
Welcome to our Anti-Bullying area!

Our aim is to ensure every child here at Boundary feels safe whenever they are in school.

Boundary Primary School is extremely proud to have our own Anti-Bullying Ambassadors who have been trained to help and support our young children.

You will find our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors on both the Key Stage One and Two playgrounds during break and lunchtimes.

Look out for them in their blue high visibility jackets.



The Ambassadors are here to help you!

Our ambassadors have been trained in ‘playground games’ so if you are looking for a new game to play – just ask! They are there for you!

Sometimes our friends may not be in school or we find ourselves on our own – The Ambassadors will help you to meet new people. Here to help!

Maybe you’ve had a disagreement with one of your friends? Our Ambassadors have been trained and are more than happy to help you rebuild your friendship. Happy to Help!




If you have any worries and you need someone to talk to, or maybe someone you know may need a helping hand. Please get in touch with the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors.

However, if you feel you need to speak to an adult please call our main school office and ask for:

Miss Moyes (Headteacher)

Mrs Bunday (Deputy Headteachers)

Mrs Jacques (Behaviour Lead)

Mrs Ward (Designated Safeguarding Lead) 










To see our school Anti-Bullying Policy, Positive Mental Health Policy or Behaviour Policy, please click here.


Tips for children and young people

Are you a young person who’s being bullied? Or maybe you’re witnessing others being bullied? Either way, there are ways around it. Here are our anti-bullying tips for you:

  • It doesn’t matter what colour hair you have; how you speak; how you walk; how you talk – it is not your fault if you get bullied. We are all different in some way and that’s what makes us amazing.
  • Whether you are a boy or a girl, old or young, big or small – bullying makes you feel rubbish and it’s okay to be upset about it. The important thing is that you tell someone about it.
  • If you feel you can, talk to a teacher you trust or your parents, brother or sister. If you don’t want to do that you can always call Childline 0800 11 11 or visit
  • Keep a record of what happened, when it happened, and who was involved. If the bullying is online, keep the evidence – save or copy any photos, videos, texts, emails or posts.
  • It can be tempting if you are being bullied to retaliate – to send a horrible message back to someone, to try and embarrass and hurt the other person, or to fight back. This is not a good idea – you might end up getting into trouble or get yourself even more hurt.
  • Think about other ways you can respond to bullying. For example, practice saying: “I don’t like it when you say that/do that – please stop.” Think about other people who can help you if you are being bullied – this could be other classmates, or a teacher.
  • Only hang out with people who make you feel good about yourself. If someone constantly puts you down they are not a real friend and not worth your time.
  • Be kind to yourself, and do things that make you feel good, relax and make new friends. You might play an instrument; write lyrics; draw cartoons; dance; act or join a sports club. This is your life so make sure it’s the best life possible – don’t let anyone bring you down.
  • Remember to be kind to other people! Just because someone is different to you – that doesn’t mean you are better than them or have a right to make them feel bad. If you mess up, say sorry. You don’t have to be friends with everyone – but you should always show respect, make it clear that you don’t like it when people bully others, and stick up for people who are having a hard time.

Tips for parents and carers

If your child is being bullied or you think they might be, here are some tips on how to talk to them and prevent further bullying:

  • If your child is being bullied, don’t panic. Explain to your child that the bullying is not their fault and together you will sort this out.
  • Bullying is never acceptable, and should always be taken seriously. It is never your child’s fault if they’ve been bullied.
  • Try and establish the facts. It can be helpful to keep a diary of events. If the bullying is online, save or copy images and text.
  • Find out what your child wants to happen. Help to identify steps you can take; the skills they have to help sort out the situation. Make sure you always keep them informed about any actions you decide to take.
  • You may be tempted to tell your child to retaliate but this can have unpredictable results. Your child might get into trouble or get even more hurt. Rather – role play non-violent ways they can respond to children that are bullying them (e.g. “I don’t like it when you say that to me / do that to me. Stop.”); show them how to block or unfriend people if the bullying is online and help them identify other friends or adults that can support them.
  • Encourage your child to get involved in activities that build their confidence and esteem, and help them to form friendships outside of school (or wherever the bullying is taking place).


Useful Links




Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust