Reception RSE Week

Date: 20th Feb 2023 @ 8:53pm

The children in Reception have been learning about the importance of understanding and exploring different emotions.  We talked about how different situations can make us feel different ways like happy, sad, angry, scared or worried.  We talked about how we can manage these emotions effectively including talking to trusted adults.

"I feel scared when its dark in my room.  Mummy gives me cuddles" Emelia

:"I was worried on my first day at school" Lana-Rose

"When you get angry you can count to ten" Logan

We listened to different stories about friendships and discussed being kind to our friends and how it is importance to say sorry and forgive others.  We also explored a range of different families and discussed in small groups how all families are diffeent but are all equally special.  We drew pictures of our families and wrote sentence about why they are special to us!

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