Eco at Boundary 2024 - 2025

"The earth is what we all have in common" - Wendell Berry


Boundary is a 5-time Eco-School award winner!

We are committed to creating a sustainable environment in which to educate future generations.


What is an Eco School?

The Eco-Schools programme provides a simple, seven-step framework that answers this question whilst empowering young people to make a difference in their school, local community and beyond. Since 1994, millions of young people around the world have worked through the Eco-Schools Seven Steps before being recognised for their efforts with a prestigious Eco-Schools Green Flag.

The Seven Steps

Eco-Schools in more than 70 countries around the world follow the same Seven Step framework, which has been designed to place young people in control of environmental actions in their school, local community and beyond. Click the links below to view the criteria for each step, informational videos, advice from the Eco-Schools team and examples from successful Eco-Schools.

The seven Eco Schools steps are designed to make environmental actions pupil-led. Working through each of the seven steps is designed to be done in a single academic year. 

We have successfully achieved our Green Flag Award by carrying out the following 7 steps:

  1. Eco-Committee, the pupils and adults responsible for leading all things ‘Eco’.

  2. Environmental Review, an annual review of our learning environment.

  3. Action Plan, our plan for environmental actions in our school.

  4. Curriculum Links, how environmental issues are taught across our curriculum.

  5. Informing and Involving, including all pupils, staff members and our local community in our Eco Schools work.

  6. Monitoring and Evaluation, measuring the impact of our projects from our Action Plan.

  7. Eco-Code, a rallying call that everyone can get behind!

After working through the seven Eco-Schools steps during the academic year, schools, colleges and nurseries can apply for an Eco-Schools Green Flag accreditation during the annual application window.

Applying for Eco-Schools accreditation is the perfect way to acknowledge, reward and celebrate the ecological achievements of young people. It clearly demonstrates that their hard work is appreciated, and it provides them with the confidence and motivation needed to continue actively engaging with environmental issues throughout their lifetimes. Finally, it also tells local communities that a school, college or nursery is forward-thinking and promotes youth-led environmental education and action.

Boundary Primary School Palm Oil Statement

We at Boundary Primary School are committed to participation in the Sustainable Palm Oil Communities Project in Blackpool. During January 2024 we completed an audit regarding the sourcing of our Palm Oil. This audit confirmed that our suppliers only use products with sustainable palm oil. By doing so we know that we are helping to protect wildlife around the world from the impact of unsustainable agricultural practices.


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Eco Curriculum at Boundary

The Eco curriculum is designed so children learn to care about environmental issues and actively protect our planet. Each year group will learn about one of the ten topics from Eco Schools  (Bio-Diversity, Energy, Global Citizenship, Healthy Living, Litter, Marine, School Grounds, Transport, Waste and Water) each half term through cross curricular subjects in geography, PSHE, DT and PE or through national campaigns. Ideas, resources etc. can be found on The Pod. This is an interactive website that is linked to the school’s curriculum.

Across the year:

  • Annual whole school events take place through out the school year.
  • Autumn Term: Switch Off Fortnight  .
  • Spring Term: Waste Week.
  • Half Termly lessons taught in each year group on cross curricular environmental issues, in geography, PSHE, DT, PE.
  • Weekly Forest School lessons. Different year groups participate in Forest School LOTC. They will have a minimum of six experiences a year.

In EYFS, Eco is part of everyday learning. It is celebrated through play by allowing children to enjoy practical activities, such as daily snack or recycling paper, which can help them start to under.

Throughout their time in school, children will have various opportunities to show what they know, understand and are able to do. The Eco subject leader will collect this evidence from each year group.

Useful Links

Eco Schools

The Pod

Energy Saving Trust

Energy Saving Advice from Blackpool Council

Energy Efficiency Grants from Blackpool Council


Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust