Reception: Blog items

Reception Sports Day!

Date: 25th May 2023 @ 1:38pm

This week Reception have been enjoying Sports Day.

They took part in teams, working together, following the rules and always trying their best.

Take a look at the photos of us cup stacking, speed bouncing, throwing bean bags into hoops, running in the egg and spoon race, competing in an obstacle course and we mustn't forget-  welly throwing! 



Reception make Bog Babies

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 12:23pm

Over the past week the children have been reading the story 'The Bog Baby'.  The children used air dry clay to make their own models of the Bog Baby.  They explored the differetn features of the Bog Baby and mainpulated the clay to make their own creations.  The children used the technique slip, score and blend to ensure that all the different parts were attached correctly.  When the clay had dried the children enjoyed painting their models.  They used a range of different materials at the creative area to make a home for the Bog Baby to live in,  

Reception visit Fishers Farm

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 12:00pm

Today the children in Reception have been lucky enough to visit the mobile farm on the Key Stage 2 playground.  The children had a fabulous time visiting the different animals including rabbits, chickens, goats, sheep, a cow, a donkey, a pony and Helga the pig.  The children enjoyed learing about how a farm works, why it is important to look after the animals and the job of a farmer. 

Reception-The Bog Baby

Date: 19th May 2023 @ 3:41pm

This week Reception have enjoyed reading The Bog Baby. A story of two small sisters who discover a bog baby (small and blue with wings like a dragon) in a magic pond, and decide to keep him.

We wrote about the story, painted bog babies, created our own using different art resources and told the story at the story table, using puppets.

Next week we will make our own Bog Baby out of clay and construct a home for him.

Take a look at what we have done so far!

Reception Pond Dipping

Date: 16th May 2023 @ 9:55pm

This week in Reception the children have visited out school pond area.  We have been learning about the different animals that live in the pond and what they need to grow and survive.  We observed the pond life and spotted some tadpoles.  We observed them in the pond and then took some of them back to our classroom.  We put them in a tank and have been wtching how they grow and change.

"The frogs lay frog spawn in the pond:" Kit

"The tadpole come out of the eggs" Albie

They have long tails to help them swim" Lelan

When they get bigger they grown legs.  Then its a froglet" Alfie

Reception- Learning Fundamental Skills in PE

Date: 12th May 2023 @ 4:33pm

This week in PE, Reception have been improving their fundamental skills of jumping, running and stepping up onto a bench. The children were split into teams and had to jump off the bench, grab a cone and then jump back onto the bench.

Take a look at our photos! 

Reception Find out about the lifecycle of the buterfly

Date: 12th May 2023 @ 10:29am

This week the children in Reception have been learning about the lifecycle of a butterfly.  The children have been observing our classroom caterpillars, watching them grow and change.

"The caterpillar is getting bigger" Jenson

"When it is big it will make a chrysalis" Lana-Rose

"They change into a butterfly" Kit

"It happens again and again" Skylor.

The children have been getting creative painting and collaging caterpillars, cutting and sticking the lifecycle and writing sentences to explain whats happening.

Reception Celebrate The Coronation of King Charles III

Date: 5th May 2023 @ 10:32am

This week in Reception, the children have been learning about the coronation of King Charles III.

They have been busy making crowns and Union flags, singing our Coronation Song and writing about the King.

"The coronation is when they put the crown on the King's head" Lana- Rose.

"We had a party at school to celebrate our King" Lennox.

"I made a flag... it is red, white and blue" Ibrahim.

"My crown is beautiful- like a real princess" Dolly- Anne


Reception Five Tiny Caterpillars

Date: 4th May 2023 @ 12:27pm

This week the children in Reception had a very special delivery.  On Tuesday five tiny little caterpillars arrived in our classroom.  Over the next few weeks the chidren are going to be observing the caterpillars grow and change and learning about the lifecycle of the caterpillar.  Keep your eyes peeled for updates.

Reception write instructions

Date: 25th Apr 2023 @ 8:17pm

This week the children have been planting their own beans and have been learning about what a bean need to grow and survive.  

"You need to water it everyday" Noor-Fatima.

"It needs lots of sun to grow" Logan.

The children then wrote thei own their own instructions on how to plant a bean.  Have a look at some of our super writing.

Reception Jack and the Beanstalk Number

Date: 25th Apr 2023 @ 8:15pm

This week in Reception the children have been completing a number of different maths activities based around the story 'Jack and the Beanstalk'.  The have been using the leaves to build at beanstalk up to twenty practicing counting on and back accurately.  They have been using the part, part whole model to explore different ways of composing numbers to 10 and recording their work as a calculation.  The children have also been making their own addition and subtraction calculations by picking two numbers.  They then used the resources avaliable to help them work out the answers and record their work as a calculation.

Reception receive a letter from the Giant!

Date: 24th Apr 2023 @ 5:07pm

This afternoon, Reception received a very exciting letter from the Giant in the story Jack and the Beanstalk. Also enclosed, were a bag of beans to plant. The letter was asking the children if they would plant some beans to grow a beanstalk.

Of course, the children were delighted to do this and couldn't wait to get planting outside with Mrs McAllister.

"I'm going to grow mine so I can climb up it!" Kian.

"First we need soil in a pot" Dolly- Anne.

"We need to make a hole with our finger and put the bean in it then cover it over with the soil so the birds don't take it!" Dillan.

"Don't forget to water it and put it in the sun to grow" Albie. 


Reception- Jack and the Beanstalk

Date: 24th Apr 2023 @ 4:58pm

Reception have been reading the story Jack and the Beanstalk. After listening to the story, they were able to retell it using puppets, small world figures and Lego at the storytelling table. Here, they listened to each other, took turns to speak and used words and phrases spoken in the story. They also painted a beanstalk as a challenge and made their own using various craft resources from the creative area.

"Fiee! Fi! Fo! Fum!" Kit.

"Jack's mum was angry because he sold the cow for magic beans" Lennox.

"The beanstalk grew very reached the clouds...Jack climbed all the way up to the Giant's castle" Ibrahim.

"The Giant chased Jack and he hid in the cupboard" Esmee.

"The Giant chased Jack and Jack ran down the beanstalk very quickly and mum chopped it down!" William.


Reception Spring Term Stay and Play

Date: 6th Apr 2023 @ 2:03pm

This week the children in Reception invited their parents in to come into our termly stay and play.  It was a fantastic turn out with 25 families coming into school to support their children.  The children enjoyed showing their family members around the room, demonstrating how they complete their 'mini mes' indpendently and sharing what they had been learning over past term.  Thank you for your continued support over the past term.  Your input at home really does make a difference to the children's learning.

Reception- The Easter Story.

Date: 6th Apr 2023 @ 1:52pm

Why do Christians celebrate Easter?

This week Reception have been learning about the Easter story. On Monday, in a whole school assembly, they listened to Year 6 and Reverend Matt explaining the Easter story. After assembly, the children then made an Easter picture of a cross on a hill. 

"Jesus died on the cross" Finley.

"He was crucified" Logan.

"He died and was put in a cave" Lana- Rose

"Jesus came back to life" Lennox

Reception- Holly Class Zoo Trip

Date: 2nd Apr 2023 @ 9:45pm

This week, Holly Class visited Blackpool Zoo- what a fantastic day we all had!

We looked at monkeys, wolves, gorillas, orangutans, camels, elephants, giraffes, flamingoes, a red panda, penguins, sea lions and wallabies. The animals had different habitats and came from different countries. 

At the end of the day, we were lucky enough (and brave enough) to enter the Dinosaur park where we were amazed at the different sizes and sounds of all the dinosaurs.

Take a look at how much fun we had!

"The flamingoes stand on one leg" Eliza.

"The giraffes have a long neck so they can eat the leaves off trees" Lennox.

"I saw a monkey eating a banana!" Finley.

"The sea lion show was the best- they did lots of tricks " Harper.

Reception Willow Class visit the Zoo

Date: 28th Mar 2023 @ 9:53pm

Today Willow class went on a trip to Blackpool Zoo.  The children put their wellies and waterproofs on ready to explore the zoo.  Despite the cold and rainy weather the children had a fabulous time.  We saw lots of different animals including giraffes, elephants, penguins, gorillas, zebras, flamingoes, wolves and camels.  We even enjoyed watching the fabuluos sealion show.  The children enjoyed finding out about the different animals, their natural habitats and what they eat.  What a brilliant day we had!

"The giraffes have really longs necks"  Alexa

"Babay wallabys stay in their mummys pouch.  they are called Joeys" Alfie

""Gorillas live in the rainforest" Kayden

"Elephants have long trucks" Lexi

"Sealions like to eat fish.  Sharks try to eat then in the wild" Lana-Rose


Reception- Feeding the Birds!

Date: 28th Mar 2023 @ 12:16pm

Although it is now the Spring season, we must not forget to still feed the birds for a little while longer. 

The weather  can still be quite cool and there is not quite enough natural food for the birds at the moment , such as caterpillars, berries and flies. It s also nesting season so the birds need to be well fed to produce eggs!

Reception have, therefore, been busy making their own bird feeders for the outdoor areas.

"We used lard and bird seeds and nuts" Esmee.

"Mix it all together!" Clio.

"Put it in the cup and hang it in the trees" Neveah.

"The birds can eat them now they're in the trees" Devon.

Whole School Art Day 2023

Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 11:21am

On Thursday all the children fully embraced a whole school art day. From Nursery to Year 6 you could hear the sound of paper being ripped and cut as the children created collages of different things you can find in their home town of Blackpool. From transport in Year 3 to famous landmarks in Year 5, from trees and flowers in Year 1 to collaged signs in Year 6. The children have created some superb pieces of artwork and these are all going to be displayed together to create a whole school mural.

Reception Willow Class Forest School

Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 8:21pm

This week Willow Class have been busy outside enjoying Forest School!

Although the weather was rainy and it was extremely muddy, the children had a fabulous time. The children spent some of the session talking about spring and spotting some of the sign of spring outside.  These included finding new plants growinf like daffodils, finds blossom on the tress and finding some birds nests in the trees.  The children were even lucky enough to find some frog spawn in the ponds.  We talked about how the frog spawn would change into tadpoles in the coming weeks.

"In spring blossom grows on trees" Lana-Rose

"Baby lambs are born in spring" Logan

"The days get longer and warmer" Alfie

"Leaf buds grown on trees" Noor-Fatima

"Daffodils grow outside" Albie

Reception learn about space

Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 8:16pm

Over the past few weeks the children in Reception has been learning about Space.  The children have taken part in lots of space activities in the classroom including counting moon rocks, reading books about space, making rockets out of recycled materials, using 2D shapes to make rockets and using small world characters to create their own narratives.  We read the story 'Whatever Next' and used the props and pictures at the story telling table to retell and sequence the story correctly.  As a class we explored what the moon would been like if we visited it, comparing it to Earth.  We explored what it was like when Neil Armstorng landed on the moon and why it is important to wear the correct clothing.  We talked about how the mooon orbits the Earth and how and why it changed shape in the sky.  We also explored the different planets in the solar system and found out which were the closest and furthest from the sun.

"The Earth has land and water on it.  That's why it's blue and green" Alfie

"Mercury is the closest to the sun" Kit

"The Earth has one moon and it goes round it" Skylor

"The moon is made of rock and it has lots of crators in it" Logan

The children produced some lovely pieces of non-fictiion writing all about space.


Reception Ballet Club

Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 8:16pm

Over the past few weeks some of the children from Reception have been attending ballet club.  They have been working extremly hard to practice their ballet dance to the music 'Sugar Plum Fairy'.  The children listened carefully, worked as a team and demonstrated lots of our Boundary characteristics.  The made sure they pointed their toes and moved elegantly in time to the music.  The children performed their dance at our Boundary Budding Stars event infront of approximately 120 parents and carers.  They did a very a fantastic job.  We are very proud of each and every one of them.

Reception- Forest School Holly Class

Date: 17th Mar 2023 @ 10:57am

This week Holly Class have been busy outside enjoying Forest School!

Although the weather was rainy and the ground was extremely muddy, the children had a great time doing Forest Yoga, playing number games and looking at new life in the pond- frog spawn!


Take a look at what we did!

"The frog spawn will turn into a tadpole, then a frog" Dillan.

"The frog spawn looks like little balls" Neveah.

"I found 3 pebbles- I'll put them on number three!" Sheraa.

Reception- Waste Week!

Date: 12th Mar 2023 @ 9:03pm

This week Reception have been very busy taking part in Waste Week! 

They have been remembering to place all waste paper in the brown recycling bag and only use one paper towel to dry their hands. This is so all waste paper can be recycled to make new paper and reduce the cost of paper towels in school. 

"We have to use only one paper towel when we dry our hands" Logan.

"Put the paper you have cut up and don't need anymore in the brown recycling bag" Harper. 


Reception Music

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 12:53pm

Today in music we were listening to some songs about animals ready for our trip to the Zoo. We played the glockenspiel to the Big Bear Funk which was lots of fun and started to think about how to play the notes nicely. We sang the song Lets go to the Zoo and did the actions. 

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust