Physical Education: Blog items

Acorns - PE

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 8:41pm

Over the last few weeks Acorns have been exploring how our bodies can move. We have enjoyed rolling over yoga balls and trying out yoga, kicking and throwing a variety of equipment and running and jumping. Our most enjoyable moments are when we are watching ourselves move in the large mirrors. We also had lots of fun taking part in some turn taking activities, including rolling the balls to our peers. Through PE, Acorns are developing their gross motor skills and social interactions with others. We are also exploring healthy bodies leading to happy minds and we certainly have lots of fun! 

Year 6 - Mental Health Awareness Week

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 12:50pm

This week, Boundary have been holding their own Mental Health Awareness week. One thing we have discussed is how exercise and movement can boost your mood. We all made sure we moved for the whole break time, with many of us running around the playground - including Mrs. Hamilton and Mr. Jones!!

Year 2- Gymnastics

Date: 1st May 2024 @ 5:11pm

This half term, in PE, we have been practising our Gymnastics skills. For a few weeks we have been practising different types of rolls and different ways of travelling. This week, we explored how we can balance on different amounts of body parts and tested how good our balances were by balancing cones on us. Some of us were very creative at finding different ways to get the cones to balance. 

Year 5 - Matching and Mirroring

Date: 26th Apr 2024 @ 10:57am

In PE this term, we have been building on our previous learning in gymnastics. Pupils are creating a routine with a partner, using balances and movements from earlier in the year. The routine they are making must include a range of matched or mirrored balances.

Year 3 PE- Cricket

Date: 25th Apr 2024 @ 2:57pm

In PE, we have been developing our striking and fielding skills. We have finally been able to put these skills into practise and we have started to play a game of cricket. 

Acorns - Healthy Eating & Lifestyles

Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 2:44pm

This week Acorns have been exploring how to keep ourselves healthy. We have experienced lots of fun sensory activities to learn about healthy eating and keeping our bodies healthy. We even found giant grapes in our 'Bucket' activity. We particularly enjoyed making and trying fruit kebabs. Strawberries were a definite favourite and we loved watching ourselves move in the big mirrors. 

Year 2- Fundamental Skills

Date: 26th Mar 2024 @ 3:52pm

This half term Year 2 have been working on their fundamental skills of throwing, catching, running and jumping. Throughout the half term we have enjoyed practising our skills in isolation as well as applying them to games. 

Nursery Take a Risk!

Date: 14th Mar 2024 @ 8:23pm

The children have been really engaged building obstacle courses outside using bricks, planks and crates. They have worked together to move the resources and position them to make fantastic obstacle courses. The children then navigated the obstacle course finding the best pathway and doing their own risk assessments to make sure the bricks were safe and not to wobbly!

Reception Ballet Club

Date: 12th Mar 2024 @ 12:24pm

Some of the children have been enjoying taking part in Ballet Club on a Tuesday after school.  We have been learning the importance of stretching and warming our bodies up so we down get injured.  We talked about keeping our legs and arms straight and pointing our toes.  We are learning the different ballet positions including first, second and third position and even learnt how to do a demi-plie.

Year 4 - Ancient Egyptian Dancing

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 2:43pm

Today we looked at hieroglyphs and used our bodies to represent the symbols.

Nursery The Fun of Outdoors

Date: 29th Feb 2024 @ 10:12pm

Nursery never run out of ways to have fun outdside. Amongst all the fun, there is a lot of learning going on! This week, the slide has created lots of learning opportunites - all led by the children. They worked together to move a crate to use as an extra step and then moved the giant spinning top to the bottom of the slide. The chidlren then discovered it was great fun to slide down the slide and land in the spinning top! They children have also been exploring colours and colour mixing all through painting a large cardboard box! 

Year 5 - Tennis Training

Date: 29th Feb 2024 @ 8:29am

This week our PE journey into 'Net and Wall Games' continued, with Jordan, our PE coach. Pupils practised the 'ready position' and then learned the techniques required to play forehand and backhand ground strokes. Pupils tested their reactions in small games, which meant using the skills they had learned in the lesson. 

Year 1 Yoga

Date: 26th Feb 2024 @ 5:08pm

This half term we are exploring yoga in our PE lessons. This week we practised the basic principle of yoga and mindfulness. We learnt what it meant to put our bodies into a yoga pose and how this felt for us. Throughout the lesson we began to learn a number of simple positions through fun games and activities.

Year 5 - Bikeability Training

Date: 23rd Feb 2024 @ 3:45pm

Today, 10 pupils in year 5 completed their level 1 and 2 Bikeability training. This meant learning how to look after their bike and how to cycle safely on the road. A huge 'thank you' to Active Blackpool and Mrs McIntyre for all of their effort over the past two days.

Nursery PE

Date: 8th Feb 2024 @ 12:12pm

Nursery are throughly enjoying PE sessions with Mr Humble. They have been developing their ball skills by bouncing and catching balls, exploring differemt ways to move their bodies and have even taken part in some team games. PE is also a great way to develop the children's listening and attention skills as well as their PSED skills.

Year 4 - Circuits

Date: 5th Feb 2024 @ 8:55pm

This week, we recapped last week's lesson where we worked on strengthening our upper body. Then we work through circuits to work on our change of direction, effort level and speed.

Year 2- Yoga

Date: 1st Feb 2024 @ 8:10am

Over the past few weeks, Year Two have been doing Yoga in PE. It has helped us be more mindful, relaxed and calm as well as improving our balance and strength. We have completed a range of poses including: the warrior, superhero pose, spiderman pose, batman pose and a variety of others. At the end of each session, our cool down is a relaxing exercise where we focus on our breathing and bringing the calmness back into the classroom.

Year 6 - Gymnastics

Date: 30th Jan 2024 @ 2:43pm

In Gymnastics this week we began by recapping on the basic body shapes the children have practised over the years. We then discussed the terms counter-tension and counter balance. Our lesson involved creating different balances on a variety of points and patches. We developed a sequence of balances and linked each balance with a travel or transition.

Reception- Super Hero City!

Date: 29th Jan 2024 @ 7:46am

This week Reception have had lots of fun in PE pretending to be super heroes!

They practiced their running, jumping and hopping skills and then went on to throwing and catching. They had to listen, take turns and try not to crash into each other.

Take a look at our photos.

Year 5 - Yoga

Date: 25th Jan 2024 @ 11:23am

In PE this week, pupils continued on their Yoga journey. We have learned the Sun Salutation movement and discussed how yoga and meditation can help support our mental and physical health. Pupils enjoyed this time to be peaceful and relax their bodies. 

Year 1 No Pen Morning

Date: 17th Jan 2024 @ 7:41am

This morning we had lots of fun learning without the aid of a pen/pencil. We started off the day with our music lesson. We used the glockenspiels to learn how to play the backing track to ‘We All Sing A Song’.  This song had three notes, ‘F, G. A’ which we had to listen to and then repeat back. This was is the style of the Waltz.

After, during our PHSE lesson, we learnt about all the hazards that you would find around the home. We worked in small groups, using our oracy skills, to explain why each picture may or may not be a hazard. We all had the opportunity to give a reason for their picture while the other children listened to their answers.

In our PE session we explored different ways of moving to begin to create a winter dance.

Year 4 - Fitness (Circuit training)

Date: 15th Jan 2024 @ 6:26pm

Today we start our Fitness unit. We recapped some circuit activities such as step up and star jumps, then we learned to how to do squats, lateral side steps and lunges.

Key Stage 2 Boccia Champions!

Date: 19th Dec 2023 @ 8:09am

Yesterday, our Key Stag 2 pupils took part in the School Games Boccia Competition. Boccia is a game designed for all, where pupils sit down and take turns throwing balls towards a target. To score points, you must get as close as you can to the jack (white ball), against an opposition and...they came 1st! Well done team!

Reception Elf Olympics

Date: 18th Dec 2023 @ 11:58am

On Friday the children in Reception enjoyed taking parting in our interhouse competition organised by the Sports Council 'The Elf Olympics.  The children worked in their house teams to complete a range of festive games including team relays races, a bauble and spoon race and dress the snowman.  The children had a great time working together to earn point for their houses Chepstow, Bathurst, Rodwell and Elston.  Well done everyone!

Year 2- Elf Olympics

Date: 14th Dec 2023 @ 2:54pm

Today we took part in the Elf Olympics where we played lots of games to try and win points for our house. These will be added to our total house points that we win via dojos for going above and beyond!

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust