Religious Education (RE) 2024 - 2025

‘We are all different, which is great because we are all unique. Without diversity, life would be boring!’ – Catherine Pulsifer

At Boundary Primary School, we believe that it is vital for all our pupils to learn from and about religion, so that they can understand the world around them. Through Religious Education, pupils develop their knowledge of the world faiths, and their understanding and awareness of the beliefs, values and traditions of other individuals, societies, communities and cultures. We encourage that all pupils will be curious in order to gain a better understanding about the world and to reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences; this will enable our children to understand the importance of tolerance and will help build them of good character. Through the teaching of Religious Education, our curriculum is enhanced further with trips to places of worship in our local area and for visitors to come and share their personal experience of following a particular religion.

To see our RSE Policy and RSE Statement, please click here.

We follow The Lancashire Agreed Syllabus as a basis for our curriculum.

For a detailed understanding of the Intent, Implementation and Impact of the teaching of Religious Education at Boundary, please read the document at the bottom of this page.

R.E Curriculum Overview at a glance



Why are some things special?

Christianity, Hinduism and Islam

Special Times - How and why do we celebrate?

What times are special to different people and why?

Christianity and Islam

Special Stories - Why are some stories special?

What special messages can we learn from stories?

Christianity, Hinduism and Islam

Special Places - What buildings and places are special to different people?

Year 1

What do people say about God?


Christianity (Church)

How might some people show that they belong to God?


Christianity (Jesus)

Why is Jesus special to Christians?


How might beliefs about creation affect the way people treat the world?


Why might some people put their trust in God?

Hindu Dharma

What do Hindus believe about God?


Christianity (God)

Why do Christians say that God is a 'Father'?

Year 2

How do we respond to the things that really matter?

Christianity (God)

Does how we treat the world matter?

Christianity (Jesus)

Why do Christians say that Jesus is the light of the world?

Hindu Dharma

How might people express their devotion?


Why do Muslims believe it is important to obey God?

Christianity (Church)

What unites the Christian community?


What aspects of life really matter? 

Year 3

Who should we follow?

Christianity (God)

How (and why) have some people served God?


Why is the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) an example for Muslims?

Christianity (Jesus)

What does it mean to be a disciple of God?


Christianity (Church)

What do Christians mean by the Holy Spirit?



Why are the Gurus important to Sikhs?

Hindu Dharma

Why is family an important part of Hindu life?

Year 4

How should we live our lives?

Hindu Dharma

What might a Hindu learn from celebrating Diwali?

Christianity (God)

How and why might Christians use the Bible?


How do Sikhs express their beliefs and values?

Christianity (Jesus)

Is sacrifice an important part of religious life?


Why do Muslims fast during Ramadan?

 Christianity (Church)

What does 'love your neighbour' really mean?

Year 5

Where can people find guidance about how to live their lives?

Christianity (God)

Why is it sometimes difficult to do the right thing?


Why is the Qur'an so important to Muslims?

Hindu Dharma

What might Hindus learn from the stories about Krishna?

Christianity (Jesus)

What do we mean by a miracle?

Christianity (Church)

How do people decide what to believe?


Do people need laws to guide them?

Year 6

In what way is life like a journey?


Christianity (God)

How do Christians mark the 'turning points' on the journey of life?


Hindu Dharma

Is there one journey or many?



What is Hajj and why is it important to Muslims?



Christianity (Jesus)

Why do Christians believe that Good Friday is 'good'?




What do we mean by a 'good life'?


 Christianity (Church)

If life is like a journey, what is the destination?


We understand and respect the diverse beliefs and values of our school community. If you wish to withdraw your child from the religious education (RE) curriculum at Boundary Primary School, please contact the school and request the consent form.

Withdrawal Process:
• To formally withdraw your child from RE classes, please fill out the consent form and return it to the school office.
• Ensure the form includes your child's name, class, and the reasons for withdrawal.


Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust