Physical Education: Blog items

Nursery Billy's Bucket

Date: 16th Jun 2022 @ 5:04pm

This week we have been reading the story "Billy's Bucket" By Kes Gray all about a little boy who wants a bucket for his birthday. It's no ordinary bucket though, Billy's bucket is special as he can see lots of sea creatures when he looks inside! The chidlren were brilliant at recalling parts of the story and by the end of the week they were telling the story without the book. The activities in continous provison were all based around the story and included matching numerals to the correct bucket, theading tentacles on to jelly fish, designing a bucket and creating some transient art to show what they would see in their bucket. 

Year 6 An Introduction to Cricket

Date: 14th Jun 2022 @ 9:46am

This week, Year 6 have started their new PE unit of cricket, which is the perfect game for summer. Mr. Williams led a session with the children, which focused on the skills of throwing and catching. Through various games, the children learned how to accurately throw under arm.

Year 6 Healthy Bodies

Date: 25th May 2022 @ 4:45pm

Year 6 have continued their science unit about the human body by learning about how to stay healthy. We considered the impact of poor diet on our bodies, how important different types of exercise are and learned about the difference between drugs and medicine. We looked at different diary sheets and discussed the lifestyles of two individuals. We then made recommendations. about how they could change their lifestyles to become healthier. 

Year 3- Graceful Gymnasts!

Date: 23rd May 2022 @ 4:46pm

Over the half term we have been working on our gymnastics skills. We have focussed on spins, balances and forward rolls. As part of our journey we have created our routines and focussed on being symmetrical and asymmetrical. We worked on strengthening our core in order to balance well. 

Year 3 DT day!

Date: 20th May 2022 @ 8:08am

In Year Three we had a Design Technology day where we designed, made and evaluated fruit kebabs to make a healthy snack. This involved tasting a range of pre-existing products including pineapple, mango, cantaloupe melon, watermelon and pomegranate seeds. We rated them on taste, smell and appearance. This then led to use designing our own fruit kebab and even considered how to stay safe in a kitchen. Finally we were able to make and eat our healthy snacks!

Year 4 Fit to Go visit Bloomfield Road

Date: 20th May 2022 @ 7:50am

On Wednesday , Year 4 took part in the Fit 2 Go Festival. They spent the morning completing a variety of team based games. The children got the chance to complete  a fitness circuit at the side of the pitch at Bloomfield Road. Year 4 were also very lucky as they got the chance to got behind the scene at Blackpool Football Club and sit in the home teams dressing room.

Year 5 Bikeability

Date: 11th May 2022 @ 8:24am

Some of our Year 5 children  have worked very hard over the last two days to achieve their level 2 award. They have demonstrated many of our Boundary Characteristics while completing all of their assessments. They learnt about bike maintenance and road safety

Year 1 Fancy Footwork!

Date: 10th May 2022 @ 7:30pm

In PE this half term our learning is all about object manipulation. During our first two weeks we have been practising dribbling with a football, trapping a ball with our feet and turning with a ball. We have joined in with lots of games to practise these skills, using our prior knowledge of spatial awareness and finding the spaces within an area. We have enjoyed using the footballs to travel with a ball with confidence and skill.

Year 2 Invasion Games

Date: 5th May 2022 @ 4:06pm

This half term Year Two are practicing skills needed to play invasion games. This week we explored chest passes, under arm throwing and over arm throwing to accurately throw a ball and have our partner catch it. We worked on throwing different distances as we got more confident and adjusting which pass we used to ensure it had enough power to reach our partner. To the end the session, we played a game of Ghostbusters where people in bibs were trying to intercept the ball of the children who were 'ghosts' and throwing the balls to their partners. We really had to think hard about the passes used and the distance we were throwing to make sure the alien didn't intercept our ball. 

Nursery: Cor! What a Whopper!

Date: 4th May 2022 @ 8:22pm

This week nursery have continued to find out about growth and change. We have been keeping a close eye on our tiny caterpillars and they're not so tiny anymore! Infact, they're getting rather big! As well as watching the caterpillars grow, the children have also been planting seeds. We started with cress seeds and will be moving on to sunflower seeds later in the week! We have been talking about looking after the seeds and that we have to make sure we keep them watered to help them grow. We have also been using different types of bricks to build the tallest bean stalk and practising matching numeral and quantity using seeds. 

Year 5 Gymnastics - Matching and Mirroring

Date: 4th May 2022 @ 4:55pm

One of Year 5's unit for PE this half-term is gymnastics where we are focusing on matching and mirroring. So far on our learning journey, we have investigated different ways to move our body and practise mirroring our partner whilst doing so. Further to this, we started to practise different types of roles across the floor. We have looked at pencil rolls, barrel roles and teddy bear rolls. 

As a class, we really need to work on our balance and control of our bodies. To help improve this, we will be doing lots of short-burst activities throughout the week to prepare for the PE lessons. 


Date: 4th May 2022 @ 4:48pm

This half term in Year 4 in our PE lessons we are focussing on Cricket. We started off with a really good warm up, working on our hand-eye coordination, teamwork and communication skills. We then moved on to a bit of throwing and catching practice in our pairs and finished off with some batting and bowling practice. A fantastic introduction to cricket and our Year 4s loved it!

Year 6 Introduction to netball

Date: 29th Apr 2022 @ 4:14pm

Today we started our new PE topic of netball. The children have done netball in Year 5 so we had a recap on the different types of throws and passes. We looked at how to accurately use chest pass, shoulder pass and bounce pass to get the ball to our partners. 

Year 6 Street Dance

Date: 25th Apr 2022 @ 4:33pm

Year 6 had a great first lesson learning street dance moves and putting them into a short routine. All the children participated really well, even those who were initially reluctant. We look forward to learning more in the coming weeks. 

Year 6 Jolly hockey sticks!

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 8:46pm

For the first time in a long time, the sun was shining today on our PE session. We are half way through our hockey unit and we are getting much better at moving and passing the ball. We have learned how to perform the Indian dribble and a jab tackle. Today we tried our hand at accurate shooting and then got involved in a competitive 1v1 game called quicksticks. The progress is clear to see and some of us almost managed to beat Mrs. Hamilton. Almost!

Year 4 Orienteering

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 9:31am

This half term in PE we are orienteering! We have had a fantastic time so far learning how to read and follow instructions to achieve an end goal, worked really well in pairs and groups to remember different codes to feedback to the teachers, enjoyed the outdoors and got in a good bit of exercise! Year 4 are really looking forwrad to seeing how this develops in the coming weeks and eventually moving onto reading maps!

Getting Active!

Date: 16th Mar 2022 @ 10:20pm

In December, Mrs Webster asked the School Council if they had any ideas as to how they could help get children more active at playtimes by improving their KS1 playground. 

Each school councillor went back to their class for ideas, these were then given to Mrs Webster, and the result was- well take a look for yourselves! 

"I love playing snakes and ladders!" 

"You take turns throwing the ball to each other- it keeps you fit!" 

"Hopping and jumping and running can keep you healthy"

Year 3 Tackling Tag Rugby!

Date: 16th Mar 2022 @ 12:53pm

In P.E this half term Year Three have been learning about Tag Rugby.  We have played a variety of tag games with the tagging belts and worked on dodging skills including changing speed and direction. We have started learning about how to hold and pass the ball accurately. We have looked at how we work with others to ensure we are passing and taggign sfaely.We are now looking forward to using these skills in game situations. 

Year 2 George's Marvelous Dancing

Date: 15th Mar 2022 @ 2:35pm

This half term in PE, Year 2 are focusing on Dance. We begun the half term by linking our dance to our Science topic Electricity and did lots of work moving our bodies as if it was full of Electricity. Now we have developed the confidence to move our bodies creatively we have begun to create a dance based on our class novel 'George's Marvellous Medicine.' First we created a bank of adjectives to describe George and Granny before acting these out and adding movement to it; then we got out some different resources and using their magical powers controlling us before we added them to our potions. We are impressed with the children's determination and team work skills and cannot wait to see the final performance.

Year 5 School Games Winners!

Date: 9th Mar 2022 @ 12:29pm

Congratulations to our Year 5 Multi Skills team who were voted the best team after showing all the characteristics of the schools games at the Year 5 Multi Skills Festival.
Well deserved winners, who will now get the chance to represent Team Blackpool at the Lancashire School Games
Well done team Boundary.

Year 5 Handball!

Date: 2nd Mar 2022 @ 5:31pm

In PE we are currently learning how to play the brilliant game of handball. The game is very fast-paced and action packed, so the children need to have good speed, strength and stamina. We have been developing our throwing and catching skills and learning the rules of the sport. The pupils have to work as a team to breakdown defenses and create spaces in attack to score goals. 

Year 4 Fit 2 Go

Date: 20th Feb 2022 @ 4:35pm

Last half term Year 4 had weekly visits from Blackpool FC and had an amazing time on the Fit 2 Go initiative! Some fantastic games that were not only fun, but really raised our pulses and incorporated a lot of teamwork and problem solving. We also learned so much from our theory sessions which were all about how we can keep both our body and our minds healthy. A huge thank you to Blackpool FC, we had an amazing time and learned so much in the process!

Nursery Tuff Trays

Date: 8th Feb 2022 @ 5:14pm

We love a good Tuff Tray activity in nursery! Tuff trays are great for setting up a range of activities and the great thing is that they cover so many areas of learning. This week we have made potions in one of our outdoor trays. This provided some great opportunites for the children including exploring colour mixing, capacity, counting, developing communication and langauge skills and fine motor skills. It was also great for social skills as the children had to negotiate and take turns with the equipment. As the activity was open eneded, the children explored things further by pouring their potions down some pipes. They loved to see what happened when the coloured water hit the tray at the bottom! 

Reception Meet Danny Determination

Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 5:19pm

This week the children were introduced to the characteristic monster Danny Determination. Danny Determination taught us that you have to keep on trying and not give up no matter how hard it might be. Children showed determination with their phonics, writing and maths- even using the new sports equipment outside.

Take a look at how determined we are in Reception! 

Year 6 Gymnastic Routines

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 7:07pm

This week in our gymnastic session, we have continued to focus on balances and counter balances. We learned how to do several rolls, including a log roll and the teddy bear roll. We then combined the rolls with balances to create a short routine. Finally, included apparatus in our routines. 

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust