History: Blog items
Boundary's in the news: Royal Ballet partnership
Date: 17th Jan 2022 @ 9:36am
Date: 7th Jan 2022 @ 3:29pm
For our WOW we made salt dough and created our own Stone Age jewellery. We scored lines and dots into the salt dough to create patterns. After cooking them for a very long 3 hours, we were able to paint them and turn them into necklaces.
Date: 6th Jan 2022 @ 12:39pm
Our new French topic is 'Les Vikings' and runs alongside our History unit. In today's lesson, we used congnates and familiar language to decode a passage of French about the Vikings. We also enjoyed listening to and translating the song, "Nous Sommes Les Vikings'.
Year 6 An introduction to the Vikings
Date: 5th Jan 2022 @ 12:14pm
Although it was a chilly morning, Year 6 began their Vikings topic by learning outside. We worked in teams and enjoyed taking part in a teasure hunt for Viking facts.
Now Press Play... Anglo-Saxon Adventure
Date: 5th Dec 2021 @ 10:24am
Using our 'Now Press Play' equipment, Year 5 immersed themselves into an Anglo-Saxon experience.
Each child became a character who had been blamed for the escape of the village ox. They were immediately sent into exile and walked for miles to a nearby forest. As they were walking, they came across a camp of Vikings who were planning to burn down their village. They had to warn their neighbours whilst worrying that they would never see their family again.
During this experience, we learnt about:
- How the Anglo-Saxons relied on the land to survive
- The structure of Anglo-Saxon society
- The role of King Alfred in the conflict between Anglo-Saxons and Vikings
Date: 5th Dec 2021 @ 10:19am
Year 5 have really enjoyed learning about the Anglo-Saxons.
To start our unit, we recapped on our chronological knowledge of History. Once we all knew where the Anglo-Saxons came in history, we then talked about the reasons why the Anglo-Saxons invaded.
We have also investigated the different areas of Anglo-Saxon life: kingdoms, laws and punishment, the social hierarchy and the names and places the Anglo-Saxons created that are still around today!
The children were fascinated to learn new words such as churl, weregild and Mercia.
Date: 16th Nov 2021 @ 10:11am
We have done lots of learning around Remembrance Day in Cedar. This has included making poppies on crosses and planting them in our school Remembrance Garden, learning about why poppies are a symbol of remembrance and making poppy crafts to help us show our respects for soldiers who were injured and lost their lives for us.
Date: 14th Nov 2021 @ 10:13pm
This week Reception have been making poppies for our Remembrance Garden, creating our own to wear and painting poppies as part of a whole school art week.
"We wear poppies on Remembrance Day" Evelyn.
"We wear poppies to remember the soldiers who died" Charlie.
Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 3:47pm
This week was a week for us to pay our respects and remember those who bravely gave their lives for our country. Here are our year 4 children making their commemorative poppies that we then planted in our 'Remembrance Garden' outside the front of the school. This was then followed up by a fantastic service led by Miss Ashton and the Year 6 prefects.
Date: 5th Nov 2021 @ 3:48pm
For our WOW, we turned in archiologists and went digging for rocks and fossils. We set up a diggin site, a cleaning site and an inspections site. We looked at the characteristics of various rocks and fossils and started to group them.
Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 3:38pm
This week we introduced our new topic 'Celebrations' with a study into the history of Bonfire Night. We learnt about how Guy Fawkes and his gang plotted to blow up the House of Lords and how he was caught. After our studies, we retold the story, placing them on a timline and looked into why his signiture of confession was so different to his original. We believed it was due to all the torture he went through before he finally confessed.
We then enjoyed making bonfire night art using coloured paper and glitter glue pens.
Date: 1st Nov 2021 @ 4:32pm
As an introduction to our new History topic - Remembrance - Year 2 made Peg Soldiers. To do this we used dolly pegs and wrapped them in wool to create their uniform before we added some pipe cleaners decorated with wool for the soldiers arms. Lastly, we cut some felt and created hats and drew faces on our soldiers. It wasn't as easy as the children first thought but Miss Duckworth and Miss Hooson were impressed with the Growth Mindset displayed by all.
Date: 22nd Oct 2021 @ 12:50pm
While black history is celebrated year round, Black History Month is marked annually. It recognises and values the inspirational individuals and events that have shaped the black generation. During Black History Month, we remember and celebrate the important people from the past and also those who contribute to and help our society today.
Alongside shared class books highlighting the work and impact of Black people, the month of October began with an assembly to introduce the themes of Black History Month and its importance for us all. Classes have woven some significant figures from Black History into a range of lessons including Reading into Writing:
EYFS and Year 1 – People around the world
Year 2 – Rosa Parks
Year 3 – Mary Seacole
Year 4 – Sporting achievements
Year 5 – Influential musicians
The children's work will be displayed on specially designed black and gold post boxes that will feature, as in previous years, in prominent positions throughout school as we share our learning with other classes and visitors to Boundary.
Date: 22nd Oct 2021 @ 10:22am
In Reading into Writing this half term we have linked our writing to Black History Month. We were given the slave trade and Harriet Tubman to look at. We decided our piece of writing was going to be an autobiography written by Harriet Tubman. We researched all about her life and made lots of notes. We then drafted our autobiography and made edits based on teacher feedback. To finish the journey we completed a hot write - a final best version without all the mistakes.
A journey through the the Mayan World
Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 10:51am
We finished our History topic for the half term with a journey through the Mayan World using our 'Now Press Play equipment'. We were transported into the ancient civilation, met a Mayan king, heard about drought and sacrifices to the gods. It was a great opportunity to consolidate our learning.
The end of the Mayan Civilisation
Date: 19th Oct 2021 @ 7:33pm
Today in our history lesson, we have been considering how the Mayan civilisation began to decline. After hypothesising ourselves, we were presented with various pieces of evidence, which we had to consider. We grouped the evidence into different categories and learned that drought, poor soil conditions, rivals, revolt and disease all had a part to play in the fall of the great civilisation.
Date: 14th Oct 2021 @ 4:45pm
As part of Black History Month, Year Two have been finding out about the amazing Rosa Parks. We found out about her life and how she was treated as a black person living in Alabama in the 1950's. We learned about how Rosa's actions sparked the 'Bus Boycott', which in turn helped to bring about a change in equality laws. We made links between her actions and our character curriculum and we discussed how she was brave, resilient, courageous, self-controlled and a great leader.
A day with no pens.....but plenty of discussion!
Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 3:38pm
Tuesday 5th October was No Pen Day. Pens and pencils were removed from tables and we had a whole day of discussion, problem solving and debate. The aim of the day was to improve our communication skills. We started by working in groups to solve mental maths problems, before moving on to talk about the slave trade as part of Black History month. We considered various dilemmas, talked about how to control infection in PSHE and debated the importance of various foods in our History lesson on the Mayan civilisation.
Why do we study the Mayan civilisation?
Date: 7th Sep 2021 @ 6:22pm
This half term, we will be learning about the Mayan civilisation in our history lessons. Today, we started our History topic by thinking about why the Maya were so important. We looked for clues around the playground and used our critical thinking skills to decide what made the Maya so special.
Date: 16th Jul 2021 @ 10:19am
Today we became historians and celebrated Heritage Day! The focus of the day was to look at how Blackpool trams have developed and changed over time. First we discussed what different types of public transport there are and why we use them. We looked at the similarities and difference between them. Then we looked some photgraphs and videos of old and new trans and discuss how they have changed. The children came up with some fantastic ideas. The children the designed their own trams and labelled them. Finally using a range different meduim and materials at the creative table to make our own trams.
Date: 11th Jul 2021 @ 12:03pm
On Friday the nursery children took part in the whole school Heritage Day. We focused on Blackpool Tower and Blackpool Trams. The children really enjoyed finding out about Blackpool Tower and even built their own towers using bricks and straws and playdough!
Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 7:55pm
Today we became historians and celebrated Heritage Day! We we're looking forward to finding more about our local area and the history of Stanley Park.
We began the day by creating some observational drawings of the early Blackpool Illuminations and discussing how these have changed over time. We watched a video which showed us how the illuminations have developed into what we know today!
We then took part in a virtual tour of Stanley Park, whilst completing a timeline and answering lots of questions about different aspects of the park.
We then created our very own illumination! We watched a video of the illuminations through recent years and collected lots of ideas and thoughts about what our own illumination may need to include. We all had lots of brilliant ideas for our new illuminations, ranging from Sonic The Hedgehog, to Ben 10, to a Winter Snow Scene to Elsa and Anna from Frozen!
We thought about what colours we wanted the bulbs to be, how they were going to flash and how different parts of the design may move!
Hooray For Heritage Blackpool!
Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 3:53pm
As part of the whole school Heritage Day, Cedar class learnt about the history of Stanley Park. We began the day by taking part in a virtual heritage tour of the park by completing a timeline of events and other activities. We then created our own Heritage Information Plaques about varea areas of the park. In the afternoon we studied advertising posters of Stanley Park from the 1920s and 1930s before making our own poster.
Now Press Play - A Viking's Tale
Date: 16th Jun 2021 @ 4:53pm
Today we took part in an immersive listening experience where we listened to a story about the Viking's. We had to follow the story and use actions throughout when prompted. These made us have a better understanding of what was being told within the story as well as it being incredibly fun! We can't for our next 'Now Press Play' experience!
Date: 15th Jun 2021 @ 2:50pm
Today we began our final unit in French - La Seconde Guerre Mondiale (The Second World War). Firstly, we had to use Google translate to work out the meaning of a range of words in French so that we had a good understanding of the words we were going to learn about in this unit. We then used the words we had translated to translate long sentences related to WWII. We will build on our understanding of new vocabulary over the next 5 sessions.