Reception Road Safety

Date: 10th Jan 2023 @ 9:35pm

This week, the whole School is taking part in Road Safety Awareness week. We begun the week with an assembly by Miss Moyes thinking about all the people that use the roads and pavements and all the things that are in place to keep us safe whilst using them. We then thought about how we need to take responsibility for our own safety and explored some of the ways we could do this.

The children in Reception were visited by Zoe our School Crossing Patrol.  She talked to the children about how to cross the road safety and reinforced some of the dangers.

"We need to stay with an adult and not cross on our own" Kit

"Don't run on the road, you might fall over" Michael

:You stop then look and listen.  You have to check before you cross the road safely"  Lana-Rose.

The children then went out on to Dinmore Avenue and practised crossing the road safely.

When they returned to the classroom the children enjoyed role playing in the outside area, making sure they stopped at the zebra crossing to let people cross and wait at the curb until it is safe to go.   

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