Reading into Writing: Blog items

Reception - Reading and Writing

Date: 3rd Nov 2022 @ 8:36pm

Reception have been working hard to ensure that they form their letters correctly.  This week we have been practicing the letters a and d, using our letter rhymes to ensure we use an anticlockwise movement.  The children have been practicing regularly as part of our daily challenges as well as completing loads of different task in continuous provison.

Year 4 Handwriting

Date: 1st Nov 2022 @ 1:57pm

This year we are really focusing on our handwriting. This afternoon we did some activities to help support our handwriting practise. Please encourage your children to practise at home too. After we went over some tricky letter formations, we wrote a poem for Remembrance Day for our Year 4 display.

Year 4 - Hot writes!

Date: 21st Oct 2022 @ 12:53pm

Today, we completed our fantasy setting descriptions. Here are some examples of the children's fantastic writing! This is the setting they were describing:

Year 1 Funnybones

Date: 18th Oct 2022 @ 7:34pm

This week Year 1 have been reading the story 'Funnybones.' We have focused on sentence structure by reading and ordering mixed up sentences. We re-read each sentence to ensure it made sense and had capital letters and full stops in the correct places. We have also been writing our own sentences about characters in the story. In our provision we have also completed lots of independent writing and reading tasks relating to the story.

Year 2- Rosa Parks

Date: 17th Oct 2022 @ 2:57pm

This month, as part of our School celebration of Black History Month we have been completing our writing journey about Rosa Parks. As part of our GPS lessons we looked at information about Rosa Parks and the influence she had on Black rights by refusing to give up her seat and wrote statements about her life and questions we would have liked to have asked her if she was still alive. We will use our knowledge to write a letter to Rosa thanking her for her hard work and determination. 

Year 4 Spotting errors

Date: 14th Oct 2022 @ 11:29am

In Year 4, something we all need to work on is spotting simple errors in our writing. Today, we did some activities to practise spotting errors such as missing full stops, missing capital letters and simple spellings errors.

Year 5 Spelling Bee

Date: 11th Oct 2022 @ 7:28pm

What a great afternoon we had taking part in the Spelling Bee. Four children from Year 5 represented their house in the spelling competition. Each person showed courage, determination and confidence in attempting their words and did really well, adding to the overall total for their houses. Well Done Chepstow, who were the winners!

Year 6 Spelling Bee

Date: 11th Oct 2022 @ 6:40pm

This week we held the first Spelling Bee of the year. All children were tested on 30 spellings they have been learning this half term and the best speller in each house was chosen to represent their team. 

Year groups from Year 2 - Year 6 were called out one at a time and the children were asked to spell three words orally. The overall winners were Chepstow, whose members didn't drop a single point, spelling every single word correctly.
We are very proud of the children that took part in the event as they showed many of our characteristics, such as courage, determination and participation. We will be holding 2 more Spelling Bee events over the year. We encourage all children to keep learning their spellings and access Spelling Shed as much as possible in order to improve their ability to spell a wide range of words.

Year 5 Investigating WAGOLLS

Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 11:38am

During the start of our reading into writing journey for Non-Chronological reports we have been reading and finding the features of different good examples (WAGOLLS). We have also done a jigsaw task where we had to read each paragraph, work out which text it belonged to and organise the structure. We decided on the order and layout before gluing them down. 

Year 4's amazing figurative language list

Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 8:29pm

For the last few weeks of this half term, we are writing a fantasy setting description. The children were shown the setting they'd be describing today and then they worked really hard together to come up with examples of figurative language and fronted adverbials that they could use in their own writing.

Year 3 Dear Diary

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 10:29am

In Reading into Writing, we have started learning about diaries. Today we started our immersion into reading and read a variety of WAGOLLs. We idenitfied the main points of the texts and began to idenitfy the features that linked in the texts. We did this in pairs and then joined to make a four and share our findings. 

Year 5 Writing biographies

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 2:58pm

This half-term, children in year 5 have been learning how to write a biography. We have read biographies of several famous people including, Roald Dahl, Stormzy and Wayne Rooney, and identified the language and structural features that make them different to other text types. Follwing the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, pupils carried out research, planned, drafted and edited a biography of her life, before presenting a final, polished piece of writing.

Reception Phonics Fun

Date: 28th Sep 2022 @ 12:16pm

Reception have been busy learning out new letters sounds in phonics.  We have been working hard to orally segement simple words and then blend the sounds together.  We are beginning to recognise some of our phase 2 sounds and trying our best to hear the initial sound and form the letter sound correctly using our letter rhymes..

' s s s sock" Alfie

"p p p penguin" Nikodem

"t-a-p it's tap" Lana-Rose.

"Around the astonaunts helment, down and out into space.  It's a a" Michael

The children have been completing a range of different phonics activities in continuous provision.  Have a look at some of our work!

Reception Rosie the hen went for a walk

Date: 28th Sep 2022 @ 12:05pm

Reception have been reading the story 'Rosie's Walk'.  It is all about a little hen who goes for a walk around the farmyard.  However, Rosie the hen isn't aware that she is being followed by a very sneaky fox.  She goes all over the farmyard "around the pond' 'over the haystack' and 'under the beehives'.  The fox gets himself into allsorts of trouble including falling into the pond and it finally ends in him being chased away by the bees.  

The children have been using the props at the storytelling table to help them sequence the story and used the correct positional language.  That have made their own story maps and have been trying hard to hear the initial sound in words e.g. f for fox and h for hen.

Outside the children made their own obstacle course for Rosie and enjoyed acting out the story together.  


Year 6 - Explanatory Texts

Date: 28th Sep 2022 @ 11:28am

In Year 6 we have finished our first Reading into Writing journey - explanatory texts. We followed all the stages of the journey:


  • Cold write
  • Looking at a WAGOLL for features
  • Immersion in Reading
  • GPS linked to the genre
  • Teacher model/Shared write
  • Improving a WABOLL
  • Plan
  • Draft
  • Edit
  • Hot write


We produced some excellent writing for our first piece in Year 6. Our end piece of writing was to explain how to use a 'Teacher Pleaser' machine. We think our teachers would be very happy if they had a machine like the ones we invented!!

Year 4 Handwriting

Date: 28th Sep 2022 @ 9:23am

In year 4 this year, we are really focusing on handwriting. We are doing handwriting lessons daily to try and help improve the children's handwriting. We are mainly focusing on letter formation, but we are also pushing the children to write the neatest they can and not to rush. You will notice when the children bring their spelling homework home each week, there is an opportunity for them to practise their handwriting with their spellings.

Year 5's shared writing ideas

Date: 15th Sep 2022 @ 3:46pm

Today we took part in a shared writing session. We had to work as a team to devise a paragraph that would work as part of a biography for Ellen White, who was one of the England Team for the Euro's in 2022. We needed to include the features we had been learning about, including third person and past tense. We managed to manipulate some of the sentences to include fronted adverbial phrase. 

Year 3 Exploring Explanation Texts

Date: 7th Sep 2022 @ 4:45pm

During our Reading into Writing session today, we continued to identify the features of an explanation text. We focused on 4 features today: title, conjuntions, time connnectives and technical vocabulary. We worked together to unpick WAGOLLs and find these features. We used our findings to collate a bank of good examples as a class. 

Year 4 immerse themselves in non-chronological reports

Date: 7th Sep 2022 @ 2:53pm

On Tuesday and Wednesday, we started to immerse ourselves in reading lots of non-chronological reports. Firstly, we looked at some together as a class, then we looked at them with our partners. As a class, we discovered obvious features, such as subheadings and pictures. Then we read some more and discovered the remaining features together.

Year 5 - 'The Highwayman' Art

Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 4:39pm

This week, we have started to investigate the famous poem by Alfred Noyes, 'The Highwayman'. 

We have looked at the structure, vocabulary and GPS features, including the rhyme structure and figurative language. 

To help our pupils immerse themself into the poem and visualise it, we spent a lesson yesterday drawing famous scenes/phrases from the poem.

Take a look at our creations! 


Reception- Hip, Hip, Hooray for HM The Queen!

Date: 27th May 2022 @ 3:34pm

Reception had a fantastic day celebrating The Queen's Platinum Jubilee!

They all came to school dressed in the colours of the Union Jack flag, red, white and blue.  Then they participated in a whole school assembly where they learnt about the five British Values, the reign of HM Queen Elizabeth II and why we are celebrating her Platinum Jubilee. At the end of assembly they waved their flags as they sang a Jubilee song about HM The Queen.

,Throughout the morning, they drew pictures and wrote simple sentences about her as well as making their own crown which they proudly wore to lunch. 

Luchtime was special too. The whole school had a Royal picnic lunch and every child raised their cup of juice and gave a toast to HM The Queen. 

"It was the best day ever!" Charlie.

"The Queen is 96 years old" Isobel.

"Our flag is red, white and blue" Marleigh. 

Year 2- Here's to the Queen

Date: 26th May 2022 @ 4:25pm

Today, alongside the whole School, Year Two celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. We begun the day with an assembly explaining why we celebrate and how life has changed during the Queen's time on the throne. We all enjoyed a delicious special Jubilee lunch party eating yummy sandwiches, crisps and some salad with music to celebrate in true style. During the afternoon, we looked at some jubilee themed riddles linking to our Reading into Writing journey. We all had a lovely day and the children looked lovely in their red, white and blue clothing. Here's to the Queen!

Year 6 - Letters of persuasion

Date: 24th May 2022 @ 10:20am

Over the past few weeks, Year 6 have been exploring and writing letters of persuasion. We looked at information about the current effects of plastic pollution and used these facts to write a letter to Boris Johnson. The letter aims to persuade the prime minister to take action with other world leaders in an attempt to slow down, and eventually stop, plastic pollution. We will be sending several of these letters to Downing Street. Let's see if we get a response!!

Year 2- How to plant a Sunflower seed

Date: 23rd May 2022 @ 8:04am

This half term in Year Two we have been focusing on our instructional writing. We learnt that instructions need to be clear and precise to ensure that someone can accurately follow the steps to end up with the same result. We decided we would write a set of instructions on how to plant a sunflower seed after learning about it in Science and having planted them ourselves. After we had planned each step from our memory of planting a seed, we then drafted and eventually after a little editing wrote up our instructions in neat. We now know we need to use time conjunctions to make sure people follow the steps in the correct order. Miss Duckworth and Miss Hooson were very impressed with our final pieces and the children cannot wait to bring their sunflowers home.

Nursery meet Superworm!

Date: 12th May 2022 @ 8:32pm

This week we have read the fabulous story "Superworm" By Julia Donaldson. This story is great for developing an understanding of rhyme and the children were super at joining in with the rhymes. All our learning was based on the story and included comparing the size of worms, make worms of different lengths out of playdough and counting bugs and matching them to the correct numerals. The children got creative by making their own magic wands just like Wizard Lizards and made superworms living in a garden. They also practised writing their names by writing them inside a worm and explored capacity and what happens when they mixed different liquids to make magic potions. 

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Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust