Reception visit St Marks

Date: 15th Oct 2019 @ 7:34pm

Today Reception enjoyed a visit to St Mark's Church as part of our RE curriculum question 'What places are special in our community?'.  The children were very excited to travel to the mini bus and meet Rev'red Peter.  When we got to the church Peter showed the children all the different places in the church including the alter, the font and the pulpit.  He talked to the children about the different things the church does to help the community as well as reason why it is a special place to Christians.  The children then reflected of different places that are special to them.  Here are some of the things the children said.

"My nana's house is special because she looks after me there and we do nice things together" Albie.

"This is a special place.  My mummy and daddy got married here.  We have a picture of it up" Megan.

"Church is special to me.  I go with my brother Chidera:" Chisom

"My house is special because my mummy looks after me there" Kyril

"I go to special places with Rosie.  We always have fun" Jazmine 

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