Maths: Blog items

Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)

Date: 8th Apr 2022 @ 7:21am

Just a reminder to all our Year 4 parents/carers that in June, our children are required to complete the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC). We strongly encourage you to ensure that your child/children are practising at home to put them in good stead! Here are some useful websites to help:

Year 1 Measurement - Takeover Day

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 7:18pm

This week we have began to explore measure and the vocabulary associated with height and length. Today, we continued with measurement as part of our Year 5 Takeover Day. Our Year 5 teachers introduced non-standard units of measurement through our input. We recapped on our key vocabulary and the meaning of length and height, before learning how to measure objects using non-standard units. Our independent task was then to measure objects accurately and compare them using language associated with measurement.

Year 5 Take Over

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 5:44pm

Today saw Year 5 take over various roles across School from Class Teachers to Site Supervisors. Year 2 were delighted to have been taught by Miss Norman, Miss McCrae Miss Gabby, Mr Ali and Miss Courtney for the morning. The children were taught about the four different sentence types (Statement, Command, Question and Exclamation) during Reading into Writing and participated in a sorting activity. In Maths, the children practised their 2's, 5's and 10's  times tables and completed various questions which revealed a plant at the end if answered correctly. We finished our fun morning with a game of Bingo ran by the new Teachers. The children all did a wonderful job and should be incredibly proud of themselves!

Year 5 A fraction at a time

Date: 1st Apr 2022 @ 3:23pm

Year 5 have been working very hard on their fraction journey. From adding and subtracting and this week MULTIPLYING fractions and multiplying them by whole numbers. We started our journey with a 'Now Press Play' Maths journey looking at the Titanic and even broight out the paints to investigate parts and wholes.

It hasn't always been easy but with dedication, courage, perveverance and patience all children have made excellent progress and are now excited at the mere mention of fractions!

Well done Year 5 we are so proud of you!

Year 1 Counting in 2s

Date: 24th Mar 2022 @ 7:38pm

Today we learnt to count in multiples of 2. We completed this practically by using physical resources, including base 10 and Numicon to practise counting on. We also did our daily maths workout song – but today we were counting in 2s!

Year 6 Area, perimeter and volume

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 8:51pm

In Maths this week we have been working on the last part of our Measures unit. This has involved working out the area and perimeter of a range of squares and rectangles. We were then taught how to find the area of both triangles and parallelograms by using formulae. This linked to our previous Algebra unit. Our final 2 lessons covered finding the volume of cubes and cuboids and solving problems relating to finding missing lengths/widths/heights.

Year 1 Counting in 10s

Date: 10th Mar 2022 @ 7:30pm

Today we practised counting in 10s. Alongside our written work we used physical resources, including base 10 and Numicon, to practise counting on. We also did our daily maths workout song – but today we were counting in 10s!

Year 5 The Unsinkable Ship!

Date: 10th Mar 2022 @ 5:07pm

In maths this week the children in year 5 set sail across the Atlantic Ocean on the world-famous cruise liner, Titanic. Using our interactive resource, Now Press Play, the pupils were transported back in time to April 10th 1912, where they were able to stow away on to the Titanic to find their estranged father in New York.  After hitting the iceberg, the children had to use their knowlege of fractions and their calculation skills to solve problems and reach the lifeboats before the ship sank into the ice-cold water.

Year 2 World Book Day

Date: 3rd Mar 2022 @ 4:02pm

As part of World Book Day, we all came to school dressed as our favourite book characters.  We had so many different characters including Oliver, Willy Wonka, Alice in Wonderland, Oompas Loopmas and Hermione Granger.  Everyone looked fantastic!  We also took part in some special WBD activities.  We imagined we worked for Mr Willy Wonka and designed our very own magical sweet to be made in his factory. We had to describe what it looked and tasted like using interesting adjectives. In Maths, we continued with the chocolate theme and used pictograms and tally charts to compare the colours of sweets in a Smarties tube.  We found out they were all very different!

Year 2 100th Day!

Date: 25th Feb 2022 @ 5:33pm

On Tuesday 22nd February it was a very important day as it was the 100th day we had been in school this academic year.  In Year Two, we celebrated this special milestone with a range of activities.  We took part in a whole school '100 quiz' where the questions were all linked in some way to the number 100.  Birch were very proud to be the overall winners of this. In Maths, we played games that involved finding pairs of numbers that added to 100 and in the afternoon we had fun with predicting activities.  We predicted then measured what 100 drops of water would look like and how tall a tower of 100 coins would be.  We had a fantastic day!

Year 4 Our 100th Day!

Date: 24th Feb 2022 @ 6:49pm

'Twosday' was also our 100th day in school this year so far! We focussed our maths lesson around the number 100. We had 6 activities, which were laid out as a carousel and in our groups we wokred our way aorund, learning loads and having a great time! We also looked at how life was like 100 years ago, how life is now in comparison and how we think life will be in 100 years time. If even half of what we discussed happens in 100 years time, it's going to be pretty exciting!

Reception 100th Day

Date: 23rd Feb 2022 @ 12:37pm

Reception enjoyed finding out about the number 100.  We counted out 100 cubes to see how many there were and talked about numbers  that are more or less than 100. We then used the numerals to make our own 100 pictures.

Nursery Day 100!

Date: 22nd Feb 2022 @ 9:43pm

Wow! 100 days in school this term! Nursery joined in with the rest of the school to celebrate our 100th day. We looked at the number 100 and made pictures using all the numerals in 100, made crowns to celebrate the day and also thought about what a set of 100 objects looks like by counting out 100 match sticks! 

100th Day in Year 1!

Date: 22nd Feb 2022 @ 7:02pm

Today was our 100th day in Year 1 and wow, what a 100 days it has been! We completed lots of different activities to explore the number 100 using lots of different representations and practical resources. We began the day with our whole school ‘100’ quiz, discussed parts of the book ‘If the world were 100 people' and moved, danced and counted our way to 100. We also used our number bond knowledge to 10 to practise our number bonds to 100, played 100 Bingo and tried to piece together a mixed up 100 square! Alongside all that we also used Numicon, Base 10 and counting resources to try and make 100! What a busy day!

Year 3 100 days smarter !

Date: 22nd Feb 2022 @ 4:37pm

Today marks 100 days since the start of Year 3! To celebrate we did a range of Mathematic activities including a race to 100, rolling a dice and using addition to get the closest to 100 and even tested our number bonds to 100. We also enjoyed thinkign about all the different ways we could reach 100. 

We also took part in a 100 day drawing activity, we throught about how we could include the numebr 100 into our drawings and used our skills of line, colour and shape to create imagninative pieces! 

Year 2 Joy Division

Date: 9th Feb 2022 @ 9:06pm

Year Two have been focusing on division this week.  We have been using concrete resources to share into equal groups and we have been linking this concept to division calculations.  We have been using stem sentences to help us to remember each element of the division calculation and this has helped us to record our mathematics accurately.  We have also been grouping items and looking at how this differs to sharing, comparing the divison calculations that this creates.

Nursery Tuff Trays

Date: 8th Feb 2022 @ 5:14pm

We love a good Tuff Tray activity in nursery! Tuff trays are great for setting up a range of activities and the great thing is that they cover so many areas of learning. This week we have made potions in one of our outdoor trays. This provided some great opportunites for the children including exploring colour mixing, capacity, counting, developing communication and langauge skills and fine motor skills. It was also great for social skills as the children had to negotiate and take turns with the equipment. As the activity was open eneded, the children explored things further by pouring their potions down some pipes. They loved to see what happened when the coloured water hit the tray at the bottom! 

Year 6 Making Mobile Phone Cases

Date: 8th Feb 2022 @ 5:06pm

Today, we have had a full day of DT. Our project was to make a mobile phone case and today we have managed to create these. To do this we have followed a journey in order to make sure we have fully researched the product and had a chance to plan it. Today we have researched existing felt mobile phone cases, looked at developing a success criteria, planned and designed our product, made a prototype and then created our final product. To finish, we now need to evaluate our case against our success criteria.

Year 5 Fabulous Frame Structures

Date: 8th Feb 2022 @ 4:32pm

Our Design and Technology unit this half-term has been all about frame structures. These are usually hidden structures inside buildings, furniture or toys that provide stability and support. We have been learning about structures and how they can be strengthened in various ways, especially using triangles. In this lesson, pupils were given a design brief and then asked to build a cube-shaped frame for a product. Pupils used various equipment, including hacksaws, to measure, cut and construct there cube frames.

Year 3 Investigating money!

Date: 7th Feb 2022 @ 5:43pm

In Year 3 we have been looking at money in Maths. We have looked at how to identlfy conions, how to add and subtract them and also hwo to compare them. Sonme children have been exploring a wide range of problem solving questions as well as testing their reasoning skills!

Year 1 Making 10

Date: 1st Feb 2022 @ 8:04pm

This week we have conquered adding by making 10! We firstly recapped and practised our number bonds to 10 by singing our number bonds song and improving our quick recall. We then moved onto looking at adding onto the number 10. We worked through practical examples together and discussed each step. We then went off to explore a number of different sums practically. We wrote the original sum before moving counters to make 10 and writing our new sum. We showed lots of persererance and determination with our new learning!

Year 4 There's a very thin line between a numerator and a denominator!

Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 5:33pm

In Maths this week we have been recapping our knowledge of fractions! We have remembered quite a lot from Year 3 which is amazing and we had a bit of fun writing on our tables making fraction equations with numicon.

Year 2 Array, Array, Array!

Date: 25th Jan 2022 @ 8:59pm

This week, we begun our new Maths topic of Multiplication and Division. Our first lesson involved recognising whether groups were equal or unequal before we challenged the children to create their own arrays in as many ways as possible. It was no surprise that the children created lots of different ways of making arrays using a variety of resources around the room such as money, numicon, counters, counting bears, base 10 and ten frames. 

We will now begin to look at representing the calculations of arrays as a repeated addition and as a multiplication sentence. Although this is a difficult concept, we are proud of the determination and perseverance the children are displaying, keep up the great work!

Year 2 No Pen Day- Spring 1

Date: 25th Jan 2022 @ 8:32pm

Last week, we had our favourite day- No Pen Day! Pupils and Teachers alike put out pens down for a full day and focused on using our communication skills. Throughout the day, we worked collaboratively to continue our Reading into Writing and Maths journey's. 

We continued our Reading into Writing journey by learning about different tenses. We identified we can tell a sentences tense by finding the verb- to show matching past and present tense verbs we had to find the person with the verb of the opposite tense before sorting a variety of verbs and sentences into the tenses they were written.

In Maths, we consolidated our knowledge of giving change by playing a game of Mathopoly. For each square we landed on we had to calculate how much change a person would get depending on how much they spent and the coin they used to pay.

In the afternoon, we enjoyed continuing our learning of Hinduism with Mrs Bunday and PE with Mr Willetts.

Year 5 No Pen Day - Spring 1

Date: 23rd Jan 2022 @ 10:55am

This week, we had our half-termly No Pen Day! This is a day where nobody, including the teachers, can use any form of pen or pencil!! We have to get very creative to be able to continue with the journeys we are in for each of our lessons. This is how we did it this time...

During Maths, we used spaghetti sticks to work out multiplication sums. To do this, we researched the ancient Japanese stick method where you have to put the number of sticks down in a diamond shape to represent the numbers you want to multiply. Next, you have to count how many times the sticks cross over and that is your answer. It took us a while to work it out, but once we had the hang of it, a lot of children said they preferred this method!! 

For Reading into Writing, we continued with our 'Persuasive Letters' journey. The children had to cut out a jumbled up letter and put it in the correct order. We then used the Chromebooks to research the benefits of having a support dog in school. 

In the afternoon, we made three types of paper aeroplanes to see which one would travel the furthest. We talked about the different designs and how air resistance would have an impact. To finish the day off, we went outside to test them! 

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust