Reception: Blog items

Reception Learn about the Seaside

Date: 10th Jul 2024 @ 2:20pm

Reception have been learning all about Blackpool.  We used the map to locate where Blackpool is and found out that it is on the coast.  This mean it is near the sea.  The children watched lots of different videos and looked at pictures to find out why different people choose to come and visit Blackpool.  This included; Blackpool Tower, The ballroom, The Pleasure Beach, the illuminations, Blackpool Footbal club and the beach.  We talked about our favourite attraction and why we like it.  The children enjoyed looking at different artefacts and producing their own writing.

Boundary Choral Speaking competition

Date: 9th Jul 2024 @ 2:46pm

This week we held our annual Choral Speaking competition. From Reception to Year 6, year groups learned poems by heart and performed them to the rest of the school. Once again, the standard was extremely high and we are proud of all the children for taking part. This year's winners are Year 3, who will represent Boundary at the Blackpool Choral Speaking competition on Friday. 

Reception- Heritage Week Blackpool

Date: 8th Jul 2024 @ 12:22pm

Thiw week Reception have had fun learning about where we live in Blackpool.

We learnt about what Blackpool was like in the past and what it is like now. We looked at some artefacts, such as a stick of Blackpool rock, a souvenir mug, a bucket and spade, a sun hat and different types of swimming costumes from now and from the past. We also discussed our favourite places we like to visit in Blackpool.

"Old swimming costumes are very long!" Isla.

"You wear a little hat to go swimming in the past." Esme.

"Old photos from the past are black and white- new ones are colour." Ellie- May

" I like to visit the ballroom in Blackpool Tower can go dancing there." Lucy

" We have a beach and I take a bucket and a spade, sun hat, swimming costume and a picninc with me when I go ." Esmai. 

"I go on the trams" Luca.

"My favourite is Blackpool Tower it is like the Eiffel Tower." Mathew.

"There is a roller coaster at the Pleasure Beach- I go on the blue one with my Mummy." George.




Reception- Sports Day

Date: 25th Jun 2024 @ 4:15pm

This week Reception held their Sports Day. It was a lovely , warm , sunny morning and everyone was in high spirits! The children were cheering each other on, taking turns, playing fairly, showing respect and following the rules- true sportsmanship! They also tried their very best and showed resilience too.

They took part in running races, welly throwing, beanbag races, speed jumps and cup stacking. 

"I threw my welly really far" Luca.

"The speed bumps were really tricky- jumping really fast" Elektra.

"I tried my very best at running- I nearly won!" Niko.

Reception Billy's Bucket

Date: 24th Jun 2024 @ 3:08pm

This week the children have been reading the story 'Billy's Bucket'.  The children have been using their imagination to think about what they might see in their own magic bucket.  The children used the props at the story telling table and then drew and labelled the different creatures.  they have also been completing lots of other activities such as ordering the bucket numbers, making a repeated pattern in their bucket and collaging their favourite sea creature.

"I can see a beautiful mermaid in my bucket.  She has scales on her tail" Alaiya

"A big shark is in my bucket" Archie

"I can see a pirate ship in my bucket" Summer S

Later in the week the children we be completing their own piece of writing about their own magic bucket.


Reception Ducklings

Date: 23rd Jun 2024 @ 8:58pm

Over the past two weeks the children have enjoyed looking after our five classroon ducklings; Sunny, Cher, Ozzy, Freddie and Bertie.  The children have been finding out the importance of  ensuring they have enough food and water, warmth and a clean cage.  the children have taken responsibility for cleaning out their cage, topping up their ood and water and making sure then can enjoy swimming in the water trays out side,  The children have produced some lovely writing about the ducks and have enjoyed taking part in lots of duckling themed activities including; making a duck the creative table, labelling the lifecycle, painting a duck and building a duckling nest.  aLl the children had the opportunity to handle the duckling (some children even overcame their fear).  What a fabulous few weeks!

Reception- Music Day

Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 4:02pm

This week Reception celebrated Music Day.

They sang songs independently, learnt how to sing using call and response and also sang at a higher pitch. They then danced in time to the music using their bodies to move rhythmically.

Take a look at our photos! 

Reception- Takeover Day

Date: 20th Jun 2024 @ 12:05pm

Today the children in Year 5 took over the school, taking on the roles of all the staff!

Mrs Clarke and Mrs Farley were replaced by Mr Conlon and Miss McKenzie and the teaching assistants were replaced by Mr Clarke, Miss Pownall, Miss Homer and Mr Collier.

Holly Class and Willow Class enjoyed listening to the story  Supertato followed by exciting activites, such as painting, writing and role playing. 

Miss Mckenzie "I enjoyed today, especially reading with the children in the Book Nook and Reading Den." 

Mr Clarke " It was a really good morning. I enjoyed helping the children with their learning." 

Miss Pownall " I loved helping the children outside."

Mr Collier " I liked teaching them the duck life cycle."

Miss Homer " I liked helping them to paint a rainbow."

Mr Conlon " I read lots of stories to them, that was my favoutrite part of the morning."


Reception Special Delivery

Date: 14th Jun 2024 @ 11:36am

This week the children in Reception recieved a very special delivery- 5 duck eggs.  We kept the duck eggs warm in the incubator until they were ready to hatch.  The she waited patiently observing the cracks appearing in the eggs and listening carefully- they could even hear the ducklings cheeping inside the eggs.  On Wednesday the children were lucky enough to observe two of our duckling hatch- Sunny and Cher.  The children enjoyed getting their cage ready with food and water and making sure the heat lamp was working.  Thet are extremly excited to look after and care for the ducks over the next few weeks aswell as learn about the lifecycle.

"There is a little crack in the egg" Summer

"It is making a hole with his bill" Levi

"I can hear him cheeping" Alaiya

"they have to stay in the incubator to dry their feather" Oliver

Reception Clay Bog Baby Models and Habitats

Date: 11th Jun 2024 @ 11:21am

Reception have been reading the story 'Bog Baby'.  As part of our art work all the children made their own clay model of the Bog Baby.  the children looked carefully at the different features of the Bog Baby including his big googley eyes, long spikey tail and little mouse like ears.  The children explored the clay using their hands to manipulate the shape and size.  They used the teachniques of slip, score and blend to successfully attach the different parts to their model.  When the models had dried the child painted them carefully.  Every child made their own home for the Bog Baby which they used a range of different materials from the create area.

"The water helped the clay to stick together" Mathew.

"Yo have to blend it properly or the tail will fall off" Elisha.

Reception Releasing the Butterflies

Date: 17th May 2024 @ 2:02pm

After observing our caterpilars grow and change, the recpetion children finally released them into the wild.  Some of the children were even lucky enough to hold them before they flew off.  What a wonderful experience for the children!

"Their wings are red and black" Kisha

"the flap their wings quickly when they fly" Oliver

"They are called Painted Ladies" Levi

Reception- PE- Castles, Knights and Dragons.

Date: 16th May 2024 @ 3:03pm

This week Reception have been continuing to have lots of fun in PE.

Mr Humble had them learning the fundamental skills of catching, throwing, running and listening through an imaginary world of castles, dragons and knights.  



Reception The Lifecycle of a Butterfly

Date: 16th May 2024 @ 9:47am

Over the last few weeks the children in Reception have been observing our classroom caterpillars grow and change.  We have been learning about the different stages in the lifecycle including; the butterfly laying an egg on a leaf, the caterpillar hatching a eating lots of food, the caterpillar making a chrysalis and finally transorming into a butterfly.  The children have sequenced the lifecycle and written sentences about what is happening.  The children were meserised when eight beautiful butterflies emeged from the chrysalis.

"The caterpillar hatches out of an egg" Summer S

"It eats leave and vegetables and grows bigger" Neveah

"It's called a larvae" Sid

""It sheds it skin when it gets bigger" Levi

"It makes a cucoon, so it can grow its wings inside" Niko

"The butterfly comes out of the cucoon" Thomas

Reception Hindu Visitor

Date: 13th May 2024 @ 4:23pm

What a great morning we have had with Krishna our Hindu visitor. Firstly, we had a whole school assembly where we recapped the story of Diwali and were introduced to the characters.  When we returned to class we recap what we had learnt so far this year about  different religions including a 'flash back' to our work on Divali.

"It is the festival of light' Esmai

"They have diva lamps in the windows' Mathew

'They wear bright clothes and have a special meal with their family" Sid

"It is the festival of Light" Levi

Reception- The very Hungry Caterpillar

Date: 10th May 2024 @ 12:16pm

We have been reading the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar. 

 It is about a very hungry caterpillar that consumes a variety of foods before making a cocoon and becoming a butterfly. 

We have had lots of fun retelling the story with our friends using stick puppets, painting a caterpillar, creating our own caterpillar using art resources and making a paper plate butterfly.

Finally, we wrote about our favourite part of the story.

Take a look at our photos!

Reception- What Does a Beanstalk Need to Grow?

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 11:57am

A very mysterious letter arrived in Reception from Jack (and the Beanstalk!). He wanted us to find out what a beanstalk needs to grow so off we went to investigate. 

We discovered that it needed soil, water, sunlight and air. The children looked at the different phases in the lifecycle of a bean and how it changes each time. We then labelled the parts of the bean using scientific vocabulary, root, shoot, seedling, leaf, and flower. Then we planted our own beans with Mrs McAllister and wrote instructions on how to plant them.

"The bean needs sunlight for it to grow" Lucy

"We need to water it " Isla

"The plant gets the goodness from the soil" Oliver J

"The roots grow under ground" Levi

"When it gets leaves it's a seedling" Esmai



Reception - Jack and the Beanstalk

Date: 26th Apr 2024 @ 12:38pm

This week the children have been reading the classic fairytale 'Jack and the Beanstalk.  The children have enjoyed taking part in a range of different activities themed around the story.  Have a look at some of our wonderful learning.

Reception - Music

Date: 26th Apr 2024 @ 11:23am

Over the last few weeks the children in Reception have been using the Boomwhackers to explore sound and pitch.  We worked together to count them and place them in order from the lowest sound to the highest sound. The children enjoyed explring the different sounds and making different different tunes.


"This shortest boomwhaker its the highest" Alaiya

"I've have the lowest sound" Sid

Reception- Looking for signs of Spring.

Date: 18th Apr 2024 @ 4:37pm

This week we have been looking for signs of Spring in our school grounds.

It was a little bit chilly but we wrapped up warmly and ventured out into the sunshine.

Around school, we found tulips growing, buds beginning to sprout on branches, pink and white blossom blowing in the wind, a birds nest and even some tadpoles swimming in our school pond. 

As we discovered something new, we ticked it off our list until everything had been found- we were very lucky indeed!

Take a look at what Spring looks like at Boundary Primary School.


"Blossom grows on trees in is pink and white" Esme.

"I can see tulips and they are red" Melani.

"We have a birds nest and baby birds in it in our outdoor area" Niko.

"Buds grow on trees in Spring" Elie- May.

"The tadpoles in the pond will grow up to be frogs" Mathew.


Reception Willow Spring Walk

Date: 17th Apr 2024 @ 3:18pm

This morning the children in Reception enjoyed going on a spring walk around the school grounds including; out outdoor garden, forest school and the woodland area outside year four.  The children spotted blosoom on trees, flowers growing like tulips and dafodills, leaf buds and even a birds nest.  

"Blossom grows on trees in spring" Kisha

"Birds make nests and lay eggs" Hunter

The leaves will grow soon" Summer

"It gets warmer in spring" Esmai

"I founds a ladybird and a butterfly" Sahiti



Reception Healthy Lifestyles

Date: 15th Apr 2024 @ 9:20pm

This week the children in Reception have been learning about how to keep ourselves healthy.  We talked about having a healthy diet, identifying specific foods that are healthy and others that we should just have as a treat.  We talked about the imporantce of getting plently of sleeps and keeping active through exercise.  We discussed how many times we should brush our teeth each day and why this is important.  Throughout the week we completed lots of different tasks including; making a healthy fruit kebab snack, sorting different foods into healthy choices and occassional treats, practised washing out hands properly, practising brushing our false teeth and exercising in out outdoor area.

"You need to get lotsof sleep because that's when you grow" Oliver

"Brush your teeth in the moring and at hight" Sahiti

"Sugar makes your teeth rot away and makes them sore " Elisha

"You need to go to the dentist so they can check them" Esmai

"Chocolate is a treat" Thomas

"You should have 5 fruit and vegetable a day" Isla

"Exercise make you strong" Levi

Have a look at some of our learning.

Eco- Reception welcomes a new arrival

Date: 8th Apr 2024 @ 10:22pm

Before the Easter holidays, the children discovered a birds nest in our bushes in the outside area. They decided that  they needed to be very quiet and not play near it so the eggs could hatch and the bird felt safe. 

Today, we went to check if anything had happened and we could not believe that there were two baby birds huddled together in the nest. Once again, we need to stay away and keep quiet until the babies have flown the nest.

"Baby birds hatch out of eggs" Mathew.

"Birds live in a nest and keep their eggs in a nest" Lucy.

"Birds are scared of humans ...we must be quiet and not scare them" Esme.

Reception The Easter Bunny visits Reception

Date: 27th Mar 2024 @ 3:02pm

On our final afternoon, before the Easter half term, Reception had a very special visit from the Easter Bunny.  He had hidden lots if egg in our outside area.  The children put on their Easter bonnets and bunny ears and enjoyed working together to find the eggs.  What great fun we had!

Reception- Holly Trip To The Zoo.

Date: 27th Mar 2024 @ 2:40pm

On Tuesday Holly Class visited Blackpool Zoo. It was a beautiful, warm, sunny Spring day and everyone enjoyed visiting all the different animals and the habitats they live in. Some were hot, some were wet and some were very smelly!

We saw lions, tigers, zebras, monkeys, gorillas, orangutans, flamingoes, pelicans, farm animals, wolves, lemurs, parrots, camels, elephants and many more! We watched the sea lion show, and learnt a few interesting facts, and had an exciting classroom experience where we looked at parrot feathers, camel fur, a turtle shell, a huge elephant tooth and some of us were even brave enough to hold a cockroach!

"The camel fur was soft and tickly" Esme.

"The cockroach was tickly!" Lucy.

"What a huge tooth- it's so heavy I can't lift up properly!" Mathew.

Reception Learn about Easter

Date: 27th Mar 2024 @ 11:35am

Over the past few weeks the children in Reception have been learning about why Christains celebrate Easter.  We have listened to the Easter story and talked about the different events leading up to Jesus' crucification.  We found out that Jesus was crucified on a cross on Good Friday .  Then people took his body to a tomb but when his friends visited his body had gone.  We talked about how Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead.  As a class we discussed the different ways people including Christians celebrate Easter.  To help us remember the importance of Easter we made our own cross on a hill.

"Jesus died at Easter" Oliver

"He came backnto life and went to be with God" Isabelle.

"I go to church with my family" Sid

"My mummy and daddy get me Easter eggs" Alaiya


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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust