Science: Blog items

Year 5 - Amazing Acids

Date: 9th Nov 2023 @ 4:04pm

In this lesson, pupils used universal indicator paper to find out if different substances were acid, alkali or neutral. Pupils also found out what happened when you mix an acid (vinegar) with an alkali (bicarbonate of soda). We obseverved that a gas is produced which makes it fizz. Pupils identified that this gas was carbon dioxide.

Year 6 - Coding robots

Date: 9th Nov 2023 @ 4:03pm

Today, pupils in Year 6 were given the oportunity of taking part in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) workshop. Working in small groups, they had to build a lego robot, which incorporated a small computer, lights and motors. Pupils then coded algorithms to guide their robot around a circuit. 

Year 5 - Rampaging Robots

Date: 9th Nov 2023 @ 3:54pm

Today, pupils in year 5 were given the oportunity of taking part in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) workshop. Working in small groups, they had to build a lego robot, which incorporated a small computer, lights and motors. Pupils then coded algorithms to guide their robot around a circuit. The final challenge was to collect an item in their robot using a scoop or magnet. All the pupils had a great experience and learnt a lot about coding and engineering.

Year 2 - Changing Materials

Date: 8th Nov 2023 @ 5:01pm

Yesterday, in Science, we investigated the different ways we could change materials. We twisted, squashed, teared, snapped, stretched and bent a range of different materials to see if we could change them. Some of the things we tested included: plastic bags, foil, cling film, rubber, ruler, plastic bottles, paper, pencils, pens and many other objects made from a variety of materials. We found that some materials were easily changed where as others were much harder. 

Nursery Gets a Bit Spooky!

Date: 2nd Nov 2023 @ 11:28am

Nursery have a had a very spooky time this week. We have had lots of halloween activities to support our social and emotional development, our communication and language and physical development. The children have been mixing their own potions, exploring how to get halloween objects out of ice and counting legs on spiders. There have also been some very messy activities that have encouraged the chidlren to talk about what they can see, smell and feel. 

Year 5 - Crazy Combustion

Date: 31st Oct 2023 @ 9:34pm

As part of our journey into 'Materials and their Properties', we have been learning about the 'fire triangle' - which explains that a fire needs fuel, oxygen and heat. In today's lesson, we conducted an experiment to show that oxygen is needed for a fire to burn. We timed how long a candle would burn when trapped inside different size glasses. We predicted that the flame would burn for longer in the biggest glass because there was more oxygen.    

Year 1 Materials

Date: 30th Oct 2023 @ 7:02pm

In todays lesson we explored what an object is and what materials are. Working together, we explored our classroom and school environment to find and name different materials. We shared our own experiences and knowledge of materials and where we have found them.

Nursery Outdoor Experiences

Date: 20th Oct 2023 @ 11:22am

Nursery have had a throughly good time outside this week with lots of exciting and stimulting experiences. All our outdoor experiences are great for supporting social and emotional developemnt as the children learn to share, take turns and interact with their friends. Whilst they are doing this they also develop their communication and langauge skills. This week the children have been making ramps to roill conkers down. They investigated lots of differnent heights for the ramp and where thrilled when they discoverd if the conkers land on the trampoline they will bounce! The children also counted the conkers and explored capacity by putting them in different containers. The conker fun didn't stop there - we had to clean them all up! This was great for developing physical development as the children sweprt them in to a pile. Have a look at the photos to see what else we have been doing. 

Year 3 Welcome their parents to The Royal Ballet

Date: 19th Oct 2023 @ 7:48am

This week was our last week dancing with The Royal Ballet School. To celebrate the success we have had over the last 6 weeks, we invited parents in to watch what we have been learning. It was a great turn out and we appreciate the support from our friends and family! We showcased our spotting, skipping, sautes, reverence and finally a routine we had put together linking to our Science topic on Forces.   

Year 4 - The Water Cycle

Date: 16th Oct 2023 @ 9:54pm

Over the last few weeks, we have been putting all of our States of Matter knowledge together to learn about The Water Cycle. We created a model of the cycle in class then we used our knowledge to write a story about 'Robbie the rainddrop' and his journey around The Water Cycle.

Reception- Holly Class meet the owls from SMJ Falconry

Date: 13th Oct 2023 @ 5:57pm

This week Reception had some very exciting visitors- owls! 

They met Tike, Casper, Bugs and Twiglet.  The owls were all very different.  Tike was a burrowing owl who lives underground.  Casper has huge brown eyes which can see for miles.    The children enjoyed learning about the different owls.  They found out what they like to eat and how they use their senses to catch their prey. We enjoyed watching the flying demonstrations and were amazed at how silent their wings were when they flew.   We were lucky enough to hold Twiglet- the youngest of all the owls. His feathers look just like the bark of a tree so he can camouflage himself from predators.  He had sharp talons to help him catch his food too. 

We then spent the rest of the week reading the story 'The Owl Babies', painting owls, drawing owls and making owls out of play dough. We even tried to write the names of the Owl Babies using the sounds that we could hear.


Year 2 - Forest School

Date: 12th Oct 2023 @ 3:07pm

Today was our final forest school session of 2023.  We started by sharing one of our favourite books by Julia Donaldson, Superworm.  We then searched the area to see if we could find any worms.  We looked under logs and dug in the mud.  We even pretended to be rain and made a pitter patter sound with our feet to try and trick the worms to the surface.  We then made worm habitats using soil, leaves and bark.  We are all looking forward to our next sessions in the new year.

Year 6 - Using Prisms

Date: 12th Oct 2023 @ 2:51pm

Today in Science we learned that light is actually made up of the 7 colours of the rainbow. In order to actually see this, we used prisms to separate white light into the 7 colours. We also used DVDs as it is clear on their surface that light is made up of the colours of the rainbow.

Nursery Meet the Owls

Date: 10th Oct 2023 @ 1:26pm

Nursery had a very exciting visit this week - we met four owls! We went to meet our feathered friends in the dance studio and waited patiently for their handler to take them out of their boxes. We met Tike, Casper and Twiglet. and a beautiful owl with bright orange eyes. We were excited to learn that Tike burrows under the ground and Casper comes from Africa. One of the owls had bright orange eyes and these help him to see over long diatnaces so he can catch his prey. We also got to hold Twiglet. Twiglet's feathers look just like the bark of a tree so he can camouflage himself from preditors. Thank you SMJ Falconry for bringing your owls to see us. 

Year 4 - Aspire Trip

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 10:36am

WOW! What a great trip to Aspire this morning. We learned how to be safe when using bunsen burners to heat up water and produce steam. We changed a liquid to a gas.

Year 2- Forest School Fun

Date: 5th Oct 2023 @ 3:35pm

Today, despite the weather, we enjoyed our second forest school session. Michelle read us a book called 'cool by the pool' and we pretended to be the animals in the book before we split into two groups; one group went pond dipping to look for bugs, plants and animals that we might find in a pond habitat and others explored the forest school garden opting to play in the mud puddle, mud kitchen, creating art or playing 'what time is it Mr Owl?' before we swapped over. Just before we came inside, we warmed up by having a cup of warm vimto.  

Year 3- Fantastic friction!

Date: 5th Oct 2023 @ 9:07am

In this lesson Year 3 looked at completing a fair test experiment that we had planned the week before.  We investigated how friction changed on different surfaces then we measured and recorded our results. We had to use the measuring skills that we had learnt in Maths to support in carrying out the test accurately. 

Year 4 - Changing states

Date: 3rd Oct 2023 @ 9:14am

This week, we looked at whether states of matter can be changed. We used coloured ice cubes from the freezer and observed what happened when we changed the temperature (we kept them in our classroom).

Year 1 Sense of Taste

Date: 2nd Oct 2023 @ 7:11pm

Today we continued to learn about our senses in Science whilst focusing on our sense of taste. We learnt new vocabulary associated with taste, which bit of the tongue is associated with each taste and all the different parts of the mouth. We then used the new vocabulary we had learnt to try and to describe the taste of lots of different foods!

Nursery Free the Dragons

Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 12:34pm

Nursery discovered some dragons frozen in ice this week! They worked together to find ways to set them free. They learnt that making the ice warm would help to melt it so they tried warm water and moving the ice around. Once the ice began to melt the children could wiggle the dragons free.

Year 2 - Forest School

Date: 28th Sep 2023 @ 3:46pm

We began our Forest School sessions today. To start we reminded ourselves of the Forest School rules that are in place to keep us all safe.  We then went on a scavenger hunt to find a range of items that we then used to create a piece of art.   Some of us chose to play in the mud kitchen and some of us worked together to build a shelter. Then it was onto the pond habitat to search for frogs.  We were very excited to see a few hopping about as they were tiny tadpoles last time we visited in Spring.

Year 6 - Investigating Refraction

Date: 28th Sep 2023 @ 2:37pm

Year 6 had a very practical science lesson this week, investigating refraction. We learned how refraction can change the direction in which light travels resulting in illusions and distorted images. 

Year 6 - Light and Shadows

Date: 21st Sep 2023 @ 2:46pm

In today's Science lesson, Year 6 carried out investigations to answer questions about shadows. They found out which type of objects make the darkest shadow, how the shape of the shadow is created by the object that is blocking the light and how to make a shadow larger or smaller.

Year 2- Microhabitats

Date: 20th Sep 2023 @ 5:11pm

Today, we continued our topic by exploring microhabitats. We thought about where we would find microhabitats before going into the forest school area to explore these to see what minibeasts we could find. We also discussed the conditions of the microhabitats and thought about how these minibeasts survived there. We looked under leaves, rocks, logs, under the bark and in some soil. 

Year 4 - What is a gas?

Date: 19th Sep 2023 @ 9:34am

Key questions: What is mass? Does air have mass? Which gas does fire need to burn?


We discovered that air does have mass by weighing an empty balloon and a balloon with air in it.

We also discovered that when mixing bicarbonate of soda and vinegar we got carbon dioxide and our match blew out. That's because fire needs oxygen to burn.

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