Reception learn about Nocturnal Animals

Date: 14th Oct 2024 @ 10:07pm

This week we have been reading the story Oliver's Wood'.  It is all about a little owl Oliver who stays up late on night.  He stays up so late he see something strange that he has never seen before 'the big, round, warm sun'.  Oliver is so exvited to tell al his friends but when he goes to find them they are all asleep.

The children have been identifying different nocturnal animals sich as bats, hedgehogs, owls and badgers.  They have been  exploring what it means to be  nocturnal animal and how they have adapted to being awake a night like having excellent eyesight and hearing.  They also found out what the animals look like, and what they eat.  We were even lucky enough to be visited by Carolynne from Blackpool's Hedgehog Rescue who brought '---------" the hedge to meet us.

We have completed lots of different activities based around this theme including; labelling animals, sorting animals and even using different materails at the creative table to make them.  What a busy week!

"Bats have very good hearing' Dennis

"Owls have good eye sight so they can see in the dark' Lily-Mae

"My nanny has a hedgehog and it eats the worms and slugs in her garden" Freyja

"Nocturnal animals sleep in the dark and wake up at night" Kevin

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