Year 2: Blog items

Year 2 - Telling the time

Date: 11th Oct 2023 @ 8:17pm

Year 2 have been working hard on telling the time over the last 2 weeks.  On Tuesday we consolidated our learning on telling the time 'past' the hour by working in pairs to solve a matching puzzle.  We matched analogue clock images with 'past'  and 'to' times.  We also used stem sentences to help us read the clocks - For example, "The minute hand is pointing at the 2 so it is a ten past time" and "The minute hand is pointing at the 8 so it is a 20 to time." We then looked at the position of the hour hand to complete reading the time.

Spelling Bee

Date: 11th Oct 2023 @ 11:49am

We have held our first Spelling Bee of the year and what a wonderful event it was! 4 children in each year group represented their house and were given three words to spell from over a list of 30 possible words. Every child showed courage and determination when it came to spelling their words. It was a very close contest, with Chepstow winning overall with 15 out of 15. We are very proud of all the children who represented their house and are looking forward to the next one.

Year 2- Music's in my soul

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 3:59pm

This half term, Year 2 have been enjoying their Music lessons as we have explored different genres and had the opportunities to play a variety of instruments. We have been focusing on learning key vocabulary including: pulse, rhythm, dynamics, tempo and ostinato. This half term, we have learnt the song 'Music is in my soul' as well as 'Hey Friends' both of which we loved the meaning of. We have also had the opportunity to play and improvise to these songs using glokenspeils as well as a range of percussion instruments. Last week, we learnt the term 'scatting' and found it funny to make up our own words and say it repetitively to a beat. 

Year 2- Forest School Fun

Date: 5th Oct 2023 @ 3:35pm

Today, despite the weather, we enjoyed our second forest school session. Michelle read us a book called 'cool by the pool' and we pretended to be the animals in the book before we split into two groups; one group went pond dipping to look for bugs, plants and animals that we might find in a pond habitat and others explored the forest school garden opting to play in the mud puddle, mud kitchen, creating art or playing 'what time is it Mr Owl?' before we swapped over. Just before we came inside, we warmed up by having a cup of warm vimto.  

Year 2 - Forest School

Date: 28th Sep 2023 @ 3:46pm

We began our Forest School sessions today. To start we reminded ourselves of the Forest School rules that are in place to keep us all safe.  We then went on a scavenger hunt to find a range of items that we then used to create a piece of art.   Some of us chose to play in the mud kitchen and some of us worked together to build a shelter. Then it was onto the pond habitat to search for frogs.  We were very excited to see a few hopping about as they were tiny tadpoles last time we visited in Spring.

Year 2 - School Council Elections

Date: 28th Sep 2023 @ 3:45pm

This week, alongside the whole school we have been celebrating democracy and exploring what that means. With the start of a new school year means making new decisions about who we want to be our classes representative and member of the school council. The children were incredibly brave and delivered their manifesto's explaining why they would be a good school councillor and what they would do to make Boundary a better place before we all went and placed a confidential vote today. Well done to our new representatives:

Elm- Sab

Birch- Marleigh

Year 2 - DT - Developing sewing skills

Date: 26th Sep 2023 @ 3:49pm

This week in DT, Year 2 have been mastering the practical skillls that they will need to create a puppet.  We used pipe cleaners to practise tying knots as we will need a knot in the end of our thread when we begin to sew.  We completed threading activities to practise the movement needed to make a running stitch and finally, we used a needle and thread to create a running stitch that joined two pieces of fabric.

Year 2 - PE - Dance

Date: 21st Sep 2023 @ 1:51pm

For one of our PE units this half term, we have been developing our dance skills.  We have linked this dance with our current class novel, Fantastic Mr Fox.  We have been thinking about how a fox might move and how we can show emotion through movement.  We worked in small groups to put together a short motif that showed Mr Fox and his family digging, listening and moving.

Year 2- Microhabitats

Date: 20th Sep 2023 @ 5:11pm

Today, we continued our topic by exploring microhabitats. We thought about where we would find microhabitats before going into the forest school area to explore these to see what minibeasts we could find. We also discussed the conditions of the microhabitats and thought about how these minibeasts survived there. We looked under leaves, rocks, logs, under the bark and in some soil. 

Year 2 - Flexible Partitioning

Date: 13th Sep 2023 @ 8:47pm

Year Two have been using the Base 10 and part-part-whole models to partition 2-digit numbers in different ways.  We tried to do this in a systematic way so we could spot the patterns occuring with the tens digits.  We started to record our calculations with addition senetences and this also helped us to see the patterns in the digits.

Year 2 - Let's join together!

Date: 13th Sep 2023 @ 8:36pm

As part of our Reading into Writing journey, Year Two have been learning how to use conjunctions effectively to join clauses.  We enjoyed working in small groups to match clauses with appropriate conjunctions.  Once matched, we had to re-read the sentences carefully to make sure that they made sense with the chosen conjunction.  We will continue to develop our understanding and start to use a wider range of conjunctions in our next piece of writing.

Year 2 - Computing - Budding Photographers

Date: 13th Sep 2023 @ 8:21pm

For our first Computing unit of the year, Year Two are focusing on Digital Photography.  We have been learning the steps needed to take a good photograph and how we can adjust the way we are holding our devices to improve the photographs we take.  We have also been learning the difference between portrait and landscape images and experimenting with these, thinking carefully about which option a photographer might prefer depending on the subject of the photograph.

Year 2 - Tens and Ones

Date: 7th Sep 2023 @ 1:58pm

Today Year Two worked on representing the tens and ones in 2-digit numbers using Base 10.  We compared numbers with the same digits, such as 59 and 95 to show how the order of the digits makes a difference in the value of the number.

Year 2 - Puppets

Date: 7th Sep 2023 @ 1:57pm

This half term in Year 2 we will be creating our own puppets. To begin our learning journey, we explored a range of different puppets including: glove puppets, finger puppets, marionette puppets and shadow puppets. We thought about the materials that each puppet has been made out of, who might use the puppet as well as the different techniques that were used to join the matierals together. Most of us thought the glove puppets were the best and look forward to making our own in the future. 

Year 2 - Welcome to Bailey's Book Club

Date: 6th Sep 2023 @ 2:51pm

Today we welcomed Bailey and her owner Vincent to our school for the first session of Bailey's Book Club in Year 2. Several children had some one to one time reading to Vincent and Bailey the dog, Bailey also came into class and Vincent read a story about a Puppy to the children. Bailey gave out some Word of Week Certificates to the readers and then we had a bit of fun with Bailey doing some tricks with the bubbles!

Year 2 Representing Data

Date: 19th Jul 2023 @ 3:38pm

This half term, Year Two have been exploring different ways to represent data using an online system linking our Computing and Maths learning. Throughout the unit we have explored creating tally charts, pictograms and today we finished the unit by using data to create a block diagram. We have really enjoyed the unit and putting our Maths statistics knowledge into Computing. 

Year 2 Persuasive Adverts

Date: 18th Jul 2023 @ 4:24pm

Today, we used the computers to create our hot write of a persuasive advert. We thought about making it appealing by using bright colours and exciting shapes as well as using persuasive language to persuased someone to visit either Antarctica, the rainforest or the desert. We used our Geography knowledge from hot and cold places to make sure we told some facts. We had to have lots of patience but enjoyed using the chromebooks for our writing.

Year 2 Geography Day

Date: 13th Jul 2023 @ 4:04pm

Today, we participated in Geography morning alongside the rest of School exploring Antarctica. Year Two explored the key question ‘What is it like in Antarctica?’ We watched a video that recapped our knowledge about the temperature, animals, plants and shelters that are there and how nobody lives in Antarctica. We learnt it is the largest desert and is also the coldest place on earth because of its location furthest away from the equator.  We used all our knowledge to create replica models of Antarctica. 

First, we added mountains and the Southern Ocean into our model before painting a sky. Then we used cotton wool, tissue paper and other resources to add texture to our creations and bring it to life. We even had an iceberg floating in the middle of the ocean! Finally, we discussed animals we would find in Antarctica and placed them around the model in their correct habitats.

Year 2 Heritage Day

Date: 5th Jul 2023 @ 4:01pm

This week we celebrated heritage day where each year group has learnt about the History of different things in Blackpool. Year 2 explored the history of Blackpool Pleasure Beach. Both classes were excited to go to the pleasure beach where we learnt about how it came about, got it's name and looked at how the park has developed over time- some of us were shocked to learn that the flying machine is still there after being built and opened in 1904. Whilst we learnt about the history we also got a tour of the park and watched different rollercoasters thinking about how they work and what makes them exciting/scary. We used our knowledge and photos to create an inspiration page all about the Pleasure Beach and are incredibly grateful for the staff there who shared their expertise and knowledge. Lastly, we learnt about Amanda Thompson- one of the few females to be in the amusement park industry and she is carrying on family tradition of being the director. 

Year 2 Health Week

Date: 29th Jun 2023 @ 4:09pm

Today we finished our health week activities with a double dose of health. First, the school nurses visited us and taught us about the eatwell plate; after she read us a story about eating the different food groups, we sorted some items into the correct parts of a plate remembering we need to eat the most fruit and vegetables. She even challenged us to create rainbow plates with our meals. 

Next, we had a yoga session with Miss Sophie where we focused on our breathing ensuring we were calm and relaxed. Miss Sophie recapped lots of our poses and we enjoyed trying to recreate them. 

We have thoroughly enjoyed all our health week activities and we will remember all the ways we can keep ourselves healthy and the importance of it. 

Year 2 Rugby Workshop

Date: 28th Jun 2023 @ 7:32am

Yesterday, Year 2 were grateful to have a workshop with Tom from Wigan Warriors. Tom did a stuck in the mud themed warm up which taught us how to hold a rugby ball correctly to ensure an opponent cannot knock it out of our hands before we learnt how to score a tri. In teams, we had to run across the hall and get passed the tri line and tap the ball on a cone to take it back to our team in the style of a relay; to make it more challenging, Tom added some defenders who tried to stop the attackers getting to the tri line. We really enjoyed the activity and we are looking forward to our other activities still to come as part of Health Week.

Year 2 Dance Workshop

Date: 26th Jun 2023 @ 2:42pm

Today, to begin Health Week, Year 2 were lucky to have a dance teacher come into School and give us a dance workshop. After completing a fun warm up, we learnt a few basic cha cha steps which could be encorporated into our showcase dance. The teacher introduced our song and set the scene that we were completing a dance that showcases our pride, strength and self-belief. We learnt the timings to a cha cha and then learnt some steps for a paso doble styled dance as it is a powerful dance and that was what we wanted to showcase. We practised the steps lots to the music- I'm a Survivor, trying to remain in time and did a final performance at the end of the workshop. Everyone really enjoyed it and tried their best to get into character. We are looking forward to the rest of health week!

Year 2 Get Taken Over

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 2:53pm

Today, we got taken over by some Year 5 children; we started the day with an assembly by our new head and deputy headteacher Miss Bell and Mr Binns to introduce our characteristics of tolerance. When we returned to our classroom our new teachers helped us recap what the different word classes are and helped us complete a sorting activity of different verbs, adjectives, nouns and adverbs. After playtime, we chanted our 2, 5 and 10 times tables before completing some sheets thinking about the multiples of each and calculating multiplication questions. We ended our Takeover morning with Guided Reading. We enjoyed being taught by the Year 5 children although they found it tiring and hard.

Year 2 World Music Day!

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 7:58am

Yesterday, we celebrated World Music Day 2023. Each year group had been allocated a different continent to explore music from and ours was Oceania. We read the story about Tiddalick the frog to introduce the unit and found Australia on the map; then we practised singing the song about Tiddalick and him drinking all the water thinking about the rhythm and pitch of the notes. We then were introduced to a traditional Australian instrument- the didgeridoo and watched a video explaining how to play it before we had a go at making a sound ourselves. It was hard work as we had to try and blow really hard and create the correct shape with our mouths. We also used some other instruments to play alongside our singing. We enjoyed celebrating World Music Day and thinking about how other people across the world enjoy Music. 

Year 2 Fundamental skills

Date: 15th Jun 2023 @ 4:42pm

Yesterday, Year Two went outside and enjoyed a carousel of activities which helped us to practice our fundamental skills. We split into small groups and completed most of the activities in short bursts these included: skipping, throwing and catching, throwing with accuracy into a hoop, balance on the trim trail, dribbling a ball using our hands whilst moving as well as racket skills. We enjoyed all the activities and look forward to continuing practising our skills over the coming weeks. 

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust