Religious Education (RE): Blog items

Church Army evangelist, Captain Matthew Rowley

Date: 4th Dec 2019 @ 8:28pm

In RE we have been learning about Christianity, God, prayer and the church. We know that most "Christians pray to God so they can talk to God", that "Christians believe God loves everyone" and that "the church is a special place for Christians". To extend our knowledge and learning even further we decided to ask Church Army evangelist, Captain Matthew Rowley to come in and talk to us. We had lots of questions we wanted to ask him and we knew he would have lots of things to tell us about Christianity and prayer. 

Reception visit St Marks

Date: 15th Oct 2019 @ 7:34pm

Today Reception enjoyed a visit to St Mark's Church as part of our RE curriculum question 'What places are special in our community?'.  The children were very excited to travel to the mini bus and meet Rev'red Peter.  When we got to the church Peter showed the children all the different places in the church including the alter, the font and the pulpit.  He talked to the children about the different things the church does to help the community as well as reason why it is a special place to Christians.  The children then reflected of different places that are special to them.  Here are some of the things the children said.

"My nana's house is special because she looks after me there and we do nice things together" Albie.

"This is a special place.  My mummy and daddy got married here.  We have a picture of it up" Megan.

"Church is special to me.  I go with my brother Chidera:" Chisom

"My house is special because my mummy looks after me there" Kyril

"I go to special places with Rosie.  We always have fun" Jazmine 

The One Where Year 6 Go To Church!

Date: 14th Oct 2019 @ 8:34pm

Year 6 ended their R.E. unit of work with a visit to St.Mark's Church.  The Vicar and Matt (Church Army) answered the children's questions all about life as a Christian and Baptism.  

The One Where Year 6 Teach Year 1!

Date: 4th Oct 2019 @ 12:18pm

This morning, Year 6 planned and taught an R.E. lesson to Year 1 all about Baptism. By the end of the lesson, the children could describe what happens during a baptism service in church, name the special objects needed for a baptism and explain why it is an important ceremony for Christians.

Sikh workshop

Date: 5th Jul 2019 @ 8:30am

Children have been lucky to have the experience of a Sikh workshop. It brought the faith to life through re-enactment of traditional stories, dressing up and dancing. The hands on approach through drama created fun and enjoyment through learning about a different faith. 

Why do some people get Baptised? We went and found out!

Date: 4th Jul 2019 @ 8:13pm

Why do people get baptised? ... This was a question which arose during an RE lesson, so we decided to go and find out. What better way than visit the church ourselves.

We visited St.Marks church in Layton and learnt about why a church is an important place for Christians. Reverent Hannah showed us what happens when a someone gets baptised and some of the reasons why people choose to do this. People get baptised so they can belong to Gods family and be loved, protected and cared for. We also learnt about holly communion, the giving and receiving of bread and wine, and what the word belonging means to ourselves and to Christians and why it is so important.  

All About Judaism

Date: 3rd Jul 2019 @ 8:24am

Year 5 have been learning about Judaism during this half-term. At the beginning of the topic they explored the reasons why we have rules and ranked the Boundary Promises in order of importance. Through drama, the children imagined what school would be like without any rules.  Moving back to Judaism, they researched the religion and produced a fact file showing some of the features.  The main focus of the unit was the Torah.  In pairs, the children have produced PowerPoint slides and presented their information all about the Torah. The children have been able to their new learning to other religions and their own lives. 

Learning about Sikhism

Date: 20th Jun 2019 @ 9:36am

This week, DJ Kash came to visit us to tell us all about her religion of Sikhism. She led an assembly on Monday morning and we then we took part in a class workshop. This involved DJ Kash telling us more about Sikhism and her way of life. We finished it off with some 'Bollywood' dancing.

Culture and Diversity

Date: 19th Jun 2019 @ 3:45pm

We have been lucky to have  DJ Cash visit our school this week, who is a Sikh lady. She brought lots of artefacts for us to look at and discuss and we took part in a dance workshop celebrating the culture and beginning to understand about Sikhism. We all enjoyed the dancing after our mock wedding ceremony. We listened and learnt about the 10 Sikh Gurus, learnt about the holy book and we talked about how Sikhs are peaceful, tolerant and forgiving people, with three core values: Pray to God, you have to work and share with those less fortunate. 

Hindu Zoom!

Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 2:26pm

Today, we welcomed Hindu visitors (via Zoom!) to Year 6.

They started their talk about being a Hindu in general; they explained about the different types of Hindus, prayer, chants and the special clothes they sometimes wear.  

They explained the 4 Ashramas and the stage they are currently in.  The main focus was their belief in reincarnation and karma and how this has an impact on the choices and actions they makes in life.

Religious Education; a summary of our learning so far

Date: 15th Dec 2020 @ 2:27pm

At Boundary, our curious and tolerant children have had a busy few weeks learning lots about different religions and we can’t wait to share what we have done…

Reception have been busy learning about the Christmas story and filming our nativity in their outdoor area. They loved dressing up and re-enacting the nativity play.

This half term in Year 1 for RE, the children have been learning all about Jesus and the Christmas Story.  They have learnt about the roles of a family and why babies are special. They have read the Christmas Story and then ordered the events.  This week, they worked together in groups, to sort out Christmas cards into ones with a religious meaning and ones without.

Year 2 having been exploring the question…

Why do Christians say that Jesus is the ‘Light of the World’?

They children have learnt about how lights are used by Christians in celebration and to mark special events, what advent means and how they can be a light to other people!

Year 3 have been learning about Islam and who Muslims follow. They have learnt about the characteristics that the prophet Mohammed showed and how Muslims can be charitable. The children have reflected on this and how they can apply it to the role models in our lives.

In Year 4, they have been learning about Christianity and how Christians show love to everyone. The children have done this by looking at parables such as The Good Samaritan and The Unforgiving Servant. These parables have told them that it is important to ‘Love thy neighbour’ and treat everyone around them with care and respect.

This term in Year 5 they have been learning about Islam. They looked at Ramadan, The 5 Pillars of Islam, The Holy Qur’an and Hajj.

The Holy book of Islam is the Qur’an, Muslims clean themselves in water that has been blessed, before they hold it. – Lacey-Morgan

The pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) is one of the five pillars of Islam and Muslims must do it at least once in their life if they are physically capable of it. Ihram is the name given to the special spiritual state in which pilgrims wear two white sheets of seamless cloth during their pilgrimage. – Myles

Year 6 children have been learning about the Hindu belief in reincarnation, karma and the 4 Ashramas (stages of life). The children have reflected on the milestones they have achieved in their lives already and possible future ones.


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Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust