Reception: Blog items

Reception Keeping Healthy

Date: 6th Mar 2023 @ 8:57pm

This week in Reception the children have been learning about the importance of keeping our bodies and minds healthy.  We have been talking about the importance of a healthy diet and understanding that things like biscuits, sweets and cakes are a 'treat'.  We also talked about hygiene including brishing our teeth regualry and visiting the dentist, washing our hands and  keeping our bodies clean including have a shower and bath.  The children have exercising in the garden by riding on the balance bikes, playing ball games and having races.  The children designed healthy lunch boxes and wrote simple sentences about how to keep healthy.

Reception celebrate World Book Day

Date: 3rd Mar 2023 @ 12:29pm

Today, alongside the whole School, Reception have celebrated World Book Day. The children have all dressed up as characters from some of their favourite books and all looked incredible- thank you for all the effort you have gone to!   We had a special assembly where we were visited by an author Shane Hegarty.  When we returned to class we enjoyed listening to some of our favourite stories, making book marks, role playing in our costumes and drawing and paint our favourite book characters.  What a great day we had!

Reception Online Safety

Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 3:45pm

Reception have been reading a story about Smartie the Penguin.  Smartie is a little penguin who is very excited that he got a new tablet for his birthday.  However, throughout the story Smartie faces several problems relating to keeping himself safe.  The children had to help Smartie make the right descisions to make sure he was safe and happy playing on his new device.

"If someone is mean to you online you can block them" Logan

"Always tell you mummy if your don't know what to do" Kit

"Keep you private information safe"  Alfie

The children then discussed some different scernios and talked about how and why it is important to keep safe!

Shane Hegarty Author visits Boundary

Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 11:48am

The children and staff at Boundary were treated to a visit and story telling assembly from the children's author Shane Hegarty - Author who has also kindly signed and donated copies of his new book 'The Shop of Impossible Ice Creams'! Such a brilliant way to begin our World Book Day celebrations!

Reception- Balance Bike Safety

Date: 28th Feb 2023 @ 4:20pm

Reception had a very exciting start to the week- learning how to ride balance bikes safely!

Eevery week, for the next four weeks, Reception will learn how to ride a balance bike and why we wear protective clothing when doing so.

They learnt to ride safely, not collide with each other and push with their feet- it was such fun!

"You wear a helmet so you don't hurt your head if you fall off" Lana- Rose

"You push with your feet" Dolly- Anne

Reception- Pancake Day in Holly Class!

Date: 23rd Feb 2023 @ 9:10pm

The children have been celebrating Pancake Day by making pancakes in the kitchen.

The next day, the children then wrote about how to make pancakes.

Here's what we did.

"Mix the ingredients flour, milk and eggs in the bowl" Lennox.

"Pour the batter into the frying pan" Dillan.

"Cook it" Dolly- Anne

"We said 1,2,3 PANCAKE!"

"Mrs Mcallister flipped the pancake" Alfie- Ray.

"We then put the toppings on it" Harper.

"I had lemon and sugar" Archie

"i had chocolate sauce- it was yummy!" Halleigh

Reception Past and Present Teddy Bears

Date: 22nd Feb 2023 @ 9:12pm

Today in Reception the children were invited to bring their favourite teddy bear to school.  The children enjoyed talking to their friends about their teddy and why it is special to them.  Mrs Clark then introduced her teddy which was given to her by her nana.  He was 72 years old.  In small groups we compared how the teddies had changed over time 

"In the past there was only teddy bears" William

"The old teddy bears were made to look like real bears" Lana-Rose

"Newer teddies can be different characters like Minnie Mouse and Spider Man" Ishaanvir 

The children then worked independently to sort the pictures of different teddies in to past and present.

Reception celebrate Shrove Tuesday

Date: 22nd Feb 2023 @ 8:42pm

Reception have been celebratng Shrove Tuesday by making pancakes.  We talked about what Shrove Tuesday is and why it is important in the Christian calendar.  We discussed what ingredients and equpiment we needed to make pancakes and the importance of following a recipe.  The children enjoyed adding the ingredients into a bowl, mixing it up and then cooking it in the frying pan.

"You need eggs, milk and flour to make pancakes" Sofia

"You mixit with the whisk"  Alfie

"The oil stops it sticking to the pan" Olivia

"The pancakes are yummy" Kazimir

Reception Music

Date: 21st Feb 2023 @ 8:05pm

Earlier in the term we did some music around Chinese New Year, we selected the instruments from the percussion trolley to represent the animals and played them loudly and softly.

We have been doing lots of singing of a variety of nursery rhymes including Hey Diddle Diddle, Pop goes the Weasel, Have you ever seen a Penguin come to tea and Baa Baa Black sheep. We have been learning the names of the percussion instruments and learning the vocabulary of beat, tempo (fast and slow) and dynamics (loud and soft). 

Reception- PE Throwing and Catching!

Date: 21st Feb 2023 @ 11:05am

The children in Reception have been learning how to throw and catch a ball using their hand eye coordination skills.

They worked together to throw the ball into a hoop, then they practised bouncing and catching it on their own and finally they had to throw a ball to each other .

Take a look at how we did!

Reception Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Date: 20th Feb 2023 @ 9:06pm

This week the children have been reading the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  The children have enjoyed using the props at the storytelling table to retell the story, using lego to build different sized chairs and beds, making bear faces using loose parts, labelling the characters in the story, drawing pictures and writing sentences about the story, painting and collaging bears at the creative area and completing lots of bear themed maths activities.  What a busy week!  Have a look at our super learning.

Reception RSE Week

Date: 20th Feb 2023 @ 8:53pm

The children in Reception have been learning about the importance of understanding and exploring different emotions.  We talked about how different situations can make us feel different ways like happy, sad, angry, scared or worried.  We talked about how we can manage these emotions effectively including talking to trusted adults.

"I feel scared when its dark in my room.  Mummy gives me cuddles" Emelia

:"I was worried on my first day at school" Lana-Rose

"When you get angry you can count to ten" Logan

We listened to different stories about friendships and discussed being kind to our friends and how it is importance to say sorry and forgive others.  We also explored a range of different families and discussed in small groups how all families are diffeent but are all equally special.  We drew pictures of our families and wrote sentence about why they are special to us!

Reception Luna New Year

Date: 20th Feb 2023 @ 8:42pm

The children in Reception have been learning about Luna New Year and how it is celebrated across the Uk and the world.  The children enjoyed taking part in lots of different activities inclduing making lantern and dragons, reading the story of the 'New Year Animal Race' and role playing in the home corner.  The children learnt why each year is named after different animals, how people prepared for the celebrations aswell as enjoying some different themed maths activities.

"People clean their houses ready for Luna New Year" Lelan

"They wear red clothes because they think it is a lucky colour" Kit

"People have a special meal with their family" Kazimir

"They have a big celebration with music and fireworks" Lennox

"Each year is named after a different animal.  This year it is the  year of the rabbit" Lana-Rose


Reception Dragon Dancing

Date: 20th Feb 2023 @ 8:33pm

This week the children have been learning about different cultural celebrations including taking part in dragon dancing,  The children watched some videos of different festivals and observed how the dragon moved to the music.   During PE the children have been exploring different ways in which they can move their bodies to music.  They worked together in groups to create their own dragon dances and performed them to the other children in the class.

Reception- A Winter Wonderland!

Date: 20th Jan 2023 @ 10:01am

What a surprise! We woke up Tuesday morning to find everywhere had turned white- it had been snowing!

The children could not wait to go outside and explore the garden, mark making in the snow and making snow angels.

" It looks different- it's all white- snow is white!" Halliegh.

"Snow is cold... slippy..wet!" Kian.

"The sun is coming out ...the snow will melt and be water again because it is hot" William.


Reception Road Safety

Date: 10th Jan 2023 @ 9:35pm

This week, the whole School is taking part in Road Safety Awareness week. We begun the week with an assembly by Miss Moyes thinking about all the people that use the roads and pavements and all the things that are in place to keep us safe whilst using them. We then thought about how we need to take responsibility for our own safety and explored some of the ways we could do this.

The children in Reception were visited by Zoe our School Crossing Patrol.  She talked to the children about how to cross the road safety and reinforced some of the dangers.

"We need to stay with an adult and not cross on our own" Kit

"Don't run on the road, you might fall over" Michael

:You stop then look and listen.  You have to check before you cross the road safely"  Lana-Rose.

The children then went out on to Dinmore Avenue and practised crossing the road safely.

When they returned to the classroom the children enjoyed role playing in the outside area, making sure they stopped at the zebra crossing to let people cross and wait at the curb until it is safe to go.   

Reception - Here Comes Jack Frost

Date: 9th Jan 2023 @ 9:28pm

The story, 'Here Comes Jack Frost' is full of Wintery magic! One cold morning, a lonely boy wishes for something to do. Then someone comes to play that knows what Winter is all about! The striking colours and simple illustrations were copied byt the children in Reception. They created their own picture from the story, using white paint, drizzled with PVA glue and then a sprinkling of glitter. 

"The frost was everywhere because it is very cold" Alfie.

"They went sledging on the ice" Dolly- Anne.

"Jack Frost turned everything white- the frost is white" Clio.

"The frost went when the weather got warmer and a flower grew- it melted because it is warm" Halleigh.

Reception Winter Wonderland

Date: 9th Jan 2023 @ 9:24pm

Since returning from the Christmas holidays our Recpetion classrooms have been transformed into a Winter Wonderland.  The children have had the opportunity to explore lots of different activities all themes around winter.  Have a look at some of the fabulous things we have been doing.

Reception- The Winter Season

Date: 9th Jan 2023 @ 9:02pm

The children in Reception have been learning about the season Winter. They have been observing changes in the weather, discussing the type of clothes they wear and learning about animals that hibernate during this time of year. We then painted a Winter tree. 

They also painted a Winter tree and talked about how trees look different in Winter.

"It is cold in might snow or be frosty" William.

"The trees are bare because the leaves have all died and there are none left on the branches" Lennox.

"It is cold that is why we wear a hat, scarf, gloves and boots- to keep warm".Harper.

"Bears and hedgehogs hibernate in Winter- they go to sleep for a long time" Sheera.


Reception- Christmas Party!

Date: 3rd Jan 2023 @ 1:49pm

Everyone had such a great time dancing, singing and playing party games!

Children took turns playing pass the parcel and were even visited by Father Christmas who gave each child a present!


Reception Wriggly Nativity

Date: 14th Dec 2022 @ 12:10pm

Over the last few weeks the children have been learning about why Christians celebrate Christmas.  We have been using figures at the storytelling table to retell the the Christmas story.  The children have been working hard to perfect their performance of the Wriggly Nativity.  They sang the songs beautifully and acted out what happend with confidence.  Well done Reception, we are very proud of you!

Reception get festive

Date: 14th Dec 2022 @ 11:57am

Reception have enjoyed wearing our Christmas Jumpers to raise money for our local charity Brian House.  The children had a great day and were even lucky enjoy to enjoy a traditional Christmas Dinner with their friends.  They pulled crackers, listened to festive music and wore our party hats.  What a fabulous time they had!

Reception- One Cold and Frosty Morning ...

Date: 12th Dec 2022 @ 10:00pm

The children in Reception were very excited to explore the outside area where they found ice in the most unusual places! 

Water left in buckets, trays, and bowls had frozen over night as the temperatures fell. They chatted together about how the ice had formed, why it was wet, slippy and turning into water.

"It is very cold and the water in the bucket turned to ice"  Clio.

"It feels wet and slippy" Phoebe.

"Look! Water...the ice is melting and turning into water" Miley.

"The sun is melting it because it is hot" Lennox.


Reception Make Hedgehog Bread

Date: 5th Dec 2022 @ 9:31pm

After being visited by Hedgehog Rescue, the children had fun making hedgehog bread. They weighed out the ingredients (strong white flour, yeast, oil, water and salt) and then mixed them all in a bowl. They each had a go at kneading the dough and then after three balls of dough were moulded, using their hands, into a hedgehog shape they had great fun snipping at the dough to create the quills on the hedgehog. It was then left to rise before being baked in the oven and enjoyed by all in the afternoon!

"You have to push the dough really hard to make the bread" Harper.

"The prickles are called quills- I cut them with my scissors to make it look spikey" Lennox.

" The bread got bigger in the bowl before we cooked it in the oven!" Sheraa.


Reception- Switch off Week

Date: 29th Nov 2022 @ 3:54pm

Reception Eco Warriors, Lennox and Kit, have been very busy ensuring we don't waste electricity in Holly and Willow classes. They check lights are switched off at lunchtime and that teachers switch plugs off (not on standby) around their screens.

If we all do a little bit - it makes a big difference !


Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust