Year 2: Blog items

Cracking Circuits!

Date: 14th May 2021 @ 8:01am

In Science, we have been learning about electricity. We found out that in order for an electric current to flow around a circuit there must be no breaks in it. We were given a varity of scenario cards with different circuits on. We made predicitons as to whether these were working circuits and then tested them. After testing, we recorded our results and found out that our predictions were brilliant!

The Land Down Under!

Date: 10th May 2021 @ 4:28pm

In Geography, we continued our learning on Australia. We learnt about natural and manmade landmarks. We started by finding some famous landmarks on a map of the UK and then went on  to compare these to Australian landmarks. 

In groups, we were given a wallet of jigsaw pieces. We had to piece these together to make 5 famous Australia landmarks. We then had names and facts to try to match up to our landmarks. Finally we located these famous attractions on a map of Australia! We just wish we could have visited these amazing places in real life!

100 Hungry Ants!

Date: 10th May 2021 @ 4:25pm

Year Two worked hard in pairs to solve a division problem based on the story of 100 Hungry Ants by Elinor Pinczes.  We worked together to find all the possible ways of dividing 36 or 24 groups of ants.  We tried to work systematically to make sure we found all the possibilities and we had some great discussions about using known facts to help us find all the ways.  This also led to some great reasoning about odd and even numbers.  

Miss Hooson and Mrs Fielding were very impressed with the perseverance and stamina shown whilst completing this task.

Take 10

Date: 10th May 2021 @ 4:21pm

At 10am today, we watch Anthony Horrowitz introduce the

Mad about Music!

Date: 10th May 2021 @ 4:16pm

After listening to and appraising aboriginal music, we moved on to using instruments made from natural materials such as wood and our body parts to compose our own pieces in small groups. We learnt what a crotchet was and we counted in beats of 4. In our teams, we composed our piece and practised, ready to perform next week. 

Aboriginal Music!

Date: 26th Apr 2021 @ 10:09am

In music we started to look at aboriginal music. We linked this to our geography topic and decided to focus on Australian music. We listened to and appraised a variety of Australian Aboriginal music and we found it extremely interesting. We realised that to make music they used natural resources and their voices. We went outside and used resources that we could find in our playground, wooden instruments and also our bodies to compose our own piece of music. 

Exciting Electricity!

Date: 20th Apr 2021 @ 4:37pm

As the Year 2 introduction to Electricity, we completed an exciting circuit of activities! We found that we could use static electricity to make our hair stand to attention and that by just rubbing a balloon against our jumpers we could make it stick to the wall! It was quite tricky but lots of us persevered until we were successful!
We also used static electricity to make salt and pepper jump from a bowl onto a comb! We loved watching this happen. 
Finally, we used the snap circuits. We followed instructions to make weird and wonderful things. Some of us used the circuits to make alien sounds, some people made a fan fly across the room and some of us even made our circuits sing Happy Birthday! 
We had a wonderful afternoon of learning and we can't wait to find out more about electricity. 

Australia Here We Come!

Date: 20th Apr 2021 @ 4:29pm

Today we started our Geography topic

BLT Summer 1 2021

Date: 14th Apr 2021 @ 3:57pm

The Wonders of the Human Body!

Date: 31st Mar 2021 @ 3:49pm

During our guided reading session, we were reading the book 'A Body Dictionary'. We loved learning all the amazing facts about the human body. Our favourite was ' We have about 5 litres of blood in our bodies- that is enough to fill about 15 drink cans.'

We were very intrigued to find out how much 5 litres was so after the session we decided to investigate what we could fill with 5 litres. We used a litre water bottle and filled a tub with water to represent blood. We couldn't believe that we had that much blood in our bodies! We tried to lift the tub of water and it was so heavy! 


Date: 29th Mar 2021 @ 3:56pm

In PSHE we have been learning about Fire Safety! We learnt 3 key rules:

1. Get out
2. Stay out
3. Call 999

We also learnt that if there is smoke in the room, it will rise. This means that if we were ever in a fire we should stay low! We practised crawling out of the room and using the back of hand to test the door temperature. We also learnt about stop, drop and roll! We are now clued up on what to do in the event of a fire and we know how to actively prevent fires in the home.  


Date: 25th Mar 2021 @ 3:45pm

This afternoon we focussed our art on the story 'The Dot'. We started with 2 dots on the page and went on to create a class masterpiece! We used the skill of quilling to roll pieces of paper to make a 3D piece of art. This took great resilience and perseverence as we rolled all of these tiny pieces. We ended up with very sticky hands from all of that glue! 

We found it to be very peaceful and theraputic and we are extremely pleased with the end result. 

Glorious Sunflowers

Date: 25th Mar 2021 @ 3:38pm

In Science, we planted our own sunflowers. We learnt what plants need to survive: sunlight, water, the correct temperature and time. Every day we have been watering our plants and watching them grown. They have gone from being a seed to a germinated seed, seedling and now it is getting towards a young plant. 

We can't wait to see our flowers turn into an adult plant! 

Red Nose Day Fun!

Date: 19th Mar 2021 @ 3:37pm

We had a great time raising money for Comic Relief today! We all swapped one piece of our uniform for something red to show our support. This afternoon we had a laugh a minute with some classic jokes and we played 'Pin the Nose on the Panda'. Thank you for all of your contributions for such a good cause!

Riddles hunt!

Date: 16th Mar 2021 @ 4:16pm

Today in Reading into Writing, Year 2 went on a riddle hunt. We worked in pairs to try to solve riddles and get the most points. We will be going on to writing our own riddles very soon for you to solve!

Carving into Colour

Date: 9th Mar 2021 @ 8:43pm

As part of our Art learning this half term, Year Two have begun to explore the work of two famous artists, Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse.  This week we explored the later work of Henri Mattise.  We discovered that as he became older, Matisse suffered from ill health which prevented him from painting.  He began to cut into coloured paper with scissors and in doing this he invented a new medium, 'carving into colour'.

Taking inspiration from Matisse's artwork we created our own pieces using only scissors and coloured paper.  We had to carefully consider lines, colour and shape when creating our masterpieces.

Let them Grow!

Date: 9th Mar 2021 @ 8:20pm

This week Year Two were finally all back together in the classroom and we were so happy to see each other.  To support our Science topic on plants, we had fun planting sunflower seeds.  We are going to take care of these in school until the weather gets a little warmer.  Then we will be sending them home and seeing who can grow the tallest sunflower.  Good luck everyone!

Welcome to Spring Term

Date: 15th Jan 2021 @ 9:58am

Well, it hasn't been the start to the Spring term that we had planned but that hasn't stopped Year Two learning lots of new things.  Some of you have been brilliant with your remote learning on Seesaw and we want this to continue.

We have seen some marvellous examples of work, including finding features in non-chronological reports in Reading into Writing and some great problem solving involving arrays in Maths.  

Remember that Miss Hooson and Mrs Fielding are here for you if you need any help and we will keep checking in with you at home to make sure things are running smoothly.  Keep going Year Two, we can do this!

Online Learning - Important Information for Parents and Carers

Date: 5th Jan 2021 @ 11:28am

The expectation remains that all learning will take place online during this period of Lockdown which was announced by the government would begin from the 5th January 202. Online work will be set each day by your child’s class teacher.
For Nursery, Reception and Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 this work will be set on SeeSaw and your child’s login details will be found in the front of their reading diary.
For Years 5 and 6 online learning will be set on Google Classroom and again, your child’s login details will be found in the front of their reading diary.
Both SeeSaw and Google Classroom can be accessed via a smartphone, tablet, iPad or laptop.
Since returning in September, we have worked hard with every child so that they are able to login to their online learning and know how to do this - we are very proud that a lot of children are now using these daily both in class and to submit their homework!
Your child’s class teacher will be in touch soon to ensure you are able to log on and to answer any questions you may have in regards to online learning.
Please bear with us as we try to contact as many parents and carers as we can.
There are a number of other websites that your child may be asked to access to ensure they continuing their normal learning journey and these links can be found here:
For those unable to access online platforms we ask that you contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance.
Thank you for your ongoing support during this time.

BLT Spring 1 2021

Date: 5th Jan 2021 @ 10:02am

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust