Governing Board

Governance Statement

Governors are the formal strategic body who meet once each term to set priorities for the school and agree on the long term plans including the school budget. Our Governors are volunteers from the local school community who work together to ensure that the school is well managed.  The Headteacher and representatives from the school work force are also members of the Governing Body.

The Governing Board has three core functions, as set out in the Department for Education’s Governors’ Handbook:

Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school
Ensuring financial health, probity and value for money

Boundary Primary School converted to an academy on 1st April 2024. The school is now part of Synergy Education Trust.

The Trust’s governance structure is made up of members, trustees and local governing boards. Within this structure there is a wealth of skills, knowledge and experience across the education landscape. The responsibilities of the Trust are governed by the Articles of Association and schemes of delegation, which outline the devolved responsibilities of the Trustees and Local Governing Board.   For further information please go to  

Local Governing Board

Local Governing Boards (LGB) are committees of the Trust.  The LGB is established by the Trust Board in accordance with the Articles of Association of the Trust.  The LGB is subject to the Terms of Reference set out below which detail the responsibilities of the LGB and its relationships with the Trust Board.

Boundary has a long and proud partnership with the governing board.  The governors at Boundary Primary School work collaboratively with leaders in school. They are responsible for making sure the school continues to provide outstanding quality education for all pupils. Ensuring there is a relentless drive to raise educational standards in school is a key priority. This happens when there are high expectations of what pupils can achieve.

Governors promote effective ways of teaching and learning when setting the school aims and policies. They do this together with the Head of School, who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school.

  • to ensure the school has a clear strategic vision, which agrees with the wider strategic direction of the Trust, 
  • to receive regular assurance on the appropriateness and effectiveness of the curriculum, 
  • to monitor standards and performance of the education provided so that it supports successful pupil outcomes, 
  • to work with senior leaders to identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to address them in line with the trust strategic objectives
  • to maintain an oversight for staff and pupil wellbeing as part of the safeguarding and behaviour management in school,
  • to maintain oversight that effective safeguarding arrangements are in place and are operating in the school,
  • to provide a link with parents, carers and the local community that the school serves,
  • to work in partnership with the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) and other stakeholders across the MAT community to ensure that pupils with SEND are well supported and included in all aspects of life
  • to establish a strong relationship with the Head of School in order to provide effective support and challenge.
  • to ensure that the trust policy for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) is implemented and adapted to the specific school context where necessary.

Governance Arrangements

To undertake the core functions, we have established the following governance structure for our school:

Governing Board Meetings (Chaired by Mr. J. Truelove) are held on a half-termly basis and as required, and focus on setting the strategic direction for the school and delegate functions to the committees of the Governing Board and individual members. These meetings include curriculum, educational performance of the school, personal development, safety, staffing, finance and premises management.

Our Governors monitor specific areas of the curriculum (eg. Safeguarding, SEN, Maths etc.) and make regular visits to school to monitor these aspects of the curriculum. Records of these visits can be found on Governor Hub. 

The key priorities of the Governing Board are in line with the School Improvement Plan:

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Contact the Governing Board

If you would like to contact the Governing Board with any comments, concerns or compliments please address your correspondence in writing to the Chair of the Governing Board, C/O the school (marked private & confidential):

Dinmore Avenue, Blackpool, Lancashire,FY3 7RW

Alternatively you can contact the main office by phone/email:

01253 287250

Click here to see Schools Financial Benchmarking Information

Meet the Governors





Paul Welch OBE

Category of governor: Co-opted Governor / Chair of Governors

Appointed by: School/Governing Body

Date of appointment: 28.3.23

Term of office: 28.3.23 – 28.3.27

Governing board role: 

Other information: What I have seen at Boundary is the commitment of the staff at and I wanted to give to give something back and offer my time and support in this role.

I have been employed as a civil servant for 32 years and am a qualified HR professional. Additionally, I sit as a Magistrate for the Lancashire Bench and was awarded an OBE in 2014 for my contribution to the success of London 2012 and my charity work.





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Audrey Aspinall

Category of governor: Co-opted Governor / Vice Chair of Governors

Appointed by: School/Governing Body

Date of appointment: 28.3.23

Term of office: 28.03.23 to 27.03.27

Governing board role: Co-Vice Chair

Other information:  After dedicating 25 years to the Education sector at Oldham M.B.C., I retired to Lytham St. Annes. It was a great honor to receive an invitation to become a member of the governing body at Boundary Primary School in March 2023.  My career in Education with Oldham M.B.C. spanned a quarter of a century before I transitioned into retirement to Lytham St. Annes. I was delighted to accept the opportunity to join the governing body at Boundary Primary School and look forward to supporting the school.




Jenny North

Category of governor: Parent Governor / Vice Chair of Governors

Appointed by: School/Governing Body

Date of appointment: 28.3.23

Term of office: 28.3.23 – 28.3.27

Governing board role: Year 1 Link Governor

Other information: I am an Educational Support Worker and careers advisor at a local college, I have been working in education for the last 8 years in both primary and secondary schools. I have seen all of my children grow and develop during their Boundary years and I feel with the last one still at the school, it was my time to give something back to the school through being a Parent Governor, allowing me to ensure the school meets the expectations of all. Boundary is a truly inspiring school which nurtures and teaches our children to be positive members of the community.



Jean Martin

Category of governor: Co-opted Governor

Appointed by: School/Governing Body

Date of appointmet: 17.12.19

Term of office: 17.12.23 – 16.12.27

Governing board role: Pupil Premium, Recovery Premium, Quality of Education, Leadership and Management, EAL, Sports Premium, Year 5 Link Governor

Other information: I have been a Governor for 4 years. I was delighted to be invited to join this exciting vibrant school. I am a retired local headteacher and I feel very much part of Boundary Primary School Governors Team. I have a particular interest in the quality of education Boundary school provides and improving outcomes for all pupils.


Daniel Parsons

Category of governor: Staff Governor

Appointed by: Staff

Date of appointmet: 15.7.23

Term of office: 15.7.23 – 15.7.27

Governing board role: School Website

Other information: I have been at Boundary for over 10 years. My current role in school is Higher Level Teaching Across, predominantly working in Upper Key Stage 2, although I have experience working across school in all Key Stages. As part of my role I cover whole classes during PPA sessions alongside supporting pupils both in class and in one-to-one and small group interventions. The school website and Facebook page are also key areas of my role, ensuring these are up-to-date and show the fantastic work of our children and staff to the world!



Sarah Akin

Category of governor: Co-opted Governor

Appointed by: School/Governing Body

Date of appointmet: 14.12.21

Term of office: 14.12.21 - 14.12.25

Governing board role: EYFS, Reception Link Governor

Other information: I am a teacher currently working at a local Primary school. However, my career started in sales. After some time in sales, I decided to switch gears and pursue my true passion, which is teaching. In my spare time, I enjoy walking my dog and exploring new sights and sounds with him. Additionally, I have always had a great interest in musical theatre and try to attend as many shows as possible. 


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Mark Cowell

Category of governor: Local Authority Governor

Appointed by: School/Governing Body

Date of appointmet: 14.12.21

Term of office: 14.12.21 - 14.12.25

Governing board role: Safeguarding, Child Protection, LGBTQ+, Quality of Education, Behaviour and Attitudes, Personal Development, Year 3 Link Governor

Other information: I am a dedicated education professional working as an Education Officer for Disadvantaged Children at the local authority. I work closely with schools and families to develop interventions and strategies that support the academic and social success of these students. Outside of work, I am an avid sports fan, with basketball being my absolute favorite. Whether I am playing a pick-up game with friends or watching my favorite team compete, I find great joy and release in the physical and mental challenges of the game.


Ezhilarasan Mudaliar

Category of governor: Parent Governor

Appointed by: School/Governing Body

Date of appointment: 28.3.23

Term of office: 28.3.23 – 28.3.27

Governing board role: Quality of Education, Year 5 Link Governor

Other information: I come from a Marketing and IT background. My touch point to education was a prior private tutoring experience for post-graduate students at Bradford School of Management, University of Bradford. Since moving to Blackpool just before Covid and having my eldest child admitted to Boundary School, I have seen immense progress in her learning skills and social abilities. Having grown up and being educated in a different country, I was intrigued to know more about the education system and the manner in which Boundary is providing access, and making a positive contribution to the local community. I am amazed to see how well the members of staff have a positive attitude and have ingrained a growth mindset in the students they care for and themselves. The alignment of strategic direction from top management to everyone working at Boundary is very obvious. By opting to join the governor's role, I hope to provide a different and culturally diverse perspective towards the growth of Boundary School and be a small part of its story.





Jake Walley

Category of governor: Co-opted Governor

Appointed by: School/Governing Body

Date of appointment: 25.3.24

Term of office: 25.3.24 - 25.3.27

Governing board role: 

Other information: 


Historical Board Members

Mrs. S Greenall Parent Governor
Mrs. L Clements Co-opted Governor
Mr. F Rogers Parent Governor
Mr. A Williams Co-opted Governor
Mrs. L Gillott Parent Governor
Mrs. J Hamilton Staff Governor
Mr. J. Truelove Chair of Governors
Miss. S. Ashton Executive Headteacher

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust