Year 2: Blog items
Year 2- Where in the world am I?
Date: 10th Jan 2024 @ 5:06pm
Today, Year Two explored the key question 'Where in the world am I?' for the beginning of our Geography unit Continents and Oceans. We found our School on Google Earth and discussed what we could see before zooming out to discuss the Grange Park area. We continued to zoom out to find the town we are in (Blackpool), the county (Lancashire), country (England, United Kingdom), the continent (Europe) and finally the hemisphere (Northern hemisphere). We had great fun exploring where we are in the world.
Date: 20th Dec 2023 @ 4:25pm
This afternoon Year 2 enjoyed their party. We did lots of dancing, ate delicious snack, played games including musical bumps, pass the parcel and pin the nose on Rudolph as well as having a special visit from the man himself- Santa!
Date: 20th Dec 2023 @ 4:23pm
This week, we have been busy using our sculpture skills to transform sticks into stick men. We thought about the pose we wanted our stick to be in and joined different sticks together to create our vision. Once our sticks were secure, we wrapped them in wool to create some clothes for it.
Date: 19th Dec 2023 @ 9:22pm
Today we used Geoboards to create different 2-D shapes. We had to count the vertices and the sides to check that we had made the correct 2-D shape. We could see that, apart from squares, the same 2-D shapes can look very different but they must have shared properties - For example, all hexagons must have 6 vertices and 6 straight sides but these sides do not have to be an equal length.
Date: 14th Dec 2023 @ 2:54pm
Today we took part in the Elf Olympics where we played lots of games to try and win points for our house. These will be added to our total house points that we win via dojos for going above and beyond!
Year 2- Christmas Jumper/Christmas Dinner Day
Date: 11th Dec 2023 @ 4:31pm
Today, alongside the whole school we enjoyed our annual Christmas dinner and Christmas jumper day. We all looked fabulous in our Christmas jumpers and enjoyed our festive dinner including Turkey and all the trimmings followed by a dessert of cake. It was delicious and we all enjoyed celebrating Christmas together!
Date: 11th Dec 2023 @ 4:25pm
This half term, Year Two have been working hard with their teachers and Mr Perkins practicing their fundamental skills including: throwing, catching and rolling. Over the last 7 weeks, we have learnt to do an underarm throw, thinking about bending the opposite leg, placing our palm towards the target and keeping a straight arm to ensure we throw accurately. We have completed many games where we have had to aim at targets on different levels and today we completed relay races to see who could get the most amount of balls into the baskets at the end as it was thrown down the line.
Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 1:29pm
Year Two have further been exploring descriptive writing and today focused on describing settings. We used adjectives and adverbs to describe what we could see, hear, smell and imagine what it might feel like. We worked in groups to create a bank of ambitious vocabulary that can help us when we come to write our Christmas story soon.
Year 2 - Subtracting two digit numbers
Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 7:30am
This week we have continued our addition and subtraction unit by looking at subtraction two digit numbers. We begun the week by exploring subtraction when it doesn't cross a ten, remembering the importance of starting with the ones. Throughout the week we have further deepened our understanding to subtracting two digit numbers when it does cross a ten exchanging one ten for 10 ones so we can subtract the ones before subtracting the tens. We explored how our whole is the same, it has just been represented in a different way. For example, 72 can be shown as 7 tens and 2 ones or 6 tens and 12 ones. We have enjoyed using a range of concrete resources which has helped us with more abstract calculations.
Year 2 - Which ship can hold the most weight?
Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 7:27am
Last week, we conducted an experiment as part of our Everyday Materials unit to test which ship can hold the most weight? We made different sized boats using tin foil and placed counters on the top, counting how many counters it took until the ship sunk. This week, we used our results to use an online program to record our data in a block chart. We thought about the axis and giving the chart a title as well as inputting our own data before we interpreted our results using the chart. We found that the biggest ship could hold the most weight whilst the smallest ship held the least. This is because we can spread the weight.
Date: 29th Nov 2023 @ 8:12am
We had a visit from the fire brigade who discussed all the ways they help us. They taught us what to do if there was a fire and how we can keep ourselves safe. They set us a mission to see where our smoke alarms are and to test that they work with the help of an adult to ensure we keep safe.
Year 2 - Adding two 2-digit numbers
Date: 28th Nov 2023 @ 9:15pm
Today we started adding two 2-digit numbers that do not cross the tens. We used place value counters and mats to help us see what happens when we add two 2-digit numbers. We started by making each 2-digit number with PV counters. We then added the ones before going on to add the tens and then combining them.
Date: 28th Nov 2023 @ 9:01pm
During our RE sessions this half term, Year Two have been studying Christianity and what Christians mean when they say that Jesus is 'the light of the world'. We explored a Christingle and what each part represents before making our own Christingles. We then gathered together in the hall to light our Christingles and have a collective moment of reflection. We also sang the Christmas carols, 'Silent Night' and 'Do you hear what I hear?' whilst considering the meaning behing their lyrics.
Date: 21st Nov 2023 @ 4:03pm
Today, we used the Now Press Play equipment to explore bullying and teasing. The story was of a young boy who joined our school and became friends with two girls; however, one was jealous of the new attention divide and began teasing Hasaan (the new boy). We discussed as a class how some of the things Sofia did towards Hasaan were wrong and what we would have done in that situation to ensure it did not happen and we could get help.
Date: 21st Nov 2023 @ 3:57pm
Today, for together time we used our knowledge of number bonds to create a puzzle. We had to match the number bonds to their correct partner as well as try to get it to fit together as a triangle. We first completed number bonds to 10 before challenging ourselves to complete one using number bonds to 20. A few of us got incredibly creative and made our own puzzle using bonds to 100. We loved showing off our learning to our adults and thank them all for joining us.
Date: 16th Nov 2023 @ 7:13am
Yesterday, we explored using materials in different ways to make something they aren't by twisting, bending, folding, cutting, tearing and stretching. We did this to create roots and shoots from a source. We likened it to a flower with the roots going down out of a source/seed and the shoots stretching upwards towards the light. We tried to be creative and join the materials in different ways.
Year 2- What was it like for a Soldier in World War I?
Date: 16th Nov 2023 @ 7:10am
Today we explored the Key Question ‘What was it like for a Soldier in World War I? Each group looked at photographs and explored a different aspect of life in the war including: food, dangers, trench conditions and free time. Then, we taught each other about what we had learnt. We found it incredibly interesting learning about what they experienced and thought about how difficult it must have been.
Year 2 - Absorbency Investigation
Date: 14th Nov 2023 @ 4:30pm
Today, in Science, we had a problem to solve. Mrs Jones-Boast wanted to know the best material to help mop up spills in the dinner hall. We discussed the problem and decided that the material needed to be absorbent. We then planned our investigation, thinking about what we needed to change, what we will measure and what we needed to keep the same to ensure a fair test. We also consolidated our maths skills by using a ruler to measure our results. We found that the most absorbent material was felt. The tinfoil and the cellophane were non-absorbent because they didin't absorb any liquid.
Date: 13th Nov 2023 @ 7:58am
On Friday, alongside the whole School, Year 2 participated in our annual Remembrance Service. First of all, we went outside and planted our poppies in the Remembrance Garden remembering all those who lost their lives due to war before listening to the moving service and completing a two minutes silence followed by the last post. We reflected on the upset war causes and remembered those past and present who are dealing with conflict.
Date: 9th Nov 2023 @ 4:32pm
Today we used base 10 to help us work out calculations when adding across 10. We followed the process of creating our number then adding the correct amount of ones before exchanging 10 ones for 1 ten. It helped us understand the concept of exchanging in preparation for our next lesson using number lines to support us.
Date: 8th Nov 2023 @ 5:01pm
Yesterday, in Science, we investigated the different ways we could change materials. We twisted, squashed, teared, snapped, stretched and bent a range of different materials to see if we could change them. Some of the things we tested included: plastic bags, foil, cling film, rubber, ruler, plastic bottles, paper, pencils, pens and many other objects made from a variety of materials. We found that some materials were easily changed where as others were much harder.
Date: 2nd Nov 2023 @ 8:48pm
To start our History topic of Remembrance, we recapped on our prior learning in History so far.
We worked in groups to create a timeline of personal events and those we have studied from Year 1. We ordered them from the earliest to the most recent.
We discussed that although it seems a long time age since we started school, it was the most recent event as it only happened 2 years ago.
As our next topic is based on the events of World War I, we looked at where that will fit in on the timeline.
Date: 2nd Nov 2023 @ 2:54pm
Our first journey for this half term is writing a character description. Before we begin to plan and write our own, we explored lots of different character descriptions from Roald Dahl's books including: The BFG, Miss Trunchball, Fantastic Mr Fox and Grandma in George's Marvellous medicine. We carefully searched for adjectives and adverbs and recorded them in a grid so we can magpie some idea's for our own and some descriptions even included similes!
Date: 2nd Nov 2023 @ 2:52pm
This half term, Year 2 are learning about Remembrance. Before, remembrance day we are creating poppy art from observational drawings. We followed a video and different pictures to draw our own poppy then we carefully painted them the correct colours. When they are dry we will cut them out and stick them onto a black and white picture of Blackpool during the war.
Date: 2nd Nov 2023 @ 2:49pm
This week, it was the beginning of Elm's turn to read with Mr Vincent and Bailey. Throughout, the half term different children will take it in turns to read to Bailey as well as enjoying stories shared by Mr Vincent to the whole class. This week, we enjoyed a story about a puppy who kept forgetting his name and we compared it to a story we have previously read 'Mog the forgetful cat'. The winners of reader of the week were Stevie and Joshua for excellent sounding out and expression for speech. Before Bailey went home we enjoyed blowing some bubbles for her to catch.