Religious Education (RE): Blog items

Why is family important?

Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 8:38pm

 Today in RE we began by discussing the question ‘Why is family important?’ We talked about what we get from our families, thinking about both emotional and physical needs. We then talked about why babies are so special and listened to the story ‘Bella’s New Baby.’ We explored the fact that babies and both physically and emotionally vulnerable. We recapped on the emotions and roles that family member play/have whilst emphasising that babies are special because they bring love to a family. Finally we discussed what we think would be the greatest gift in the world and discussed the difference of financial value and gifts such as love, family and caring.

Let's Celebrate

Date: 8th Nov 2021 @ 8:21pm

The children in Reception have been busy learning about Diwali the festival of light.  As part of our learning the children and teachers in Reception held a Diwali Celebration Day where the children were invited to dress in bright colours.  Throughout the day we learnt about different Sikh and Hindu Diwali trandtions including making our own Rangoli Patterns to welcome people, making and decorating salt dough diva lamps to put in our houses, learning a Sikh dancel and preparing a sikh desert 'a ladoo'. We also looked at some tradition clothing and had the opportunity to ty them on.  We designed and made Diwali card which we sent to our friends and family.  At the end of the day we had a Diwali celebration in the dance studio where we preformed our dance to Miss Ashton and Miss Moyes.  To close the day we sat in a circle and lit our diva lamps together.  We reflectied on our learning and  thought carefully about the importance of being kind to others ensuring good overcomes evil.  What a fabulous day of learning.  Have a look at some of our pictures!


Let's Celebrate

Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 5:17pm

Nursery had a wonderful time celebrating Diwali. Mrs. Kaur, who works in Reception, came in to to talk to the chidlren about the festival and all the special things she does to celebrate Diwali. The children then made some Diva Lamps, Rangoli Patterns and designed some gorgeous Mehndi patterns. 

Church Army

Date: 14th Oct 2021 @ 11:20am

Jenny and Matt from The Church Army visited one of our RE lessons this half-term. They explained the meaning of ‘Sin’ as anything they ‘think’, ‘say’ or ‘do against God’s law. We discussed what constituted a sin and the meaning of ‘salvation’. Salvation means being saved, rescued from sin and being forgiven. Christians believe salvation from sin was the purpose of Jesus' life, death and resurrection. Thank you to Jenny and Matt for sharing your knowldege and experiences with us. 

No Pens Allowed!

Date: 6th Oct 2021 @ 8:24am

On Tuesday 5th October, alongside the rest of School, Year 2 put all pens and pencils away for the day. This allowed us to concentrate on our listening and communication skills and we all enjoyed lots of valuable discussion. In Reading into Writing, we sorted different letters by their features and tried to help the postman by putting the correct letters back together and in Maths we continued practicing counting in 2's, 5's and 10's by creating number lines. We also re-capped all the things we have learnt so far about Christianity in RE focusing on creation and how the world is changed. Miss Duckworth and Miss Hooson were impressed with the discussions that took place across the day- well done Year 2! 

Christianity - Baptism

Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 6:59pm

This week in RE we learnt about baptism and what it means to Christians. We talked about how a baby being born is a very happy time and some of us shared how we have celebrated this time with our families.  We learnt that baptism is when a baby is welcomed into the Christian faith and the parents and godparents make promises to help the baby. We learnt all about the different parts of the baptism and practiced using lots of new key vocabulary. We then used our new learning to label a picture of a baby being baptized, discussing the symbolism of each feature.

Religious Education so far this year...

Date: 17th Sep 2021 @ 3:22pm

In school, we’ve enjoyed getting back to learning and seeing our friends and new teachers. The past 2 weeks, we’ve been learning lots in RE, from where Christians find guidance to baptisms. We have loved learning about some different stories from the Bible and looking at ourselves and what we’ve achieved that makes us feel proud. Enjoy looking at our fabulous learning!

Religious Education - Love thy neighbour

Date: 17th Sep 2021 @ 12:06pm

We have recently started our RE journey in Year 4. We have been looking at the way Christians live their lives. We discussed what the term moral means. We found out that our Boundary characteristics and promises are closely related to making the right choices. We looked at a variety of scenarios and we discussed what would be the right choice to make.

It's Your Move!

Date: 6th Jul 2021 @ 7:54am

As we're approaching the starting line for our move to high school, we had the pleasure of speaking to Matt and Jen from the Trinity Parish about transitioning from primary school to high school. We had a great discussion about what worries we had and what we were most looking forward to. It was good to discuss and listen to what other people felt about their move to high school! 

Temptation and Sacrifice

Date: 8th Jun 2021 @ 3:43pm

Today in RE the children learned about the temptation and sacrifice. Within the session the children were given various scenarios to discuss in their table groups in which a sacrifice may be needed to resolve an issue. The children came up with great ideas. 

RE - Learning about Christianity

Date: 10th May 2021 @ 4:08pm

We have been learning about Christianity in RE this half term and the old and new testament. We have learnt about the story Noah and his Ark, we have also thought about people in our lives who we look up to and should follow. We had to work as a team for this task to match the words and their definitions. 

Ramadan Workshop

Date: 29th Apr 2021 @ 7:58am

Year 4 had a lovely morning yesterday as they had a virtual visitor. The children completed a workshop on Ramadan as part of their topic question of why do Muslims fast during Ramadan. The children learnt more about why Muslims fast during Ramadan, when Muslims break their fast and the special celebration of Eid.

Reception learn about Vaisakhi and Sikhism

Date: 23rd Apr 2021 @ 8:49pm

This week Reception have been learning about Vaisakhi, a very important Sikh festival which a celebrated everyday year in April.  The festival celebrates Sikh new year and the founding of the Sikh community in 1699.  Miss Kaur brought in come special items from home to share with us and talked to use about how she and her family celebrate this festival together.

We found out the Sikhism originates in India, which is a very long way away.  We were lucky enough to look at Miss Kaur's Granth, her special holy book, which includes scriptures and holy stories related to the Sikh religion.  We also looked at  

Child Initiated Writing

Date: 31st Mar 2021 @ 2:10pm

Today we have been talking about how we celebrate Easter.  The children enjoyed chatting with one another explaining all the lovely things they do with their families and why we celebrate Easter with our families.

"I go on a Easter egg hunt in my garden" Harley-May

"The Easter Bunny comes to my house and bring me chocolate eggs" Arthur

"Jesus dies on the cross and came back to life" Lyra-Rose

"I decorate all my house with my mummy" Ella-Rose.

The children then enjoyed making their own Easter cards at the creative table and writing their own messages to their family and friends.  Have a look at our super writing


There Was A Green Hill Far Away.

Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 4:51pm

This week Reception have been learning about why Christians celebrate Easter. We created a picture of the cross on the hill that Jesus was crucified on. We then placed it in our Celebrations box.

"Jesus died on the cross" Toby.

"Jesus was crucified" Leyton.

Christmas RE Art - Elder Class

Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 2:44pm

Here are our finished pieces of artwork – we worked in groups to draw and paint a nativity scene on canvas. We are very happy with our results!

Christmas Art - Oak class

Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 12:53pm

Here are our finished pieces of artwork - we worked in groups to draw and paint a nativity scene on canvas. We are very happy with our results!

The Christmas Story

Date: 17th Dec 2020 @ 4:05pm

Today, we retold the Christmas Story and created some amazing Nativity Art. This was us during the process of our artwork, where we used sketching skills and practised on paper before doing it on a canvas. Look at our next post to see our finished versions!

Christmas Carol Service

Date: 17th Dec 2020 @ 8:16am

This week we had our Christmas Carol Service where we had to do this virtually. It was extremely different to how we usually do it but it was still amazing. A few of us from Year 6 and our teachers; Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Rose read parts and we listened to the Christmas Hymns. We also had Matt from The Church Army who spoke to us about the importance of Christmas and what Christians believe in. 

We hope you all have a happy and safe Christmas! 

Religious Education - a summary of our learning so far....

Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 1:00pm

At Boundary, our curious and tolerant children have had a busy few weeks learning lots about different religions and we can’t wait to share what we have done…

Reception have been busy learning about the Christmas story and filming our nativity in their outdoor area. They loved dressing up and re-enacting the nativity play.

This half term in Year 1 for RE, the children have been learning all about Jesus and the Christmas Story.  They have learnt about the roles of a family and why babies are special. They have read the Christmas Story and then ordered the events.  This week, they worked together in groups, to sort out Christmas cards into ones with a religious meaning and ones without.

Year 2 having been exploring the question...

Why do Christians say that Jesus is the 'Light of the World'?

They children have learnt about how lights are used by Christians in celebration and to mark special events, what advent means and how they can be a light to other people!

Year 3 have been learning about Islam and who Muslims follow. They have learnt about the characteristics that the prophet Mohammed showed and how Muslims can be charitable. The children have reflected on this and how they can apply it to the role models in our lives.

In Year 4, they have been learning about Christianity and how Christians show love to everyone. The children have done this by looking at parables such as The Good Samaritan and The Unforgiving Servant. These parables have told them that it is important to 'Love thy neighbour' and treat everyone around them with care and respect.

This term in Year 5 they have been learning about Islam. They looked at Ramadan, The 5 Pillars of Islam, The Holy Qur'an and Hajj.

The Holy book of Islam is the Qur'an, Muslims clean themselves in water that has been blessed, before they hold it. - Lacey-Morgan

The pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) is one of the five pillars of Islam and Muslims must do it at least once in their life if they are physically capable of it. Ihram is the name given to the special spiritual state in which pilgrims wear two white sheets of seamless cloth during their pilgrimage. - Myles

Year 6 children have been learning about the Hindu belief in reincarnation, karma and the 4 Ashramas (stages of life). The children have reflected on the milestones they have achieved in their lives already and possible future ones.

Hindu Zoom!

Date: 1st Dec 2020 @ 8:00am

Today, we welcomed Hindu visitors (via Zoom!) to Year 6.

They started their talk about being a Hindu in general; they explained about the different types of Hindus, prayer, chants and the special clothes they sometimes wear.  

They explained the 4 Ashramas and the stage they are currently in.  The main focus was their belief in reincarnation and karma and how this has an impact on the choices and actions they makes in life.

No pen day in Maple and Laurel

Date: 6th Oct 2020 @ 3:53pm

It was a very exciting day today in Maple and Laurel, because (after break) we took part in NO PEN DAY! This was a great opportunity for the children to use other skills, such as their verbal and listening skills. In Reading into Writing, they read and discussed some cinquain poems. The children had to then sort them into 'good' cinquains and 'bad' cinquains. They did brilliantly at working out how many syllables were on each line. In Maths, the children had to match together their 12 hour or 24 hour times with their partner somewhere in the room. In RE, we researched what dharma is in Hinduism. We discovered that dharma is the religious duty of Hindus and that Rama is an avatar sent from Vishnu to help good overcome evil.

Sense of Purpose

Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 10:56am

Rev Cox and his wife joined us on Zoom for a virtual talk about being a Christian, how they live their lives and their sense of purpose. We explored the Christian belief of life after death and how this affects the decisions they make in life. We reflected on the term purpose, linking it to people we know and also our own lives.

School's Alive 2020

Date: 11th Feb 2020 @ 12:59pm

On a very windy Monday evening and having been rehearsing since September, Boundary joined pupils from virtually every Blackpool school at The Grand Theatre, performing hundreds of songs and dances, playing in bands and orchestras and enjoying a wonderful introduction to theatre!
Pupil's from Years 5 an 6 performed a medley of songs from Oliver and WOW, they were amazing! The hard-work, determination, perseverance and team work that each child demonstrated throughout each rehearsal and during the final performance really paid off - we could not be more proud of each and every performer!

Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to watch and to the children and staff for the time and energy they put into rehearsing and the final show.

Trust thy neighbour

Date: 22nd Jan 2020 @ 9:52pm

Children have been learning about Christianity this half term. As part of the beliefs and values within the religion, children have been thinking about how God trusted the prophets and gave them a vocation. Using active listening skills and communication skills, children had to trust their partner to deliver them across the obstacle course safely. Children then read the story of Noah and acted out the screenplay, something they have been doing within their english lessons.  

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust