Reading into Writing: Blog items

Year 1 - Our Learning This half-term

Date: 17th Dec 2020 @ 3:10am

Year 1 – Our half term!

We have had a very busy half term! From exploring 2D and 3D shapes in Maths, to balancing and creating routines in PE, and listening and appraising reggae songs in Music! 

In Science this half term we have been learning about animals; learning lots of new vocabulary including carnivore, omnivore and herbivore and the five animal classifications.

In Computing we have been creating our own Christmas artwork using Paintz, exploring the different tools to create shape, images and text and on the 1st December our class elves arrived in Beech and Hazel with a letter - he asked us to find out everything we needed to know to write back to him! So, in Reading into Writing we explored the journey of a letter, finding features, piecing together the layout, and reading the letters from our class elf, before finally writing our own letter.

It has been a very exciting half term, filled with lots of learning and fun!


Researching Blackpool

Date: 11th Nov 2020 @ 10:30am

To start this half term, we are learning to write persuasive adverts. Due to everything going on at the moment, we thought we would write a persuasive advert to persuade people to come on holiday to Blackpool next summer! This week, we have been researching lots of different and exciting things about Blackpool. We researched the illuminations, the tower, pleasure beach, promenade, zoo and Sandcastle. We found out some really interesting things and we think we might even have a "staycation" here! FUN FACT: Did you know its costs £2.4 million a year to stage the bright, shining and dazzling illuminations!!! WOW!

How to...

Date: 9th Oct 2020 @ 8:00pm

This week in Year 1 we have been looking at instructional texts. We looked at the features of instructional writing, learning about imperative verbs, and how these are used when writing instructions. We then followed a set of instructions to complete a picture, and found out what happens when we don't follow instructions in the correct order! In small groups we ordered a set of instructions to tell us how to do something that is very familiar to us, washing our hands! We followed these instructions carefully, talking about the order things needed to be done, and how many steps we needed to follow. We then received a very important call from Mrs Bunday, asking for our help. We had to create our own set of instructions to help other children learn how to wash their hands. We were the perfect people for the job, and we all tried very hard to each complete our own set of instructions!

No Pen Day

Date: 6th Oct 2020 @ 4:26pm

This week we have enjoyed a different Tuesday morning - it was no pen day! We had to complete all of our learning without using a pen. We used teamwork, collaboration and worked on our communication skills. In Maths we did three digit subtraction (using hundreds frames and counters) and in Reading into Writing we ordered hand washing instructions ready to include in our explanation texts which we will be writing next week. We really enjoyed our morning! 

A morning without pens!

Date: 7th Oct 2020 @ 8:44am

With pens and pencils removed from the desks, Year 5 had a morning of debate and discussion. We talked about some challenging issues and learned how to express our opinions in a respectful way. The children won the 'Beat the Teacher' dictionary challenge and proved they have excellent dictionary skills!

No pen day in Maple and Laurel

Date: 6th Oct 2020 @ 3:53pm

It was a very exciting day today in Maple and Laurel, because (after break) we took part in NO PEN DAY! This was a great opportunity for the children to use other skills, such as their verbal and listening skills. In Reading into Writing, they read and discussed some cinquain poems. The children had to then sort them into 'good' cinquains and 'bad' cinquains. They did brilliantly at working out how many syllables were on each line. In Maths, the children had to match together their 12 hour or 24 hour times with their partner somewhere in the room. In RE, we researched what dharma is in Hinduism. We discovered that dharma is the religious duty of Hindus and that Rama is an avatar sent from Vishnu to help good overcome evil.

Busy week in Maple and Laurel!

Date: 1st Oct 2020 @ 2:23pm

It's been a very busy week in Maple and Laurel this week. It's also been an exciting week. Children in both classes who wanted to run for School Council had the opportunity to take part in an election campaign for themselves in class. The children who ran were so confident and should be very proud of themselves regardless of the outcome. Voting takes place tomorrow! Good luck to everyone who is involved.

Earlier in the week, we were learning to clapping and shake instruments to the beat of Mamma Mia. We worked hard to find the pulse and the children loved it.

On Thursday, it was National Poetry Day. This came at a perfect time for year 4 because we are just about to start learning about cinquain poems. The children read and enjoyed lots of different poetry throughout the afternoon, then had a go at writing their own towards the end of the day.

Great week year 4!

Another fun week in Year 4!

Date: 18th Sep 2020 @ 2:37pm

This week in Maple and Laurel, we have continued our drawing journeys. We have been able to practise with different grades of pencils. We practised hatching, cross-hatching, stippling, coutouring and random hatching.

In Reading in to Writing we started our next journey all about non-chronological reports. See if you can find some examples at home and tell us about them next week.

In PE, we continued with our teamwork skills. The children had to get their rafts from one side of the hall to the other without falling in the 'water'. This meant that the children had to talk to each other calmly and make sure everyone was included. If they fell in the 'water' they had to start all over again. By the end of the lesson, the children were very competitive because they had to get their 'pot of gold' back as quick as possible. It was lots of fun.

A day without pens

Date: 22nd Jan 2020 @ 9:24pm

Year 2 enjoyed lots of fun activities on no pen day. We had lots of help on hand as well with many parents coming to have a look at what we've been learning. Firstly we looked at a range of different synonyms for a range of adjectives, this will help us when we come to write our setting description later this week. Later on during maths we looked at dividing numbers equally and we learnt how some numbers we can shared in different ways. 

The One Where We Use No Pens

Date: 21st Jan 2020 @ 4:58pm

Today, we had our second 'No Pen Day' of the academic year! Along with that, we had some of our parents come in to school and see their children learning. The parents enjoyed coming to learn some maths and watch the children tackle some challenging work - loop card games involving fractions, decimals and percentages and a square number problem where children had use patience, resilience and determination to find a solution. We also spent our morning looking at different ways on how we could practise our spelling without using pen and paper. We thoroughly enjoyed the 'Taboo' game where we had to describe a particular Year 5 and 6 spelling. In the afternoon, we learnt about adaptation and mutations - how plants and animals adapt in order the survive in a certain biome. 

"We're talking!"

Date: 5th Dec 2019 @ 9:32am

Children have been concentrating on direct speech this week! Getting children up and active has helped them remember the order.

Inverted commas, talking talking talking, piece of punctuation, inverted commas - said person. 

Ask your children to sing you the song! 

Winter - Science, Phonics, Writing and PE!!!

Date: 27th Nov 2019 @ 10:11am

This week we have been learning about winter in Science. It is "one of the four seasons of the year". We know it is often "very cold in winter" so you "need to wear warm clothes". 'Sometimes it snows in winter and you can build a snowman". We used bicarbonate of soda and citric acid to create a snowstorm! We revisited, recapped and embedded our seasons learning and knowledge in PE by making seasonal tress in our warm up, writing about our winter experiment in writing and finding 'snow' words in phonics which contained different snowmen sounds. 

Embracing African Culture In Year Five!

Date: 12th Nov 2019 @ 4:46pm

Year Five are currently writing stories from another culture. We are focusing on African stories and the language, settings and features associated with them. Today, we looked at African vocabulary, traditional stories, the clothing and customs. The children loved learning about such a varied and interesting country!

Family learning in Nature

Date: 7th Nov 2019 @ 4:00pm

The children and parents were Nature Detectives. Parents learnt ways to support their child's reading. writing and maths with a Nature theme. They learnt how to support learning at home and in school and each family made a scrap book to record their learning. Parents learned more about the KS1 curriculum and went on an educational visit and learnt about how we grow our fruit and vegetables.
They also made a planter out of paper, planted a seed, to grow in the ground.

Awesome Autumn!

Date: 17th Oct 2019 @ 9:19am

Autumn is in the air! We have had a very busy last week of term at Nursery, exploring how things change in Autumn and why. Our BLT for the week was to go for an Autumn walk and collect Autumn treasures in a paper bag for us to explore in Nursery. Lots of us found leaves of all different colours, some of us found sticks and conkers, and some of us even found pinecones, acorns and 'helicopter leaves!' We have used the leaves for craft activities, we have counted and rolled the conkers and acorns, and we have been mark making with sticks! We all enjoyed exploring our Autumn treasures! We have also created Autumn transient art pictures, made button trees and created leaf characters! This week we have also been looking at recognising the letters in our name, and some of us have been practising hard to write our names! Keep practising over half term everybody! 

Rosie's Walk

Date: 27th Sep 2019 @ 9:45pm

This week the children have been reading the story 'Rosie's Walk'.  The children have enjoyed using the different props at the storytelling table to help them orally retell the story.  The children also created their own story maps which included pictures from the story and even some children were beginning to label their work.  We also enjoyed painted the different characters from the story, making and collaging our own foxes, practicing the use of prepositions and counting different objects from the story.Have a look at our wonderful learning!

Phonics Fun At Home!

Date: 9th Feb 2021 @ 1:46pm

We have certainly been busy at home with our daily phonics lessons! Check out our reading and writing of our new sounds we have been learning- even the pet dog joined in the fun too!

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