Reading into Writing: Blog items

Year 5 - Biographies for Black History Month

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 4:27pm

This week the pupils in year 5 have been using what they have learned to write a biography about a famous black musician. They reseached the musician's family background and their music career, before planning, drafting and editing their writing. Today, pupils wrote their finished biography!

Year 6 - Explanatory Texts

Date: 21st Sep 2023 @ 12:54pm

In Year 6 we have finished our first Reading into Writing journey - explanatory texts. We followed all the stages of the journey:


  • Cold write
  • Looking at a WAGOLL for features
  • Immersion in Reading
  • GPS linked to the genre
  • Teacher model/Shared write
  • Improving a WABOLL
  • Plan
  • Draft
  • Edit
  • Hot write


We produced some excellent writing for our first piece in Year 6. Our end piece of writing was to explain how to use a 'Teacher Pleaser' machine. We think our teachers would be very happy if they had a machine like the ones we invented!!

Reception- No-Bot the Robot

Date: 20th Sep 2023 @ 9:44pm

This week the children listened to the story 'No-Bot The Robot' - a robot who lost his bottom! It is a hilarious adventure about resilience and friendship.

Take a look at the different ways we explored the story through art and design.

"I made a robot with a square body" Mathew.

"My robot has a square head" Esme.

"His friends helped him find his bottom" Summer.

"Hel left it on the swing" George. 

Year 2 - Let's join together!

Date: 13th Sep 2023 @ 8:36pm

As part of our Reading into Writing journey, Year Two have been learning how to use conjunctions effectively to join clauses.  We enjoyed working in small groups to match clauses with appropriate conjunctions.  Once matched, we had to re-read the sentences carefully to make sure that they made sense with the chosen conjunction.  We will continue to develop our understanding and start to use a wider range of conjunctions in our next piece of writing.

Year 3- Exploring explanation texts!

Date: 8th Sep 2023 @ 4:08pm

This week we have started our new Reading into Writing journey looking at explanation text. We identified and located features in a range of texts and thought about which we may use when writing our own.

Year 4 - Figurative Language

Date: 8th Sep 2023 @ 3:53pm

This week, we started to look at figurative language. We focused on similes, personification, metaphors, onomatopoeia and alliteration.

Year 1 Goals

Date: 7th Sep 2023 @ 7:27pm

Alongside the rest of the school, Year 1 have been thinking about our goals for the year. We discussed how we needed to choose a sensible goal and think of ideas to make a plan for how we are going to get there. We had lots of good ideas and are looking forward to taking small steps towards our goals! 

Year 2 Persuasive Adverts

Date: 18th Jul 2023 @ 4:24pm

Today, we used the computers to create our hot write of a persuasive advert. We thought about making it appealing by using bright colours and exciting shapes as well as using persuasive language to persuased someone to visit either Antarctica, the rainforest or the desert. We used our Geography knowledge from hot and cold places to make sure we told some facts. We had to have lots of patience but enjoyed using the chromebooks for our writing.

Year 6 - Choral Speaking Winners!

Date: 14th Jul 2023 @ 5:29pm

Year 6 have had a great week! On Wednesday we won the Boundary choral speaking competition with our performance of 'Tarantella' by Hilaire Belloc. Today, we took part in the Blackpool interschool competition and won! The children were amazing and wowed the judges with their brilliant performance. 

James Harris visits Boundary

Date: 10th Jul 2023 @ 1:36pm

We were so thrilled to be visited by author, James Harris on Friday 7th July. He conducted a whole school assembly where he talked about writing books and how he got into it. James grew up in  seaside town, near Middlesbrough (just like Blackpool). James definitely inspired some of our aspiring young writers to follow in his footsteps and begin writing their own books. 

Throughout the day, Year 5 and 6 took part in workshops, where James talked about creating stories from things he was most interested in. James got the children to draw a random shape on a piece of paper and told them to swap them and then he told them to create the shape into a monster. The children could shout out a number between 1-40 and James would give them different ideas to help create a monster. This showed the children that they could let their imagination run wild and create something from 'nothing'! 

Year 5 - Author Visit

Date: 7th Jul 2023 @ 3:46pm

Today we were visited by children's author, James Harris. James entertained the whole school with a fantastic assembly and told us about himself and the books he has written. This afternoon, children in year 5 spend time with James and found out more about how he became a published author. We also used some of his methods to create interesting monsters, which we then made up stories about. 

Year 6 - Persuasive letters

Date: 4th Jul 2023 @ 10:29am

Our Reading into Writing journey this half term has been persuasive letters. We have explored the genre and read many examples in order to gather useful words and phrases. As a year group, we decided we would write a letter to Rishi Sunak to highlight the issues the world is facing with plastic pollution. We made sure that our writing was formal and we experimented with ambitious vocabulary. When we are finished, we are going to post our letters to Downing Street!

