Physical Education: Blog items
Date: 2nd Oct 2022 @ 9:00am
Year 6 continued their Rugby sessions with the coach from Wigan Warriors. This week the children looked at the tactics needed to play tag rugby. They played various games which involved avoiding being caught.
Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 4:13pm
Learning outside of the classroom is extremely important for the children in Reception. Collaboration, sharing, taking turns and resilience are many of the vaues learnt from their time together outdoors. Physical activities to help both gross and fine motor skills are also developed in a fun and friendly way.
Take a look at some of the things we've been up to outside this week!
Year 3's Trip to The Royal Ballet
Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 10:26am
Year 3 had a very exciting trip to The Globe Theatre to watch ballet. We were lucky enough to learn new moves and watch the students of The Royal Ballet School dance. We were also shocked when one of our students were picked to be lifted by a ballet dancer!
Date: 28th Sep 2022 @ 9:31pm
To help to support gross and fine motor development, the children take part in daily Dough Disco and Squiggle While You Wiggle sessions. During Dough Disco, each child is given a piece of playdough and they then carry out a number of exercises with their fingers. There are lots of videos on YouTube for the children to follow, you could even try some out at home. During Squiggle While You Wiggle, each child is given a pair of flappers (2 pieces of material) and the then carry out a sequence of moves that help to strengthen their arm and shoulder muscles and is the beginning of their journey in to becoming a writer. Have a look at the video to see how it's done!
Date: 27th Sep 2022 @ 7:24pm
As we continue our unit Dancing Through the Ages, we have looked at some common dance moves from the HipHop genre and created our own motifs in time to the music. We tried to work at different levels, in unison and in canon so that we could add some interesting dynamics to the dance routine. We had to negotiate and work together as a team to create our motif and perform it to the rest of the class.
Date: 23rd Sep 2022 @ 2:13pm
There are always lots of opportunities for children to develop their gross motor muscles in nursery. This is so important as it has a big impact on their fine motor muscles and how they can grip a pencil. There are many ways for children to do this from climbing, jumping, stretching a pouring. The children always have a great time!
Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 8:31pm
For our final day we took part in activities such as: low ropes, challenge course, survivor and trapeze. We have all had a great time on our residential and have made memories that will stay with us for a long time!
Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 8:21pm
Day 2 saw a range of activities, including: canoeing, archery, den building, low ropes and the children's favourite 'Giant Swing'.
Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 7:54pm
We have a had a great few days at PGL. Here you can find photos of what we did on our first day, which included Jacob's Ladder, challenge course and trapeze.
Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 11:05am
Year 4 did amazing in Rugby this week! Tom (from Wigan Warriors) said that it was a tough lesson because there's some difficult footwork and passing, but we were the best year group he's ever done it with. Well done Year 4! Maybe some future rugby stars on our hands!
Year 3- Our First Royal Ballet Experience!
Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 8:03am
In Year 3, we were lucky enough to have our first Royal Ballet workshop today. We learnt some new French vocabulary and ballet moves. We were accompanied by a brilliant musician to dance to. The children really enjoyed the experience and we are looking forward to the rest of the workshops.
Reception exploring the outdoor area
Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 8:34pm
This week the children in Reception have had a great time in our outdoor area. The children have been practising putting on their waterproofs and wellie boots ready to explore our wonderful outdoor provision. They have been role playing in the mud kitchen, riding on the balance bikes, building in our construction shed, exploring the water and mark making using paint brushes. The children have worked together brillianlty ensuring take turns, share the resources and put them away properly. Have a look at what we have been up to!
Year 6 - Our First Rugby Session
Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 5:33pm
This afternoon, the children in Year 6 had their first session with a coach from Wigan Warriors Rugby League Club. We learned how to hold the ball correctly before practising skills needed for the game. All the children really enjoyed learning a new sport and can't wait for their next session.
Hooray! We've successfully renewed The Green Flag!
Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 5:02pm
Year 5 A Fresh look at Forest School
Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 12:31pm
What a great time of Year to be outdoors! We managed to avoid the showers and had a lovely morning exploring the Forest School environment. We went on a mini beast hunt with the magnifying glasses and observed the habitats. We found lots of insects, arachnids and bugs lurking under the rocks and logs. A Frog leapt in! We all looked at it's camoflage, while learning the differences between frogs and toads. There was lots of seasonal fruit including mini apples, pears and plums, but they weren't yet ripe enough to pick. We also explored and enjoyed spending time with our friends outdoors and catching up casually after the holidays.
