Maths: Blog items

Year 4 flexible partitioning

Date: 20th Sep 2022 @ 3:58pm

We have been looking at partitioning in Maths, but this week we have been looking at flexible where it is as straight forward as splitting a number using the place value chart. For example, if we partitioned 2894, we would probably do 2000+800+90+4. Flexible partitioning means that we look at numbers differently. So we could partition 2894 by doing 1000+ 1800+90+4 or 1100+1700+80+14 - there are many ways!

Nursery Become Archaeologists!

Date: 15th Sep 2022 @ 2:37pm

After reading "Harry and his Bucketful of Dinosaurs go to School" nursery immersed themselves in all things dinosaur! We looked for dinosaur bones and fossils and one day we even found some dinosaur eggs! We waited patiently for the babies to hatch and then had great fun making up stories about the dinosaurs together. The children also learnt about shapes by creating shape dinosaurs and worked together to paint some big dinosaurs! 

Year 2 - Everything in its place....

Date: 9th Sep 2022 @ 4:27pm

During our work on place value, we have been using Base 10 and Place Value charts to make 2-digit numbers.  We discussed how many tens and how many ones were in each number.  We also wrote addition calculations to show how these numbers are made up of tens and ones.  This will lead nicely into our next step of maths learning - partitioning numbers into tens and ones using a part-whole model.

Year 1 Independent Learners!

Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 7:06pm

Our first week in Year 1 has been extremely busy! We have been exploring our new classrooms, getting used to our new rules/routines and learning inside and outside the classroom. We have used our phonics skills to read and write captions and sentences, practised ordering numbers and learnt how to evidence our own work on Seesaw!

Year 2 - You can count on me

Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 4:37pm

In Maths, Year Two have been focusing on place value in 2-digit numbers.  We used a range of concrete resources such as Base 10, bead strings, place value counters and Numicon to represent numbers.  We had to count in tens and ones to make our numbers, considering the value of each digit.

Year 1 Money

Date: 11th Jul 2022 @ 4:36pm

Today we explored different coins and their value. Through completing a number of sorting activities we were able to identify the features of different coins, including their size, shape and colour. We also completed a coin-rubbing task to match each coin to its correct value.

Reception- Billy's Bucket

Date: 6th Jul 2022 @ 9:46pm

We have been reading the story Billy's Bucket. 

Billy wanted only one thing for his birthday- a bucket! But this was not just any bucket - it was a magical bucket! Inside it, Billy was able to see all kinds of different sea creatures. After lots of retelling of the story and writing about it we decided to design our own bucket using the resources from the creative area. The only rule was to create a repeating pattern!

Take a look at how we designed our buckets.

Nursery What The Ladybird Heard At The Seaside

Date: 29th Jun 2022 @ 2:41pm

We have been reading the story "What The Ladybird Heard At The Seaside" By Julia Donaldson and have created lots of learning opportunites based on the story. We have been practsing our scissor skills by cutting the mermaids hair - it was very tough and sticky just like in the story! We have been counting spots on to ladybirds and subisiting how many spots we can see and learring all about the letter L by making ladybirds out of the letter. We have created some beautfiul transient art pictures of mermaids and made some spinning ladybirds to hang from the ceiling. 

Year 1 - Finding a Quarter

Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 7:46pm

This week in Maths we have recapped on how to find half of a quantity and moved on to finding a quarter of a quantity. We used resources and concrete apparatus to find a quarter of different amounts using the concept of sharing to split each quantity into four equal parts.

Year 2 Measuring Meters

Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 12:11pm

Today, Year 2 took their Maths learning outdoors and enjoyed practising measuring meters using meter stick rules in the sun. We measured a variety of things that are out on our playground including: the length of the patch of astroturf, the length of the pirate ship, length of the snakes and ladders as well as the lengths of each other. We found that some lengths are not just full meters and therefore we have to say the number of meters and centimeters. We really enjoyed learning this skill and will continue to apply it every day in the classroom as we continue our measuring unit. 

Nursery Billy's Bucket

Date: 16th Jun 2022 @ 5:04pm

This week we have been reading the story "Billy's Bucket" By Kes Gray all about a little boy who wants a bucket for his birthday. It's no ordinary bucket though, Billy's bucket is special as he can see lots of sea creatures when he looks inside! The chidlren were brilliant at recalling parts of the story and by the end of the week they were telling the story without the book. The activities in continous provison were all based around the story and included matching numerals to the correct bucket, theading tentacles on to jelly fish, designing a bucket and creating some transient art to show what they would see in their bucket. 

Year 6 - faisons la tarte tatin

Date: 13th Jun 2022 @ 5:32pm

Today we completed our cooking journey on making a tarte tatin. We began the day by researching a range of existing baked apple products and made a slides presentaiton with lots of informaiton about the products, including photos, recipes, history of the product and where they originate from. Then we tasted a few of these products so that we could evaluate them for their smell, taste, appearance and texture. Next we practiced the skills needed to make a tarte tatin - this involved using a peeler and sharp knife to peel, core and slice apples using a safe method. Finally, we ended the day by making a tarte tatin in groups. The trickiest part was making the caramel - we had to keep an eye on how much heat we were adding to the sugar because we didn't want it to burn and be ruined. Our finished products looked and smelled amazing. They tasted even better!!

Nursery meet The Bumblebear!

Date: 25th May 2022 @ 11:24am

We have been reading the story "The Bumblebear" By Nadia Shireen about a little bear who loves honey so much he decides to go to Bee School! We have looked at the repeated stripy pattern of a bumble bee, made playdough bees, counted bees and found out how bees make honey. We even made our own delicious honey and yoghurt dip. We've been very busy bees!

Year 6 Maths Bakery Project

Date: 25th May 2022 @ 8:40am

Year 6 have started the first of their maths consolidation projects. This project will focus on a bakery and we will use or skills in ration and proportion, money, percentages, 3D shapes and volume. Today we were using ration and proportion to work out how much ingredients were needed to make cupcakes. We then went on to work out the cost of ingredients and which shop was better value. 

Year 2 What time is it?

Date: 22nd May 2022 @ 12:32pm

Over the last couple of weeks Year 2 have been learning the time. We begun by learning to tell the time at 'o' clock and half past before furthering our learning to tell the time at quarter past and quarter to. On Friday, we began to recognise the time to the nearest five minutes. We completed a fun activity placing all the time words around a clock before putting our knowledge to the test in a fun game of bingo. It was great fun to begin practicing our new knowledge and we look forward to carrying on our learning on Monday. 

Nursery meet Superworm!

Date: 12th May 2022 @ 8:32pm

This week we have read the fabulous story "Superworm" By Julia Donaldson. This story is great for developing an understanding of rhyme and the children were super at joining in with the rhymes. All our learning was based on the story and included comparing the size of worms, make worms of different lengths out of playdough and counting bugs and matching them to the correct numerals. The children got creative by making their own magic wands just like Wizard Lizards and made superworms living in a garden. They also practised writing their names by writing them inside a worm and explored capacity and what happens when they mixed different liquids to make magic potions. 

Reception Composition of numbers 1-10

Date: 12th May 2022 @ 11:57am

Reception have been busy exploring the composition of numbers within 10.  They have been using the numicon to find all the different ways they can make a specific number.  The children then recorded their calculations on a whiteboard.  Fantastic problem solving!

Year 5 Manipulatives in Maths

Date: 11th May 2022 @ 4:33pm

During our Maths lessons, we often use manipulatives to solidify and furthen understanding. Manipulatives are physical objects such as blocks, counters and tiles that we can touch and move around.

Here are a few pictures to show how we used Base 10 to understand decimals. 

Year 3 How do we read time?

Date: 11th May 2022 @ 4:24pm

In Year Three we have begun to look at telling the time and reading analogue clocks. We went outside to draw chalk clocks to see what we already knew about clocks. We thought about where the numbers are positioned and how we read it in different intervals of time. 

Nursery: Cor! What a Whopper!

Date: 4th May 2022 @ 8:22pm

This week nursery have continued to find out about growth and change. We have been keeping a close eye on our tiny caterpillars and they're not so tiny anymore! Infact, they're getting rather big! As well as watching the caterpillars grow, the children have also been planting seeds. We started with cress seeds and will be moving on to sunflower seeds later in the week! We have been talking about looking after the seeds and that we have to make sure we keep them watered to help them grow. We have also been using different types of bricks to build the tallest bean stalk and practising matching numeral and quantity using seeds. 

Year 2 Fun Fractions

Date: 4th May 2022 @ 7:45pm

During the last couple of weeks, Year 2 have been learning all about fractions. We have learnt fractions are equal parts of a whole discussing the importance of the groups being equal. To put it into a real life context we thought lots about sharing pizza and sweets equally making sure we all received the same amount. Then we put our theory into practice and used concrete resources to show halves, quarters, thirds and three quarters. During our learning we noticed two quarters is equivalent to a half. We have enjoyed our fractions unit and realised we use them lots in our everyday life!

Nursery Active Maths

Date: 28th Apr 2022 @ 5:04pm

We have been reading the story "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" and learning all about the life cycle of a butterfly. One day all of the hungry caterpillar's food went missing! The children had to search for the food outside and count the pieces to make sure they had found them all. We also did a bit of problem solving and had to work out how many pieces were left to find. We had found 2 strawberries but needed 4 so we worked out we had 2 more to find! 

Nursery Anything Goes!

Date: 26th Apr 2022 @ 10:13pm

Some days are a real eclectic mix of learning in nursery! Using open ended resources means the learning can take any direction and results in lots of excitment and engagement! Just today we have explored different ways of painting, the children used tape measures to measure each other and buildings, they made potions and soup using petals and made a car wash for some muddy trucks! Another busy day! 

Year 1 Weight and Mass

Date: 26th Apr 2022 @ 7:18pm

Today we introduced weight and mass and investigated how we can measure mass. We discussed key vocabulary associated with mass, e.g. lighter, heavier and balanced. We looked at a range of examples and highlighted how we know if an item is heavier or lighter by looking at the scale. We orally stated comparison sentences for lots of examples, e.g. ‘the crab is lighter than the shell’ and ‘the shell is heavier than the crab.’ We then moved on to measuring mass using cubes. Using a range of items, we counted cubes into the balance scale to measure the mass of each object. We also then compared difference objects using the balance scales. 

Year 1 Science Day

Date: 21st Apr 2022 @ 7:26pm

Today as part of Science Day we investigated the question, ‘Do our body parts grow as we get older?’ We took a sample of hand spans and foot lengths from children from Reception to Year 6. We then used rulers to measure the lengths of each and recorded our results in a table. We discussed our results and identified any ‘anomalies.’ From these results we then created bar graphs to display what we had found out. We discussed that the anomalies are due to the fact everyone is different and grows at different rates. We also explored this through comparing the hand span and foot length of children in our classroom who are the same age. Overall, we found that almost all of our body parts grow as we get older and generally this was shown in our results. We then shared our learning with the rest of our school in our end of day assembly.

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