Year 2 Get Taken Over

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 2:53pm

Today, we got taken over by some Year 5 children; we started the day with an assembly by our new head and deputy headteacher Miss Bell and Mr Binns to introduce our characteristics of tolerance. When we returned to our classroom our new teachers helped us recap what the different word classes are and helped us complete a sorting activity of different verbs, adjectives, nouns and adverbs. After playtime, we chanted our 2, 5 and 10 times tables before completing some sheets thinking about the multiples of each and calculating multiplication questions. We ended our Takeover morning with Guided Reading. We enjoyed being taught by the Year 5 children although they found it tiring and hard.

Year 1 Julia Donaldson Stories

Date: 19th Jun 2023 @ 11:42am

Today we continued our Reading into Writing journey - Julia Donaldson stories. We read an extract from 'The Gruffalo' and 'Room on the Broom' and found the key features of each, including capital letters, speech marks and adjectives. We used our criteria to enable us to find each feature and mark it in the correct colour.

Year 1 Zog

Date: 17th Jun 2023 @ 5:24pm

This week we began our next journey, reading stories by the same author. Today we read 'Zog' by Julia Donaldson. We discussed the story together before looking indepth at the setting, characters and the key events at the beginning, middle and end of the story.

Year 4- Dilemma stories

Date: 13th Jun 2023 @ 8:04pm

Today we started our Dilemma story journey. At the start of our Reading into Writing journeys we immerse ourselves in the genre and pick out features to create a features list. The children we brilliant at remembering lots of different GPS we have learned over the year.

Reception-The Bog Baby

Date: 19th May 2023 @ 3:41pm

This week Reception have enjoyed reading The Bog Baby. A story of two small sisters who discover a bog baby (small and blue with wings like a dragon) in a magic pond, and decide to keep him.

We wrote about the story, painted bog babies, created our own using different art resources and told the story at the story table, using puppets.

Next week we will make our own Bog Baby out of clay and construct a home for him.

Take a look at what we have done so far!

Ella-Rose wins the National Literacy Trust poetry prize!

Date: 19th May 2023 @ 12:02pm

During Thursday's assembly, Ella-Rose was presented with a bundle of books by Get Blackpool Reading as she won the National Literacy Trust poetry competition. Here is Ella-Rose’s poem:

"Litter, litter goes in the bin,
To throw it on the ground is a really big sin.
The earth is home to lots of creatures and bugs, they don't come in our home and throw litter on rugs.
Dont sin it, bin it! working together we can win it."

Ella's class were also given their own copy of "The Creature Choir" by David Walliams. Well done to everyone who took part!

Year 5 - Stormy Cinquains

Date: 18th May 2023 @ 3:43pm

This week year 5 have begun their poetry journey by looking at didactic cinquain poems. After reading several examples, pupils identified the features, layout and language of cinquain poems and discussed what they liked and disliked about them. In this lesson, pupils worked together to create a cinquain poem about a thunderstorm before working with a partner to create a beach-themed poem. 

Year 1 Acrostic Poems

Date: 10th May 2023 @ 6:58pm

This week we wrote our spring acrostic poems. We used everything we had learnt from finding features in poems to create a descriptive poem with alliteration and similies! We tried very hard with the presentation of our poems and we were all very proud of the results!

Reception write instructions

Date: 25th Apr 2023 @ 8:17pm

This week the children have been planting their own beans and have been learning about what a bean need to grow and survive.  

"You need to water it everyday" Noor-Fatima.

"It needs lots of sun to grow" Logan.

The children then wrote thei own their own instructions on how to plant a bean.  Have a look at some of our super writing.

Year 3 - Features of a Discussion Text

Date: 20th Apr 2023 @ 2:51pm

In Reading into Writing we have been looking at discussion text and pulling out the features. Today we focussed on rhetorical questions, emotive language and facts/statistics. We completed various activities in teams around the room. By doing this, we upleveled our emotive vocabulary, created a bank of useful rhetorical questions and defined the difference between fact and opinion. 

Year 4 - Folktales

Date: 18th Apr 2023 @ 3:40pm

We have started this half term by reading lots of examples of folktales. We found the features of a folktale, which we made a list of and then today we reread the folktales we read yesterday and highlighted them. We can't wait to get our creative juices flowing when we write our own.

Year 5 - Shakespeare Scripts

Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 2:51pm

This week, pupils in Year 5 have been getting to know William Shakespeare's Macbeth, and preparing to write their own script for part of the story. In this lesson, pupils improved part of a script, adding stage directions and their own dialogue. In pairs, they children acted out their scripts before making more improvements. This experience will help the children when they plan, draft and publish their own scripts next week.

Year 1 Supertato and The Evil Pea!

Date: 29th Mar 2023 @ 6:05pm

This week we have read the story Supertato as an introduction to our next Reading into Writing journey - letters. Throughout the week, letters from characters in the story have arrived in our classrooms! We have read each letter and found the features using a set criteria. One day one of the letters arrived but it was all mixed up! The Evil Pea set us a task to put the letter back in order if we wanted a chance to save Supertato. He has been causing all sorts of mischief this week!

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust