soldiers spent their time and what the conditions were like.

Year 2- We will remember them

Date: 11th Nov 2024 @ 4:37pm

Today, Year Two celebrated Remembrance Day by participating in our whole school service thinking about why we conduct a minutes silence and why we remember those who have/are fighting in battles around the world. We also drew and painted our own poppies and planted some poppies in our Remembrance Garden- each poppy had a soldiers name on it to remember those who lost their lives in WW1. 

Acorns - Remembrance

Date: 11th Nov 2024 @ 10:44am

Acorns have been exploring Remembrance Day in class through video and art experiences. We planted our poppies this morning to remember those who have passed. 

Year 1 Toys

Date: 7th Nov 2024 @ 6:16pm

This half term we are learning about toys in our history lessons. Over the past two weeks, we have talked about our favourite toys and toys that are popular in the present day. We have also looked at different toys and talked about the age of children they were created for. We have sorted toys into different groups and began to look at the toys that arrived in our loan boxes. We will look at these more next week when we look at old and new toys!

Year 3- Poppy art

Date: 4th Nov 2024 @ 4:37pm

In Art, we have started learning about gestural drawing which will be the focus of our pathway this half term. The children looked at a range of poppies and drew observational sketches. This links to thinking about remembrance and the importance of considering those we have lost.

Year 3- Ballet performance!

Date: 28th Oct 2024 @ 4:51pm

To finish off our Ballet workshop, Year 3 invited people from home to come and watch them in action. They were very excited to show what they had learnt including, spotting and jumping. The children even showed off their Stone Age dance that had linked to our History topic. We incorporated key facts from our History lessons about how people from the Stone Age lived and created key movements to represent these facts.

Year 6 - News Articles

Date: 16th Oct 2024 @ 4:33pm

This half term we have linked our writing with our work on Black Hisgtory Month. We learned about Harriet Tubman, a slave who lived and worked on a plantation in Maryland in the early 1800s. She escaped from her master and went on to have a successful life helping other slaves who escaped. We wrote news articles linked to her escape and typed them out. Have a read at some of our work below...

Year 4 - Black History Month

Date: 14th Oct 2024 @ 2:32pm

To start our Black History Month learning, we used our previous knowledge and online resources to create a PowerPoint slide about what Black History Month is, when it is celebrated in the UK and why we celebrate it. When looking at sporting achievements, we focused on the Men’s England National Team. We first looked at all the players heritages and we were surprised to find 8 out of 11 players heritage is black. We imagined what the England time would be like without them – we would only have three players!

Year 4 focused on sporting achievements for Black History Month and we are linking this to our Reading into Writing non-chronological report writing. We will be writing about Jude Bellingham, but to start our journey of non-chronological reports we have been looking at lots of WAGOLLs.

Year 3 - Iron Age Investigators

Date: 13th Oct 2024 @ 2:31pm

Following on from our learning about the Stone Age, we started to investigate how life changed during the Iron Age.  We studied the Iron Age settlement, Danebury and completed some paired work.  One of the tasks was to examine the arial photograph of Danebury and discuss what we thought the holes may be.  Some of our ideas were shelters, wells and tunnels.  We then found out that they were storage pits were they hid grain as it was such a precious resource to them.  Our other paired task was to study a photograph of artefacts found at the Danebury site and try and figure out what they were and what that tells us about how people lived in the Iron Age.

We also studied an illustration of an Iron Age hill fort.  We thought about what we could see and then what we could work out from what we could see.  For example, we saw a plough so we could work out that they were farming and we saw a dog so we could work out that they kept pets.We also thought about questions we had from the picture.  Some of our questions included: Why are there antlers on poles?  and Why is there a wall and a gate?

Year 4 - Roman Museum

Date: 10th Oct 2024 @ 11:34am

We love a museum here at Boundary! This week, our loan box from the Heritage Museum arrived and we set up Redcliffes as a Roman Museum for the children to explore. We looked at Roman Army uniform and lots of other artefacts. The uniform was very heavy!

Year 6 - The Ancient Maya

Date: 7th Oct 2024 @ 12:38pm

Our unit this half term has been the Ancient Maya. We have learned all about the ancient Maya, a civilisation that lived in the rainforests of Mesoamerica and spanned over 300 years. We have learned how their people used the resources at hand to make tools, weapons and places to live. We have learned about what they ate, what they wore and how they entertained themselves. We have really enjoyed learning all about this ancient civilisation.

Reception Growing and Changing

Date: 23rd Sep 2024 @ 3:59pm

This week the children have been learning about how we grow and change.  We listened to the story 'When we were giants' and talked about how we change throughout time and the different things we learn to do at each stage.

"When I was a baby I crawled" Kevin

"I go on my bkie now" Dennis

"Grown up make dinner and look after me" Lily-Mae

The children then made their own timelines.

Year 4 - Who was Boudicca?

Date: 12th Sep 2024 @ 9:17am

Our key question this lesson was "Who was Boudicca and what image do we have of her today?" We started the lesson by recapping what we have learned about the Romans so far. Then we moved on to looking at Boudicca's life and we looked at numerous sources describing her. We used our inference skills to draw conclusion about the type of person Boudicca was and why she revolted against the Romans.

Year 4 - Should the Romans have invaded Britain?

Date: 5th Sep 2024 @ 9:10am

We started our History unit about Romans by going down to the school hall and looking at our World and British History timeline. We found out that the Romans invaded Britain after the Iron Age and this was one of the reasons they invaded. We then looked at arguments for and against the Romans invading and used our oracy skills to have a debate about it.

Reception- Heritage Week Blackpool

Date: 8th Jul 2024 @ 12:22pm

Thiw week Reception have had fun learning about where we live in Blackpool.

We learnt about what Blackpool was like in the past and what it is like now. We looked at some artefacts, such as a stick of Blackpool rock, a souvenir mug, a bucket and spade, a sun hat and different types of swimming costumes from now and from the past. We also discussed our favourite places we like to visit in Blackpool.

"Old swimming costumes are very long!" Isla.

"You wear a little hat to go swimming in the past." Esme.

"Old photos from the past are black and white- new ones are colour." Ellie- May

" I like to visit the ballroom in Blackpool Tower ...you can go dancing there." Lucy

" We have a beach and I take a bucket and a spade, sun hat, swimming costume and a picninc with me when I go ." Esmai. 

"I go on the trams" Luca.

"My favourite is Blackpool Tower it is like the Eiffel Tower." Mathew.

"There is a roller coaster at the Pleasure Beach- I go on the blue one with my Mummy." George.




Year 4- Together Time (Laurel)

Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 5:42pm

In Laurel, we started our History Day in Together Time. Our key question was 'Who are Blackpool FC?' We started the morning by reasearching what the different elements of the Blackpool FC badge represent. Then, we began to research information about them such as their history, the name of their stadium, some famous players and their current manager. 

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Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust