Reception: Blog items

Reception- There's no such thing as a Gruffalo

Date: 12th Nov 2024 @ 9:44pm

This week the children in Reception have been reading the story 'The Gruffalo' by Julia Donaldson.  Throughout the week the children have been role playing in our Gruffalo Cafe, orally retelling the story using props, making snakes of different lengths, making Griffalo food in the mud kitchen and writing lists of the Gruffalo's favourite foods.  At the creative area we have been busy painting, collageing and makes models of the Gruffalo using a range of meduims and materials.  The children even made their own models of the Gruffalo out of play dough remembering all his didnt features including his purple prickles and his big orange eyes.   What a busy week we have had!

Reception- Remembrance Week

Date: 11th Nov 2024 @ 10:05pm

Reception have been learning about why we wear poppies each year in November.

We learnt that the red poppy symbolises remembrance, hope for a peaceful future and commemorates the soldiers who fought and died in war.

We had fun painting poppies, collaging poppies, drawing and labelling poppies and making them out of playdough. 

"We remember the soldiers who died" Hazel.

"Poppies are red" Kevin.


Anti-bullying Week

Date: 5th Nov 2024 @ 9:37pm

This week across school we have been celebrating Anti-Bullying week. We started the week off with the a whole school assembly based around this year's theme ‘Choose Respect’. Throughout the week the children have been learning about being respectful and why this is such an important skill for life. Alongside this they have also been exploring the theme of bullying including what it means, different types of bullying, what to do if you are being bullied, the difference of a bystander and upstander, how to solve conflicts and what discrimination means. We finished of the week by inviting everyone to wear odd socks to celebrate everyone’s differences and promote kindness. What a fantastic week we have had!

Reception learn about Divali

Date: 5th Nov 2024 @ 9:34pm

This week the children have been learning about the Sikh and Hindu elebration of Divali.  The children have been learning about how people prepare for the festival and comparing this to how Christain prepare for Christmas.  They have been creating their own rangoli patterns, making Diva lamps out of salt dough, writing Divali cards and exploring different artefacts at the Divali table.



Reception- Remember, remember the 5th of November

Date: 5th Nov 2024 @ 8:22pm

Today the children in Reception have been participating in lots of different 'Bonfire Night' themed activities.  Firstly we learnt about why many people celebrate Bonfire Night including learning about the story of the Gunpowder Plot.  We talked about the different traditions we have with our families including going to a firework display, lighting sparklers and enjoying a bonfire.  The children enjoyed making their own Bonfire Night pictures using a range of different meduims and materials. collaging rockets and using loose parts to make transient art pictures.  Outside the children were practising their fine motor and physical skills by making firework pictures in our mark making area.

As a class we also discussed the importance of keeping ourselves safe during these exciting celebrations.

"Wear gloves when you have sparklers so you don't burn' Emily

"Only adults touch fireworks" Oakley

Stand far away from bonfires and fireworks so you don't get hurt" Lilah

"Keep your pet inside so they aren't scared" Freyja

Reception- It;s Halloween!

Date: 1st Nov 2024 @ 12:05pm

This week in Reception our classroom have enjoyed lots of different Halloween themed activities.  We have been reading the story 'Room on the Broom' and labelling the different characters in the story using our phonic knowledge.  The children have been making spooky potions outside,  collaging pumpkins and bats, ordering the pumpkin number cards, making silly soup, having a monster party in the home corner and making repeated patterns on the witches hat.


What a fun filled week we have had!

Reception- PE Ball Skills

Date: 1st Nov 2024 @ 11:31am

In PE this week, Reception have been learning how to throw, catch and kick a ball. 

They began with a warm up, understanding how their muscles need to be warmed up before they start any type of sport or exercise.

Next, they threw balls to each other then kicked them carefully using good control.

Reception Music this Half Term

Date: 20th Oct 2024 @ 5:08pm

This half term we have enjoyed singing Nursery Rymes and Action Songs. We have learnt a 'Hello Song' using Makaton to support our communication.

We really enjoyed learning the 'Owl Song' and 'Dingle Dangle Scarecrow' to help our learning across the curriculum.

We can now start and stop all together using instruments (Maracas and Claves) and we are beginning to find a steady beat.

What a fantastic start to Music in Reception!

Reception- Forest School

Date: 18th Oct 2024 @ 10:40am

On Thursday, Reception visited Forest School with Jenna and Emma.

We had a great time listening to a story, searching for bugs and making homes for them using leaves and twigs that we found. All the children worked together, helping each other and sharing what they had found.

"I can't believe we have found slug eggs!" Kevin.

"Worms come up through the soil" Dennis.

"Look! I've found a bug under the log" Harley.

"I made a house for my bug from leaves and some mud" Hazel.

"I've found a secret path in the trees" Harry.

Reception learn about Nocturnal Animals

Date: 14th Oct 2024 @ 10:07pm

This week we have been reading the story Oliver's Wood'.  It is all about a little owl Oliver who stays up late on night.  He stays up so late he see something strange that he has never seen before 'the big, round, warm sun'.  Oliver is so exvited to tell al his friends but when he goes to find them they are all asleep.

The children have been identifying different nocturnal animals sich as bats, hedgehogs, owls and badgers.  They have been  exploring what it means to be  nocturnal animal and how they have adapted to being awake a night like having excellent eyesight and hearing.  They also found out what the animals look like, and what they eat.  We were even lucky enough to be visited by Carolynne from Blackpool's Hedgehog Rescue who brought '---------" the hedge to meet us.

We have completed lots of different activities based around this theme including; labelling animals, sorting animals and even using different materails at the creative table to make them.  What a busy week!

"Bats have very good hearing' Dennis

"Owls have good eye sight so they can see in the dark' Lily-Mae

"My nanny has a hedgehog and it eats the worms and slugs in her garden" Freyja

"Nocturnal animals sleep in the dark and wake up at night" Kevin

Reception - The Owls Visit EYFS

Date: 11th Oct 2024 @ 9:57am

Everyone was very excited to have a special visit from the owls.

We watched them fly around the dance studio, listened to their wings as they flapped and watched how they enjoyed eating their snacks, They were called Pike, Bugs and Midge.

We also learnt that owls have incredible hearing and can spin their head around to be able to hunt for mice and other small animals. Everyone then had a turn at holding the owl on their arm.


Reception Learning to use our Mini Me

Date: 8th Oct 2024 @ 12:04pm

Today we have introduced the children to their 'Mini Mes'  A 'mini me' is a pictiure of themselves which they must find it the provision.  The children are then encouraged to complete the task their 'Mini Me' is on.  This is to help the children to become more independent and encourage them to work in a range of different areas within the classroom.  Have a look at the children working hard with their 'Mini Me'.

Reception Little Red Hen

Date: 7th Oct 2024 @ 7:52pm

This week the children in Reception have been reading the traditional tail 'Little Red Hen'  the children have taken part in lots of different activities themeed arounf the story including sequencing the story using the correct language, labelling the characters with the initial sounds, collaging their own little red hen using a range of materials at the creative table,  ordering the hen number cards and counting out the correct quantity and retelling the story using the puppets and using the playdough to make their own little red hen..  The children even mafe bread in the school kitchen.  What a busy week.

Reception- Holly Class Bake Bread

Date: 4th Oct 2024 @ 4:39pm

After reading the story, Little Red Hen, Reception decided to bake bread. They all worked together, helping each other to weigh the ingredients, mix the ingredients and knead the dough before placing it in a bowl to allow it to rise. Then it was baked in the oven and eaten. 

Unlike the story, where Little Red Hen had to do everything herself, all the children worked togther showing kidness and respect.

"It feels sticky" Harry

"We all helped to make the bread" Dina.

"Mmm it tastes delicious!" Riley.

"Little Red Hen's friends didn't help her" Hazel. 

Reception Willow Class make bread

Date: 1st Oct 2024 @ 9:14pm

This week the children in Willow class have been reading the traditional tale 'Little Red Hen'.  After reading the story we talked about the different ingredients we would need to make bread.  We found out that we needed flour, yeast, water, salt and olive oil.  We all went up to the kitchen to make some bread, just like the Little Red Hen.  We measure followed the recipe and measure the correct amount of flour and water.  We added some yeast,  salt and olive oil and mixed it together to make dough.  It was very important tha we kneaded the dough to make sure that the bread would rise in the oven.  Once the dough was silky smooth we put it in a bowl and waited for it to rise.  We then baked it in the own for 45 minutes.  The children enjoyed tasty the bread when we took it out of the oven.

"It is delicious" Kevin

"It's hard kneading the dough" Lilah

"We need flour, salt, water and oil" Kamiyah

Reception- Rosie's Walk

Date: 27th Sep 2024 @ 11:27am

This week, Reception have been listening to the story Rosie's Walk. This is a story about Rosie the hen who goes for a walk around the farmyard but is unaware of the sneaky, clumsy fox who is following behind her!

The story explores the use of prepositions, across, around, past, through, under and over.

We sequenced the story using prepositional language, collaged a fox, used small world figures to retell the story and made an obstacle course to act out the story.

"I went around the pond" Kayden

"I went over the haystack!" Kevin

"Rosie went past the mill and the fox got flour on him" Hazel.

"The bees chased the fox away!" Freya.


Take a look at our photos!


Reception Number

Date: 26th Sep 2024 @ 2:24pm

This week the children in Reception have been practicing recognising numbers 1-5.  The have been counting out the correct about of objects and matching them to their cardinal value.  We have also been practicing pullting them in the correct order.

Reception Growing and Changing

Date: 23rd Sep 2024 @ 3:59pm

This week the children have been learning about how we grow and change.  We listened to the story 'When we were giants' and talked about how we change throughout time and the different things we learn to do at each stage.

"When I was a baby I crawled" Kevin

"I go on my bkie now" Dennis

"Grown up make dinner and look after me" Lily-Mae

The children then made their own timelines.

Reception- All About Me!

Date: 22nd Sep 2024 @ 11:06am

Over the last few weeks, Reception have been talking about their themselves an their families. This week, we have been paying particular attention to what we look like- especially our faces.

We realised we all have different coloured hair and eyes, different length and styles of hair and even our skin is a different colour to others.

We painted self portraits and also made a paper plate of our faces too.

"I have brown eyes" Dina

"My hair is short" Kayden.

"I have a ponytail and long hair" Rosie

"I have freckles on my face" Michael.

Reception- Learning to write our names.

Date: 13th Sep 2024 @ 10:16am

This week Reception have been learning to write their names. 


The children keep their name card in their drawer and most of them can now recognise their name. They hold their pencil in the correct grip and write each letter, one after the other in a line, moving from left to right. Sometimes, it can be a little tricky but the teachers always encourage their progress.

Over the next few weeks, the children will continue to learn to write their name through many different play based activites.

Reception stay for lunch

Date: 11th Sep 2024 @ 8:40am

This week the children in Reception have been staying for theirdinner.  Every morning the children have chosen their dinner for the dinner menu.  They have been practicing the lunchtime routines; washing their hand before diner, lining up in the classroom and walking down the corridor to the hall sensibily. The children have been using their voices to cleary tell the lunchtime staff what they ordered, picking from the salad bar and sitting at the table smartly using their cutterly properly.  We are very proud of all th children.  Have a look at some photos of the children enjoying their lunch.

Reception- Outdoor Fun!

Date: 9th Sep 2024 @ 5:06pm

The children could not wait to go outside and explore the outdoor area. 

First, they needed to learn how to put on their outdoor clothes. They took off their shoes, put on their over trousers, coat and finally their wellies. Once ready, they could go outside and begin their learning.

They played in the mud kitchen, explored in the water trays, and built sand castles in the sand  pit. They chatted, laughed, took turns and helped each other as they continued to get to know each other during their first week in school.


Reception- Our first few days at school

Date: 4th Sep 2024 @ 8:52pm

It has been lovely welcoming the new children into Reception.  The children looked super smart in their new uniforms and we have been very impressed how well the children have come into school .  Over the past few days they children have been busy getting to know the staff in school, meeting new friends, exploring the classroom environments and learning the new classroom rules and routines.  Have a look at some of the things the children have been doing.

Reception- Down On The Farm

Date: 13th Jul 2024 @ 2:31pm

This week the mobile farm came to visit Boundary Primary School.

The Reception children had a great time looking, learning about and petting the farm animals - they could even use a brush to brush the animals fur.

"I saw a baby cow - it is callled a calf" Esme

"I brushed the horses fur- it liked me doing it" Luca.

"The sheep were big and had white fur which is wool" Mathew

"I stroked the rabbit. It was so soft and cute" Kierah

"The pig was big and black. He was a bit stinky too" Ocean- Blue

"The ducks kept going in the goats cage" Nevaeh

"The chickens tried to escape over the fence. The farmer got them back" Elektra

"The guinea pigs kept running around the cage" Niko



Reception Independent Writing

Date: 10th Jul 2024 @ 2:33pm

The children have been working hard in continuoys proviosion producing their own writing about the story 'The Three Little Pigs'.  They have been using their sound mats to help them write unknown words and ensuring their letters are formed correctly.  Well done everyone!

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust