Year 2: Blog items

Spring 1 WOW Animal Masks

Date: 9th Jan 2020 @ 9:01pm

Year 2 had a great morning getting to grips with their new topic 'Take a Walk on the Wild Side'. Children worked collaboratively first exploring where many animals live in the word and even found that the same animal can be found on more than one continent. We then discussed all the different habitats, conditions and adaptations they needed to survive. Then children picked their favourite animal and used a variety of materials to make its iconic features, we then painted their facial features to make them look realistic. There were some fantastic and very realistic examples created by all the children. Well done Year 2.

Nativity Performances

Date: 17th Dec 2019 @ 2:44pm

On Tuesday this week Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 performed their Nativity play in front of parents and carers. Reception performed 'The Wriggly Nativity' and Year 1 and Year 2 performed 'Miracle in Town'. Congratulations to our incredibly talented, confident and enthusiastic children who entertained us all with their singing, dancing and acting.

Athletes In Training!

Date: 28th Nov 2019 @ 2:16pm

Our Year 1&2 Children got to take part in the KS1 Blackpool Schools Athletics Festival at Stanley Park Sports centre. Our pupils got the chance to participate in all the events our KS2 Children do, when competing at the Blackpool School Games Athletics Finals. 

We had a fantastic morning out of school and our children did not stop smiling through out the Festival. We definitely have some future Athletes who will be competing and representing our school when their time comes around.

Well done to all involved! 



Fire Safety Talk

Date: 25th Nov 2019 @ 12:20pm

Year 2 were very lucky to have Lancashire Fire Service come in and talk to the children about the importance of fire safety. The fire fighters discussed with the children what to do if they were in a fire and made the children aware of some important rules when using 999 to call for help. Next the children were excited to dress up and go through many scenarios enabling the children to show what they have learnt about fire safety. 

Lest We Forget.....

Date: 11th Nov 2019 @ 12:07pm

Year 2 have spent the week making Poppy Art using different materials to show respect towards fallen soldiers. We joined the whole school for a remembrance service and also made a collage of war time newspaper articles which helped us understand the enormous scarifies soldiers made during the war. We planted a poppy in our remembrance garden to remember them.  

Guided Reading Parents Workshop

Date: 25th Nov 2019 @ 11:46am

Year 2 enjoyed having their parents visit this morning to support their reading skills. Parents were given useful tips to help their children develop their reading skills at home such as predicting, clarifying, questioning and summarising pieces of texts.The children did a great job showing off their superb reading skills.  Remember reading as often as possible will develop your child's reading fluency and overall understanding of texts which is a key aspect of achieving end of year 2 expectations. 

Parents Day

Date: 12th Nov 2019 @ 2:47pm

Year 2 had a lovely morning when parents came into visit to see what they were learning in Maths. Parents supported their children by helping them count and use their problems solving skills. Children had to work out different number bonds to 10, 20 and 100. The children had to solve the puzzle matching all the correct number bonds and had to make sure in the end that they had made a triangle. 

Family learning in Nature

Date: 7th Nov 2019 @ 4:00pm

The children and parents were Nature Detectives. Parents learnt ways to support their child's reading. writing and maths with a Nature theme. They learnt how to support learning at home and in school and each family made a scrap book to record their learning. Parents learned more about the KS1 curriculum and went on an educational visit and learnt about how we grow our fruit and vegetables.
They also made a planter out of paper, planted a seed, to grow in the ground.

Reading on Wheels

Date: 7th Oct 2019 @ 8:46am

Year 2 were excited to see the Book Bus arrive, we looked at a range of different books from many genres and read one together as a class. Children then choose to buy one to take home. Remember reading is very important but it is also very fun when you have the right book. We hope everyone enjoys reading their new books and Miss Ward and Miss Hooson look forward to hearing all about them.  

A Bug's Life

Date: 16th Oct 2019 @ 8:39pm

On Wednesday morning, Gemma from 'Little Zoo to You' brought some of her animals in to meet Year Two.  Some of the creatures we were lucky enough to meet were Michelle the African Land Snail, Colin the Madagascan Cockroach and Zeus the American Corn Snake.  Gemma told us all about the habitats in which these animals can be found and how they have adapted to survive and thrive in their environments in the wild.

It's time for elections

Date: 26th Sep 2019 @ 8:31am

Year 2 spent the morning voting for their new Class Councillor representative. Candidates read their manifestos to the class to help the children make some very important decisions. We then went and placed our very important votes into the ballot box. Congratulations to Callum and Talon who were elected. I'm sure they're going to do a fantastic job.

Mini Beast Hunt

Date: 26th Sep 2019 @ 8:12am

Year 2 have been exploring the school grounds looking for lots of mini beasts and investigating the different micro-habitats in which they can be found. We found lots of bugs and insects lurking around under logs, stones and in plants and trees. We noticed that they all like damp and dark places where no one can find them. Great work Year 2!

Count us in!

Date: 19th Sep 2019 @ 9:21am

Year 2 have been working hard on understanding the place value in numbers up to 100 in Maths.  We have been using lots of images and manipulatives to help us understand the actual size of numbers.  We have also been thinking about how many tens and how many ones make up each number.  This will help us to go on to order and compare numbers.  We had fun representing numbers with equipment such as bead strings, Dienes, place value counters and Numicon.

Tell me a story...

Date: 11th Sep 2019 @ 4:54pm

Year 2 children paid a visit to the Library this week, all the children chose a book and are excited to start reading them in class and with their friends. The children will visit the library every half term, where they will be able to read books from many genres and experience the benefits of using a library. Children will also be able to change their books. 

3...2...1 Blast off!

Date: 5th Sep 2019 @ 4:34pm

Year 2 had a brilliant morning taking off in the Boundary rocket heading for the International Space Station. Once in space children began hunting for some ‘extraordinary’ photographs of our Earth and its capabilities. We then went on a scavenger hunt to find lots of different pictures by using our explorer binoculars. 

Heritage Day....The life of the Circus past and present

Date: 11th Jul 2019 @ 9:32am

Year 2 have been looking at how the Circus has changed over time. We looked at all the different acts both past and present then we wanted to create our very own Circus. The Greatest Showman was in town and they needed some help, so we made our very own persuasive advert to encourage everyone to come and see it. What a show it was!

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust