Physical Education: Blog items

Year 2 - PE - Dance

Date: 21st Sep 2023 @ 1:51pm

For one of our PE units this half term, we have been developing our dance skills.  We have linked this dance with our current class novel, Fantastic Mr Fox.  We have been thinking about how a fox might move and how we can show emotion through movement.  We worked in small groups to put together a short motif that showed Mr Fox and his family digging, listening and moving.

Year 1 Target Games

Date: 19th Sep 2023 @ 5:22pm

In PE this week we have been answering the question, how do I roll a ball at a target? We have focused on rolling different objects and thought about how we could roll things faster and slower. We took part in four different games to help us practise our rolling skills. 

Nursery Listen Carefully

Date: 14th Sep 2023 @ 12:13pm

Nursery are going to be using the dance studio every week to practise their listening skills. They will be doing this by learning some instructional games. So far we have learnt the "Stop and Go" game and the "Bean Game!"! We have learnt two beans this week - jumping bean and jelly bean! 

Year 4 - Rugby

Date: 8th Sep 2023 @ 3:55pm

This week we started our 7 weeks with Wigan Warriors. We learned to tig each other and run with the ball.

Year 5 - Forest School

Date: 7th Sep 2023 @ 3:01pm

This week, the children in year 5 have had the first of their three summer Forest School lessons. After exploring the wild area and picking all of the fruit from the trees, pupils worked together to build dens, clear the pond area and find small animals that have moved in over the summer. Pupils had a great time and can't wait until next week!

Year 6 - Introduction to tennis

Date: 4th Sep 2023 @ 7:35pm

Today might have been our first day back but we got straight back to it and even got to begin our net and wall unit with a brief introduction to tennis. We learned how to hold our rackets properly and how to control the ball with the racket. We also progressed to sending and receiving accurate passes to our partner. 

Year 5 - PGL mixed photos

Date: 11th Jul 2023 @ 5:35pm

Year 5 - PGL day 3

Date: 11th Jul 2023 @ 5:12pm

Year 5 - PGL 2

Date: 11th Jul 2023 @ 5:09pm

Year 5 - PGL Day 1

Date: 11th Jul 2023 @ 7:23am

Reception Music and PE

Date: 7th Jul 2023 @ 9:18am

Over the last few weeks we have been combining lots of movement into our Music Session and doing some dances to accompany the songs we have been learning. For World Music Day we learned the song Sanibonani from the Zulu Language which means 'Hello Good Day'. We talked about the African Jungle and selected jungle animals to dance in the style of to create our own dance routine. We started to sing some Seaside songs in preparation for our trip to the beach and acted like pirates! We have had lots of fun learning the lyrics and describing how the songs make us feel. 

Year 6 - Wheelchair rugby

Date: 3rd Jul 2023 @ 9:23pm

During 'Health Week', Year 6 got to experience a brand new sport - wheelchair rugby. We all got to use a specially made wheelchair - these chairs have wheels that are titlted for speed and the front of the chair has a crash bar for when the wheelchairs bang into each other. We picked up quickly how to manoeuvre the chairs and how to bang into one another. As the session progressed, we learned how to take part in small team games, which included passing a rugby ball between players. We had a great time and left with an appreciation of how demanding the sport is!

Wheelchair Rugby 2023

Date: 3rd Jul 2023 @ 4:42pm

Health Week

Year 5 and 6 enjoyed spending time with coaches from Wigan Warriors who showed our pupils how to play wheelchair rugby. Pupils learnt how to control the wheelchairs and took part in a number of activities and drills before playing small sided games. Pupils also got the opportunity to ask coaches questions about the sport and how the sport came about.

Year 5 - Wheelchair Rugby

Date: 30th Jun 2023 @ 4:58pm

Year 5 have had an exciting end to Health Week. This afternoon, pupils were given the opportunity to experience wheelchair rugby. Coaches from Wigan Warriors came to explain the rules and give us some tips. Moving the wheelchairs was hard at first but week soon got the hang of it. The sport is very fast, frantic and most of all fun!

YEAR 5 - School Nurse Visit

Date: 30th Jun 2023 @ 10:06am

Today, pupils in year 5 were visited by the school nurse. We learned about healthy eating and what different food groups provide for our bodies to use. Pupils then carried out an activity to investigate how much sugar was in some of their favourite snacks. 4g of sugar is equivalent to 1 tea spoon - the amount of sugar in some of the snacks was shocking. Pupils were surprised to find out how much sugar was in fruit juices and milkshakes... and even in flavoured water!

Year 5 - Sports Day 2023

Date: 30th Jun 2023 @ 9:59am

Year 5 had a great morning at Aspire Academy for their sports day. They took part in a range of events from sprinting to javelin. All of the children displayed great teamworking and sportsmanship skills and had a great time. A huge 'thank you' to Mrs Webster and Mr Perkins for organising the event, to the pupils from Aspire who helped to run each activity and to all the parents who came to support the pupils.

Reception Yoga Workshop

Date: 29th Jun 2023 @ 8:54pm

As part of our health we activities the children in Reception took part in a Yoga workshop with Miss Sophie. During the session we focused on our breathing ensuring we were calm and relaxed. We recapped lots of different yoga poses including the cat, the dog and a bridge.  The children demonstrated excellent concentration and listening throughout.  Well done! 


Nursery Health Week

Date: 29th Jun 2023 @ 8:52pm

Nursery had a super time taking part in Health Week and learnt lots of ways to keep our bodies healthy. We tried a different type of exercise each day including Yoga and a Joe Wicks work out - that one made our thighs hurt! We talked about healthy and unhealthy foods and sorted them in to two groups. The children also enjoyed tasting some new fruits. Pinapple, mango and pomegranate were a big hit! We all felt super fit and healthy by the end of the week. 

Year 2 Health Week

Date: 29th Jun 2023 @ 4:09pm

Today we finished our health week activities with a double dose of health. First, the school nurses visited us and taught us about the eatwell plate; after she read us a story about eating the different food groups, we sorted some items into the correct parts of a plate remembering we need to eat the most fruit and vegetables. She even challenged us to create rainbow plates with our meals. 

Next, we had a yoga session with Miss Sophie where we focused on our breathing ensuring we were calm and relaxed. Miss Sophie recapped lots of our poses and we enjoyed trying to recreate them. 

We have thoroughly enjoyed all our health week activities and we will remember all the ways we can keep ourselves healthy and the importance of it. 

Year 6 - Sports Day

Date: 29th Jun 2023 @ 2:51pm

Year 6 had a great morning at Aspire Academy for their sports day. They took part in a range of events from sprinting to javelin. All of the children displayed great teamworking and sportsmanship skills and had a great time. We are very proud of everyone for taking part.

Year 4 - Health Week !

Date: 29th Jun 2023 @ 2:42pm

What a fantastic Health Week in Year 4! Such a busy week. On Tuesday, we took part in a Dance workshop. On Wednesday, we welcomed parents and carers in for 'Together Time' and we showed what we have learned this year about healthy eating. Later on Wednesday, we realyl relaxed and took part in a Yoga session. It was so nice to be calm and chilled. Our Health Week was then topped off by a fantastic Sports Day at Aspire. The children tried so hard and participated brilliantly. 

Year 1 Health Week

Date: 28th Jun 2023 @ 7:03pm

This week Year 1 have taken part in lots of different activities for Health Week, including a yoga workshop, a dance workshop and a visit from our school nurse. We have enjoyed taking the oppourtunity to learn new skills and to take part in these different experiences.

Year 2 Rugby Workshop

Date: 28th Jun 2023 @ 7:32am

Yesterday, Year 2 were grateful to have a workshop with Tom from Wigan Warriors. Tom did a stuck in the mud themed warm up which taught us how to hold a rugby ball correctly to ensure an opponent cannot knock it out of our hands before we learnt how to score a tri. In teams, we had to run across the hall and get passed the tri line and tap the ball on a cone to take it back to our team in the style of a relay; to make it more challenging, Tom added some defenders who tried to stop the attackers getting to the tri line. We really enjoyed the activity and we are looking forward to our other activities still to come as part of Health Week.

Year 2 Dance Workshop

Date: 26th Jun 2023 @ 2:42pm

Today, to begin Health Week, Year 2 were lucky to have a dance teacher come into School and give us a dance workshop. After completing a fun warm up, we learnt a few basic cha cha steps which could be encorporated into our showcase dance. The teacher introduced our song and set the scene that we were completing a dance that showcases our pride, strength and self-belief. We learnt the timings to a cha cha and then learnt some steps for a paso doble styled dance as it is a powerful dance and that was what we wanted to showcase. We practised the steps lots to the music- I'm a Survivor, trying to remain in time and did a final performance at the end of the workshop. Everyone really enjoyed it and tried their best to get into character. We are looking forward to the rest of health week!

Year 6 - Handball

Date: 19th Jun 2023 @ 12:08pm

Year 6 had a brilliant second session of Handball with Mr. Williams. We focused on the skills needed to play the game including how to throw and receive accurately and the importance of finding space on the pitch. All the children worked extemely hard and displayed excellent teamwork and sportsmanship in today's lesson.

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