Physical Education: Blog items
Date: 17th Nov 2020 @ 8:06pm
In PE this half term we have started gymnastics, focussing on balancing and spinning on points. We have been learning how to perform controlled spins, supporting our body weight in symmetrical balances, and spinning on apparatus.
We initially discussed what is a spin and what parts of our bodies we can spin on. We practised spinning on our front, side, back, and bottom in symmetrical shapes. We really focussed on performing with control and imagination! After we perfected three spins we then added a balance in between each spin. We had to try and hold our balances for 5 seconds each!
We are going to be practising and perfecting our sequence over the next couple of weeks! We will then be working on peer assessment of each others performances, observing and giving feedback to refine our sequences and performance.
Date: 12th Nov 2020 @ 8:47pm
In our PE session today, we had a great time learning and developing our team-building skills where we had to work on our communication and listening skills. Today's task was to pair up, sit back-to-back and one of us to draw a picture without our partner seeing. We then had to describe what we had drawn to our partner so they could attempt to draw the same. I know what you're thinking, 'You could just tell them what you have drawn!' But, it wasn't as simple as that. We could only describe it in shapes, sizes and position. After that, we teamed up in groups of 4 where 2 people held a mat between two others. The ones on each side of the mat, had to choose a person between them to strike a pose. The two holding the mat, had to describe to the other how the person was positioned. Once they were in position (and it was a mirror of the other person) the mat was removed to reveal them. Were they the same? Did they communicate and listen effectively? On the whole, we did extremely well and we can't wait to see what our next OAA session has in store for us!
Date: 5th Nov 2020 @ 4:15pm
Today in PE we took part in an orienteering competition. Spread across the MUGA were 12 posts with a letter attached to each one. In groups of four, we had to work through 8 different routes and write down the letters that we came to on each route. We were timed to see how long it took us to complete all 8 routes. The winning team did it in a time of 12 mins 23 seconds. All of Blackpool schools completed the same course and there will be an overall winner. Stay tuned to see if it was us!!
Dance and Art - We're Bright Sparks!
Date: 4th Nov 2020 @ 8:53pm
Welcome back to Autumn 2 in Year 3. This week we have started learning about Artists Georges Seurat and Henri Rousseau, we looked at their paintings and added comments about colour, form, texture and shapes. We expressed our likes and dislikes. We also started our first Dance unit, Dance around the world. It was great to talk about all the different styles of dance we knew and then we began to create a 32 beat motif based on 3 different dance styles, African, Indian and Street Dance. We had to keep in time to the beat and it was tricky, but a good first week.
We also listened to the Fire Service Bright Sparks assembly and talked about how to stay safe around Bonfire Night. Our top tip is to hold a sparkler in a carrot or cucumber!
Date: 4th Nov 2020 @ 10:04am
Platform pupils had a fantastic time in our Boundary Forest School.
We really enjoyed splashing in the muddy puddles!
We showed our great teamwork skills building a den and created a picture of a person out of sticks.
Date: 23rd Oct 2020 @ 1:30pm
This week, we ended the half term and October in school by celebrating Black History Month. The children learnt all about what Black History Month is and why is it important to learn all about it. We looked at many black men and women who have had amazing achievements; including Ruby Bridges (ask your child/ren who she is and why she had such a brilliant achievement). After we learnt all about what Black History Month is, we focused on the sporting achievements of black men and women. Firstly, we looked at the achievements of American black men and women. For example, the Williams sisters and Barack Obama. Then we focused on British black men and women and their incredible sporting achievements. For example, Marcus Rashford, Jessica Ennis Hill and Dame Kelly Holmes. On Friday afternoon, we went to the Dance Studio and had a look at the black post boxes which each year group had created about their Black History Month learning. Then we went back to class and watched the videos each year group made.
Date: 20th Oct 2020 @ 9:07pm
The children in Reception have been having a great time riding the new balance bikes and scooting around on the scooters. They have also been enjoying climbing up the slide (three points of contact at all times!) and then sliding straight back down again! At all times, they took care when moving freely and loved being active and energetic!
Date: 8th Oct 2020 @ 7:55pm
This half term our PE unit has been OAA (Outdoor Adventurous Activities). The main focus has been working together as a team. Today we took part in several activities that required us to work together as a team and communicate so that the team succeeded. The main part of the lesson was a game called 'Crossing the Swamp'. For this, we had to move the entire team from one end of the hall to the other by only using hoops to stand in. We had to make sure that everyone was playing their part and moving the hoops carefully down the team to put at the front so that we could all get across quickly.
Date: 17th Oct 2020 @ 8:49am
This week in PE, it was all about the teamwork. We learned about how to effectively communicate to solve problems and discussed the qualities of a good team player. We talked about how effective communication can make tasks easier and learned that mutual respect and tolerance of other people's opinions was important.
Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 2:22pm
In PE this half term, we have been doing Orienteering (OAA). We have been doing a lot of work on team building skills for most of the half term and we have also looked at map skills. Today, we put all the things we have learned to the test. In pairs, the children received a map of the KS2 playground with A-R on. At each letter, there was a a times table question or a map symbol. The children had to navigate the map and make sure they were holding it the correct way round (tricky at times!!), then they had to write down what they found at each letter. They all worked very hard in their pairs and some pairs even helped others out once they finished.
Date: 26th Sep 2020 @ 7:23pm
In PE this half term we are exploring dance through the theme of animals. We have focussed on creating and developing simple movement patterns, moving safely and creatively in space and using different types of travel and levels.
We began by developing our fundamental skills (hopping, skipping, jumping and balancing) to create patterns to music, focussing on freezing in an animal pose when the music stopped. We used examples such as, lion, crouching low with sharp claws, giraffe, standing tall, and snake, flat to the ground, sliding in wiggly shapes. We talked about various animals from around the world, discussing what our favourite animals and are how do these animals move.
We have continued to focus on our agility, balance and coordination to develop 16 counts of motif, using whole group ideas whilst focussing on timing and unison. The children are continuing to develop and perform their dances over the next couple of weeks!
Date: 23rd Sep 2020 @ 4:34pm
Over the last few weeks we have been trying to improve our fitness using different exercises. This week we did some running, star jumps, planks and ab crunches. It was hard and very tiring, but we are trying to challenge ourselves every week to do a little be more and show great determination and resilience. We learnt how important it is to rehydrate after we have done exercise.
Date: 18th Sep 2020 @ 2:37pm
This week in Maple and Laurel, we have continued our drawing journeys. We have been able to practise with different grades of pencils. We practised hatching, cross-hatching, stippling, coutouring and random hatching.
In Reading in to Writing we started our next journey all about non-chronological reports. See if you can find some examples at home and tell us about them next week.
In PE, we continued with our teamwork skills. The children had to get their rafts from one side of the hall to the other without falling in the 'water'. This meant that the children had to talk to each other calmly and make sure everyone was included. If they fell in the 'water' they had to start all over again. By the end of the lesson, the children were very competitive because they had to get their 'pot of gold' back as quick as possible. It was lots of fun.
Date: 11th Sep 2020 @ 4:46pm
On Tuesday, we had our first PE lesson. First, we practised our throwing and catching skills. We then worked on our aim to try and shoot our basketballs into the hoops.
Fantastic first full week back
Date: 11th Sep 2020 @ 2:07pm
We have had a fantastic first full week back. Year 4 have settled brilliantly back into school and are following the new rules well. This week we started our Art journey. We are learning all about drawing. We have had a look the drawings and styles of EH Shepard and Howard Brodie. This week we have had the chance to look at all the different grades of pencils and 8 elements of lines.
In PE, we will be doing Orienteering this half term. This week, we did some teamwork skills and starting to look at the Ordnance Survey Map symbols.
Date: 15th Mar 2020 @ 7:52pm
It's Game On!!!! On Friday 13th March we all celebrated Sports Relief and helped raise money by coming into school in our sports gear. During the day we participated in several GoNoodle Zumba sessions. In the afternoon, we joined Mr. Willetts on the MUGA for a number of different activities that included:
- Netball
- Hockey
- Dodgeball.
At the end of the sessions, the Year 6 staff took on the whole of Year 6 in a mass dodgeball competition. The staff did as well as they could but when the numbers were 5:54 it was always going to be the children who ended the victors!!! We all had a great day.
Date: 15th Mar 2020 @ 7:40pm
Children had a great Sport Relief. They were all allowed to come into school in their sports wear and they were involved in different sporting activities throughout the day. We were also lucky in Fern class as we had a special talk from Mrs Cooper on her journey through martial arts. Mrs C said how it is a sport which focusses on strength and agility. We wouldn't want to mess with her!
Date: 13th Mar 2020 @ 5:12pm
Today, we made the most of the nice weather and explored the playground and play equipment with our afternoon Nursery children. We started off by playing different circle games, practising rolling the ball and following instructions to play each game. We then started to move around the area, walking, jumping, skipping, running and even hopping! After we had warmed up we each had a turn on the equipment. We all had to wait patiently, as balancing on the beams was quite tricky, so a lot of us needed help from our teachers! We all travelled up and across the ramp, across the chains, and back down the ramp before having a well deserved rest at the end! We all enjoyed exploring the equipment and didn't want to come back in to Nursery for home time!
Date: 13th Feb 2020 @ 1:00pm
The adults from Fit 2 Go have visited us in Nursery for the past few weeks. This week we talked about the importance of having a balanced and healthy diet, and what can happen if we don't. We firstly had to 'brush our teeth,' using a laminated set of teeth and a whiteboard pen, we had to draw the plaque onto our teeth, before cleaning it all off again! We had to make sure we went in between each tooth so that they were clean, shiny and bright! We then had two pictures of two very different teeth. One was a happy tooth, and we had to make sure we fed it healthy foods to keep it happy and healthy. The other picture was an unhappy tooth, who showed us what our teeth may be like if we choose to eat lots of sugary foods and don't clean our teeth enough! We then took part in some active exercise to finish off the session, working on our teamwork and balance skills!
Date: 23rd Jan 2020 @ 4:23pm
In our dance lesson today we revisited the types of gestures we would display before and during an exam: tapping head, yawning, stretching, looking at our watch and thinking. We enjoyed joining all of our movements together where we did them in unison and we contributed to adding a sequence in canon too, which looked extremely effective.
Date: 17th Jan 2020 @ 12:41pm
This week in Fit 2 Go Year 4 have been learning about the Eat Well Plate and the different food groups. They discussed the purpose of each food group and why a balanced diet is so important. Using this knowledge the children were able to plan a day of healthy meals and snack for themselves.
Fit 2 Go Making Healthy Choices
Date: 16th Jan 2020 @ 9:16am
Every Friday this half term Blackpool FC will be working with Year 4 children and helping them learn about Healthy Lifestyles. In our first week of Fit 2 Go we have been learning about Healthy Choice sand what it means to lead a Healthy Lifestyle. We also enjoyed taking part in dance activities, which helped us to develop our rhythm and coordination.We are looking forward to week 2!
Date: 15th Nov 2019 @ 3:32pm
We showed some fantastic teamwork this afternoon... we put the target boards ready for our Archery PE lesson.
Date: 28th Nov 2019 @ 2:16pm
Our Year 1&2 Children got to take part in the KS1 Blackpool Schools Athletics Festival at Stanley Park Sports centre. Our pupils got the chance to participate in all the events our KS2 Children do, when competing at the Blackpool School Games Athletics Finals.
We had a fantastic morning out of school and our children did not stop smiling through out the Festival. We definitely have some future Athletes who will be competing and representing our school when their time comes around.
Well done to all involved!
Date: 28th Nov 2019 @ 1:33pm
Our Year 5&6 Basketball Team participated in the Blackpool Schools Youth Games Basketball Festival which took place at Blackpool Sixth College. They were coached by Blackpool Sixth Forms 1st Team Basketball Coach and Players to learn more about the sport and enhance their own skills and performance. As their training session came to an end with the 1st team coach and players, the team then got the chance to compete in a tournament against other Blackpool Schools. Our Team finished 2nd in the group with 1 win and 1 loss, which unfortunately was not enough to qualify for the final. However our team were brilliant. WELL DONE TEAM!