Reception: Blog items

Reception Learning Outside

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 12:47pm

Reception have been busy this week learning in our outside area.  They have been exploring and problem solving in the water, role playing with their friends in the mud kitchen and using the balance bikes to develop our balance and spacial awareness.

Reception- No-Bot the Robot

Date: 20th Sep 2023 @ 9:44pm

This week the children listened to the story 'No-Bot The Robot' - a robot who lost his bottom! It is a hilarious adventure about resilience and friendship.

Take a look at the different ways we explored the story through art and design.

"I made a robot with a square body" Mathew.

"My robot has a square head" Esme.

"His friends helped him find his bottom" Summer.

"Hel left it on the swing" George. 

Reception all about me

Date: 11th Sep 2023 @ 6:29pm

This week the children have been learning about the similarities and difference between them and their friends.  We have been reading some different stories about our families and talking about who lives in our house.  The children have been using mirrors to identify the different features on their face and identify what makes them and their family unique.  

"My dog is called Roxy" Elisha

"My mummy is older than me and she has pink hair" Nikola

"I have a baby in my house" Sahiti

"In my house I have mummy, daddy, Prudie, Shaloe, Isaac, Elliot and me.  Prudie is my baby sister" Oliver J

"I have yellow hair" Summer


Reception stay for lunch

Date: 11th Sep 2023 @ 6:16pm

Today all the children in Reception enjoyed picking their lunches and staying at school for dinner,  THey have been learning the importance of waiting in line, asking the dinner staff clearly what they would like, how to use the salad bar and how to sit nicely at the table and use their knives and forks. The children were also trying hard to remember to say please and and thank you.  Have a look at some of the pictures of the children enjoying lunch with their new friends.

"The pasta is yummy" Isla

"I've eaten all my dinner" Oliver J

""Can I have my biscuit please?" Elisha


Reception Learning Rules and Routines

Date: 10th Sep 2023 @ 1:47pm

This week the children have been busy learning their new classroom rules and routines.  The have been learning to stop put their hands up then an adult shakes the tamborine, tidy away the resources they have been using, getting changed into their water proofs, lining up on the grid to listen to instructions and sharing with thier friends.  They have a made a super start!

Reception Our first week at school

Date: 10th Sep 2023 @ 1:13pm

The children have had a great first week at school.  We have been making new friends, learning out rules and routines, exploring the different classroom areas and playing outside in our garden.  What a great start to school life.

Reception visit the beach

Date: 13th Jul 2023 @ 2:55pm

Today all of the children in Reception enjoyed an amazing trip to the beach.  When we arrived at the beach we walked down the promenade to find the perfect sandcastle building spot.  Once the teachers had coned off a safe area we workied groups to create our own sandcastle masterpieces.  We filled up our buckets with sand, dug holes with our spade and collected lots of beach items including different sized pebbles and shells.  We even found some seaweed! The children then enjoyed a picnic on the beach as well as some lovely beach stories.  Some of the children were that tired they even had a little nap on the coach home.  When we returned to school we all went to the ice cream shop where we could buy our own ice cream with chocolate or strawberry sauce from Mrs Parkinson and Mrs McAllister.  The children had an amazing time and their behaviour was impeccable!  Have a look at all the fun we had!

Reception Choral Speaking Champions 2023

Date: 12th Jul 2023 @ 7:38pm

Today Reception took part in our annual Choral Speaking competition along with the rest of the school.  The children performed 'We're going on a bear hunt'.  They spoken clearly with excellent intonation and expession and used actions to tell they story.  They worked together to stay in time and Mrs Clark and Mrs Farley couldn't be prouder.  They performed that well that Miss Ashton crowned them the EYFS and KS1 Choral Speaking champlon 2023.  Well done Reception. 

Reception- Peas! Peas! Peas!

Date: 10th Jul 2023 @ 10:22pm

This week on a rather rainy day, Reception harvested the peas they had grown in their outdoor area. They enjoyed eating them, counting the peas and calculating how many were left in the pod.

"The peas needed water to grow and the sun too" Lana- Rose.

"They taste yummy!" Halleigh.

"Peas are healthy for you- they are a vegetable".Harper.

"I had five peas. i ate one and had four left" Amelia.

Reception Music and PE

Date: 7th Jul 2023 @ 9:18am

Over the last few weeks we have been combining lots of movement into our Music Session and doing some dances to accompany the songs we have been learning. For World Music Day we learned the song Sanibonani from the Zulu Language which means 'Hello Good Day'. We talked about the African Jungle and selected jungle animals to dance in the style of to create our own dance routine. We started to sing some Seaside songs in preparation for our trip to the beach and acted like pirates! We have had lots of fun learning the lyrics and describing how the songs make us feel. 

Reception Yoga Workshop

Date: 29th Jun 2023 @ 8:54pm

As part of our health we activities the children in Reception took part in a Yoga workshop with Miss Sophie. During the session we focused on our breathing ensuring we were calm and relaxed. We recapped lots of different yoga poses including the cat, the dog and a bridge.  The children demonstrated excellent concentration and listening throughout.  Well done! 


Reception Together Time

Date: 29th Jun 2023 @ 8:48pm

This week some of the parents enjoyed spending time with their children in Reception.  The children enjoyed sharing their learning with they grown ups, showing them how they complete their challenge and mini mes independently and demonstrating all the characterics of an 'Always' person.

Reception Take Over Day

Date: 26th Jun 2023 @ 7:58pm

This week Reception class was taken over by some of the Year 5 children.  We had brand new teachers and teaching assistants took charge of the classroom for the full morning.  The children listened to readers, supported the children in continuous provision, modelled writing sentences and delivered some small group maths activities.  The childrem proved to be excellent role models demonstrating all of our school characteristics.

Reception Five Little Ducks

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 12:26pm

Over the past few weeks in Reception the children have had an amazing time with our five ducklings; Phyilis, Dennis, Kevin, Dave and Freddie.  At the beginning of the term 5 little eggs were delivered and put into the incubator.  The children were lucky enough to  observe the ducklings hatching out of their eggs.  Once the duckling hatched they stayed in the incubator to rest and make sure their feathers dried out.  The ducklings were then transferred into their cage and the children took responsibility for ensuring they had enough food and water, their cage was clean and that they had enough exercise.  The children enjoyed reading books about the ducks, learning what they eat, finding out about their lifecycle, making models of them at the creative table and producing some lovely pieces of writing.
"The egg is hatching.  Look there is a big crack" Nikodem
"I can hear them cheeping in the egg" Miley
:Look Mrs Clark the little duckling is so adorable and fluffy" Emelia
"They can run so fast and love swimming" Albie
"The mummy duck lays and egg in a nest and it hatches" Logan
"The incubator keeps the egg warm" Jack

Reception- Recycled Water for our Plants

Date: 19th Jun 2023 @ 9:04pm

Since we returned from our break, Reception have been busy making the most of our new water butt and using recycled water to water the plants.

Water is essential not only for us as humans but for the flowers, plants and vegetables too. However, it still costs the school a lot of money  and in some parts of the country there is a water shortage. Therefore, in order to value and preserve our most natural resource we have installed two water butts in school. Reception's vegetable plot has been watered using our recycled water and has been very much welcomed by the children, especially on such an extremely hot week.


Reception Special Delivery

Date: 14th Jun 2023 @ 11:50am

On Monday Recepton had 5 little eggs delivered to your classroom.  The eggs were placed in the incubator to keep them warm.  The children waiting in anticipation for the eggs to begin to hatch.  On Tuesday some cracks appeared in one of the eggs and at lunchline a little baby duckling hatched.  the duckling had to stay in the incubator until her feather dried out.  The children will be watching closely all week to observe the nest for eggs hatching.

Reception Sports Day!

Date: 25th May 2023 @ 1:38pm

This week Reception have been enjoying Sports Day.

They took part in teams, working together, following the rules and always trying their best.

Take a look at the photos of us cup stacking, speed bouncing, throwing bean bags into hoops, running in the egg and spoon race, competing in an obstacle course and we mustn't forget-  welly throwing! 



Reception make Bog Babies

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 12:23pm

Over the past week the children have been reading the story 'The Bog Baby'.  The children used air dry clay to make their own models of the Bog Baby.  They explored the differetn features of the Bog Baby and mainpulated the clay to make their own creations.  The children used the technique slip, score and blend to ensure that all the different parts were attached correctly.  When the clay had dried the children enjoyed painting their models.  They used a range of different materials at the creative area to make a home for the Bog Baby to live in,  

Reception visit Fishers Farm

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 12:00pm

Today the children in Reception have been lucky enough to visit the mobile farm on the Key Stage 2 playground.  The children had a fabulous time visiting the different animals including rabbits, chickens, goats, sheep, a cow, a donkey, a pony and Helga the pig.  The children enjoyed learing about how a farm works, why it is important to look after the animals and the job of a farmer. 

Reception-The Bog Baby

Date: 19th May 2023 @ 3:41pm

This week Reception have enjoyed reading The Bog Baby. A story of two small sisters who discover a bog baby (small and blue with wings like a dragon) in a magic pond, and decide to keep him.

We wrote about the story, painted bog babies, created our own using different art resources and told the story at the story table, using puppets.

Next week we will make our own Bog Baby out of clay and construct a home for him.

Take a look at what we have done so far!

Reception Pond Dipping

Date: 16th May 2023 @ 9:55pm

This week in Reception the children have visited out school pond area.  We have been learning about the different animals that live in the pond and what they need to grow and survive.  We observed the pond life and spotted some tadpoles.  We observed them in the pond and then took some of them back to our classroom.  We put them in a tank and have been wtching how they grow and change.

"The frogs lay frog spawn in the pond:" Kit

"The tadpole come out of the eggs" Albie

They have long tails to help them swim" Lelan

When they get bigger they grown legs.  Then its a froglet" Alfie

Reception- Learning Fundamental Skills in PE

Date: 12th May 2023 @ 4:33pm

This week in PE, Reception have been improving their fundamental skills of jumping, running and stepping up onto a bench. The children were split into teams and had to jump off the bench, grab a cone and then jump back onto the bench.

Take a look at our photos! 

Reception Find out about the lifecycle of the buterfly

Date: 12th May 2023 @ 10:29am

This week the children in Reception have been learning about the lifecycle of a butterfly.  The children have been observing our classroom caterpillars, watching them grow and change.

"The caterpillar is getting bigger" Jenson

"When it is big it will make a chrysalis" Lana-Rose

"They change into a butterfly" Kit

"It happens again and again" Skylor.

The children have been getting creative painting and collaging caterpillars, cutting and sticking the lifecycle and writing sentences to explain whats happening.

Reception Celebrate The Coronation of King Charles III

Date: 5th May 2023 @ 10:32am

This week in Reception, the children have been learning about the coronation of King Charles III.

They have been busy making crowns and Union flags, singing our Coronation Song and writing about the King.

"The coronation is when they put the crown on the King's head" Lana- Rose.

"We had a party at school to celebrate our King" Lennox.

"I made a flag... it is red, white and blue" Ibrahim.

"My crown is beautiful- like a real princess" Dolly- Anne


Reception Five Tiny Caterpillars

Date: 4th May 2023 @ 12:27pm

This week the children in Reception had a very special delivery.  On Tuesday five tiny little caterpillars arrived in our classroom.  Over the next few weeks the chidren are going to be observing the caterpillars grow and change and learning about the lifecycle of the caterpillar.  Keep your eyes peeled for updates.

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust