Physical Education: Blog items

Year 4 - Elf-lympics and Christmas dinner!

Date: 11th Dec 2023 @ 7:49pm

Today we took part in the Elf-lympics playing for points for our houses. Then we enjoyed a yummy Christmas Dinner in our Christmas jumpers!

Year 2- Fundamental Skills

Date: 11th Dec 2023 @ 4:25pm

This half term, Year Two have been working hard with their teachers and Mr Perkins practicing their fundamental skills including: throwing, catching and rolling. Over the last 7 weeks, we have learnt to do an underarm throw, thinking about bending the opposite leg, placing our palm towards the target and keeping a straight arm to ensure we throw accurately. We have completed many games where we have had to aim at targets on different levels and today we completed relay races to see who could get the most amount of balls into the baskets at the end as it was thrown down the line. 

Nursery Prepare for the Reindeers

Date: 8th Dec 2023 @ 1:08pm

We have been reading the story "The Christmasaurus" by Tom Fletcher. It's all about a dinosaur who lives at the North Pole with Santa. The Christmasaurus really wants to fly so he can pull Santa's sleigh. Santa say's he will try to help him learn to fly and suggets the Christmasaurus eats some magical reindeer food. We made our own reindeer food for Santa's reindeer and the Christmasarus. The chidren had to count 3 spoonfuls of porridge oats and 2 pinches of magical glitter and then give it a gentle shake! They had to concentrate really hard to make sure each spoonful of porridge and each pinch of glitter went in to the bag!

Year 6 - The Haka

Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 7:49am

In dance this half term we have been looking at the ceremonial war dance 'The Haka'. We have discussed the significance of the dance and how it is used by the All Blacks New Zealand rugby team to challenge their opponents. We then took the steps of the dance and learned them over the past couple of weeks. We have performed the dance in unison and cannon - our final lesson will be to challenge the other Year 6 class.

Year 6 - Forest School

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 4:02pm

Today we had our first of three Forest School sessions. In this session we spent our time lighting fires, making hot chocolate and using thinsg found in nature to create headbands/wreaths. The weather was cold but the sun was shining and we had a great time.

Nursery Go to Space

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 11:26am

Nursery visited outerspace this week! We read the story "The Way Back Home" by Oliver Jeffers about a boy who finds an areoplane and flies all the way to the moon! He runs out of petrol and meets an alien whose spaceship has broken down! We learnt all about the different planets and used balloons to print some planets. Outside we built a rocket using the bricks and went on lots of adventures to space! One day we discovered some aliens in our garden and we talked about how they might of got there. We also used magnetic shapes and building blocks to build our own rockets. We had to think carefully about the shapes we needed to make a rocket. Its been a very busy week! 

Acorns - Jumping For Joy

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 9:51am

During our PE session, we enjoyed jumping over the hurdles and crawling underneath them. We then explored with balls and rolled them underneath the hurdles too. We had such a fun time! 

Year 4 - Starting a sequence

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 8:46am

After learning new rolls and jumps (pike, straddle and forward straddle), we have started to look at how we can put them into a sequence ready to perform to the rest of the class.

Year 6 - Volleyball

Date: 24th Nov 2023 @ 10:09am

This week in PE, we continued with our Net and Wall Skills unit. We learned the basics of volleyball and the different ways in which to get the ball over the net. We also learned how to serve and then played some mini games. 

Year 6 - The Haka

Date: 15th Nov 2023 @ 8:50pm

Today we began our dance unit - The Haka. We watched different performances of the Haka and discussed the history behind it. We learned that The Haka is a ceremonial Māori war dance or challenge. Haka are usually performed in a group and represent a display of a tribe's pride, strength and unity. We performed the first 15 seconds of the dance in unison and made sure that we could all follow the movements in time and synchronised. Over the weeks we will add parts to the dance until we have learnt the entire routine.


Nursery - Pop, Whizz, Bang

Date: 9th Nov 2023 @ 8:05pm

Nursery celebrated Firework Night with a big bang! The children explored the different sounds fireworks make and used their bodies to become fireworks! They used their imaginations to create firework patterns on special scratch paper and explored a firework sensory tray. Outside, the children all sat round a bonfire and drank pretend hot chocolate. The children also explored changes by melting chocolate to create some breadstick sparklers - they were delicious! 

Nursery Parachute Games

Date: 2nd Nov 2023 @ 12:44pm

We have been exploring the parachute in nursery. This is a great way to support physical development and build realtionships with each other. We are starting with simple games to learn how to use the parachute and we will slowly intorduce more games. 

Nursery Gets a Bit Spooky!

Date: 2nd Nov 2023 @ 11:28am

Nursery have a had a very spooky time this week. We have had lots of halloween activities to support our social and emotional development, our communication and language and physical development. The children have been mixing their own potions, exploring how to get halloween objects out of ice and counting legs on spiders. There have also been some very messy activities that have encouraged the chidlren to talk about what they can see, smell and feel. 

Year 4 - Gymnastics

Date: 30th Oct 2023 @ 8:40pm

This half term, we are doing Gymnastics during our in school PE lesson with Miss Crystal and Miss Bates. During our first lesson, after a stretching warm up, we focused on how to safely complete a jump and we recapped previous jumps we have learned such as a star jump. Today, we looked at a straddle jump, pike jump and half turn.

Nursery Unicorns, Sharing and other Bits and Bobs

Date: 20th Oct 2023 @ 11:29am

We always have a wide variety of activities in nursery to meet the needs of all our children. This week to suppport physical developemnt we have been threading beads on to unicorns and exploring their creative side by painting and creating unicorns, We've also been developing relationships through lots iof turn taking opportunites and working collabratively. 

Nursery Outdoor Experiences

Date: 20th Oct 2023 @ 11:22am

Nursery have had a throughly good time outside this week with lots of exciting and stimulting experiences. All our outdoor experiences are great for supporting social and emotional developemnt as the children learn to share, take turns and interact with their friends. Whilst they are doing this they also develop their communication and langauge skills. This week the children have been making ramps to roill conkers down. They investigated lots of differnent heights for the ramp and where thrilled when they discoverd if the conkers land on the trampoline they will bounce! The children also counted the conkers and explored capacity by putting them in different containers. The conker fun didn't stop there - we had to clean them all up! This was great for developing physical development as the children sweprt them in to a pile. Have a look at the photos to see what else we have been doing. 

Year 3 Welcome their parents to The Royal Ballet

Date: 19th Oct 2023 @ 7:48am

This week was our last week dancing with The Royal Ballet School. To celebrate the success we have had over the last 6 weeks, we invited parents in to watch what we have been learning. It was a great turn out and we appreciate the support from our friends and family! We showcased our spotting, skipping, sautes, reverence and finally a routine we had put together linking to our Science topic on Forces.   

Blackpool Zoo Orienteering

Date: 17th Oct 2023 @ 12:48pm

We were invited to take part in two fun festivals within Blackpool Zoo where each school will be given a map of the park to help them to solve the clues to find the right animals.

The children, chosen from Year 5, had a great morning with Mrs. Millar and Mr. Parsons supported by Leaders from Blackpool Sixth Form. Efficient map reading and a keen sense of time meant that we returned to the finish before the other schools – leaving us enough time to visit some of the animals not on our list (and the dinosaurs too!).

Year 3- Royal Ballet trip!

Date: 3rd Oct 2023 @ 8:22am

Last week the children went to the Globe Theatre in Blackpool to watch a Royal Ballet demonstration. The children enjoyed watching the older students dance and were impressed by the strength of the dancers!

Year 6 - Net and Wall Skills

Date: 2nd Oct 2023 @ 6:31pm

In this week's PE lesson, we swapped tennis for badminton - utilising the skills we have already learned. We focused on the serve and learned the most effective technique to perform a consistent serve. We practised effectively hitting the shuttlecock at a target before using forehand and backhand to take part in a rally. 

Reception- Rosies Walk- outside learning

Date: 1st Oct 2023 @ 7:35pm

This week the children created an obstacle course outside to act out the story Rosies Walk and learn the positional language, under, through, past, across and around. 


" I went around the pond" Esmai

"Rosie went across the farmyard" George

"The fox went over the haystack and then fell in it!" Isla

"Rosie went under the beehives" Kierah

"I went past the windmill like Rosie" Esme


Year 6 - Tennis

Date: 28th Sep 2023 @ 2:35pm

In PE this week we have progressed further with our net and wall skills and practised sending and receiving tennis passes over a net. It was tricky at first but as the lesson progressed, we managed to pass and receive shots with a partner - some of us even had some rallies going on.

Nursery Owl Bables

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 10:56am

Starrting somewhere new can be a little bit scary so to help the children settle in we have read "Owl Babies" about some baby owls that are worried their mummy won't come back - but of course she does! The story is great for supporintg PSED skills and taking about emotions. 

Nursery Won't Let The Rain Stop Them!

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 10:48am

There is only one thing to do on a very rainy day and that's get outside and enjoy it! Nursery had a great time jumnping a splashing in the rain this week and when the slide got extra slippery from the rain drops the children loved sliding down it at super speed! They then got even wetter and explored the water tray. We added some small pipettes and the children pinched the top to sqeeeze water in and then squeezed them again to let the water out. The children counted how many drops it took to fill containers and how many sqeezes to fill the pipette. 

Year 3- Ballet!

Date: 21st Sep 2023 @ 2:58pm

In PE, we have been visited by the Royal Ballet school. We learnt how to do a reverence and how to move around the space. The children enjoyed listening to the live music and performing in front of others.

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