Year 2: Blog items
Date: 2nd Nov 2020 @ 10:58am
Date: 18th Oct 2020 @ 6:27pm
Year 2 found themselves stranded on a deserted island. We had a think about what the essentials to survive would be and what things would make us happy. We wrote our final list of essentials on the ground in chalk to help any others that may get stranded in the future. Luckily, we found our way back to the classroom safe and sound!
Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 6:16pm
We had a very exciting day voting for our new school council representatives. Each child had the opportunity to present their manifestos and their peers voted for who they thought would do the best job! We spoke about having a democracy and ensuring that we had the chance to be heard and vote. Well done to the 2 children who were chose to represent their class this year, we are sure that they will do us proud!
Date: 5th Oct 2020 @ 6:18pm
Year 2 worked very hard practising making wheels and axels in preparation for their final moving vehicles. They trialled 2 different methods for making wheels and axels and tested which was more effective. The children had to work with accuracy and carefully measure their axels. They did a great job!
Date: 1st Oct 2020 @ 3:55pm
Year 2 have had a fantastic day participating in Forest School! The children loved being outdoors and using their problem solving skills to build bridges, make secret potions and to simply just explore nature! We all had such a great time and we can't wait for more next week!
When life gives you lemons.... Make Lemonade!
Date: 18th Sep 2020 @ 2:25pm
In our guided reading, we looked at a set of instructions on how to make lemonade. We thought it would be a great idea to follow the recipe and make ur very own lemonade. Unfortunately, we were unable to taste the lemonade but Mrs Fielding had a go at home and she can confirm it is delicious!
The recipe is very simple to follow and it would be great for you to try it out at home and let us know how it tastes. We have uploaded the recipe onto seesaw for you to follow! You could even share pictures of you making it with us.
Date: 15th Sep 2020 @ 4:30pm
Year 2 settled back into school brilliantly! We had a fantastic week, learning lots of new things and getting use to our new routines. It is like we have never been gone!
We learnt all about animals and their offspring, done lots of outside learning and we have explored moving vehicles ready for our DT project. The children loved playing with the toys and enjoyed giving their star rating afterwards.
It has been great to have you all back and we are looking forward to the rest of the year together!
Changes to Home Time Arrangements
Date: 3rd Sep 2020 @ 4:18pm
Changes to home time arrangements
As we have now been open for a number of days we have noticed a concerning lack of social distancing by parents and carers. Therefore, we are enhancing our COVID Safe rules.
We recommend that face coverings are worn by all parents and carers who are medically able to do so – staff will also be wearing face coverings.
To further ensure safe exiting at the end of the date, we will now stagger the collection times:
Year 3 – finish at 3:15pm
Year 4 – finish at 3:10pm
Year 5 – finish at 3:20pm
Year 6 – finish at 3:25pm
As always, for those parents/carers who have to collect children from Nursery, Reception and Key Stage 1, staff will still wait with your child until you can collect them from their designated zone.
Nursery, Reception, Years 1, 2 and 3
There will be no changes to Reception and Key Stage 1 at this time, however, this situation is under constant review. Please remember, do not call your child over to you, they will be brought to you by a member of staff.
Please follow these new procedures to help keep your child safe.
Date: 2nd Sep 2020 @ 10:58am
Date: 2nd Sep 2020 @ 10:51am
Date: 16th Mar 2020 @ 9:53pm
Year 2 spent the day discussing the impact of global warming and how it effects our environment. The children then looked at the dangers of plastic swimming around our oceans and the problem it poses to all livings things. We then explored ways we can help reduce the amount of waste we use and how important it would be for animals, natural environments and habitats. Later on the children created starfish out of recycled materials, as you can see from their designs they did a fantastic job. Well done Year 2.
Date: 12th Mar 2020 @ 9:16am
In Science, we have been learning all about electricity! We were able to explore the snap circuits and create our own circuits. We realised that there couldn't be any breaks in our circuits or they wouldn't work! We were able to make light bulbs glow, motors spin and we even made one circuit sing happy birthday! We had lots of fun experimenting with the circuits but we also learnt how to use them safely and how electricity works.
Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 9:10am
Year 2 amazed us on World Book Day with their amazing costumes! We shared our favourite characters and books with each other, as well as visiting the library for a special story! We had a lovely day and we would like to thank everyone for the huge amount of effort that went into making sure the children looked fabulous!
Young Seasiders Art Competition
Date: 4th Mar 2020 @ 12:02pm
School children from right across the Fylde coast have let their imaginations run wild and made this year’s Young Seasiders Arts and Crafts Exhibition another success story and our children were a part of it. Children from across the school took part in a variety of art lessons, creating pieces which were influenced by our local area and created using techniques used by artists across a range of styles.
Two winners were eventually chosen, Joe from Year 6 and Elliah from Year 2. Their artwork, along with all the other final pieces chosen, are on display at The Grundy gallery in Blackpool along with art created by other children from schools across Blackpool and The Fylde. Jo and Elliah were taken to the art gallery to see their artwork on display and to receive their certificates - Well Done and another Well Done to all our children who have created wonderful pieces of art that we are all very proud of!
Date: 27th Feb 2020 @ 8:57am
On our first day back after half term, Year 2 had a great morning experimenting with electricity! We defied gravity by making a balloon stick to the wall and we even made salt and pepper jump from a bowl! We learnt that this was all down to static electricity. We had lots of fun making our hair stand up. We also used snap circuits to make fans and lights. We had a great morning and can't wait to learn more about electricity!
Date: 24th Feb 2020 @ 1:21pm
Year Group Newsletter Spring 2 2019/2020
Date: 24th Feb 2020 @ 1:20pm
Topic Overview Spring 2 2019/2020
Date: 24th Feb 2020 @ 1:18pm
We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo!
Date: 7th Feb 2020 @ 8:55am
Year 2 had lovely day at Blackpool Zoo. We saw lots of interesting animals and we learnt lots of new facts! Did you know that elephants have 40,000 muscles in their trunk alone?!
During the day, we also had a lesson about habitats. We learnt how animals adapt to their surroundings to survive. We also got to touch a bearded dragon and elephant poo! We had a brilliant time and luckily the weather was perfect!
Date: 11th Feb 2020 @ 10:12pm
As part of our Safer Internet Day Year 2 joined the #Freetobe campaign, we discussed some very important questions such as; how we could be free to ourselves, free to play, free to be kind, free to be safe and free to talk. Children worked in groups and came up with different examples of what this would look like online. Next we looked at the positives and negatives associated with each of these questions and how we could overcome and protect ourselves from the dangers of the internet whilst also celebrating the benefits. Children were then given a secret mission to create their own super robot which would help support keeping the internet a fun and safe place to be. They programmed all the essential characteristics and then created lines of coding explaining their very important job roles. So watch out, there could be a robot on the loose online but don't worry our Year 2 children have been giving them lots of important jobs to keep everybody safe.
Date: 5th Feb 2020 @ 8:44pm
Year 2 have been learning all about money this week. Firstly we explored lots of different ways that we use and need money and how it is earned. The children then started look at what money looks like. We found that we can use both coins and notes, there are a range of different colours, shapes and sizes and that we can measure its value in pounds and pence. Next week we are ready to look at making different amounts and finding different combinations.
Date: 23rd Jan 2020 @ 8:14am
Year 2 were given a variety of images of landmarks around Australia. The children had to piece the jigsaws together to identify the locations and find out new facts! These included The Great Barrier Reef, Sydney Harbour Bridge, Australia Zoo and Sydney Opera House. Year 2 then did a great job advertising the landmarks in their leaflets!
Date: 29th Jan 2020 @ 8:46pm
This week Year 2 have been learning about different types of animal classifications and explored how each one was unique. Children worked collaboratively and discussed many different animals and then made choices as to what classification they were, based on their individual features. Next we played guess who, where children had to describe the different features and the class had to guess which animal classification it was (E.g bird, fish, mammal, amphibians or reptiles). Afterwards children compared each of the classifications and discussed the similarities and differences between them.
Date: 22nd Jan 2020 @ 9:24pm
Year 2 enjoyed lots of fun activities on no pen day. We had lots of help on hand as well with many parents coming to have a look at what we've been learning. Firstly we looked at a range of different synonyms for a range of adjectives, this will help us when we come to write our setting description later this week. Later on during maths we looked at dividing numbers equally and we learnt how some numbers we can shared in different ways.
To the land down under! Australia here we come!
Date: 21st Jan 2020 @ 9:38pm
Year 2 were excited to fasten their seat belts ready for their jet setting adventure to Australia. Before we could go, we discussed all the important things we need when travelling aboard and what flying commercially is really like. Year 2 were lucky enough to have first class round the trip tickets to Sydney. Before our departure we ensured that we had the correct personal information on our passports and not to mention having our boarding passes ready for boarding. Next we boarded, with the help of our fabulous cabin crew (Miss Hartley and Mrs Crookall) who showed us to our seats. Then prepared for take off and took to the skies observing all the land, sea and clouds from 42,000 ft. We were kept entertained throughout our 22 hour flight with plenty of snacks and refreshments. Next stop SYDNEY!