Reception learn about space

Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 8:16pm

Over the past few weeks the children in Reception has been learning about Space.  The children have taken part in lots of space activities in the classroom including counting moon rocks, reading books about space, making rockets out of recycled materials, using 2D shapes to make rockets and using small world characters to create their own narratives.  We read the story 'Whatever Next' and used the props and pictures at the story telling table to retell and sequence the story correctly.  As a class we explored what the moon would been like if we visited it, comparing it to Earth.  We explored what it was like when Neil Armstorng landed on the moon and why it is important to wear the correct clothing.  We talked about how the mooon orbits the Earth and how and why it changed shape in the sky.  We also explored the different planets in the solar system and found out which were the closest and furthest from the sun.

"The Earth has land and water on it.  That's why it's blue and green" Alfie

"Mercury is the closest to the sun" Kit

"The Earth has one moon and it goes round it" Skylor

"The moon is made of rock and it has lots of crators in it" Logan

The children produced some lovely pieces of non-fictiion writing all about space.


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