Reading into Writing: Blog items
Date: 13th Mar 2025 @ 9:25am
This half term we have written a narrative story called 'Rock, Paper, Scissors'. We watched a short silent video based around the relationship between main characters: Rock, Paper, Scissors. We then had to write the story that went with the video. Have a read through some of our stories.
Year 1 The Disgusting Sandwich!
Date: 11th Mar 2025 @ 4:23pm
This week we have started to read the story 'The Disgusting Sandwich.' In today's lesson we learnt how to follow instructions to achieve an outcome - making our own disgusting sandwiches! Firstly, we gave instructions to Miss Kay, telling her how to make a disgusting sandwich using different ingredients. We learnt that we need to be clear and specific when giving instructions to enable a final goal to be reached successfully. We then worked with a partner, developing our verbal instructions further, to give them a set of instructions to make a sandwich. We worked hard to give clear and precise instructions!
Date: 7th Mar 2025 @ 10:43am
This week the children in Reception have been making pancakes. We talked about the tradition of pancake day how some people decide to give something up, during the Christain period of Lent. The children then enjoyed following a recipe to make and then eat their own pancakes. When we returned to the classroom we sequenced the pictures correctly and wrote our own insgtructions.
"You have to mix the eggs, milk and flour with a whisk" Harley
"Cook it in a frying pan" Dina
"The pancakes were yummy. I liked the chocolate the best" Kevin.
Date: 6th Mar 2025 @ 4:32pm
We had an exciting and interesting World Book Day - we were visited by Princesses, witches and wizards, authors and many, many more. We talked about our favourite books, authors and books that had been made into films. We then took part in a fun quiz about our last class novel 'Kensuke's Kingdom' and then a special World Book Day quiz.
Date: 6th Mar 2025 @ 1:57pm
How incredible do we all look?! What a turn out for World Book Day 2025. Today we all dressed as our favourite book characters. We used our oracy skills to talk about who we were and why we picked our character. We then solved some book themed riddles and wrote our own riddle about our character.
Date: 6th Mar 2025 @ 12:54pm
We were very excited to come to school today dressed as our favourite book characters. We started the day by taking part in our whole school assembly, before coming back to class to complete lots of World Book Day related activities!
Nursery Try to Capture the Evil Pea!
Date: 27th Feb 2025 @ 2:42pm
We have been reading the story "Supertato" and came to school to find that the Evil Pea had captured all the veggies and then disappeared! We decided we needed to find the Evil Pea so we made some Wanted Posters. The children drew a picture of the Evil Pea and then wrote P for pea. Let's hope it helps to capture the Evil Pea!
Reception Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Date: 27th Feb 2025 @ 1:47pm
This week we have been reading the story "Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. The children have been been busy completing lots of different activities based around the story. The children have enjoyed writng about the story and character, retelling the story at the storytelling table, collaging their own bears using a range of materials, making different sized bears out of playdough and using the lego to make beds and chairs for the the bear. They have also been ordering bears up to 10, comparing different quantitiees of bears using the vocabularly more than or less than andexploring number bonds to 5 and ten at our Goldilocks themed maths table.
Date: 27th Feb 2025 @ 10:04am
In Oracy, we played a game of ‘Taboo’ to start. We had to use appropriate vocabulary to describe things on a card but we were not allowed to use some common words! Next, we practised how we would say a sentence in different ways. Finally, our main task was focusing on reasoning. We had to decide what we would do if we ruled the world and give a reason why. Other children in class then had to disagree with the statement and explain their challenge.
Date: 27th Feb 2025 @ 9:04am
As we continue to develop the oracy skills of the pupils at Boundary, pupils were given discussion prompts and asked to 'instigate', 'probe' and 'challenge' during their discussions and also ask for clarification if they were unsure of what someone was saying. Pupils followed our 'discussion guidlines' and showed 'active listening' during the debates.
Date: 24th Feb 2025 @ 7:25pm
Today we began our new half term with a new story 'Monkey Puzzle!' We read the story together, talked about the characters, the setting and the key events before ordering the stories ourselves. We also completed lots of different mini me challenges in our provision, including counting jungle animals, retelling the story at our story telling table and writing sentences about the jungle setting.
Date: 28th Jan 2025 @ 11:12am
This week, Year 1 have been reading the story 'The Girl With Two Dads.' We have been talking about the main characters in the story, their families and how they are different. We have talked to each other about our own families and completed different activites in our classrooms to celebrate our similarities and differences.
Date: 27th Jan 2025 @ 6:54pm
This week we created moving pictures to bring a bit of a story to life! We have been reading the story 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers and chose different key parts of this story to inspire our creations. We began by looking at existing products, before learning how to make a lever and a slider mechanism. We then created our design and made a prototype, before creating our final product!
Year 2- A visit from Dan Worsley
Date: 21st Jan 2025 @ 4:17pm
Today, after a story telling assembly, we were joined in class by author Dan Worsley who worked with us with our descriptive writing. We came up with our own penguin character, taking inspiration from 'And Tango Makes Three' and used adjectives and similes to describe it. Some of us even got to put on Dan's special story telling jacket and share our ideas with the class.
Year 3- Discussing stereotypes!
Date: 21st Jan 2025 @ 1:45pm
In this lesson we looked at the book ‘Julian is a Mermaid’. In this book it looks at a young boy who wants to become a mermaid. The children discussed people’s stereotypes and used our Oracy skills to discuss and share ideas on different topics. We discussed how people may think ballet it only for boys and football is only for girls, but how this is not true and we must challenge these stereotypes. From this book we will create a play script.
Year 3- Developing our Oracy skills!
Date: 10th Jan 2025 @ 4:06pm
In this session Year Three were developing their Oracy skills. The children looked at how to build a conversation and what was needed to structure talk effectively. The children then used this and took on a role in the conversation, to discuss different questions and listened carefully to the answers of other children.
Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 8:06pm
This week, Year 4 have been looking at news reports. The class have analysed several different reports such as the Lionesses winning the Euros in 2022, the recent weather in the UK and recent wildfires in LA, California.
The children have found that there are many different features including direct and reported speech!
Next week, the class will be looking at how they will be gaining the skills to write their own news report.
Date: 7th Jan 2025 @ 7:00pm
We were all very excited to come back to school after the Christmas holidays! We began today by reading our new story 'Lost and Found.' We learnt about the characters, the setting and the key events within the story. We then ordered the story, labelled the key characters/objects, retold the story in our storytelling areas and made cut and stick penguins!
Date: 19th Dec 2024 @ 8:23am
During the first part of this term, Year 5 read Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. We really enjoyed learning about the characters, their emotions and what it takes to write a book that we were all so engaged with - it rapidly became a year group favourite; so much so that in the final part of Autumn 2 we watched the film! We then spent some time analysing the film versus the book, discussing how much had been left out (due to time) and hwo much more vivid the details were when we didn't rely on our imagination but were instead presented with a fully animated, living, breathing world right on the screen!
Date: 9th Dec 2024 @ 10:45am
Through our Reading into Writing the children have been working on our oracy skills. We have looked at what our body language should be when we are listening to each other. We then looked at how to work as a team. The children discussed the key skills they would need and then used these skills to play a teamwork game.
Year 2- Writing a Christmas Story
Date: 5th Dec 2024 @ 11:02am
Year Two are beginning to write a christmas story based on the John Lewis advert Excitable Edgar. So far, we have immersed ourselves in different stories that have been told through a variety of Christmas adverts including the Christmas truce, Monty the penguin and the man on the moon. Throughout, we have discussed the problem and solutions for a story, main characters and the different settings. We noticed, good stories have lots of descriptive language so through our GPS sessions we have explored using adjectives to describe characters and settings as well as adverbs to describe actions. We are looking forward to planning and drafting our final stories.
Date: 5th Dec 2024 @ 8:12am
Our writing journey over the past couple ofweeks has been crime stories. We read lots of different examples of crime stories and gathered lots of ideas and vocabulary to add into our own stories. Some of us wrote stories about a robbery in a mansion and others wrote about a dog-napping. Read through some of stories below.
Date: 4th Dec 2024 @ 7:41am
This week Year 1 have been reading and exploring the story 'Stickman' by Julia Donaldson. We have sequenced the story, used semantics to create sentences about the characters, written speech bubbles and explored lots of different related activities in our outdoor area.
Date: 27th Nov 2024 @ 3:47pm
Today, we celebrated no pen morning by completing activities without picking up any writing devices. In Reading into Writing, we began our Christmas story unit by immersing ourselves in a variety of christmas adverts that tell a story. We enjoyed watching the adverts before discussing who the main characters were, what the problem and solution were in the story as well as generating adjectives to describe characters and settings. In Maths, we explored adding two 2-digit numbers using base 10 and place value counters to help us; we learnt we need to add the ones first to help us in the future when it crosses a ten.
Date: 27th Nov 2024 @ 11:55am
In Maths, for no pen morning we used our place value knowledge to create a ‘Number Museum’. We were given a number which we had to display in as many ways as possible with Maths resources and other resources around the room. We also had to include a red herring for other groups to try and find when they were visiting our museum. In Reading into Writing, we used our computing skills to edit a WABOLL playscript. To end the morning, we used our oracy and active listening skills. We have been learning about active listening in our 'Skills for Life' lessons and assemblies. We had to ask our pair questions and make sure that we listened to their response and reasoning well enough to retell the rest of the class what we had learnt about each other.