Reception: Blog items

Reception Families, Friendships and Relationships

Date: 3rd Jul 2022 @ 9:44pm

This week in Reeption we have been talking about the importance of friendships, families and different relationships.  We meet Ezaa the Bear and helped her overcome some different problems including feeling worried on her first day of school, worrying about her family being different to others and falling out with her best friend Heckle.  We talked about different emotions and the children were able to identify when and why they felt scard, sad, worried and excited.  We discussed the importance of friendships and why it is important to beable to say sorry and forgive people.  Finally we talked about our families and discussed how they are similiar and different but still all equally as special.

"If my fiend is sad I will make them laugh" Indi-Anna

"I live with Nana and Grandad.  They look after me" Jaden

"If someone upset up you should forgive them" Harrrison

"You should say sorry if you hurt someone" Evelyn

Reception The Seasons- Summer

Date: 3rd Jul 2022 @ 6:49pm

Thorughout the school year, Reception have been learning about the different seasons. They have looked at the changes in the weather, the clothes we wear and how nature grows and changes too .

"In Summer the weather is hot but in Winter it is cold" Athena

"All the trees have leaves" Alicja

"In Summer you wear shorts and t shirts and sandals to keep you cool" Mercedes

" You don't need to wear a coat outside" Charlea-Rai

"In Autumn the leaves die and fall off the trees but in Summer they have all grown again- the trees look very green" Charlie

As the seasons change, Reception paint a season tree. Take a look at our Summer tree!


Reception- Life Cycle of a Duck

Date: 26th Jun 2022 @ 11:07pm

Reception have been learning about the life cycle of a duck.

We were very lucky to have our own six duck eggs delivered to us from the farm. These were in an incubator and over the next ten days all the eggs hatched and we had six ducklings which we watched grow and change.

"First they there were six eggs in an incubator" Maya

"An incubator keeps the eggs warm like a mummy duck would if it had a nest" Isobel

"Then the eggs hatched- they cracked open the egg shell with their beaks and they came out" Isaac

"They were wet and needed to dry and keep warm under the heater in the cage" Harrison

"The ducklings were cheeping and running everywhere...when they got bigger we put them in the water...they could swim in the water" Mercedes


Reception Fun in the Sun

Date: 22nd Jun 2022 @ 2:34pm

Summer has arrived in Reception!

This week we have been talking about the changing of the season and spotting signs of summer.

"The weather is hot and sunny" Jessica

"It is light went you go to bed" Evelyn

"The plants and vegetable grow big because there is lots of sun" Charlie.

Due to the weather being so warm we have also been learning about the importance of keeping ourselves safe in the sunshine including wearing a sun hat, drinking lots of water and putting sun cream on.

"You need to wear sun cream so you don't burn" Ariella

"Drink lots of water to keep hydrated" Indi-Anna

"Wear sun glasses to protect your eyes" Isobelle

"Go into the shade when it is too hot" Sab"

Reception Fluffy Surprises!

Date: 19th Jun 2022 @ 10:11pm

This week Reception had some fluffy surprises- ducklings!

On Monday, a special delivery of six duck eggs in an incubator arrived in our classroom. Over the next 24 hours all six eggs hatched with the children being lucky enough to actually witness this themselves!

When they had dried out they were moved from the incubator to the cage and by Thursday they had already had their first experience of swimming!

The children enjoyed holding them, cleaning their cage out and choosing their names (Bob, Daisy, George, Pepper, Spidey and Nugget)!

"The Incubator keeps the eggs warm" Evelyn.

"They crack the eggs with their beaks" James.

"They hatch ot of the eggs" Charlea- Rai.

A baby duck is a duckling" Loui.


Reception Superheroes

Date: 13th Jun 2022 @ 4:26pm

Reception have returned to school from the half term holidays and our classrooms have been transformed into Superhero Central.  The children have enjoyed exploring the classroom areas and completing lots of superhero themed activities including superhero maths composition, superhero phonics, role playing in the superhero headquarters, retelling the story of 'Supertato and lots more. What a 'super' start to Summer 2.

Reception- Hip, Hip, Hooray for HM The Queen!

Date: 27th May 2022 @ 3:34pm

Reception had a fantastic day celebrating The Queen's Platinum Jubilee!

They all came to school dressed in the colours of the Union Jack flag, red, white and blue.  Then they participated in a whole school assembly where they learnt about the five British Values, the reign of HM Queen Elizabeth II and why we are celebrating her Platinum Jubilee. At the end of assembly they waved their flags as they sang a Jubilee song about HM The Queen.

,Throughout the morning, they drew pictures and wrote simple sentences about her as well as making their own crown which they proudly wore to lunch. 

Luchtime was special too. The whole school had a Royal picnic lunch and every child raised their cup of juice and gave a toast to HM The Queen. 

"It was the best day ever!" Charlie.

"The Queen is 96 years old" Isobel.

"Our flag is red, white and blue" Marleigh. 

Reception-The life cycle of a butterfly.

Date: 26th May 2022 @ 1:28pm

Over the last half term, Reception have been watching their caterpillars grow and change into butterflies.

"First they were caterpillars... they were very little" Athena.

"They ate all the food in the pot" Mercedes.

"They got bigger...they got fat" Alicja.

"They made a cocoon and were hanging upside down in the pot" Isobell

"You have to be careful not to shake the pot because the cocoons will fall" Marleigh

"After a long time they came out of their cocoon and were butterflies!" Charlie

"They were red and black with big wings" Indy.

"We let them go and they flew away" Maja.

Reception Make Bog Babies

Date: 25th May 2022 @ 9:28pm

Reception have been a lovely story called 'The Bog Baby'.  The story is about two little girls who go for a walk in bluebell wood.  They discover a magical pond where they find a obsure little creature.  Using their net they fished it out of the pond, it's was a bog baby.  The bog baby was small and round with a spikey tail.  His body was blue and he had big googley eyes.  The children took the bog baby home and put him in a bucket.  They fed him cake crumbs and took him for walks but the bog baby got sick.  Eventually the children realised the bog baby was a wild thing who belonged in the pond so their returned him to his habitat.

Inspired by this lovely story the children used clay to make their own bog baby models.  It was important that the children used the correct techniques of 'slip, score and blend' to ensure their models didn't fall apart.  Once the clay had dried the children mixed different shades of blue using white and black paint and then painted their bog baby.  The children made their bog baby a pond habitat at the creative table by using recycled boxes, and a range of different materials.  Have a look at out amazing work!

Reception: Holly Class- Down on the farm...

Date: 23rd May 2022 @ 5:04pm

Holly class had such an enjoyable time when the mobile farm came to visit.

They met Helga the pig, Burt the  cow and stroked the pigmy goats, rabbits and ducklings and also learnt about their young. 

"You get milk from cows" Charlea-Rae.

"The goats are so soft" Mercedes.

"A lamb is a baby sheep" Alicja.

"Pigs have a snout not a nose" Charlie.

Reception met Petra Proud

Date: 23rd May 2022 @ 3:55pm

In Reception this week we have met our characteristic monster 'Petra Proud'  We have been talking about all the different things we are proud of and the importance of taking pride in our work at school.  We made a 'proud cloud' and stuck all our ideos on it.


"I am proud when I do my challenge" Harrison

"I am proud of my reading champion badge" Isobelle

"I am of proud of my writing.  I can read it all now"  Evelyn

"I am proud of my team.  I'm in the red team"  I proud when we win the race" Charlie

"I am proud when I'm on the pot of Gold" Joshua

"I am proud of my maths work" Lexi-May

Reception visit the farm

Date: 23rd May 2022 @ 11:32am

Reception had a great time visiting the Mobile Farm on the playground.  We met a calf called Burt and big pig called Helga.  They also had an opportunity to stroke the baby rabbits, goats and ducklings.  The children had a fantastic time learning about all the different animals, what they like to eat, the names of their young and why farms are important.

"I know you can get milk from goats, cows and sheep" Harper-Mai

"A baby cow is called a calf" Isaac

"Pigs have snouts and their feet are called trotters" Evelyn

 What a fantastic experience for all children!

Nursery, Reception and Year 1: The Farm came to Boundary

Date: 18th May 2022 @ 4:33pm

The Children from Nursery, Reception and Year 1 had a great time today with a visit from Fishers Mobile Farm. We really enjoyed meeting Bert, Nugget, Tikka and all the farm animals - it was very exciting as we met them all in the Key Stage 2 PLAYGROUND!
The children got up close to a calf, a mother sheep and her lambs, two very cute baby goats, chickens, ducklings, rabbits and one very sleepy pig! We found out what the animals like to eat and what the baby animals were called - we found out that a baby rabbit is called a kitten! "I had the best day at the farm" said one of the nursery children!

Reception Down by the pond...

Date: 12th May 2022 @ 12:09pm

This week, Reception decided to visit the pond again to observe how much the tadpoles had grown since we vsited last.

We were delighted to see that there were still some tadpoles sleeping on the stones or swimming through the water. There were no froglets or frogs to be seen - they must have been hiding or sleeping in the reeds.

Unfortunately, Reception were horrified to find loads of litter blowing around the pond and forest school area! They very quickly decided to collect it all up and put it in the bin- where it belongs! Our school grounds looks so much cleaner now.

"You shouldn't throw rubbish on the floor - it's dirty!"  Olivia

"Our school looks dirty with all this rubbish " Charlie

"Put rubbish in the bin or recycle it!" Isaac


Reception Composition of numbers 1-10

Date: 12th May 2022 @ 11:57am

Reception have been busy exploring the composition of numbers within 10.  They have been using the numicon to find all the different ways they can make a specific number.  The children then recorded their calculations on a whiteboard.  Fantastic problem solving!

Reception The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Date: 6th May 2022 @ 4:49pm

This week, Reception have been reading the story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. They have been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly and have been observing the changes in our own class caterpillars. Using resources from our creative area, the children created their own caterpillars and then went outside hunting for them in our garden.

Reception Music Makers

Date: 6th May 2022 @ 12:35pm

This week in Reception the children have been learning a new song about 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and used instruments to keep a steady beat.  We also learnt a song aboiut Peter Rabbit and added actions for his curly tail and floppy whiskers.  We used the claves to play syllables in a phrase to say goodbye.

Reception A letter from the giant in the sky...

Date: 5th May 2022 @ 9:21am

This week Reception had a very special letter delivered to our classroom.  It was a letter for the giant in the sky who asked us to plant our very own magic beans outside in the garden.  Together we discussed what we needed to do and thing we would need.

"We need a plant pot to put it in" Isaac

"You have to water it every day so that it grows bigger and bigger" Isobelle

"Make sure it is somewhere sunny" Jessica

"I'm going to climb up my beanstalk and go and see the giant" Charlie

Whose we had planted our beans the children wrote some fantastic instructions back in the classroom.


Reception: Boundary Promises

Date: 30th Apr 2022 @ 10:53am

This week, the whole school have been remembering our School Promises and why they wear an Always Badge.

Reception have been demonstrating these throughout the week.

"Always be honest- dont' tell lies" Indy

"Be respectful- have good manners" Charlie

"Always use kind words- not swear words or horrible words that make you cry" Marleigh

"You have to be kind and not hurt people" Alicya

"I try my best in everything I do" Mercedes.

"Be ready for phonics- be in the right place with the right things." Ariella

"You wear an Always Badge becuase you follow the Boundary Promises" Harrison


Reception Today Is The Queen's Actual Birthday !

Date: 21st Apr 2022 @ 9:28pm

Today, the children in Reception decided to make birthday cards for The Queen's actual birthday. They excitedly drew pictures of The Queen and balloons and flowers and wrote messages inside, sending her their best wishes on her 96th birthday.



Reception Bee Bomb Bonanza

Date: 21st Apr 2022 @ 4:37pm

Reception have been helping bringing the bees back into our outdoor area. We used compost, clay powder, wild flower seed to make our very on bee bombs.  The children enjoyed mixing them altogether and rolling them into seed balls.  Once the sall had dried out in sunn the children threw them into our very own bee bomb meadow to create a wild flower habitat for our bees.

Reception Holly Class Zoo Trip

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 10:51pm

Although the day started off a little wet, it was not long until the rain stopped and the sun came out and what an amazing day we all had at Blackpool Zoo!

Holly class visited the lions, tigers, giraffes, elephants and gorillas. They were delighted to watch the penguins swim under water, they laughed when they saw two orangutans hiding under blankets and even watched a seal lion demonstration.

It was such fun!

Here's a snapshot of our day!


Reception Willow Class visit the zoo

Date: 6th Apr 2022 @ 12:35pm

This week the children in Willow class enjoyed a visit to Blackpool Zoo.  The children were very excited to put on their waterproof suits and go on the mini bus.  We spent the exploring exploring, observing and finding out about all the different animals including lions, tigers, monkeys, giraffes, gorillas, sea lions, penguins and camels.  The children enjoyed finding out about the animals different habitats and what they eat.  When the children returned to school they prodcued some lovely pieces of writing all about the different animals they saw. 

Reception Learning about Easter!

Date: 6th Apr 2022 @ 12:24pm

Reception have been learning about Christain celebration of Easter.  We listened to the Easter story and talked how Jesus showed courage when he was crucified.  The children learnt that throughout his life Jesus show kindness, compassion and empathy to others.  Although Jesus was crucified on the cross on Good Friday he cross on Easter Sunday he rose from the dead to be with God in heaven.  The children made their own Easter pictures and wrote some 

"Jesus showed courage when he was scared" Harrison

"He was kind and helped lots of people" Maja

"He died on the cross and they put his body in a tomb" Isobelle

"He came back to life and went to heaven" Evelyn.

Reception See how our garden grows...

Date: 31st Mar 2022 @ 7:53pm

Reception have been very busy last Autumn, planting bulbs ready for Spring- and here they are!

Daffodils, tulips , hyacinths and crocuses!

"They need water and sun to grow"  Isaac.

"Daffodils are yellow- they are everywhere at school!" Oakleigh.

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust