Reception Past and Present

Date: 27th Feb 2025 @ 11:59am

This week the children we invited to bring their favourite teddy to school.  Our focus was to compare how teddies have changed and evolved over time.  Mrs Clark brought a very old traditional teddy bear in from home and the children identified siliarities and differences with their bear.  We recapped some key vocabularly 'past' and 'present' and used these words to create our own sentences.


"My teddy is different because it has sequins on it" 

"Teddy bears from the present can be different colours"

"My teddy is a Ninja Turtle.  They only made bears in the past"


As a follow up activity the children collaged their own traditional teddy bear at the creative table, sorted pictures correctly into past and present and dreew and labelled their bears explaining to an adult how it was similiar or different to Mrs Clarks.

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