Physical Education: Blog items

Year 5 School Games Winners!

Date: 9th Mar 2022 @ 12:29pm

Congratulations to our Year 5 Multi Skills team who were voted the best team after showing all the characteristics of the schools games at the Year 5 Multi Skills Festival.
Well deserved winners, who will now get the chance to represent Team Blackpool at the Lancashire School Games
Well done team Boundary.

Year 5 Handball!

Date: 2nd Mar 2022 @ 5:31pm

In PE we are currently learning how to play the brilliant game of handball. The game is very fast-paced and action packed, so the children need to have good speed, strength and stamina. We have been developing our throwing and catching skills and learning the rules of the sport. The pupils have to work as a team to breakdown defenses and create spaces in attack to score goals. 

Year 4 Fit 2 Go

Date: 20th Feb 2022 @ 4:35pm

Last half term Year 4 had weekly visits from Blackpool FC and had an amazing time on the Fit 2 Go initiative! Some fantastic games that were not only fun, but really raised our pulses and incorporated a lot of teamwork and problem solving. We also learned so much from our theory sessions which were all about how we can keep both our body and our minds healthy. A huge thank you to Blackpool FC, we had an amazing time and learned so much in the process!

Nursery Tuff Trays

Date: 8th Feb 2022 @ 5:14pm

We love a good Tuff Tray activity in nursery! Tuff trays are great for setting up a range of activities and the great thing is that they cover so many areas of learning. This week we have made potions in one of our outdoor trays. This provided some great opportunites for the children including exploring colour mixing, capacity, counting, developing communication and langauge skills and fine motor skills. It was also great for social skills as the children had to negotiate and take turns with the equipment. As the activity was open eneded, the children explored things further by pouring their potions down some pipes. They loved to see what happened when the coloured water hit the tray at the bottom! 

Reception Meet Danny Determination

Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 5:19pm

This week the children were introduced to the characteristic monster Danny Determination. Danny Determination taught us that you have to keep on trying and not give up no matter how hard it might be. Children showed determination with their phonics, writing and maths- even using the new sports equipment outside.

Take a look at how determined we are in Reception! 

Year 6 Gymnastic Routines

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 7:07pm

This week in our gymnastic session, we have continued to focus on balances and counter balances. We learned how to do several rolls, including a log roll and the teddy bear roll. We then combined the rolls with balances to create a short routine. Finally, included apparatus in our routines. 

Year 6 Gymnastics

Date: 14th Jan 2022 @ 8:00am

In gymnastics this week we have been focussing on developing balances with our partner using a range of equipment. We have worked on using our partner for counter-tension and counter-balance and linked balances with a range of jumps and turns.

Year 2 Namaste

Date: 13th Jan 2022 @ 4:05pm

Year Two have enjoyed their new PE unit, Yoga.  This is the first time it has been on our school curriculum and it is proving to be popular.  The children have been working hard on stretching their body parts, breathing techniques and balancing.  We were amazed that such a quiet and calming activity could be so could for our minds and bodies.  So far we have learnt the butterfly pose, the tree pose, the mountain pose, the tiger pose, the cobra pose and the aeroplane pose.   Over the next few weeks we will be perfecting these as well as learning some more poses.

Year 5 Dance with Miss Britt

Date: 13th Jan 2022 @ 2:14pm

During our PE sessions this half-term, we are lucky enough to have Miss Britt teaching us dance. 

We started off the term by warming up and getting to know Miss Britt, learning a few simple dance moves and practicing some fitness based activities to get us used to the amount of stamina needed to sustain a full dance routine. 

As we progress through the half-term, we will be making up and learning dance routines relevant to our learning that takes place in class. 


Year 3 Fitness Frenzy!

Date: 13th Jan 2022 @ 9:08am

In PE, we tested our fitness levels by completing circuit training. We first of all warmed up and discussed the changes that happen to our bodies and why this is so important!

During the circuit, we all noticed we got much warmer, our faces got red and we started to sweat. Most people found the plank the hardest and we decided we needed to work on developing our core strength. 

Year 3 Fitness fans!

Date: 11th Jan 2022 @ 9:28am

This half term we are focussing on Health Related Fitness. We started our session with games of never ending tig and spoke about why we do a warm up and the importance of them. We then took part in a curcuit which included star jumps, planing, side jumps, step ups and sprinting. We really enjoyed our session and some children took what they had learnt on to the playground ! 

School Council Meeting 1st December

Date: 3rd Dec 2021 @ 10:48am

This week the school councillors met virtually with a very special guest- Mrs Webster, PE subject leader . She wanted them to discuss how the sports premium can be spent by  improving our playground to get children active at playtimes. There were lots of ideas from a racing track to snakes and ladders to skipping ropes in KS2 playground. All the councillors will feed this information back to their classes and we will meet again shortly to discuss the outcomes and inform Mrs Webster.


Fantastic Gymnastics!

Date: 30th Nov 2021 @ 8:17pm

Reception have been learning the beginnings of gymnastics in PE. They have been using their bodies to make different shapes. This develops strength, fitness, confidence and flexibility. It is also a lot of fun!

Take a look at how we are doing!


It All Got A Little Bit Messy!

Date: 28th Nov 2021 @ 12:38pm

The children love sensory experiences in nursery and they provide so many learning opportunites. They are great for physical development as they require the use of both fine and gross motor skills. The are also a great way for children to build relationships with each other as they share and take turns and talk about what they experiencing. As well as all of this, they also support the children's communitcation and language development as the describe, question and explain what they are experiencing. Oh, and of course they have a lot of fun! 

Children in Need

Date: 22nd Nov 2021 @ 10:38am

Today we enjoyed Children in Need. Dressed in either spots or stripes, we all joined in with the Joe Wicks live Children in Need workout this morning. However, this was a workout with a twist! We took part in 20 minutes of exercise which was also combined with answering some quite tricky general knowledge questions. We all enjoyed the challenge! We then spent Always time making some Pudsey themed crafts and practising the hand jive before our special end of the day assembly. We had lots of fun alongside discussing why we raise money for Children in Need.

Working out for Children in Need

Date: 21st Nov 2021 @ 6:46pm

Today we celebrated Children in Need by dressing up in spots and stripes. To wake us up for the day and give us energy, we took part in a Joe Wicks workout where we had to answer questions. Each question had 2 options and each option had an exercise movement!! It was a fun way to start the day.



Date: 19th Nov 2021 @ 4:15pm

Our Year 4's have been tumbling around in their PE lesson this week as we have started doing gymnastics this half term. We have been working on some of our balances and even improving our teamwork! 

Children In Need

Date: 19th Nov 2021 @ 3:59pm

Today, alongside the rest of school, Year 2 celebrated Children in Need. This morning, we all dressed in spots or stripes and we joined in with the Joe Wicks live Children in Need workout combining 20 minutes of exercising with answering different general knowledge questions. This afternoon, we joined the rest of school in assembly to learn about the importance of Children in Need, who it supports in our local community and why we fundraise for the cause. To end the day on some fun, in the true Children in Need style, we performed the Hand Jive. We had lots of fun dancing but also remembered why we raise money. 


Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 4:27pm

Year Two have been working hard on developing their fundemental skills since returning this half term.  This week our focus was on improving our skills when kicking a ball.  We practised hard kicking the ball with both our left and right feet.  We had to think carefully about how hard we were kicking in order to control where the ball was going.  We also had to think about which part of our body we wanted to make contact with the ball first.  We quickly realised that getting the ball in a target was not as easy as it first seemed.  Generally, we made great progress and displayed a positive attitude towards improving our skills. 

We're On A Health Kick!

Date: 9th Nov 2021 @ 8:50pm

In nursery, we have been talking about how we can keep our bodies healthy. We started the week by talking about how important it is to keep our teeth healthy. We talked about going to the dentist and brushed some giant teeth! Then we learnt about how important it is to eat our fruit and vegetables as they help us to grow big and strong and also help our bodies to fight off any germs by giving us vitamins! Then we made our own delicious fruit salad. 

Let's Celebrate

Date: 8th Nov 2021 @ 8:21pm

The children in Reception have been busy learning about Diwali the festival of light.  As part of our learning the children and teachers in Reception held a Diwali Celebration Day where the children were invited to dress in bright colours.  Throughout the day we learnt about different Sikh and Hindu Diwali trandtions including making our own Rangoli Patterns to welcome people, making and decorating salt dough diva lamps to put in our houses, learning a Sikh dancel and preparing a sikh desert 'a ladoo'. We also looked at some tradition clothing and had the opportunity to ty them on.  We designed and made Diwali card which we sent to our friends and family.  At the end of the day we had a Diwali celebration in the dance studio where we preformed our dance to Miss Ashton and Miss Moyes.  To close the day we sat in a circle and lit our diva lamps together.  We reflectied on our learning and  thought carefully about the importance of being kind to others ensuring good overcomes evil.  What a fabulous day of learning.  Have a look at some of our pictures!



Date: 7th Nov 2021 @ 5:46pm

This week we started our new PE topic of Yoga. We focused on staying calm and controlling our breathing while learning new poses such as the tree and the cloud. We finished by exploring what we were grateful for. 

An Introduction To Yoga

Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 7:48am

Today was our first introduction to yoga. We began our journey with breathing exercises and discussed the importance of taking time out and connecting our mind, body and soul. We started to learn the main yoga poses which included: cobra, downward facing dog, butterfly, cow and cat, warrior and many more. We can't wait to see where the rest of our yoga journey will take us. 

Dancing Fireworks!

Date: 1st Nov 2021 @ 7:28pm

Today we enjoyed our first PE lesson through dance! We linked our session to something very exciting that is happening on Friday 5th November...Bonfire Night! We began by making different movements using different shapes and patterns with our hands. We tried to use our whole body to make big and small shapes before using the pom poms and ribbons. We then practised making the shapes using the equipment, before putting our patterns to music. We then learnt and practised a short bit of dance, using our own indiidually thought through movements and some we were shown!

Blackpool School's OAA Competition

Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 11:02am

A team of Year 5 pupil's took part in the Blackpool’s schools OAA (Outdoor Adventurous Activities - orienteering) competition at Stanley Park. Despite the weather they finished in 2nd place completing the course and finding all the checkpoints & codes with a time of 19 minutes! The team were a little wet but they were so proud of themselves and we're proud of them too!
Well done to everyone who took part.

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust