History 2024 - 2025
‘A people without knowledge of their past, origin and culture are like a tree without roots’ – Marcus Garvey
At Boundary we believe that a high-quality history education will help pupils gain sound knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. We aim to inspire pupil’s curiosity to know more about the past by equipping them to: investigate and interpret the past, build an overview of world history, understand chronology and communicate historically.
During History lessons pupils learn to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change over time, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time. Local history is also important to us and each year we celebrate the rich history of Blackpool during our Heritage Day.
For a detailed understanding of the Intent, Implementation and Impact of the teaching of History at Boundary, please read the document at the bottom of this page.
In 2019, Boundary Primary School were awarded The Heritage Schools Award for promoting pupil development and understanding of their local heritage and its significance.
Historic England awarded Boundary Primary this status in light of their curriculum in which:
- Children develop a sense of pride in where they live
- Children understand their local heritage and how it relates to the national story
- Teachers are more confident in making effective use of local heritage resources in delivering the curriculum
- Local historic context is embedded in the school's curriculum
- Heritage providers are more connected to the needs of local schools
- Parents are engaged in their children's learning
- The community are more deeply involved in the life of the school
In December 2024, Boundary Primary School were reawarded the Quality Mark for History Gold Award from the History Association for another three years. The assessor said "The school has worked hard to achieve this Gold award. The curriculum has an explicit focus to the statutory requirements and there is a good, balanced coverage between local, national and global history. A curriculum map illustrates the topics covered, and this includes the EYFS. Local History is a real strength. "
History Curriculum At a Glance
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 | |
EYFS | How have I changed since I was born? |
Why do we wear different clothes during the year? What are our favourite celebrations each year? |
Local History - Boundary's Heritage week | |||
Year 1 | Toys | Amy Johnson | Local History - Boundary's Heritage week | |||
Year 2 | Remembrance | Mary Seacole | Local History - Boundary's Heritage week | |||
Year 3 | Stone Age to Iron Age |
Local History - Boundary's Heritage week World War Two |
Year 4 | Romans | Ancient Egypt | Local History - Boundary's Heritage week | |||
Year 5 | Anglo Saxons | Ancient Greece |
Local History - Boundary's Heritage week |
Year 6 | Mayans | Vikings | Local History - Boundary's Heritage week |
Please see the History Curriculum Map below for more detail about what we learn in each unit.