Reception: Blog items

Reception - Reading and Writing

Date: 3rd Nov 2022 @ 8:36pm

Reception have been working hard to ensure that they form their letters correctly.  This week we have been practicing the letters a and d, using our letter rhymes to ensure we use an anticlockwise movement.  The children have been practicing regularly as part of our daily challenges as well as completing loads of different task in continuous provison.

Reception- It's Halloween!

Date: 31st Oct 2022 @ 10:09pm

Today the children have enjoyed taking part in lots of halloween activities. They enjoyed counting out spooky objects and ordering numbers, making repeated patterns with scary objects, creating their own potions, carving pumpkins, collaging bats and pumpkins, role playing in the witches kitchen and even using our phonics to sound out spooky words.  We have been talking about different family traditions and discussed how different families celebrate in a range of ways.  The children have had a fantastic time.  Have a look at our wonderful learning.

Reception- DIY SOS at Boundary!

Date: 21st Oct 2022 @ 11:40am

This week Reception have been following the children's interest as they watch the builders digging the foundations for the new houses next to our school.

They observed the loud noises the trucks made and how the diggers dig the soil out of the ground. As the children were watching through the fence, a builder even showed them how he uses a measuring stick to check how deep he needs to dig the foundations. 

"I'm digging up the soil to make a house" Baileigh.

"It's a big measuring stick" William.

" The truck makes a big noise- it's a big truck!" Kylan.


Reception Stay and Play

Date: 20th Oct 2022 @ 10:43am

It was fantastic to open our Reception classes up and invite parents in to see the wonderful work the children have been doing over this half term.  The children enjoyed showing their adults around the classroom and involving them in lots of different activities including phonics and number.  We had a record number of people attend which is absolutely amazing!  Thank you for all you hard work in supporting your children's learning both at home and at school.

Reception and the Owl Babies

Date: 14th Oct 2022 @ 12:04pm

This week the children have been reading the story 'Owl Babies'.  They have been enjoying lots of different owl based activities including painting owls, counting owl feathesr and matching them to the correct quantity, drawing the characters and labeling with the sounds with the correct sounds and retelling the story using the props at the story telling table.  What a busy week we have had!

Reception Visit from SMJ Falconry

Date: 14th Oct 2022 @ 11:45am

This week Reception had some very special owl visitors; Midge, Bubbles, JD and Tike.  The children were very excited to meet the owls and find out all about them.  The children asked some brilliant questions finding out what they eat, how they use their senses  aswell as having the opportiunity to hold Bubbles the borrowing owl.  What a great time the children had!

Reception- World Mental Health Day

Date: 14th Oct 2022 @ 11:26am

After a whole school assembly, Reception went back to their classrooms to discuss how they can recognise their different feelings.

They learnt how to use the 'Feelings Board' in their classrooms to show how they are feeling.

"I'm feeling happy because I'm at school" Dolly-Anne.

"I'm feeling tired because I couldn't sleep because I had a dream" Lennox.

Reception- Harvest- being thankful.

Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 12:26pm

This week we have been celebrating Harvest Festival and talking about being thankful.

The children watched Y6 present Harvest assembly to the whole school then we went back to our classrooms and discussed what we were thankful for.

We then made a Harvest Wreath  attaching different fruits and vegetables that are harvested at this time of year.

"I am thankful for my mummy because she looks after me" Lana- Rose.

Reception Investigating Number Four

Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 10:11am

This week Reception have been busy investigating the number 4.  The children have been practicing subtising number 4 by spotting patterns in the arrangments of the objects.  

"It looks like a square.  A square has 4 sides" Alfie

"3 on that side and 1 there" Ishaanvir

"2 and 2 is 4" Olivia

We used the multilink and building blocks outside to make number four.  The children explored the composition of the number 4 by arranging the  blocks, gems in different ways.  Have a look at our learning!

Reception Outdoor Learning

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 4:13pm

Learning outside of the classroom is extremely important for the children in Reception. Collaboration, sharing, taking turns and resilience are many of the vaues learnt from their time together outdoors. Physical activities to help both gross and fine motor skills are also developed in a fun and friendly way.

Take a look at some of the things we've been up to outside this week!


Reception Phonics Fun

Date: 28th Sep 2022 @ 12:16pm

Reception have been busy learning out new letters sounds in phonics.  We have been working hard to orally segement simple words and then blend the sounds together.  We are beginning to recognise some of our phase 2 sounds and trying our best to hear the initial sound and form the letter sound correctly using our letter rhymes..

' s s s sock" Alfie

"p p p penguin" Nikodem

"t-a-p it's tap" Lana-Rose.

"Around the astonaunts helment, down and out into space.  It's a a" Michael

The children have been completing a range of different phonics activities in continuous provision.  Have a look at some of our work!

Reception Rosie the hen went for a walk

Date: 28th Sep 2022 @ 12:05pm

Reception have been reading the story 'Rosie's Walk'.  It is all about a little hen who goes for a walk around the farmyard.  However, Rosie the hen isn't aware that she is being followed by a very sneaky fox.  She goes all over the farmyard "around the pond' 'over the haystack' and 'under the beehives'.  The fox gets himself into allsorts of trouble including falling into the pond and it finally ends in him being chased away by the bees.  

The children have been using the props at the storytelling table to help them sequence the story and used the correct positional language.  That have made their own story maps and have been trying hard to hear the initial sound in words e.g. f for fox and h for hen.

Outside the children made their own obstacle course for Rosie and enjoyed acting out the story together.  


Reception- No Bot -The Robot.

Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 8:35pm

This week Reception have enjoyed listening to the story No Bot - The Robot, an uplifting story of friendship.

Bernard is a robot with a very unusual problem- he has lost his bottom! Luckily, Bernard's friends offer to help him look for his bottom- but it is not an easy job!

The children then enjoyed making their own robots at the creative table, using loose parts and play dough, as well as continuing robot shape patterns. 

Take a look at our photos!

Reception Once they were giants

Date: 20th Sep 2022 @ 8:55pm

Recption have been reading the story 'Once they were giants'.  The story is all about a little girl growing up in a supportive and loving family.  Throughout the story we discussed the different skills the little girl learns as she grows like sitting up, crawling, walking and talking.  As a group we talked about the different things we have learnt since being a baby.

"I learnt to go to the toilet and not in my nappy" Kazimir

"My mummy taught me to eat food and not throw it on the floor" Kayden

"I learnt to ride my bike" Nathanial

We talked about how all these things we had learnt were in the past and discussed what we might learn to do in the future.

"I'm going to learn to read at school" Lana-Rose

"I'm learning to write my name" Miley-Rae

"We are learning numbers at school" Alfie

"I want  to learn to drive a car like my dad" Ishaanvir

We then looked at the life of the queen and how she grew and changed over time.  We looked at pictures of her as a baby and discussed how she changed as she grew into a child, an adult and then finally an elderly lady.  We talked about all the different things she learnt to do and achieved throughout her life and then set some goals for ourselves.

Reception's First Week of School Dinners!

Date: 12th Sep 2022 @ 9:45pm

This week the children have stayed for lunch for the first time. Choosing their meal, learning to hold their tray and having good table manners were just a few of the things the children had to contemplate at lunchtime. However they all handled it superbly!

Take a look at some of our photos!

Reception Making Faces

Date: 12th Sep 2022 @ 9:40pm

As part of our topic 'Marvellous Me' Reception have been finding out all about each other identifying our similarities and differences.  We read the book 'Marvellous Me' and talked about our likes, disklikes and the different things we are good at.  We then used some mirrors to identify the different features on our faces .

"I have blue eyes" Phoebe

"My hair is black and long" Ishaanvir

"My glasses help me see" Alfred

The children the selected the correct coloured paints and painted their own self portrait with the support of an adult.  They were give lots of opportunities in the classroom areas to create their own faces and portrails.  Have a look at some of wonderful work.

Reception exploring the outdoor area

Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 8:34pm

This week the children in Reception have had a great time in our outdoor area.  The children have been practising putting on their waterproofs and wellie boots  ready to explore our wonderful outdoor provision.  They have been role playing in the mud kitchen, riding on the balance bikes, building in our construction shed, exploring the water and mark making using paint brushes.  The children have worked together brillianlty ensuring take turns, share the resources and put them away properly.  Have a look at what we have been up to!

Reception Mini Me's

Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 8:23pm

Today the children in Reception have been busy making their very own mini mes.  In order to help develop the children independence each day the children will be expected to locate their 'Mini Me' in the classroom provision and complete the learning task independently.  This helps the children to develop their confidence by completing open ended activities at their own level.  Keep you eyes peels for pictures of the children completing their 'Mini Mes' in the coming weeks.  

Reception 's First Week at School- Indoor Fun!

Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 4:52pm

What an exciting week it has been! The children in Reception have had a great time exploring their new classrooms and learning both inside and outside. They have made new friends, got to know all their teachers and are beginning to understand the new rules and routines of Reception.

Take a look at some of the things we've been up to inside our classrooms this week!



Reception - Choral Speaking

Date: 14th Jul 2022 @ 10:46am

This week Reception took part in the Boundary Choral Speaking competition, reciting the nursery rhyme 'Old Mother Hubbard'.

The children tried to communicate the mood through drama, costumes, choreography of body movements and emphasis of certain words in the rhyme. 

They were amazing and we are so proud of them all!

Reception- Billy's Bucket

Date: 6th Jul 2022 @ 9:46pm

We have been reading the story Billy's Bucket. 

Billy wanted only one thing for his birthday- a bucket! But this was not just any bucket - it was a magical bucket! Inside it, Billy was able to see all kinds of different sea creatures. After lots of retelling of the story and writing about it we decided to design our own bucket using the resources from the creative area. The only rule was to create a repeating pattern!

Take a look at how we designed our buckets.

Reception- Heritage Day- How has the seaside changed?

Date: 4th Jul 2022 @ 5:50pm

To celebrate Heritage Day, the chidlren in Reception have been looking at Blackpool in the past and now.

We looked at old photos of the what people wore on the beach, Blackpool Tower, The Pleasure Beach and how children spent their time whilst on holiday in Blackpool. We then sorted photos into the 'past' and 'now'.

"We looked at photos of when Blackpool Tower wasn't fully built" Marleigh

"In the past people wore dresses and long shorts to go swimmimg" Charlie

"I go in the arcades and play games - they didn't have them in the past" Oakleigh



Reception Sports Day

Date: 4th Jul 2022 @ 12:00pm

Today the children in Reception enjoyed taking part in the very first sports day.  The took part in an egg and spoon race, running races, bean bag throw and the hurdles.  The children showed resilence, teamwork and great sportsmanship, cheering on their friends and children in their houses.  Well done Reception.

Reception Families, Friendships and Relationships

Date: 3rd Jul 2022 @ 9:44pm

This week in Reeption we have been talking about the importance of friendships, families and different relationships.  We meet Ezaa the Bear and helped her overcome some different problems including feeling worried on her first day of school, worrying about her family being different to others and falling out with her best friend Heckle.  We talked about different emotions and the children were able to identify when and why they felt scard, sad, worried and excited.  We discussed the importance of friendships and why it is important to beable to say sorry and forgive people.  Finally we talked about our families and discussed how they are similiar and different but still all equally as special.

"If my fiend is sad I will make them laugh" Indi-Anna

"I live with Nana and Grandad.  They look after me" Jaden

"If someone upset up you should forgive them" Harrrison

"You should say sorry if you hurt someone" Evelyn

Reception The Seasons- Summer

Date: 3rd Jul 2022 @ 6:49pm

Thorughout the school year, Reception have been learning about the different seasons. They have looked at the changes in the weather, the clothes we wear and how nature grows and changes too .

"In Summer the weather is hot but in Winter it is cold" Athena

"All the trees have leaves" Alicja

"In Summer you wear shorts and t shirts and sandals to keep you cool" Mercedes

" You don't need to wear a coat outside" Charlea-Rai

"In Autumn the leaves die and fall off the trees but in Summer they have all grown again- the trees look very green" Charlie

As the seasons change, Reception paint a season tree. Take a look at our Summer tree!


Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust