History: Blog items

Year 2- Heritage Day

Date: 1st Jul 2024 @ 4:09pm

Today, Year Two had a heritage day where we explored a location in our town. We studied Blackpool Pleasure Beach, starting by looking at where it is and looking at some of the different things that are there before we put them in chronological order thinking about which parts are the oldest and which are from the present day. We put these in order on a timeline. Then, we compared photos of the Pleasure Beach from the past and present, including the flying machine which has been there from the opening day in 1894. Finally, we looked at the managing director Amanda Thompson and the influence she has had over the Pleasure Beach in recent years since she took the role in 2004. We have loved looking and learning about the Pleasure Beach in more detail. 

Year 6 visit to Manchester Museum

Date: 12th Jun 2024 @ 8:09am

Today Year 6 visited Manchester Museum. There were lots of different areas to explore, including Ancient Egypt, Fossils, The Natural World and Ancient Asia. We were able to link our learning in Science to the fossil and dinosaur section as well as looking at how animals and plants have evolved over time. We had a great time and learned lots.

Year 3- V for Victory!

Date: 16th May 2024 @ 3:00pm

In History, we looked at VE day. We studied various sources to see what VE day celebrations were really like and we looked at similarities and differences between the celebrations and discussed in teams whether they were reliable sources or not. We also looked at why VE day was not such a happy time for everyone!

Year 3- Amazing artefacts!

Date: 2nd May 2024 @ 2:43pm

In our History lesson we were exploring artefacts from World War Two. We were exploring their significance and discussed what they could teach us about how Britain stayed strong in the war. The children worked collaboratively and discussed which they considered to be the most important. They children used our ABC’s when sharing their ideas. We also explored what the artefacts could teach us about women in war, the home guard and schemes such as rationing.

Year 3- World War Two museum!

Date: 25th Apr 2024 @ 2:52pm

In History this week, the children explored a World War Two museum and discovered what we could learn from artefacts. We were focussing on the question of how Britain stayed strong during the war. The children learnt about the Home Guard, shelters, gas masks, evacuation and blackouts.

Nursery and The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Date: 25th Apr 2024 @ 11:25am

We have been reading the story "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle. The story is brilliant for teaching the children the days of the week, counting and exploring the life cycle of the butterfly. The children have been busy outside looking for caterpillars - we haven't found any yet! We have leanrt the caterpillar starts with a "C" and thought of other things that start with a "c". The children have also enjoyed leanring a new song that teaches us about the liec cycle of a butterfly. 

Year 3- World War Two!

Date: 11th Apr 2024 @ 2:47pm

In this lesson we started out new topic of World War Two. The children began by understanding where it fit into history by exploring timelines and ordered key events. We then went on to explore the key events that led up to the war happening. After that we discussed how Britain tried to appease Germany and considered the for and against arguments for appeasement.

Year 4- Ancient Egypt

Date: 2nd Apr 2024 @ 1:48pm

Today, Year 4 learnt about stages of embalming. We discussed how Egyptians tried to preserve the bodies to keep them as life-like as possible. We learnt that the organs of the person were removed before placing them in capopic jars. They then covered the bodies in a special type of salt and wrapped them in linen. Once we had discussed the process of embalming, we tried to remember the order of the key stages in our table groups. After this, we asked a set of instructions for an embalmer to use which outlined the stages that they must follow to carry out embalming process. 

Year 3- The Day the Dinosaurs visited Boundary!

Date: 22nd Mar 2024 @ 11:24am

What a day we have had! 

Science Day 2024 was a blast into the past as we spent our day learning all about dinosaurs! We were lucky enough to have a visit from the incredible Teachrex, who had us amazed with their T-Rex named Jam. We had a close and personal account with a huge dinosaur and played some fun activities with him. He even ate one of the teachers and some of our friends! In the afternoon, we got to use a green screen and see how technology could be used. We created our own videos running away from dinosaurs. It was amazing!
Throughout the day we also went on a vocabulary hunt, worked in teams using our oracy skills to create fact files and finally we created a meal for a dinosaur of our choice. . Please ask us about our day and take a look at our pictures!

Year 4 - When dinosaurs arrived at Boundary

Date: 21st Mar 2024 @ 2:40pm

Wow! What an amazing day for Science day today. We started the day with a wordsearch of lots of tricky dinosaur names. Then together in groups we wrote down lots of adjectives to describe dinosaurs. All of the words we used described dinosaurs as being extremely big. So our teachers showed us a variety of dinosaurs and we were surprised at how small some were - some as small as chickens! After a discussion about it, we then thought of more words to describe the variety of dinosaurs we had just looked at. After break, we went into a KS2 assembly where we met Jam. We learned about how Jam hunts for food. We found out that he had a great sense of smells and good eyesight. Next, we used our Maths and teamwork skills to do a scale jigsaw of a Tyrannosaurus Rex's head and a Sinornithosaurus. The children worked brilliantly together and we couldn't believe how big a T-Rex's head was in comparison to Year 4 children! After lunch, we went to the green screen workshop with the Teach Rex team and learned how to edit videos. Lastly, we used all our learning from the day to write fact files about a dinosaur of our choice. What a great day!

Year 4 - Who built the pyramids?

Date: 12th Mar 2024 @ 9:09am

Who built the pyramids? A lot of people believed that it was slaves who built the pyramids. We investigated whether that is true or not! Then we used our museum loan boxes to create a tomb and explore artefacts.

Year 4 - Ancient Egyptian Dancing

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 2:43pm

Today we looked at hieroglyphs and used our bodies to represent the symbols.

Year 3- Shell Structures

Date: 5th Mar 2024 @ 10:26am

As part of our DT unit, Shell Structures, we have looked at nets. We carouselled around the room completing a series of activites. These included usingmagnet shapes to make shell structures, deconstructing 3D shapes, cutting and folding nets and finally we made nets to replicate real life objects! We even linked it to History and made some historical landmarks!

Year 4- Ancient Egypt

Date: 29th Feb 2024 @ 4:00pm

This week in History, we used our History, Geography and oracy skills. We started by locating Egypt and England on a world map and then zoomed in on Europe and North Africa to see how far away Egypt is. Next, we were given a map of Egypt and in groups we had to discuss and decide where we think we would have been best to build the pyramids and Pharaoh tombs. We came up with some sentence starters to support our discussions. We decided that near the River Nile was the best option because of the supply of water for building and living whilst building the tombs/pyramids.

Reception Past and Present

Date: 29th Feb 2024 @ 11:16am

The children in Reception were invited to bring their favourite teddy bear into school.  As a class we talked about our teddies, what they were called. what they looked like and why they were special to us.  We discussed how teddy bears have changed over time, comparing teddy bear in the past to teddy bears in the present day.  Mrs Clark showed us her mum's teddy bear which was sixty years old.  We then sorted the different pictures of teddy bears into past and present.

"Teddy bears now are colourful" Mathew

"Teddy bears in the past are made from brown material" Oliver

"You can get lots of different characters" Isabelle

""Present means it is today" Summer

"The past mean it has already happened" Isla

"Mrs Clark's teddy was made a long time ago" Esmai

Year 4 - Discovering Ancient Egypt

Date: 21st Feb 2024 @ 2:30pm

We started to learn about Ancient Egypt this week. Firstly, we located where Ancient Egypt was on a chronological timeline. Then, we completed an information run around the classroom to gather as much information about Ancient Egypt as possible. At the end of the lesson we listened to a Now, Press, Play activity.

Year 3- Helpful Historians!

Date: 1st Feb 2024 @ 1:37pm

This lesson focused on what we could learn from evidence left behind in the Iron Age. The children carefully labelled key evidence and discussed what we could learn from it.

Year 3- The Mystery of Stonehenge!

Date: 25th Jan 2024 @ 8:56am

In History this week, we investigated Stonehenge. We looked into why it is so difficult to know why Stonehenge was made. In groups we used our oracy skills to discuss 4 different theories around Stonehenge. Using our previous knowledge on The Stone Age, we discussed if we thought these theories were plausible and which we felt was most likely. 

Year 6 - Viking artefacts

Date: 22nd Jan 2024 @ 7:31pm

In History today we explored how recent excavations can help us to change the way we viewed the Vikings. We learned that they were skilled craftsmen, who were able to make items such as weapons, clothes and jewellery. We also learned about the excavaiton in \york in 1978 that led to the discovery of a whole Viking settlement right under the streets of the city. We were then given the opportunity to look at a range of replica artefacts and discuss what they told us about the Vikings.

Year 6 - Les Vikings

Date: 11th Jan 2024 @ 2:44pm

This half term our French unit is 'Les Vikings' and runs alongside our Viking history unit. We started by using our knowledge of familiar language and cognates to translate several passages of French into English. We used French dictionaries to look up the meaning of any words we did not know. We then completed a short listening activity where we had to insert words from the spoken passage into a written paragraph. Throughout the unit we will be learning a song 'Nous Sommes Les Vikings' (We are the Vikings).

Year 6 - The Vikings

Date: 10th Jan 2024 @ 3:46pm

Today we began our new History unit of Vikings. We began by having a whole class flashback on what the children have already covered during their time in Boundary. We ordered a range of periods of time and key dates in Blackpool history, using lots of oracy and discussion. We then had a quick introduction to who the Vikings were, where they came from and why they came to Britain.

Year 3- Studying the Stone Age!

Date: 22nd Dec 2023 @ 1:58pm

Year 3 started their learning about The Stone Age to Iron Age. We began this journey by creating a timeline of key events in our lives, including histgorical events we have previously studied. We then added the Stone Age into this to compare where in History it came. We then used artefacts to answer the question 'Was the Stone age man simply a hunter and gatherer?' We discovered that from artefacts found they were much more than this!

Year 5 - Anglo-Saxon World Map

Date: 21st Dec 2023 @ 11:29am

As our journey into Anglo-Saxon Britain comes to an end, two pupils added a note about Anglo-Saxons to the school's world map. The tribes, who invaded Britain during the early medieval period, were called the Angles, Saxons and Jutes. They came from Denmark, Germany and Netherlands.

Year 3- Marvellous musicians!

Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 2:53pm

Year 3 have been looking at a range of styles of music and this week explored the artist Grazyna Bacewicz’s who hid seecret messages in her music during the Second World War! It was A musical message of hope, with the Morse code for ‘V’, symbolising victory, (dot dot dot dash) beaten out on the timpani during the piece. The children composed their own pieces usinfg the percussion trolley using morse code. 

Year 5 - Vicious Vikings

Date: 1st Dec 2023 @ 9:38am

This week, our journey into Anglo-Saxon Briatain continued with a discussion about the Vikings. The Vikings were invading tribes from Norway, Sweden and Finland, who attacked northern Britain during the Bronze Age. In this lesson, pupils learned about different events and had to decide how much of a threat the Vikings were to the Anglo-Saxons.  In groups, pupils created 'living graphs' of the period. 

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust