Reception: Blog items

Reception Christmas Jumper Day

Date: 14th Dec 2023 @ 9:46pm

Today the children in schoool were invited by our school council to wear their Christmas Jumpers.  Pupils donated £1 towards our chosen charity 'Brian House' .  During Christmas Jumper Day the children enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner including turkey, pigs in blanket and lots of delicious veggies.  The children listened to Christmas songs, pulled crackers with their friends and toasted to the festivities.  What a super day everyone had!

Reception The Gingerbread Man

Date: 14th Dec 2023 @ 9:33pm

The children in Reception have been reading the story 'The Gingerbread Man'.  They have been using the props at the story telling table to act out the story, making gingerbread men at the creative table, writing sentences about the story and exploring the composing of humbers up to 5 using the part part whole model.  Have a lookat our learning

Reception- Christmas Is On It's Way!

Date: 8th Dec 2023 @ 7:49pm

The decorations are up, the tree is dressed and presents are wrapped! it's all happening in Reception this week.

Children have been working together, sharing ideas and using their critical thinking skills to get into the spiirit of Christmas. They have been using their fine motor skills to place baubles, tinsel and beads on the Christmas tree in the home corner and they have been measuring and cutting wrapping paper to wrap Christmas presents for each other.  

Reception Hedgehog Rescue

Date: 29th Nov 2023 @ 12:26pm

This week the children have been reading the story 'Oliver's Wood' which is all about an owl called Olliver who stays up late on day and discovers the sun.  He is so excited that he wants to tell his friends hedgehog and badger but they are all asleep.  The children have enjoyed retelling the story and finding out more information about nocuturnal animals.  The children we lucky enought to meet a real life hedgehog Norris from Blackpool Hedgehog Rescue.  The children learnt about how to care for a sick hedgehog, how they use their sense to find food and what they like to eat.  We followed up our visit by creating our own hedgehogs at the creative table and writing about them.


"Hedgehogs use their nose to sniff out food" Mathew

"They eat worms, slugs, beetles and snails" Hunter

"Don't feed them milk it makes them poorly" Summer G

"Hedgehogs are nocturnal" Isaac

"They come out at night and sleep in the day" Levi

Reception- Celebrate Divali

Date: 29th Nov 2023 @ 12:08pm

Reception have been talking about the Hindu and Sikh celebration of Divali 'The Festival of Light".  We talked about why the celbration was iimportant to them and how they prepared to it and celebrated with their families.  We looked at some tradition Skih clothing, maki diva lamps and painted rangoli patterns.

"They decroate their homes for Divali" Sahiti

"Diva lamps go in the windows" Sid

"The make rangoli patterns rto welconme people to their house" Esmai

"They have a special dinner with thei family"  Elisha

"They watch fireworks at night" Kisha

Reception- Switch Off Fortnight

Date: 24th Nov 2023 @ 5:59pm

This week Reception have taken part in Switch off Fortnight to try and save electricity, money and the planet from climate change.

Switching off lights when we are not in the room, turning off interactive screens when not in use and ensuring fewer electrical items are turned off at the plug socket, and not just on standby, are the main issues we are tackling in Reception now and for the rest of the year. 

"I switch the lights off to save electricty" Lucy.

"Turn things off...turn off your laptop" George.

"I switch lights off at home" Esmai.

Reception- Forest School

Date: 24th Nov 2023 @ 5:44pm

On Thursday, Reception took part in Forest School. It was a windy day but that didn't stop us wrapping up warm and venturing outside to search for animal footprints, insects and spinkle seeds to feed the birds.

We collected sticks to make a huge nest which we decided would be perfect for a big bird , such as an eagle and listened to a story and played some games too.

Reception There's no such thing as a Gruffalo

Date: 21st Nov 2023 @ 6:13pm

The children in Reception have been reading the story 'The Gruffalo'.  They have been using props at the storytelling table to retell the story, using loose parts to make their own Gruffalo models, making repeated patterns using autumnal objects, completing Gruffalo themed maths activities, making lists of the Gruffalo's favourite food and making Gruffalo food outside in the mud kitchen.  What a busy week! Have a look at our wonderful learning.

Reception Together Time

Date: 21st Nov 2023 @ 6:07pm

Today the children in Receptiom enjoyed sharing their learning with their parents and carers.  The children showed their adults how they complete their daily challenge and mini me, how they use the continuos provision and how they follow the classroon rules and routines.  We hsd a fabulous turn out and the children had a great time!

Reception- Children in Need

Date: 21st Nov 2023 @ 4:39pm

Friday 17th November was Children In Need. 

Children could join in and raise money for the charity by paying £1 to wear an item that was spotty.

In the afternoon the whole school came together for a special assembly to learn about how the money raised was spent and ended with everyone dancing to the popular song 'YMCA' .

Reception Odd Socks Day

Date: 13th Nov 2023 @ 9:13pm

Today in Reception the children have been celebrating everyones differences by wearing odd socks.  We talked about how everyone looks different, lkes different things and wears different clothes.  We discussed how being different makes us all unique.  We learnt the phrase "Everyone is different but everyone is special". The children used the different resources at the creative table to make their own odd socks. 

In the afternoon we explored the importance of having kind words and actions and the characteristics of a good friend.  The children created their own faces in the style of Andy Warhol. The talked about how all people look different and have different coloured skin, har and eyes and how it is important we are kind to them regardless of this. 

"You have to have kind words" Hunter

"Some people look different but we still have to be kind to them" Levi

Reception- Remembrance Day.

Date: 10th Nov 2023 @ 10:19am

This week the children in Reception have been learning about Remembrance Day.

They started the week with their first visit to the hall for assembly about why we wear poppies, they also learnt about events that happened in the past in Blackpool, where they live.

Throughout the week, they were very busy painting and collaging poppies and also labelling poppies they had drawn. Some of their work was then placed on a sillhouette solldier to be displayed in the hall.

Finally, on Friiday, they joined the whole school by planting a hand made poppy in the Boundary Remembrance Garden, followed by an outdoor whole school Remembrance Service. 

Reception Celebrating Bonfire Night

Date: 10th Nov 2023 @ 10:07am

This week the children in Reception have been talking about why people celebrate bonfire night and how this is linked to events in the past.  We talked about how events in the past can impact the present day.  We dicussed different customs and routines within families and the importance of keeping ourselves safe whilst we enjoy the celebrations.  The children enjoyed getting creative making their own bonfire night pictures and fireworks.


"I have a fire and marshmellows in my garden" Levi

"You have to wear gloves with sparklers" Esmai

""I'm going to watch the fireworks with mummy" Summer

Reception-Halloween Fun!

Date: 5th Nov 2023 @ 9:53pm

This week Reception have been having a spooky time in class!

We listened to the story Room on the Broom, had fun retelling it at the story table, made repeating patterns on a witches hat, and also using spooky objects, painted pumpkins and spiders and wrote CVC words from the story too. 

Ouside the children carved pumpkins and made spooky potions.

Reception Halloween Maths

Date: 1st Nov 2023 @ 8:57pm

Reception have been practicing recognising numbers 1-10,matching objects to its cardinal value and putting them in the correct order.  We have also been making AB repeated patterns using spooky objects. 

Reception Now Press Play

Date: 1st Nov 2023 @ 8:47pm

The children in Reception were lucky enough to use our Now Press play head phones and go on a virtual adventure.  The children listened carefully and followed the narrators instructions as they became the character of Little Red Riding Hood.  They made cakes for Grandma, went for a walk trhough the forest and even met the big bad wolf.  All the children demonstrated excellent listening skills.

Reception Owl Babies

Date: 17th Oct 2023 @ 8:33pm

Reception have been reading the story 'Owl Babies'.  It is about three baby owls; Sarah, Percy and Bill who wake up one night and their mummy owl is gone.  The owls waiting patiently for their mother to return.  The children enjoyed taking part in lots of activities based around the stories including collaging and making our own owls, cutting out different shaped owls,  playing maths games, retelling the story using different props, making different sized owls out of play dough and drawing and labelling the owl babies with the sounds we can hear.  What a busy week!

Reception Phonics Fun

Date: 17th Oct 2023 @ 8:13pm

This half term the children children in Reception have been beginning to learn their phase 2 letter sounds.  They have been taking part in a daily phonics session learning four new sounds per week.  The children have had lots of opportunities during continuous provision and adult led activities to practices recognising the graphemes, hearing the initial sound in words, orally segmenting simple words and blending sounds to read simple words.  It is really important that the children have an opportunity to practice their early reading skills at home by reading their home reading book a minimun of three times per week.  

"a a apple" Isla

"m-a-p map" Sid

"t for teddy' Levi

Reception- Holly Class meet the owls from SMJ Falconry

Date: 13th Oct 2023 @ 5:57pm

This week Reception had some very exciting visitors- owls! 

They met Tike, Casper, Bugs and Twiglet.  The owls were all very different.  Tike was a burrowing owl who lives underground.  Casper has huge brown eyes which can see for miles.    The children enjoyed learning about the different owls.  They found out what they like to eat and how they use their senses to catch their prey. We enjoyed watching the flying demonstrations and were amazed at how silent their wings were when they flew.   We were lucky enough to hold Twiglet- the youngest of all the owls. His feathers look just like the bark of a tree so he can camouflage himself from predators.  He had sharp talons to help him catch his food too. 

We then spent the rest of the week reading the story 'The Owl Babies', painting owls, drawing owls and making owls out of play dough. We even tried to write the names of the Owl Babies using the sounds that we could hear.


Reception- A visit from SMJ Falconry

Date: 10th Oct 2023 @ 10:42pm

The children in Reception had a very exciting visit today- they met four owls! The children went to meet their feathered friends in the dance studio and waited patiently for their handler to take them out of their boxes. They met Tike, Casper, Bugs and Twiglet.  The owls were all very different.  Tike was a burrowing owl who lives underground.  Casper has huge brown eyes which can see for miles.    The children enjoyed learning about the different owls.  They found out what they like to eat and how they use their senses to catch their prey. We enjoyed watching the flying demonstrations and were amazed at how silent their wings were when they flew.   We were lucky enough to hold Twiglet- the youngest of all the owls. His feathers look just like the bark of a tree so he can camouflage himself from predators.  He had sharp talons to help him catch his food too. What a fantastic experience for all the children.

Reception- Holly Class Bake Bread

Date: 8th Oct 2023 @ 10:16pm

After reading the story, Little Red Hen, Reception decided to bake bread. They all worked together, helping each other to weigh the ingredients, mix the ingredients and knead the dough before placing it in a bowl to allow it to rise. Then it was baked in the oven and eaten. 

Unlike the story, where Little Red Hen had to do everything herself, all the children worked togther showing kidness and respect.

"It feels sticky" Loui- Tony

"We all helped to make the bread" Lucy.

"Mmm it tastes delicious!" Meriya.

"Little Red Hen's friends didn't help her" Kierah. 

Reception- Little Red Hen

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 11:14am

This week the children have been exploring the traditional tale 'Little Red Hen'.  The children have enjoyed role playing the story, making little red hens at the creative table, making bread, completing Little Red Hen maths activities and writing about the characters using their phonic knowledge.  What a busy week we have had!

Reception- Willow class make bread

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 11:12am

This week the children in Reception have been reading the traditional tale 'Little Red Hen'  After role playing the story and writing about the characters the children went up to your school kitchen Redcliffs to make bread.  The followed a recipe and used the correct ingredients flour, water, salt, yeast and oil.  The children kneaded the dough just like the Little Red Hen.  We then put it in the oven and waited for it to bake.  In the afternoon the children enjoyed tasting the bread.


"The flour is very soft" Oliver

"You need to knead the dough" Esmai

""The yeast makes it get bigger" Elisha

It is very tasty" Summer



Reception- Rosies Walk- outside learning

Date: 1st Oct 2023 @ 7:35pm

This week the children created an obstacle course outside to act out the story Rosies Walk and learn the positional language, under, through, past, across and around. 


" I went around the pond" Esmai

"Rosie went across the farmyard" George

"The fox went over the haystack and then fell in it!" Isla

"Rosie went under the beehives" Kierah

"I went past the windmill like Rosie" Esme


Reception Rosie the Hen went for a walk

Date: 28th Sep 2023 @ 10:53pm

This week the children have been reading the story 'Rosie's Walk'.  It is about a little hen called Rosie who goes for a walk around the farmyard.  But little does she know she is being followed by a very sneaky fox.  The story explores the use of perpositions as Rosie goes over the hay stack, around the pond and under the beehive.  The children have enjoyed being emersed in the story using the props at the story telling table to retell the story with their friends.  They have been painting and collaging foxes as well as producing their own story maps.  What a fantastic week of learning!

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust