Year 2: Blog items
Take your marks....Get set....GO!
Date: 4th Jul 2019 @ 8:23am
On Tuesday Year 2 took part in their annual Sports Day. They competed in events such as; 40m sprint, obstacle, egg and spoon and relay. They worked together in their houses to win as many points as possible. It was fantastic to see every child take part, work together and cheer on their team mates. It was the perfect day for them to show off their athletic skills and I think we could have some future Olympians on our hands.
Who is going to be the tallest of them all?
Date: 4th Jul 2019 @ 8:11am
Year 2 have been learning about how live and survive. This week they planted their own broad bean plant in their small greenhouses. They made sure they gave them a good water and then hung them somewhere where they will get lots of sunlight. We're looking forward to seeing them grow over the next couple of week. There is going to be some stiff competition. Who is going to be the tallest plant of them all? Watch this space.
Date: 20th Jun 2019 @ 9:32am
Year 2 had an exciting afternoon learning about Sikhism. Children were told all about the 10 Guru's and how they all believe peace and happiness. Children were shown special artifacts which they use to practice their religion. They also got to experience a Sikhism wedding and took part in a traditional Sikhism Dance.
Wheels on the Bus go round and round....
Date: 17th Jun 2019 @ 5:14pm
Year 2 had a fun afternoon visiting all the different attractions around Blackpool. Children then discussed what each attraction was and why it would be a fun experience. Children then spotted other landmarks around all the different attractions.
Date: 13th Jun 2019 @ 9:24am
Date: 13th Jun 2019 @ 9:22am
Date: 13th Jun 2019 @ 9:19am
Date: 31st Oct 2019 @ 9:02am
Year Two were introduced to our new topic, The Great Fire of London. We researched what life was like in the 1600's and how people lived. We particularly paid attention to the type of houses people lived in and how they were packed so tightly together. We then worked together to produce some art work to depict the Great Fire of London.
Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 10:43am
This week we have been doing lots of activities around Anti-bullying day. We thought about how we can be kind and support each other, how we can make sure everyone has a friend and who and where we can go if we feel upset or need to share something with someone. We also all wore odd socks to celebrate our differences and anti-bullying day. it is our differences that we need to celebrate and these differences which make us special. Take a look at some of odd sock picture below.
Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 10:35am
As part of our Science topic, Everyday Materials, pupils in Year Two were set a challenge to design a boat to carry an ‘orange’ across a river. We were given a range of materials including paper, clingfilm, tinfoil, sponge and fabric. We then had to use these materials to create a boat that would float. During this investigation we found that the sponge floated well initially, but when it began to absorb the water it became too heavy and started to sink. We also found that tinfoil was a useful material as it was waterproof and it didn’t absorb any water. Then some of us had the brilliant idea of covering the sponge with tinfoil, this made a great boat as it floated well and the tinfoil kept the sponge from absorbing the water. We really enjoyed working in small groups to tackle this challenge and we found out a lot about the properties of some everyday materials.
Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 10:33am
Year Two have had a busy half term, crammed with lots of learning. From calculating and finding number bonds in Maths, to appraising and creating Christmas
songs in Music. We have been Super Scientists by planning investigations about everyday materials and we really enjoyed using primary sources in History to find out more about why we remember soldiers from The First World War.
Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 10:31am
On Rainbow Laces day, we learnt about stereotyping in sport. We discussed who imagined when we said the sports: gymnastics, ballet, football and swimming. We looked at famous males and females in these sports and the amazing accomplishments that they have achieved. By the end of the session, we had a good understanding that it doesn’t matter what gender we are, we should play sports that interest us most.
We learnt that we should not stereotype people or judge them based on their looks or genders. Be who you want to be and do the things that make you smile!
Religious Education; a summary of our learning so far
Date: 15th Dec 2020 @ 2:27pm
At Boundary, our curious and tolerant children have had a busy few weeks learning lots about different religions and we can’t wait to share what we have done…
Reception have been busy learning about the Christmas story and filming our nativity in their outdoor area. They loved dressing up and re-enacting the nativity play.
This half term in Year 1 for RE, the children have been learning all about Jesus and the Christmas Story. They have learnt about the roles of a family and why babies are special. They have read the Christmas Story and then ordered the events. This week, they worked together in groups, to sort out Christmas cards into ones with a religious meaning and ones without.
Year 2 having been exploring the question…
Why do Christians say that Jesus is the ‘Light of the World’?
They children have learnt about how lights are used by Christians in celebration and to mark special events, what advent means and how they can be a light to other people!
Year 3 have been learning about Islam and who Muslims follow. They have learnt about the characteristics that the prophet Mohammed showed and how Muslims can be charitable. The children have reflected on this and how they can apply it to the role models in our lives.
In Year 4, they have been learning about Christianity and how Christians show love to everyone. The children have done this by looking at parables such as The Good Samaritan and The Unforgiving Servant. These parables have told them that it is important to ‘Love thy neighbour’ and treat everyone around them with care and respect.
This term in Year 5 they have been learning about Islam. They looked at Ramadan, The 5 Pillars of Islam, The Holy Qur’an and Hajj.
The Holy book of Islam is the Qur’an, Muslims clean themselves in water that has been blessed, before they hold it. – Lacey-Morgan
The pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) is one of the five pillars of Islam and Muslims must do it at least once in their life if they are physically capable of it. Ihram is the name given to the special spiritual state in which pilgrims wear two white sheets of seamless cloth during their pilgrimage. – Myles
Year 6 children have been learning about the Hindu belief in reincarnation, karma and the 4 Ashramas (stages of life). The children have reflected on the milestones they have achieved in their lives already and possible future ones.