Sports Premium

What is Sports Premium?

The PE and sport premium is a government funding stream designed to help primary schools improve the quality of PE and sport activities they offer. Schools receive PE and sport premium funding based on the number of pupils in Years 1 to 6, or in cases where schools do not follow year groups (for example, in some special schools), the number of pupils aged 5 to 10.

Boundary Primary School has celebrated many successes as a result of the Sports Premium funding. We have broadened the breadth of our curriculum, built links with local and regional sports clubs, developed physical activity opportunities during break times and provided professional development and training for teachers. We have also continued to offer a range of extracurricular activities.

Boundary’s commitment to keeping children active is reflected in the Gold School Games Award we received in July 2023. 


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Boundary has continued to offer a range of extracurricular clubs this year and we have developed our programme by offering new clubs such as cross country club and indoor curling club. We have also developed breakfast clubs throughout the week focusing on multi-skills and fitness. Our after-school club programme is closely linked to the School Games Event Calendar which links to our level 2 inter school competitions award

By Summer term 2024 over 90% of pupils had attended at least one extracurricular club within the academic year. As a result of our continued focus on our after-school provision, we have been able to take part in an increased number of interschool competitions and festivals across Blackpool. This year has been one of our most successful as we have attended the following events:

  •  KS2 cross country events
  • KS2 Bowling competition
  •  KS2 badminton competition
  • Year 5 and 6  orienteering festivals at Blackpool Zoo.
  • Years Year 5 and 6 performance festival.
  • Year 5/6 and 3/4 indoor athletics competition.
  • KS2 Strictly Ballroom event at Blackpool Tower.
  • KS1 and KS2 Basketball Festivals.
  • KS2 Basketball and Change 4 Life Festivals.
  • Boys and Girls football competitions.
  • KS2 Netball League and Youth Games Competition.
  • KS1 Multiskills Competition.
  • KS2 Tag Rugby Festival

Alongside the inter-school competitions we have also held a number of inter-house competitions across school which provided all children in school with the chance to compete against their peers:


  • KS2 football
  • KS1 and KS2 multi sports competitions linked to Sports Relief.
  • Our Annual School Sports Days held in the Summer term.
  • ‘Boundary Health and Wellbeing Week’ held in June alongside National School Sports Week.



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At Boundary our curriculum has developed further as we are developing our own skill based curriculum. This is supported by the experience and knowledge of class teachers and teaching assistants, who have received CPL through the sports premium funding. Our teacher continue to have CPL with the support of our school sports coach and The Blackpool Council Active Lives team. 

As part of our drive to improve the cultural capital of our children we have continued to roll out a range of annual programs; our Year 5 pupils will take part in the level 1 and 2 Bike Ability Courses and our Year 6 pupils will complete the Level 3 Bikeability Award. Our Reception pupils will also have the chance to complete the Balance Bikeability Scheme with instructors from Blackpool Council. As a school we are very lucky to have a partnership with the Royal Ballet. This has given our pupils amazing opportunities to see live ballet shows in theatres, as well as taking part in weekly ballet lessons with professional instructors. This programme has give some pupils the chance to attend further ballet lessons and activities with the Royal Ballet beyond the school workshops.

Our close links with Wigan Warriors Rugby Club have enabled Boundary to offer rugby workshops for Year 4 and 5.helping to raise the profile of this sport, build links local clubs and develop pupils coordination and fitness. Wigan Warriors also work closely with our school to deliver workshops and lessons during our annual ‘Boundary Health Week’ in the summer term.


In the summer term Boundary have a huge celebration of physical activity and sportsmanship through our inter house sports days and our ‘Boundary Health Week’. This is a fantastic time where our links with local coaches, clubs and health professionals is recognised. Pupils are given so many opportunities to take part in competitions, events and workshops delivered by professionals.


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At Boundary we are passionate about offer 60 minutes of active time outside of PE lessons. We endeavour to do this through active provision on our playgrounds. In the KS1 we have further developed provision for pupils by purchasing new equipment, which our Sports Council helped to organise. These new resources allow pupils to develop their fundamental skills outside of PE. Within KS2 children are able to take part in organised activities such as skipping, football, and other games. In both our KS1 and KS2 playground pupils can take part in the Boundary Marathon. This allows pupils to run our Boundary Marathon track and log their distance. Classes with the greatest distance at the end of each half term win a sports session with a coach. These have helped children to maintain and keep active for 60 minutes a day, while taking part in purposeful play and competition during break time.

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Please follow this link to learn more about Physical Education at Boundary.

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust