Reading into Writing: Blog items
Date: 8th Oct 2024 @ 3:01pm
Today, Year Two participated in our house competiton of the spelling bee. The children represented their houses with pride and tried really hard to spell some of the words aloud that we have learnt so far. Well done to our four representatives, you did great!
Date: 3rd Oct 2024 @ 9:32am
As part of our Reading into Writing journey, we have worked collboratively to write a paragraph for a biography about Billie Eilish. Our paragraphs had to include a fronted adverbial and a range of pronouns and possessive pronouns.
Date: 2nd Oct 2024 @ 11:15am
This week we have been reading 'Handas Surprise.' We have completed lots of writing activities in our provision, including ordering the story, writing lists of fruit, labelliing animals and describing the characters.
Date: 19th Sep 2024 @ 7:24am
This week we have started to read and learn the story 'The Gruffalo!' We have retold the story in our story telling areas, sequenced the key events and described the features of the Gruffalo.
Reception- Learning to write our names.
Date: 13th Sep 2024 @ 10:16am
This week Reception have been learning to write their names.
The children keep their name card in their drawer and most of them can now recognise their name. They hold their pencil in the correct grip and write each letter, one after the other in a line, moving from left to right. Sometimes, it can be a little tricky but the teachers always encourage their progress.
Over the next few weeks, the children will continue to learn to write their name through many different play based activites.
Date: 10th Jul 2024 @ 3:54pm
Poetry by Heart
Well done to Year 6 who took part in a national poetry competition highlighting poetry and oracy in Primary Schools. They have been Highly Commended by the Poetry by Heart judges who said:
"We were impressed by the unity of voices and actions and that you all memorised this long poem..."
Boundary is proud of you all!
Date: 10th Jul 2024 @ 2:33pm
The children have been working hard in continuoys proviosion producing their own writing about the story 'The Three Little Pigs'. They have been using their sound mats to help them write unknown words and ensuring their letters are formed correctly. Well done everyone!
Boundary Choral Speaking competition
Date: 9th Jul 2024 @ 2:46pm
This week we held our annual Choral Speaking competition. From Reception to Year 6, year groups learned poems by heart and performed them to the rest of the school. Once again, the standard was extremely high and we are proud of all the children for taking part. This year's winners are Year 3, who will represent Boundary at the Blackpool Choral Speaking competition on Friday.
Year 4- Congratulations Albie!
Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 5:24pm
Earlier this year, Albie was entered into a creative writing competition called 'Once Upon A Dream- A Collection of Fantastic Words!' He wrote a poem which was about the dangers that our planet faces and how we can save it. This week, we recieved the fantastic news that Albie has been selected for his work to be published in a book! We are so proud of you Albie and we look forward to buying some copies of the book for our library!
Date: 20th Jun 2024 @ 1:53pm
Today was our annual Year 5 Takeover Morning and Year 2 were lucky to spend the morning being taught by Mr Fleming, Mr Bell, Mr Hudson, Mr Zaleski and Mr Rhodes. We started off with Maths where we recapped our 2x, 5x and 10x multiplication facts. We played Hit The Button and then we completed independent tasks where we had to apply our 2x, 5x and 10x table knowledge.
After break we looked at word classes in Reading into Writing. We revisited nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. We identified them in sentences and discussed what their uses were. We then worked in groups to complete a sorting game.
We thoroughly enjoyed our morning with our Takeover teachers, we all worked hard and tried our very best for them and we hope that we have given them an idea of what it is like to work in a school.
Year 2- Character Descriptions
Date: 17th May 2024 @ 7:50am
This week, Year Two were lucky to have a visit from author Dan Worsley. We began the morning by participating in a storytelling assembly where Dan kindly shared one of his stories with us before he came to visit our classroom and delivered a descriptive writing workshop with us. As part of our Reading into Writing unit, Twisted Fairytales, we picked a character from famous fairytale and created our own evil troll that we could use in our final write. Some of us were lucky and got to put on Dan's storytelling waistcoat to share some of our descriptive sentences. Thank you to Dan for coming in, we all really enjoyed the workshop and it has inspired us to write some incredible twisted fairytales.
Date: 16th May 2024 @ 12:24pm
We have completed our poetry journey, where we have been learning about cinquain poems. After, planning, drafting, editing and writing, pupils published their poem using google docs. We have been using our digital literacy skills in other areas of the curriculum - not just in Computing lessons.
Date: 13th May 2024 @ 5:15pm
All of the pupils in year 5 had a great experience at Blackpool's Grand Theatre watching the amazing new show, The Boy at the Back of the Class; based on the book by
“All of the acting was brilliant.”
“My favourite part was when Ahmet had eyes like a lion.”
“I liked the unexpected turn of events.”
“I loved it when Mr Irons was fired.”
“It was clever how they showed Alexa and Tom travelling around London by train and taxi.”
Acorns - Ben plants a Butterfly Garden
Date: 12th May 2024 @ 6:25pm
This week Acorns have been exploring the story Ben plants a Butterfly Garden.
We are continuing to develop our understanding of the butterfly life cycle.
We have enjoyed a variety of sensory tuff tray experiences as well as the sensory story.
We have also noticed the change in our caterpillars, which a now chrysalis.
We have engaged well in lots of different literacy and numeracy activities, developing our overwriting skills and number knowledge. We are continuing to develop our engagement in adult-led activities alongside our peers.
What a busy week.
Date: 7th May 2024 @ 4:44pm
Today, the pupils in year 5 were given some excellent guidence about writing poems, and becoming a writer after their school days have ended. Blackpool poet, Nathan Parker visited us and shared his knowledge and experience. He guided the children to write a collaborative poem, which we also performed as a class. All of the pupils were engaged with the activity and contributed their ideas to the final poem.
Year 5 - Hamlet with the Royal Shakespeare Company
Date: 29th Apr 2024 @ 4:03pm
We are please to share with you some of the official performance photos from the RSC Playmaking Festival. Year 5 pupils from Boundary worked with a director from the RSC to perform part of Hamlet, which was combined with performaces from other schools to tell the whole story. The performances were fantastic and we were pleased to be able to offer this amazing experience to our pupils.
Date: 26th Apr 2024 @ 12:06pm
This week, Oak class have begun their new class novel of Wonder by R.J. Palacio. We don't want to give too much away so read the following blurb and see if it's something you'd like to read:
'My name is August. I won't describe what I look like. Whatever you're thinking, it's probably worse.'
Auggie wants to be an ordinary ten-year-old. He does ordinary things - eating ice cream, playing on his Xbox. He feels ordinary - inside. But ordinary kids don't make other ordinary kids run away screaming in playgrounds. Ordinary kids aren't stared at wherever they go.
Born with a terrible facial abnormality, Auggie has been home-schooled by his parents his whole life. Now, for the first time, he's being sent to a real school - and he's dreading it. All he wants is to be accepted - but can he convince his new classmates that he's just like them, underneath it all?
Date: 25th Apr 2024 @ 11:50am
Today we completed the 'Improve a WABOLL' part of our journey. We worked collaboratively to find errors and improve muddled up poems about rivers.
Date: 18th Apr 2024 @ 2:50pm
For our No Pen Morning, we thought about how we could use our oracy skills to complete our Reading into Writing and Maths lessons. In Reading into Writing we were completing our GPS lesson focusing on subheadings. The children ordered a text based on subheadings, created their own headings and matched topics to the headings. In Maths, we looked at adding fractions. The children created a tarsia using our knowledge of adding numerators.
Date: 18th Apr 2024 @ 1:56pm
Year 4 have had a great time during no pen morning. In Reading into Writing, we started our next journey which to write a poem based on rivers. We looked at a range of different poems and discussed common features such as alliteration, personification and rhyming.
In Maths, we learnt how to represent hundredths as fractions. Firstly, we use base ten blocks to understand how to represent hundredths as fractions. Then, we used our digital literacy skills to use rekenrek on our chromebooks. We discussed how many beads were on each side of the rekenrek and talked about how to represent each of the sides as a fraction.
Date: 17th Apr 2024 @ 7:24am
Yesterday, Year Two completed no pen morning alongside the rest of the School. In Reading into Writing, we developed our digital literacy skills using the Chromebooks to read a teacher model and find all the different features on SeeSaw. In Maths, we completed a cutting and sticking activity to help us with recognising equal or unequal parts in a range of pictorial representations to begin our new fractions unit.
Date: 15th Apr 2024 @ 5:55pm
This half term our writing is based around the story 'Zog.' Today we wrote sentences about the main character, using adjectives to describe his main features and linking our Boundary characteristics to Zogs actions at different parts of the story.
Year 5 - Shakespeare Aspiring Actors
Date: 26th Mar 2024 @ 4:41pm
This term several of the year 5 pupils have been rehearsing for their performance of William Shakespeare's, Hamlet. Pupils had to learn their parts so they would be 'off script' for the performance, and develop their own take on the characters and dialogue. The attached photos are from our final dress rehearsal, where they were directed and encouraged by Emma Manton from the Royal Shakespeare Company. The pupils delivered an amazing performance on the night, and we are all excited to share the professional photos from the performance when they arrive.
Date: 22nd Mar 2024 @ 3:39pm
Today we held out second Speling Bee of the year and it was another fantastic occasion. 4 children from each year group represented their house and were given three spellings each to spell out loud from a bank of words they have been learning since September. The competition was extremely close, with Rodwell and Elston finishing joint first as the children from these houses spelled all of their words correctly.
Well done to all of the children who took part today.
Date: 19th Mar 2024 @ 2:03pm
Every week, we do an activity around our new spelling rule. This week, after learning the spelling rule we had to look in a dictionary at definitions because there were a few words we hadn't heard of. After we completed the task, we practised spelling them on Spelling Shed.