History: Blog items
Oh I do like to be beside the seaside...
Date: 3rd Jul 2019 @ 9:09pm
After discovering that Blackpool's first train station opened in 1846, we wanted to find out more about how Blackpool developed and where its visitors came from, so we became detectives. We used different pieces of historical evidence to try and answer three main questions; Why did people visit Blackpool after 1846?, Where did visitors to Blackpool come from? and What did people do in Blackpool in the 1890's?
We used historical evidence such as photographs, newspaper adverts, advertising posters and train timetables to answer these questions in groups. Blackpool has a fascinating history, what an interesting town we live in!
Blackpool during the war and making a video story
Date: 25th Jun 2019 @ 4:02pm
This week, we have explored how tourism in Blackpool changed during World War One. The children looked at attractions which were opened in Blackpool before and after the war. Also this week, we planned and made our own stories using Scratch Jr on the iPads. The children had to learn how to do coding and debug any issues which came up.
Date: 20th Jun 2019 @ 9:21am
This week we have been introduced to our new topic 'Dinosaur Planet'. We created our own small worlds, containing what we believed we would find in prehistoric times. We discussed what dinosaurs were, how we knew they were alive and the different types of dinosaurs we would have found! To finish, we created our own dinosaur, decided what it would have eaten and where it would have lived.
There were dinosaurs all over our classroom too!
Wheels on the Bus go round and round....
Date: 17th Jun 2019 @ 5:14pm
Year 2 had a fun afternoon visiting all the different attractions around Blackpool. Children then discussed what each attraction was and why it would be a fun experience. Children then spotted other landmarks around all the different attractions.
Date: 31st Oct 2019 @ 9:02am
Year Two were introduced to our new topic, The Great Fire of London. We researched what life was like in the 1600's and how people lived. We particularly paid attention to the type of houses people lived in and how they were packed so tightly together. We then worked together to produce some art work to depict the Great Fire of London.
Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 10:33am
Year Two have had a busy half term, crammed with lots of learning. From calculating and finding number bonds in Maths, to appraising and creating Christmas
songs in Music. We have been Super Scientists by planning investigations about everyday materials and we really enjoyed using primary sources in History to find out more about why we remember soldiers from The First World War.