Year 4 - When dinosaurs arrived at Boundary

Date: 21st Mar 2024 @ 2:40pm

Wow! What an amazing day for Science day today. We started the day with a wordsearch of lots of tricky dinosaur names. Then together in groups we wrote down lots of adjectives to describe dinosaurs. All of the words we used described dinosaurs as being extremely big. So our teachers showed us a variety of dinosaurs and we were surprised at how small some were - some as small as chickens! After a discussion about it, we then thought of more words to describe the variety of dinosaurs we had just looked at. After break, we went into a KS2 assembly where we met Jam. We learned about how Jam hunts for food. We found out that he had a great sense of smells and good eyesight. Next, we used our Maths and teamwork skills to do a scale jigsaw of a Tyrannosaurus Rex's head and a Sinornithosaurus. The children worked brilliantly together and we couldn't believe how big a T-Rex's head was in comparison to Year 4 children! After lunch, we went to the green screen workshop with the Teach Rex team and learned how to edit videos. Lastly, we used all our learning from the day to write fact files about a dinosaur of our choice. What a great day!

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