Karson planted some trees using the fallen fruit's seed.
Harley enjoyed working with his team to build dens and shelters.
Molliemae worked with her friends to make a chill out zone in their den, with books and colouring.
Darin made a cake masterpiece recipe including flowers, mud and fruits. He used his imagination to create a bakery business too!
Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 11:33am
We started our Rubgy lessons today with Tom from Wigan Warriors. We will be learning lots of new rugby skills over this half term when Tom comes in every Thursday! We absolutely loved it. We learned how to hold the rugby ball and even started to tag each other with it when we were trying to score a try!
Date: 7th Sep 2022 @ 8:05pm
Our first PE unit in Year Two is a dance unit themed around Minibeasts. We had a great first session today, we discussed different types of minibeasts and how they might move. We then shared our ideas to music. We tried to incorporate movement on different levels and we then worked together to create a motif to the count of 16. We displayed fantastic team work, moving together and sharing ideas.
Year 5 Dancing through the Ages
Date: 6th Sep 2022 @ 7:27pm
Our first Topic in PE is Dance and in our preassessment, we discussed what we already knew about Dance styles through the ages! We weren't too sure about the history of dance, so we have started today with the Charleston from 1920's. We made a class motif using the counts of the music in the style of the Charleston including kicks and flicks! It was energetic and fun.
Date: 22nd Jul 2022 @ 3:31pm
For our final PE lesson of Year 2, we completed a circuit of activities to practise all the skills we have learnt throughout the year with the teachers and Mr Perkins. We had stations including: balancing a tennis ball on the racket whilst completing a sensory circuit, keeping control of a basketball manouvering around the playground, practising our racket skills passing a tennis ball to each other, skipping, throwing a javellin and hula hooping. We ended the session with a variety of relay races. Year Two have loved PE this year and it was lovely to see how much they have learnt.
Date: 22nd Jul 2022 @ 1:02pm
As part of the end of year celebrations, Year 6 went to Stanley Park for a morning of sports. We played football, tennis and rounders and for those that wanted a quiter time we had a relax station set up. We ended the morning with a picnic together.
Date: 19th Jul 2022 @ 6:49pm
This week we completed our DT journey to make a fruit salad. Firstly, we designed our fruit salad, dicussing the ingredients and tools we would need to create our end product. We then learnt two safe ways to cut our fruit, the 'bridge' cut and the 'claw' cut. We practised these using play dough until we were ready to cut our ingredients. We designed our fruit salad using six fruits and a fresh fruit juice. We then use our skills to cut our fruit into bite size pieces to create an appealing fruit salad. It was then time to eat our lovely fresh fruit salad! Finally we evaluated our fruit salad, discussing things that had gone well and any improvements we would make next time.
Date: 18th Jul 2022 @ 12:21pm
Nursery are taking good care of our beautiful new garden. We have loved watching all the sunflowers grow taller and taller and have made sure that we water our new flowers and plants so the can stay strong and healthy. We have also been exploring our new sensory path and have loved listening to the different sounds the stones make and talking about the differernt textures.
Date: 15th Jul 2022 @ 5:00pm
In PE we have been continuing with our athletics. We have begun to learn about throwing techniques and have mastered our sprinting and hurdling skills. We have had some good competition and some great sportsmanship this half term!
Date: 6th Jul 2022 @ 3:47pm
We have been learning different yoga poses in our PE lessons this half term. We have been listening to calming music and learning how to control our breathing in order to get the best out of the different breathing exercises. Yoga is beneficial for our bodies but also our minds, it helps us to find a place of calm, grounds us and helps us to maintain a good mental health. We sequenced some of our different poses in order to creat our own mini meditations.
Date: 4th Jul 2022 @ 10:15pm
Nursery had a great Sports Day and showed a real talent for throwing a welly! The chidlren did so well and took part in five different activities where they had to use their balancing, throwing and running skills. All the grown ups who came to watch where great and joined in with their chidlren. We might even have a few potential welly throwing Olympic Champions amongst us!