Year 2: Blog items

Year 2- Capacity

Date: 8th Apr 2024 @ 4:04pm

Today, we began to explore what capacity meant and after predicting what we thought might be the capacity of different containers we measured it out using cups. We had to be careful we were filling the cup the same amount each time and carefully counted how many cups filled each container to its capacity.

Year 2- Fundamental Skills

Date: 26th Mar 2024 @ 3:52pm

This half term Year 2 have been working on their fundamental skills of throwing, catching, running and jumping. Throughout the half term we have enjoyed practising our skills in isolation as well as applying them to games. 

Year 2- Making Moving Vehicles

Date: 26th Mar 2024 @ 3:48pm

Today, we used our designs to make our moving vehicles. We painted the wheels before using our marking out skills to mark out windows and doors to cut out. We used cellophane to create a glass effect in the windows before painting them the colours we had chosen in our design. We cannot wait to test them out tomorrow to see if we were successful in meeting the design brief.

Spelling Bee

Date: 22nd Mar 2024 @ 3:39pm

Today we held out second Speling Bee of the year and it was another fantastic occasion. 4 children from each year group represented their house and were given three spellings each to spell out loud from a bank of words they have been learning since September. The competition was extremely close, with Rodwell and Elston finishing joint first as the children from these houses spelled all of their words correctly.


Well done to all of the children who took part today.

Year 2 - Stop the spread!

Date: 21st Mar 2024 @ 9:22pm

As part of our Science learning, we conducted an experiment to find out how far germs spread when we sneeze.  We also wanted to know if a tissue would stop the spread of sneezes and coughs.  In small groups, we planned what we would do and how to keep the test fair.  We thought about what we would change and what we would measure to help us answer the question.

We then applied our maths measures knowldge to mark out different distances, before conducting our experiment to see how far germs can travel.  

Our shared conclusion was: 

Using a tissue does not stop all of the germs spreading when you sneeze but it does reduce the amount of germs that spread because they are caught in the tissue.

We also found out that the closer you are to someone when they sneeze, the more the germs spread.  There was much more spray (germs) at 25cm and 50 cm that reached the paper than at 150cm.

Year 2- Science Day

Date: 21st Mar 2024 @ 4:05pm

Today, dinosaurs arrived at Boundary! We begun the day with an assembly where we met Jam the T-Rex and learnt about his diet and discussed some of his features. In class we created our own top trumps cards of different dinosaurs and completed a range of different activities throughout the day. In the afternoon, we were treated to meeting 3 different baby dinosaurs and some of us even got to interact with them. We also completed an investigation 'How do dinosaurs teeth affect their diet?' We ground leaves and cotton wool down using rocks and a staple remover to find how different dinosaurs have different teeth for their diet. Finally, we went outside and put our measuring skills to the test measuring the lengths of 3 different dinosaurs on the playground and ordering them shortest to longest. We have had an exciting and incredible day and hope the dinosaurs may one day come back to visit us!

Year 2- Challah bread

Date: 20th Mar 2024 @ 7:41am

Yesterday, Year Two made Challah bread using salt dough.  This was to explore the traditional, weekly, tradition of Shabbat that is celebrated from the sunset on Friday evening to the sunset on Saturday night as part of our Judaism unit.  They traditionally make two loaves which represent the food God provided for the Jews when they were walking through the desert in flight from Egypt.

Year 2- Final Forest School Session

Date: 14th Mar 2024 @ 3:55pm

Today, Year Two, despite the soggy weather, enjoyed their final forest school session of the year. We went and explored the pond area thinking about which animals would be enjoying the wet, muddy weather and went to see if we could find any- some of us even spotted some frogspawn in the pond. Then we thought about the lifecycle of a frog and played a game of rock, paper, scissors to grow throughout the lifecycle of a frog from frogspawn to an adult frog- every time we won a game of rock, paper, scissors we could progress a step in the lifecycle. Finally, after some of us practiced creating sparks using a fire lighter, we toasted fruit bread on the fire and enjoyed eating it around the fire as a warm treat to end the session. 

Year 2- School Nurse

Date: 14th Mar 2024 @ 3:50pm

Yesterday, Year Two had a visit from the School Nursing team who taught us all about basic hygiene. We started the session by talking about the different kinds of germs that live on our body and how they can make us poorly. Then, Millie read us a story called 'Why Wash?' and we discussed all the areas of our body that we should be washing regularly all the way from our hair to our toes thinking about what to use and why it is important. We finished by demonstrating how germs are spread as some people spread their germs (glitter) around the classroom by shaking hands with their friends and leaving parts on their friends hands before discussing the 20 second rule to handwashing. 

Year 2 - Forest School

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 9:29pm

Our second Forest School session took place on World Book Day, so our focus was on stories and characters.  We shared the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears before exploring the Forest School area, using our imagination to create things for characters from stories we have read.  Some of the items we created included a house for Goldilocks, a comfy bed for Goldilocks to sleep in, a chocloate cake from Willy Wonka's factory and Harry Potter's wand.

Year 2 - World Book Day

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 9:04pm

What a fantastic day we have had for World Book Day 2024.  All of the children made such an effort with their costumes and everyone looked amazing.  To celebrate reading we drew our favourite character and talked about why we liked them.  We virtually interviewed some of our favourite characters including George from George's Marvellous Medicine, Harry Potter, The Twits and The Cat in the Hat.  We also participated in a class book swap and we can't wait to start reading our new titles!

The more that you read, the more things you will know.  The more you learn, the more places you'll go - Dr Seuss

Year 2- Forest School Fun

Date: 29th Feb 2024 @ 4:52pm

Today, Year Two enjoyed their first forest school session of the spring term. We begun by discussing how the season has changed from Autumn to Winter and what has changed in the outside areas; we then went on a hunt around the garden to find signs that spring is nearly here! Next we made friendship bracelets, working well together to twist the materials tightly and tie a knot so we could wear them before we had a team race to see who was the best at tying knots in string. Finally, we explored shelters and used the parachute to protect us from the cold before making our own dens in the garden to protect a teddybear.

Year 2 - Measuring up

Date: 28th Feb 2024 @ 8:46pm

Today in Design and Technology we practised the skill of accurately drawing out shapes.  We carefully used a ruler to measure out different shapes in centimetres and we then carefully cut them out.  We will apply this skill to mark out different parts of our moving vehicles, such as doors and windows.

Year 2- Exploring Moving Vehicles

Date: 22nd Feb 2024 @ 2:04pm

This week, we have begun our Design Technology unit 'Mechanisms- Moving Vehilces'. We started by exploring a variety of moving vehicles and discussed how they move. We learnt that the wheels are connected by an axle which allows the cars wheels to move freely at the same time. We will use this knowledge to help us when building our own car. 

Year 2- 100th Day in School

Date: 19th Feb 2024 @ 4:50pm

As part of our ‘100th day at School’ celebrations, we completed a problem solving activity based on the book ‘One is a snail, ten is a crab.’ We were given a number and had to find all the different possibilities of making the number. We tried to work systematically starting with the biggest number and changing one part of the calculation each time.  

Year 2- Hindu Dharma

Date: 8th Feb 2024 @ 1:06pm

This half term we have been looking at Hindu Dharma in RE.  We have looked at different Gods and Goddesses and how they are represented as Murtis on s shrine.  The children had the opportunity to look at a shrine which was created in school and learn about home worship.  They had lots of fun finding out information about the religion, especially the different Gods and Goddesses.

Year 2 - Arrays

Date: 7th Feb 2024 @ 12:08pm

Today we started to look at arrays and how they can be used to represent multiplication.  We used counters to make arrays by putting them into equal rows and columns. 

We then wrote multiplication expressions to describe our arrays.  We found that one array can be described in two different ways.  For example, 3 x 5 and 5 x 3.  This is because, like addition, multiplication is commutative.  Which means it can be done in any order and you will reach the same total.

Year 2 - Now Press Play

Date: 2nd Feb 2024 @ 3:57pm

Today, we used our electricity knowledge and participated in a Now Press Play where our town had lost power and we needed to get the power back on to save our cousin on dialysis. We made a torch using our knowledge of circuits using wire, bulbs and batteries so we could make our way around to the power station. We even made the bulb brighter by adding another battery. 

Year 2- Yoga

Date: 1st Feb 2024 @ 8:10am

Over the past few weeks, Year Two have been doing Yoga in PE. It has helped us be more mindful, relaxed and calm as well as improving our balance and strength. We have completed a range of poses including: the warrior, superhero pose, spiderman pose, batman pose and a variety of others. At the end of each session, our cool down is a relaxing exercise where we focus on our breathing and bringing the calmness back into the classroom.

Year 2- Fruit Smoothies

Date: 30th Jan 2024 @ 4:08pm

Today, we used our designs to make healthy fruit smoothies. First, we washed our hands to make sure we were ready to handle food before practicing the bridge method to hold and carefully chop different fruit into smaller pieces. Once the fruit was all chopped up, we put the correct fruits into a blender until they were smooth. Then we got to taste them! Most of us loved our smoothies and thought they were really tasty. 

Year 2 - We're Electric!

Date: 23rd Jan 2024 @ 4:48pm

Today in Science we were investigating how to make a bulb light.  We started off by trying to light up Energy Sticks.  We worked together and found out that in order to light, the sticks needed to be part of a circuit.  We learned that energy travels around a circuit and if there is a break in the circuit, the energy can no longer travel all the way around.  We then applied what we had learned to build a circuit that would make a bulb light.  We also used an interactive program to build a circuit that would make a bulb light.  We experimented with using more than one bulb in a circuit and using more than one power source.

Year 2- Fruit Tasting

Date: 23rd Jan 2024 @ 4:29pm

In Year Two, we have been busy trying lots of fruit to think about what we like and dislike in preparation for making our smoothies. We tried a variety of fruits including: raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, peaches, mango, pineapple, melon and kiwi. We described the texture, the smell and the taste of each fruit and will use it to help us design and make our own smoothie in the coming weeks. 

Year 2- Travelling by Tuba

Date: 18th Jan 2024 @ 1:42pm

Today, we had a special visit from Stuart and Chris from Travelling by Tuba. We started the day with an exciting assembly where we were introduced to lots of different instruments from across the world including: the didgeridoo, a horn, the tuba and other interesting instruments. They also showed us how they are played. Then we participated in a workshop where we created a Brazillian Samba using triangles, tambourines, bells, scrapers, shakers and maracas. We learnt all the different rhythms of each instrument and practiced them on our arms before we split into groups and practiced playing the correct rhythm on the instruments. Finally, we did a performance using our instuments all playing in unison. We had a fantastic morning and loved it! 

Year 2- No Pen Morning

Date: 17th Jan 2024 @ 8:06am

Yesterday, we took part in no pen morning. In Reading into Writing, we were starting to look at present and past tense verbs; we did a loop card game to start before we sorted verbs and sentences into past and present tense. In Maths, we started our new unit of money, we counted pence to find different amounts and matched it to the correct price label. 

Year 2 - Road Safety

Date: 10th Jan 2024 @ 9:31pm

As part of our PSHE learning this week, Year 2 have focused on Road Safety and in particular, staying safe when crossing the road.  Firstly, we looked at different images and spotted safe and unsafe behaviours.  Some of the safe behaviours were holding hands with an adult, stopping and looking both ways and using zebra crossings.  Some of the unsafe behaviours we spotted were playing with balls at the side of the road, playing on mobile phones and crossing between parked cars.  We then worked in small groups to sort images into safe or unsafe road crossing scenarios.

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust