Religious Education (RE): Blog items
Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 9:49am
Matthew and Jeni came to speak to Year 6 about sin, resurrection and salvation.
Matthew used the example of a 'Do not touch' sign as sin and that if Christians ignore the instructions from God and sin, this can become a habit and we can 'stick' with sinning - and Matthew got 'stuck' to the chair.
We discussed that Christians believe that, through talking with God, they can repent and ask for forgiveness and seek salvation from our wrong choices.
There was an opportunity at the end of the session to ask questions about the key words used during the session and Year 6 discussed the types of questions they wanted to ask, recorded them and then took part in a thoughtful question and answer time.
Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 7:41pm
Today, Year 6 led the whole school in our Harvest assembly. We were joined by Matt and Jenny from the Church Army, who discussed the difference between giving and getting and how giving is more rewarding than always receiving and getting things from others. We thanked everyone for their kind food donations, which will be shared with the local charity 'Vincent House' next week.
Date: 20th Sep 2022 @ 6:22pm
Today we learnt about the Christian belief that the Church community is like a family and considered why it might be important to welcome new people into the Church family. We listened to the story ‘All Are Welcome’ and discussed the different ways the characters were made welcome and how we make new children feel welcome in our classroom.
We learnt that parents ask for the child to be baptised so that it can belong to this family and develop a relationship with God. We discussed the importance of Christians making new members of the church family welcome. We then completed a task in groups to recognise and name basic artifacts and practices of a Christian baptism.
Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 7:18pm
This week we began learning about Christianity by exploring families and belonging. We explored the fact that all families are unique and discussed who is in our family. We thought about different relationships and about how they might be similar and different to others. We learnt that Christians believe that God is like a father who guides them and helps them. We then created our own family portrait, sharing our ideas with others to two key questions. What makes a good family? How do families look after each other and look after children?
Year 4 - Sacrifice and Temptation
Date: 15th Jul 2022 @ 4:55pm
In RE we have been learning about sacrifice and temptation. We have looked at when Jesus was tempted in the wilderness and the importance of him suffering for his people. Most recently we have learned about the life of Oscar Romero who was an Archbishop that fought for equality in El Salvador.
Date: 13th Jul 2022 @ 7:19pm
Today we learnt about the festival of Sukkot. We learnt that it is a festival which celebrates the harvest and the gathering in of the crops. We also learnt that during Sukkot Jews rememeber the years in the desert and they thank God for providing them with food and water and thank God for the harvest. To get ready for Sukkot, people start to build a sukkah. We learnt what this means and the different criteria for a sukkah. We then discussed and designed our own, before making them out of a range of different materials. We followed the criteria to ensure our sukkah had three walls, a roof made from something natural and decorations of things from the harvest. We worked successfully as a small team to plan and problem solve with our group members.
Year 6 Learning about religious celebrations in French
Date: 13th Jul 2022 @ 1:58pm
In French this week we have continued with our unit - Moi dans la Monde (Me in the World). We learned about religeous celebrations from around the French speaking world and used known language, congnates and bilingual dictionaries to translate email converstaions between two friends.
Date: 29th Jun 2022 @ 6:55pm
Our key question for RE is 'Why might some people put their trust in God?' This half term we are learning about Judaism. Today we looked at what the word trust means and who we trust. We learnt that Jewish people believe they can have a personal relationship with God and that God continues to work in the world, affecting everything that people do. We then thought about who our trusted adults are and why we trust these people. As a class we came up with some great ideas!
'We trust people who don't lie and tell the truth even when it is not easy.' 'Trustworthy people are reliable and responsible.' 'They do what they say they are going to.'
Date: 21st May 2022 @ 7:24am
Today we recalled knowledge from our Islam learning journey and discussed ‘How someone’s religion or beliefs may impact the way they treat the natural world.' We looked at different ways to help look after the environment and the positive effects that this would have. We then painted a picture of how we wanted the natural world to look and to show our own beliefs and values of the natural world and all living things. We discussed what was important to us and thought about ways to help care for our environment or how we could improve it.
Date: 17th May 2022 @ 5:51pm
Today, we had two visitors from our local church. Jenny and Matt are both leaders in the church. We identified Christian symbols, talked about shared beliefs and values as well as discussing worship. We carried out a fun activity to explain that the Church is one community and all works together! We enjoyed meeting Jenny and Matt and loved the learning we did together.
Date: 11th May 2022 @ 4:01pm
This week in our RE lesson we used Now Press Play. This was focussed on the 5 Pillars of Islam and the children followed an amazing journey. This is the Now Press Play description: You are an alien agent from outer space, on a mission to find out about the 5 Pillars of Islam. When your spaceship crashes, you meet Maany, a ninety-year-old Muslim man. Together you travel to Mecca and he teaches you about Islam. The children had a great time on this experience and we discussed what we had done/learned about on the journey afterwards.
Date: 4th May 2022 @ 4:56pm
In our RE journey this half term we are focussing on Islam. Last week we began by researching the 5 Pillars of Islam and what each of them meant. We then went on an 'information hunt' to find as much information as we could and share it with the rest of the class. Some fantastic teamwork and collaborative learning form our Year 4's!
Year 1 How should nature be treated?
Date: 21st Apr 2022 @ 7:39pm
Today we began to discuss our key question in RE, ‘How might beliefs about creation affect the way people treat the world?’ We began by learning the name of the religion we will be learning about and that Muslims believe there is only one God – Allah. Todays lesson involved learning about how we should treat the environment, why it is important and whose responsibility it is. We did this through looking at images and real life nature examples. We went on a nature walk to collect lots of natural resources and we then used these natural resources to create transient nature pictures.
Reception Learning about Easter!
Date: 6th Apr 2022 @ 12:24pm
Reception have been learning about Christain celebration of Easter. We listened to the Easter story and talked how Jesus showed courage when he was crucified. The children learnt that throughout his life Jesus show kindness, compassion and empathy to others. Although Jesus was crucified on the cross on Good Friday he cross on Easter Sunday he rose from the dead to be with God in heaven. The children made their own Easter pictures and wrote some
"Jesus showed courage when he was scared" Harrison
"He was kind and helped lots of people" Maja
"He died on the cross and they put his body in a tomb" Isobelle
"He came back to life and went to heaven" Evelyn.
Date: 29th Mar 2022 @ 9:16am
Year 6 visited St Mark’s Church to learn all about Holy Communion/Eucharist. Reverend Peter and Mathew explained the service and the rituals that take place as well as the meaning behind them.
Jenny showed the children around children and they completed a little quiz to further their understanding of Christianity.
Date: 22nd Mar 2022 @ 4:10pm
In RE, we held our very own Vaisakhi celebration! We learnt the importance and traditions of the celebrations and tried them out for ourselves. We started by discussing the worship and we had a look at a real Chaur Sahib. We then learnt some traditional dances, tried on some clothing and finally tasted some traditional foods. We had a great time celebrating and enjoyed enbracing other cultures and traditions.
Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 9:16am
This week we visited St Mark's church as part of our RE journey this half term. We spent some fo the afternoon exploring the church and discussing how the different features are used day to day. After that, we learnt about the different parts of the Bible and how the Bible tells us a whole host of different stories. To finish the afternoon, we took some time to reflect on the ongoing crisis in Ukraine and we wrote supportive messages and pictures on popst it notes to show our support.
Date: 11th Mar 2022 @ 7:24am
This week, our RE lesson was based around the story of Daniel and the Lion's Den. We watched a video explaining what happened to Daniel and we decided to have a class debate. Some of us argued that Daniel should have been sent to the Lion's Den and others argued against that. There was some fantastic collaborative learning, teamwork and well thought out arguments and counter arguments from our Year 4's this week.
Date: 2nd Feb 2022 @ 8:06pm
In RE this week we looked further into Hindu shrines and how Murtis help Hindus to think of God when they worship. We looked at lots of different examples of Murtis, including both Gods and Goddesses, and looked at why Hindus may worship them. For example, we learnt that Ganesh is the God of wealth and is believed to bring good luck. Hindus may worship him before anything new is started. We then chose a Murti to represent using salt dough, thinking about why Hindus may choose this Murti to worship. We used the skills of pulling, squeezing, and rolling to manipulate our salt dough into the form of our Murti.
Date: 12th Jan 2022 @ 7:30pm
Today in RE we spent some time looking at the similarities and differences between the Trimurti. As a class we recapped the names of the three Hindu gods in the Trimurti and their roles. We remembered that Brahma is the creator of the universe, Shiva is the god of death and destruction and Vishnu is the god that preserves the universe and people. We then worked with a partner to identify similarities and differences between these three gods. We made notes on post its and then fed back our ideas to the rest of the class.
Reception Now Press Play...The Christmas Story
Date: 17th Dec 2021 @ 12:02pm
The children of Reception have been learning about why Christians celebrate Christmas and this week we listened to the Christmas Story using the headphones. They followed the instructions and went on an exciting journey to Bethlehem where baby Jesus was born.
Take a look at pur photos!
Date: 16th Dec 2021 @ 7:41pm
Today we explored the Christmas Story through Art. In RE this half term we have learnt the Nativity story and we have also explored this throughout our school assemblies about Advent. Today we brought that learning together to retell the Christmas Story and create a picture to depict an important part of the story. We carefully cut out the individual parts and collaged the Three Kings clothing before arranging it on the paper.
Date: 13th Dec 2021 @ 9:05pm
Reception have been very busy over the last few weeks rehearsing for our annual Nativity production. Through songs, acting, story telling, art and crafts, Reception have been learning why Christians celebrate Christmas.
"Jesus was born" Ariella
"Mary and Joseph travelled to Bethlehem on a donkey" Charlie
"There was nowhere to stay" Isaac.
"There was a bright star" Isabelle
"The three kings visited baby Jesus" Marleigh
"They brought gold, frankincense and myrrh" Loui.
Date: 13th Dec 2021 @ 8:19pm
In line with our RE topic of Hinduism, Year 5 were lucky enough to receive a visit from two practicing Hindu's.
They told us about their life, how they found Hinduism and why they started to practice. They had brought in lots of important objects for us to have a look at, and even let us try on the traditional clothes of angarkha and sari's.
It was fascinating to learn about Hinduism in such a creative and practical way to assist our theoretical learning.
Date: 12th Dec 2021 @ 8:22am
We had a lovely afternoon creating our nativity art. The children each created their own section of a stained glass window. The individual pieces, each depicting part of a nativity scene, were then joined to make a larger piece,