Reception: Blog items

Reception Willow Class visit the zoo.

Date: 26th Mar 2024 @ 12:35pm

This week the children in Willow class had a great day visiting Blackpool Zoo.  Although it was a little bit wet and rainy it didnt stop us getting our water proofs and wellies on.  We travelled to the zoo on the mini bus and when we arrived we took part in a workshop.  During the workshop we were lucky enough to meet and hold a hissing cockroach aswell as explore lots of different items like; camel fur, elephant and snake skin, an elephant's tooth and a turtle shell. We saw lots of animals whilst exploring the zoo includuing; tigers, lions, giraffes, zebra, camels, gorillas, lemurs, red pandas, elephants and even a baby orangatan.  What a great day we had!

Reception The Day the Dinosaurs came to Boundary

Date: 22nd Mar 2024 @ 2:22pm

Today, dinosaurs arrived at Boundary! We begun the day with an assembly where we met Jam the T-Rex and learnt about what he ate and dentifyied his different physical features.  Later on in the day 3 baby dinosaurs visited our classroom; Sky, Roger and Dinky.  We compared how they were similar and different.  The children had a great time throughout the day exploring our small world dinosar area, painting their own T-Rex, drawing and labelling their own dinosaurs and finding out about the job of a paleontologist.

Reception Number bonds to 5 and 10

Date: 18th Mar 2024 @ 4:41pm

The children in Reception have been very busy of the last few weeks loearning thei number bonds to 5 and ten.  They have used the tensframe and cubes to help them work out all the different ways of making ten and used their fingers tp represent this.  They have also used the part, part whole model to find all the different possibilies.  Some children have even been learning how to record their work as a calculation.

Reception Whatever Next

Date: 13th Mar 2024 @ 12:25pm

The week we have been reading the story 'Whatever Next' .  It is a story about a little bear who makes his own rocket and travels to the Moon for a picnic.  The children have been very busy completeing lots of different activities relating to the story including retelling it at the storytelling table, making junk model rockets, collaging and painting rockets, space theme wrtiing activities, using 2D shapes to make rockets naming their propeties and sequencing the story.  The children have worked very hard.

Reception Junk Model Rockets

Date: 13th Mar 2024 @ 12:07pm

In Reception we have been learning about space.  As part of our learning the children have been using a range of different recycled boxes, tubes and materials to create their own model rockets.  They had to think very carefully about the different matierals they were using looking at shape and size and decide the best way to fix and join them together.  The children had some brilliant ideas and used thei problem solving skills when they were faced with challenges.  Have a look at some of the rockets they made.

Reception Ballet Club

Date: 12th Mar 2024 @ 12:24pm

Some of the children have been enjoying taking part in Ballet Club on a Tuesday after school.  We have been learning the importance of stretching and warming our bodies up so we down get injured.  We talked about keeping our legs and arms straight and pointing our toes.  We are learning the different ballet positions including first, second and third position and even learnt how to do a demi-plie.

Reception World Book Day

Date: 8th Mar 2024 @ 10:36am

What an exciting day we all had! 

All the children looked fantastic dressing up as their favourite book characters. To celebrate reading, we read our favourite books in the Reading Den and Book Nook and drew a picture of ourselves in our costumes. 

Reception The Tiger who came to tea

Date: 29th Feb 2024 @ 11:38am

This week the children have been reading the story 'The Tiger who came to tea".  They have enjoyed taking part in lots of different activities themed around the book including; collaging and painting tigers, acting out the story in the home corner, retelling the storying orally using the props and puppets,  solving different tiger theme maths problems and writing sentences about the story.  What a busy week we have had!

Reception Past and Present

Date: 29th Feb 2024 @ 11:16am

The children in Reception were invited to bring their favourite teddy bear into school.  As a class we talked about our teddies, what they were called. what they looked like and why they were special to us.  We discussed how teddy bears have changed over time, comparing teddy bear in the past to teddy bears in the present day.  Mrs Clark showed us her mum's teddy bear which was sixty years old.  We then sorted the different pictures of teddy bears into past and present.

"Teddy bears now are colourful" Mathew

"Teddy bears in the past are made from brown material" Oliver

"You can get lots of different characters" Isabelle

""Present means it is today" Summer

"The past mean it has already happened" Isla

"Mrs Clark's teddy was made a long time ago" Esmai

Reception Making Pancakes

Date: 29th Feb 2024 @ 10:59am

This week the children in Reception have been making pancakes.  We talked about the tradition of pancake day how some people decide to give something up, during the Christain period of Lent.  The children then enjoyed following a recipe to make and then eat their own pancakes.  When we returned to the classroom sequenced the pictures correctly and wrote our own insgtructions.

"You have to mix the eggs, milk and flour with a whisk" Alaiya

"Cook it in a frying pan" Isla

"The pancakes were yummy.  I liked the syrup best" Isabelle.

Reception- Chinese New Year.

Date: 26th Feb 2024 @ 5:56pm

Reception have been learning about the celebration- Chinese New Year- the year of the dragon. 

They made Chinese lanterns and dragons, painted Chinese dragons, talked about Chinese food and how similar it is to other celebrations, such as Christmas and birthdays.

"You clean the house ready to celebrate and eat special food" Mathew.

"You get presents and treats" Lucy.

"It is the year of the dragon" Loui-Tony.

"i like Chinese food- I eat rice and noodles and chicken" Mireya.

"You eat Chinese food with chopsticks" Myah.


Reception National Storytellying Week

Date: 22nd Feb 2024 @ 10:22am

During National Storytelling Week Reception had a visitor from the National Literacy Trust who brought lots of loves stories to share with the children.  We enjoyed going up to our school library 'The Attic' to listen to the stories and then use the puppets to retell tell them in our own words.  What a lovely time everyone had.

Reception- Icy Surprises!

Date: 20th Feb 2024 @ 1:22pm

"What will melt the ice the quickest?"

This was the question that Reception had to answer when they carried out their very exciting science experiment.

They worked in small groups, discussing the changes that were happening as the ice began to melt. They used warm water, salt, a scrubbing brush and washing up liquid.

They eventually discovered that the warm water melted the ice the quickest and that salt was much better than a scrubbing brush or washing up liquid.


"I think it will be warm water that melts the ice the fastest because it is warm like the sun and the sun melts the ice when its frosty." Mathew.

"The brush is too hard to melt the ice- it's not working!" Niko.

"The warm water has melted it quicker than the others- look the toy is already out of it!" Kierah.

Reception- Internet Safety

Date: 8th Feb 2024 @ 6:17pm

This week has been Internet Safety Week . It was launched on Tuesday with a whole school assembly followed by a story in our classroom about Smartie The Penguin. Here, the children learnt, along with Smartie, how to keep themselves safe on the internet by talking to a trusted adult if things didn't seem right when playing games or doing research on the internet. 

"I watch films on Youtube" Mathew.

"I ask my mum if I can watch Peppa Pig" Luca.

"Don't talk to a stranger on the internet" Oliver.

Reception- RSE- Caring Friendships and Families

Date: 8th Feb 2024 @ 5:39pm

This week we have been learning about how friendships can make us feel happy and how we can welcome new friends. We also learnt about how members of our family are different and how they can help us too.

At storytime, we read about Ezza The Elephant and his friends and family. We then made crowns and drew pictures of our own families.

"Always ask someone to play with you if they have no friends to play with" Esmai.

"I sometimes feel nervous but I have my friend who can play with me" Elisha.

"My family is big- lots of brothers and sisters" Oliver.

Reception- Music

Date: 5th Feb 2024 @ 7:28pm

This half term Reception have been singing songs, using actions and reinforcing their learning of how to keep a steady beat whilst exploring different instruments, such as the glockenspiel and the maracas. They have learnt to follow instructions as to when to pick up and play the instrument as well as playing it in time with the music.

Acorn class also enjoyed joining in with the learning too.

Take a look at our photos.

Reception- Story club

Date: 5th Feb 2024 @ 7:19pm

This half term, Reception have enjoyed staying for their first extra- curricular club- The Story Club!

Each week, they have chilled out on cushions, got cosy under throws and snuggled up to cuddly toys as they listened to a different Wintery story each week.

This was followed by colouring pictures from the story to take home and talk about with their families.



Reception- Super Hero City!

Date: 29th Jan 2024 @ 7:46am

This week Reception have had lots of fun in PE pretending to be super heroes!

They practiced their running, jumping and hopping skills and then went on to throwing and catching. They had to listen, take turns and try not to crash into each other.

Take a look at our photos.

Reception- Road Safety Week

Date: 22nd Jan 2024 @ 7:36am

This week Reception have been learning how to keep safe and be responsible when crossing the road.

They had a special visitor from Zoe our crossing patrol warden or, as we like to say, our lollypop lady! 

We all learnt that we have to :

1- Find a safe place to cross.

2- Stay on the curb.

3- Look both ways.

4- Listen for the traffic.

5-Then walk sensibly across the road.


"I have to hold my mummy's hand when I cross the road" Lucy.

"Zoe helps me cross the road safely when I come to school" 

Reception One Snowy Day

Date: 16th Jan 2024 @ 10:15am

The children in Reception were very excited this morning to find our outdoor area covered in white, fluffy snow.  The children had a great time exploring the snow, making snow angels, sledging down the hill, build snowmen and even having a snowball fight.  

Reception Phase 3 Phonics

Date: 15th Jan 2024 @ 12:34pm

This week the children have starting learning the phase 3 digraphs.  The children have been busy applying their phonics knowledge when reading and writing in the areas.  The children have been using their robot arms to orally segement the words and then finding the correct sound on the sounds mat.  Have a look at some of our wonderful writing.

Reception Winter is Here

Date: 15th Jan 2024 @ 12:28pm

This week our classroom was transformed into a winter wonderland.  We have had a lovely week exploring the season winter and discussing the changes that occur.  The children have been busy completing lots of wintery activities including building Elsa, reading wintery stories, role playing in our winter house and exploring melting ice in the water. 


"The temperature is very cold" Nikola

"It gets frosty" Levi

"The water freezes" Esmai

"It goes dark quickly" Elisha

Reception- Christmas Party!

Date: 22nd Dec 2023 @ 10:11am

This week Reception had their Christmas Party. 

They had fun dancing, playing musical statues, musical bumps and pass the parcel. Everyone took turns and clapped the winners. 

After the games we had some party food and then we were visited by a very special guest- Father Christmas! He had brought presents for everyone because they had all been good this year.

Merry Christmas to you all!

Reception Wriggly Nativity

Date: 18th Dec 2023 @ 12:19pm

Over the past week the children have been learning about the story off first Christmas and why Christmas is an important time of year for Christians.  We have been retelling the story in our own words at the story telling.  We have also been practicing our nativty and learning our songs.  We enjoyed performing to the other children in school and can wait to perform for our families and friends.

"Mary and Joseph had to go to Bethlehem" Isla

"There was no room so they went into a stable" Esmai

"Jesus was born in the stable" George

"The angels told the shepherds to go to see Jesus" Oliver

"The kings brought some presents; gold, frankinsence and myrrh"



Reception Elf Olympics

Date: 18th Dec 2023 @ 11:58am

On Friday the children in Reception enjoyed taking parting in our interhouse competition organised by the Sports Council 'The Elf Olympics.  The children worked in their house teams to complete a range of festive games including team relays races, a bauble and spoon race and dress the snowman.  The children had a great time working together to earn point for their houses Chepstow, Bathurst, Rodwell and Elston.  Well done everyone!

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust