Reception Learn about Easter

Date: 27th Mar 2024 @ 11:35am

Over the past few weeks the children in Reception have been learning about why Christains celebrate Easter.  We have listened to the Easter story and talked about the different events leading up to Jesus' crucification.  We found out that Jesus was crucified on a cross on Good Friday .  Then people took his body to a tomb but when his friends visited his body had gone.  We talked about how Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead.  As a class we discussed the different ways people including Christians celebrate Easter.  To help us remember the importance of Easter we made our own cross on a hill.

"Jesus died at Easter" Oliver

"He came backnto life and went to be with God" Isabelle.

"I go to church with my family" Sid

"My mummy and daddy get me Easter eggs" Alaiya


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